Rolling Terrace Elementary School - Baldrige Linkages Chart: Title I Schoolwide Components LEADERSHIP STUDENT AND STAKEHOLDER FOCUS Based on our root cause analysis and our school data, it was revealed that students need: Differentiation through small group instruction and effective independent practice. RTES staff through root cause analysis determined the need for good first instruction, the importance of student knowledge, ownership of learning, goals, and benchmarks Vision: of Rolling Terrace Elementary School (RTES) is a school where students, staff and families are respectful of individual differences and come together in a positive, nurturing environment to produce independent lifelong learners. The mission of RTES is to provide a caring and safe learning environment where all children achieve success. We are a diverse population of students, parents, and staff who hold ourselves and each other responsible for student achievement. Our mission will be achieved through rigorous instruction, collaboration among stakeholders, effective utilization of resources, and trust in one another. The vision and mission of RTES will be communicated to the community by inviting parents to Baldrige Guided School Improvement Plan Meetings (BGSIP), newsletters, and other communications. The RTES School Leadership team meets quarterly to review progress on the School Improvement Plan (SIP). Each member of the leadership team serves on a Professional Learning Community (PLC) which monitors a SIP action plan. We believe that through teamwork, RTES will be a high-achieving school community. . ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS Reading All Asian Two or More Races African American White Hispanic FARMS Special Education LEP Math All Asian STRATEGIC PLANNING Rolling Terrace Elementary School priority goals: FACULTY AND STAFF FOCUS As a result of root cause analysis, RTES has developed a professional development plan to meet specific student’s needs. Small Group Instruction guided math with independent practice Small Group Instruction guided reading with independent practice Beginner and Intermediate Promethean Board Training 89.2% of all students in grades 3-5 will perform at proficient or advanced on the 2014 reading MSA. 89.2 % of all students in grades 3-5 will be on or above grade level by the spring MAP-R. 89.2% of all students in grades PreK-5 will meet or exceed the end of year benchmarks. 88.7% of all third, fourth, and fifth grade students will achieve proficiency or advanced on the 2014 MSA. 88.7% of Grades K-5 students in all subgroups will perform at the proficient level on Curriculum 2.0 checks for understanding. Decrease by 10% office referrals. Increase parent participation/representation in the Parent Community Outreach Committee by 10% compared to the 2012-2013 school year through outreach activities and school-wide events Collect baseline data on parent participation school-wide and increase participation by 10% PROCESS MANAGEMENT Grade level teams will meet weekly to plan for student needs. Quarterly data meetings will occur to review the data and Student Learning Objectives to determine additional intervention or acceleration needed for individual students. PLCs will meet monthly to monitor progress on SIP action plan tasks. RTES Leadership team will meet monthly and report quarterly the progress of the SIP action plans and coordinate next steps. Two or More Races African American White Hispanic FARMS Special Education LEP 2014 AMO 89.2 94.6 93.6 85.3 95.3 85.7 84.2 71.3 78.8 2014 AMO 88.7 94.6 92.3 86.8 94.9 84.4 82.6 73.5 81.7 2013 81.2 100 92.3 79.6 98.1 73.7 74.5 65.4 69.9 2012 84.0 95.0 95.0 75.0 95.0 77.8 74.4 66.7 71.2 2011 85.6 92.9 100 80.4 100 80.9 78.9 61.8 71.8 2013 82.5 100 92.3 89.8 98.1 73.1 75.5 57.5 71.2 2012 85.5 95.0 95.0 83.3 95.0 78.6 78.0 63.3 75.0 2011 85 92.9 100 82.4 100 79.2 76.8 64.7 75.6 Gap Analysis p. 10 MEASUREMENT, ANALYSIS, AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT RTES will use the following monitoring tools and formative assessments to measure progress towards identified benchmarks Parent surveys & attendance information Discipline referral & suspension data Quarterly data meetings Quarterly review and monitoring of BGSIP Action Plans RTES will administer the Rolling Terrace Assessment Prep (RTAP) in both reading and math for grades 3-5 in November 2013. Milestones MAP-R and Reading mClass Informal Running Records MAP-M and MAP-P Math formative assessments