Multimedia Network Communications Subject :






Multimedia Network





: T0934 / Multimedia Programming Foundation




Bina Nusantara

Learning Outcomes

In the end of this session, students must be able to:

– Understand the overview of multimedia network communication and mobile multimedia

– Understand the basic principal of Java

2 Micro Edition


• Multimedia Network Communication

• Mobile Multimedia

• Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME)

Bina Nusantara

Multimedia Network Communication

• Similar to computer network communication where both deal with data communication

• The different is multimedia data is known as continuous media , which is :

– Voluminous

– Real-Time and interactive

– Sometimes bursty

Bina Nusantara

Quality of Service (QoS)

•  a collective effect of service performances that determined the degree of satisfaction of that service’s user

• QoS for multimedia data transmission depends on many parameters such as :

– Data Rate

– Latency (maximum frame/packet delay)

– Packet loss or error

– Jitter (delay jitter)

– Sync Skew

Bina Nusantara

Mobile Multimedia

•  multimedia information exchange over wireless networks or wireless Internet.

• Increase in usage and development because :

– popularity and evolution of mobile computing devices

– fast, affordable mobile network

• Common programming language for mobile multimedia application  Java 2

Micro Edition (J2ME)

Bina Nusantara

Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME)

• originally created in order to deal with the constraints associated with building applications for small devices

• a collection of technologies and specifications that can be combined to construct a complete

Java runtime environment specifically to fit the requirements of a particular device or market

Bina Nusantara

J2ME elements

Java ME elements configuration profile optional package provides the most basic set of libraries and virtual machine capabilities for a broad range of devices a set of APIs that support a narrower range of devices a set of technologyspecific APIs

Bina Nusantara

J2ME Configurations

• Divided into two base configurations :

– Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) , for small mobile devices

– Connected Device Profile (CDC) for more capable mobile devices like smart-phones and set top boxes.

Bina Nusantara


• 128K to 512K total memory available

• Limited power, often battery operation.

• Connectivity to some type of network, often with a wireless, intermittent connection and limited bandwidth


• At least 512K ROM and

256K RAM

• a device that can support a complete JVM implementation.

J2ME Profiles

• Personal Profile

– suitable for products that require full AWT compatibility and applet support (high end PDAS and embedded web browsers)

• Foundation Profile

– support resource-constrained devices without a standards-based

GUI system (network printers, routers, residential gateways, enterprise-class server applications)

• Mobile Information Device Profile


– A profile, when combined with CLDC, provides a standard Java runtime environment for today's most popular mobile information device for mobile information devices (cellular phones and twoway pagers, and PDAs)

Bina Nusantara

Bina Nusantara

Java Platform

Show Picture

Sample Code


Bina Nusantara

Play Sound In J2ME

Sample Code

Bina Nusantara

Play Video In J2ME

Sample Code

Bina Nusantara

Bina Nusantara

Sample Code



• What's J2ME?. 2009.

• Java ME Technology. 2009.

• A Brief Look at Java 2 Micro Edition. 2009. me.html

• Using Mobile Media API (MMAPI). 2008.


Bina Nusantara
