Regulations for Teaching Surveys at I-Shou University Adopted on May 29, 2002 at the second meeting of the University Academic Council in the second semester of the academic year 2001 Amendments adopted on March 21, 2007 at the first meeting of the University Academic Council in the second semester of academic year 2006 Adopted on April 22, 2011 at the second extraordinary meeting of the University Administration Council in the second semester of the academic year 2010 Amendments to the Regulations ratified and promulgated by the President on June 4, 2011 Amendments to Articles 4 and 8 ratified and promulgated by the President on June 21, 2012 Amendments to the Regulations ratified and promulgated by the President on November 22, 2013 Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Article 4 The Regulations for Teaching Surveys at I-Shou University (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) are hereby established to survey students’ opinions on instructors and their teaching so as to improve teaching quality. The teaching survey shall be conducted in the middle and at the end of every semester, respectively. Additional teaching surveys may be conducted with prior consent of the Dean of Academic Affairs when necessary. To encourage students to fill out the teaching survey, those who complete both the mid-term and the final surveys in the same semester are entitled to the priority to conduct course registration for the coming semester. The survey results of a course shall be considered invalid and shall not be included for statistical purposes under any of the following circumstances, but the results will serve as references for instructors and the heads of academic units: 1. Less than 35% of the students who have registered the course fill out the survey, and the number of students who fill out the surveys is less than 5. 2. Teaching surveys for modular courses. 3. Seminar courses collaboratively instructed by several instructors (collaborative courses approved by the University shall not be included). 4. Courses which students have withdrawn from. The survey on off-campus practicum courses shall be verified by respective departments to see whether the survey shall be considered invalid before the courses officially begin. 1 Article 5 The unsatisfactory results of the final teaching survey in the Regulations refer to an overall score ranked among the bottom 1.5% and among the top 1.25% in terms of a Article 7 negative score. The six sigma method is applied to the course-oriented teaching survey. Please see the attachment for the scoring criteria. If a full-time faculty member receives unsatisfactory results of final teaching surveys twice consecutively for the same course, the instructor of the course offered in the following academic year (semester) shall be altered. If a part-time faculty member receives unsatisfactory results of the latest teaching survey and the overall score is ranked among the bottom 3.00% and among the top 2.75% in terms of a negative score, such a faculty member will not be re-appointed. Faculty members who receive unsatisfactory results of final teaching surveys shall fill Article 8 out the Feedback Form of Teaching Survey to propose measures to improve the situation. After approved by the head of the academic units, the Form shall be submitted to the Committee for Teacher Performance Improvement Program to determine if the faculty member should attend the Teacher Performance Improvement Program next semester, seminars of Microteaching or other relevant activities. The Center for Teaching and Learning Development (hereinafter referred as to the “Center”) may submit the case of faculty members who receive worse survey results and special cases to the President or other relevant councils for review. Academic units shall give feedback and propose strategies for improvement over the Article 6 Article 9 Article 10 Article 11 teaching survey results in the previous semester as well as students’ opinions. The strategies shall be approved by the Departmental/Institute/Program/Center Affairs Council before the mid-term exam and submitted to the Center for future reference. Each academic unit shall announce the feedback and strategies for improvement through various methods, such as posting on the website, announcing during the meeting session with the Chair of departments or during office hours. The Center may consider its needs as well as feedback from faculty members and students to convene advisory meetings of teaching surveys, in order to discuss question design, methods, and the statistical analysis of teaching surveys along with related issues. The Director of the Center is the ex-officio member and the convener. The other members are one representative from each college, the Deputy Director of the Center, and the Section Chief of the Faculty Professional Development Section. The survey results shall serve as reference for relevant committees on faculty promotion, faculty evaluation and the evaluation for the Outstanding Teaching Awards. The unit or staff in charge of the teaching survey and statistical analysis shall perform the duty of confidentiality. The survey results shall be disclosed to the instructor him/herself and the head of relevant units upon application, and no relevant 2 Article 12 information shall be provided to a third party. The Regulations become effective on the third day of promulgation after being adopted by the University Administration Council and ratified by the President. Note: In the event of any dispute or misunderstanding as to the interpretation of the statement or terms of these Regulations, the Chinese language version shall prevail. 3