ASSOCIATE IN ARTS IN ECONOMICS FOR TRANSFER (AA-T) CONTRA COSTA COLLEGE NARRATIVE 1. Statement of Program Goals and Objectives The Associate in Arts in Economics for Transfer degree (AA-T) creates a transfer pathway for students who plan to complete a bachelor's degree in economics or similar major at a California State University (CSU). With the completion of this program, students will possess foundational knowledge and skills that comprise the core content of the lower division requirements of many baccalaureate programs in economics. Professors teaching in the Economics Program at Contra Costa College are dedicated to (1) providing systematic instruction in economics as a body of knowledge, and (2) providing systematic measurement of educational achievement (e.g., SLO assessments) and educational attainment (e.g., AA degrees in economics; transfer to baccalaureate institutions). The Economics Program goals and objectives are consistent with the mission of the community colleges as established by the Legislature in Education Code section 66010.4. The Economics Program goals and objectives are based on the notion that we have two major types of students. We have those seeking to transfer to baccalaureate institutions as fulltime students and those seeking an AA degree in economics and immediate fulltime employment. Thus, the Economics Program has a (1) Transfer Goal; and (2) Other Goal. The current mission statements of Contra Costa College and the Contra Costa College Community College District recognize that there is the transfer function and vocational educational function. The Economics Program has sought to deal with this reality by identifying baccalaureate institutions where our students can transfer and career ladders which our students can pursue now or later. Transfer Goal: The Economics AA-T degree will help prepare students to have an economics baccalaureate major. The courses required for the Economics AA-T degree program have been specifically designed as transferable courses so that students will be prepared to study economics at a California State University (CSU) institution. The list of the baccalaureate institutions that students will be able to transfer to upon completion of the program includes California State University, East Bay; San Francisco State University; San Jose State; and California State University, Sacramento. Other Goal: A major goal of the Economics Program at Contra Costa College is to meet community needs in accordance with the community college mission. Thus, the Economics Program seeks to embody a pattern of learning experiences that will focus on specific capabilities and knowledge areas. The professors teaching in the Economics Program have the educational philosophy that we must meet the needs of those seeking to transfer baccalaureate programs and those students not intending to transfer. Many students are seeking an AA degree and entry level occupations. Thus, we will continue to offer both our local AA degree as well as the AA-T. 1 Another major goal of the Economics Program at Contra Costa College is to help students to establish and maintain effective working relationships with the public and fellow employees. Our AA-T degree as well as our local AA degree will help students to become more aware of the social conditions that are found among the public in the USA. 2. Catalog Description Program Description Economics is a social science that investigates how institutions and policies affect the production of goods and services and the distribution of wealth and income among social groups and individuals. An associate's degree in economics will equip students with a solid understanding of key economic theories and the quantitative tools to assess and evaluate economic conditions and outcomes. Completion of the Associate in Arts in Economics for Transfer (AA-T) degree will provide students with the lower-division coursework in economics and mathematics to successfully transfer to a four-year program. Some Possible Careers To be hired as an economist a graduate degree (MA or probably a PhD) is required. However, the excellent quantitative and analytical skills economics majors acquire make them highly competitive in the banking, finance, insurance, data analysis, and marketing industries as well as in the public sector. Economics is a good major for students planning to enter a bachelor’s or graduate program in economics, management, law, finance, political science, international relations, planning or environmental studies and many other. Economics Program Student Learning Outcomes Students in the Economics Program will be able to: Assess and evaluate macroeconomics conditions and microeconomic outcomes. Anticipate possible macro-level policy actions and potential micro-level government intervention strategies. Make sound personal, business and/or civic decisions based on their analysis. An Associate in Arts in Economics for Transfer degree may be earned by completing a minimum of 60 units of degree credit coursework, including the major requirements and breadth requirements, with a minimum grade point average of 2.0. The Associate in Arts in Economics for Transfer degree, which is also known as the Economics AA-T degree, has been designed to help students who plan to complete a bachelor’s degree in sociology at a California State University (CSU) institution. However, students are guaranteed admission to a CSU institution, but not to a particular campus or major. At Contra Costa College, students have the option of completing the Economics AA-T degree or the other local Associate in Arts detailed above. Both options can be used to transfer to the CSU or elsewhere. 2 Pursuant to SB1440, section 66746, a student must complete the following requirements in order to earn an AA-T in Economics: Complete 60 semester units that are eligible for transfer to the California State University, including both of the following: The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California State University General Education – Breadth Requirements. A minimum of 18 semester units in a major or area of emphasis, Obtainment of a minimum grade point average of 2.0. Earn a grade of “C” or better in all courses required for the major or area of emphasis. A “P” (Pass) grade is not an acceptable grade for courses in the major 3 3. Program Requirements The Economics AA-T Degree requires a total of 20-25 major units of required courses and restricted electives in the categories below as indicated. A minimum grade of “C” is required in all courses. Required Core: Select four courses (14-15 units) ECON 220 Introduction to Macroeconomic Principles ECON 221 Introduction to Microeconomic Principles MATH 164 Introduction to Probability and Statistics AND MATH 180 Applied Calculus OR MATH 190 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I List A: Select one course (3-5 units) SOCIO 220 Introduction to Sociology OR MATH 170 Finite Mathematics (3 units) (3 units) (4 units) (4 units) (5 units) (3 units) (5 units) List B: Select one (3-5 units) Any course from the REQUIRED CORE OR LIST A not already used OR one from below: MATH 290 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II (5 units) OR MATH 200 Introduction to Linear Algebra (4 units) Total Units for the Major………………………………………………22-24 units Total Units that may be double-counted…………………………….9-12 units General Education (CSU GE or IGETC)…………………………….37-39 units Elective (CSU Transferable)…………………………………………..6-13 units Degree Total……………………………………………………………..60 units 4