AIB Group Group Financial Control Bankcentre, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland Sir David Tweedie International Accounting Standards Board 30 Cannon Street LONDON EC4M 6XH United Kingdom 31st July 2009 Exposure Draft ED/2009/3 Derecognition: Proposed amendments to IAS 39 & IFRS 7 Dear Sirs, Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. welcomes the opportunity to respond to the above Exposure Draft. While supporting a review of the derecognition rules of IAS 39, we do not believe the proposed solution represents an improvement, nor do we believe the proposal to be operational. We believe more time is required to developing a robust and sustainable standard for the complex topic of derecognition. We are concerned about the removal of the ‘risks and rewards’ approach to derecognition and believe that the focus on ‘control’ is too simplistic and may risk the creation of structuring opportunities to avoid ‘control’. As noted in our response to the specific questions, we believe that the accounting treatment for repurchase agreements under the proposed approach would be much more complex than the current IAS 39 requirements, would be less transparent and result in the provision of less decision-useful information in the financial statements. Question 1 - Assessment of “the Asset” and ‘continuing involvement’ at reporting entity level Do you agree that the determination of the item (i.e. the Asset) to be evaluated for derecognition and the assessment of continuing involvement should be made at the level of the reporting entity (see paragraph 15A, AG37A and AG47A)? If not, why? What would you propose instead, and why? Answer 1 – Yes, we agree with the proposal to determine the asset to be derecognised at the reporting entity level. We believe it would be helpful if clarification was provided on the application of the derecognition rules to internal transactions, Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. page 1 of 4 including provision of examples showing the impact on entities within the group (subsidiaries and SPEs) and on the group consolidated accounts. Question 2 - Determination of “the Asset” to be assessed for derecognition Do you agree with the criteria proposed in paragraph 16A for what qualifies as the item (i.e. the Asset) to be assessed for derecognition? If not, why? What criteria would you propose instead, and why? Answer 2 -We agree with the criteria proposed in paragraph 16A. This is similar to the asset criteria currently included in IAS 39. Question 3 - Definition of ‘transfer’ Do you agree with the definition of a transfer proposed in paragraph 9? If not, why? How would you propose to amend the definition instead, and why? Answer 3 - We agree with the definition of “transfer”. The definition clearly states that a transfer does not automatically mean derecognition. This is important as a transfer may take place but with continuing involvement. In this case this would not result in derecognition. Question 4 - Determination of ‘continuing involvement’ Do you agree with the ‘continuing involvement’ filter proposed in paragraph 17A(b), and also the exceptions made to ‘continuing involvement’ in paragraph 18A? If not, why? What would you propose instead, and why? Answer 4 – Yes, we agree that if an entity transfers an asset and has no continuing involvement in it, that the asset should be derecognised. However, we are concerned about the removal of the ‘risks and rewards’ approach to derecognition, without it being replaced with requirements that reflect the economic substance of transactions. Question 5 – ‘Practical ability to transfer for own benefit’ test Do you agree with the proposed ‘practical ability to transfer’ derecognition test in paragraph 17A(c). If not, why? What would you propose instead, and why? (Note: Other that the ‘for the transferee’s own benefit’ supplement, the ‘practical ability to transfer’ test proposed in paragraph 17A(c) is the same as the control test in IAS39). Do you agree with the ‘for the transferee’s own benefit’ test proposed as part of the ‘practical ability to transfer’ test in paragraph 17A9c)? If not, why? What would you propose instead, and why? Answer 5 - We question how operational the test will be in practice. We do not agree with the proposed treatment for repurchase transactions. As these are predominantly secured financing transactions, we believe that derecognition of the asset and recognition of a derivative (measured at fair value through profit or loss) is counterintuitive and does not reflect the economic substance of the transaction. Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. page 2 of 4 Question 6 – Accounting for retained interests Do you agree with the proposed accounting (both recognition and measurement) for an interest retained in a financial asset or a group of financial assets in a transfer that qualifies for derecognition (for a retained interest in a financial asset or group of financial assets, see paragraph 21A; for an interest in a financial asset or group of financial assets retained indirectly through an entity, see paragraph 22A)? If not, why? What would you propose instead, and why? Answer 6 -Yes, we agree as it may be difficult for the lessee to have enough information to ascertain the interest rate implicit in the lease especially if the lease is a long lease and the residual value is uncertain. However, we would like to note that the fact that the credit standing of the lessee needs to be taken into account in using the incremental borrowing rate may lead to problems as regards comparability between entities. The interest rate implicit in the lease is probably the more preferable option but if this is not available we see no reason why the incremental borrowing rate should not be used. Question 7 – Approach to derecognition on financial assets Having gone through the steps/tests of the proposed approach to derecognition of financial assets (Questions 1-6), do you agree that the proposed approach as a whole should be established as the new approach for determining the derecognition of financial assets? If not, why? Do you believe that the alternative approach set out in the alternative views should be established as the new derecognition approach instead, and, if so, why? If not, why? What alternative approach would you propose instead, and why? Answer 7 - While supporting a review of the derecognition rules of IAS 39, we do not believe the proposed solution represents an improvement, nor do we believe the proposal to be operational. On balance, the alternative approach is more persuasive than the proposed approach and merits further consideration when developing a robust and sustainable standard for the complex topic of derecognition. We are concerned about the removal of the ‘risks and rewards’ approach to derecognition and believe that the focus on ‘control’ is too simplistic and may risk the creation of structuring opportunities to avoid ‘control’. As noted in our response above, we believe that the accounting treatment for repurchase agreements under the proposed approach would be much more complex than the current IAS 39 requirements, would be less transparent and result in the provision of less decision-useful information in the financial statements. Question 8 – Interaction between consolidation and derecognition In December 2008, the Board issued an exposure draft ED 10 Consolidated Financial Statements. As noted in paragraphs BC28 and BC29, the Board believes that its proposed approach to derecognition of financial assets in this exposure draft is similar to the approach proposed in ED 10 (albeit derecognition is applied at the level of assets and liabilities, whereas consolidation is assessed at the entity level). Do you agree that the proposed derecognition and consolidation approaches are compatible? If not, why? Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. page 3 of 4 Answer 8 – Yes, we agree that the proposed derecognition and consolidation approaches are compatible apart from the requirement to test for derecognition at reporting entity level. Question 9 - Derecognition of financial liabilities Do you agree with the proposed amendments to the principle for derecognition of financial liabilities in paragraph 39A? If not, why? How would you propose to amend the principle instead, and why? Answer 9 – Yes, we agree with the proposed amendments for the derecognition of financial liabilities which are not significantly different from current requirements. Question 10 – Transition Do you agree with the proposed amendments to the transition guidance in paragraphs 106 and 107? If not, why? How would you propose to amend that guidance instead, and why? Answer 10 - We agree with the proposed amendments to the transition guidance in paragraphs 106 and 107. Question 11– Disclosures Do you agree with the proposed amendments to IFRS7? If not, why? How would you propose to amend those requirements instead, and why? Answer 11 –Yes, we agree with the proposed amendments to IFRS 7 as these amendments would allow users to understand better the relationship between transferred financial assets that remain on the balance sheet and the associated liabilities. Enhancing the disclosure requirements for derecognised financial assets may allow users to better assess the risk exposure of an entity resulting from its continuing involvement in derecognised assets. However, we believe that some aspects of the disclosures may be difficult to operate in practice, for example those involving transferred assets that are derecognised. In general, we support greater transparency, which in our view means better quality rather than simply more disclosure. To be relevant, the information disclosed must also be useful and understandable. The usefulness of the information may be different, depending on the business model of the entity. If you require clarification with regard to the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours sincerely ____________________ Marian Sweeney Group Financial Control Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. page 4 of 4