A Brief Tour of Our WLES Behavior Management Plan Dolphin Pride Basics Behavioral Expectations Staff and students will be… •Respectful through words and actions •Responsible for words and actions •Safe at all times My school, my family and I expect my very best today by being RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE and SAFE. I will work hard to reach my goals. I will treat others as I want to be treated. There will be peace and respect in our school and it starts with ME! I am a Waters Landing Dolphin. The “P” in Pride – Positive Reinforcement • Dolphin Dollars and Store • Pride Certificates Make a Splash Classroom Pride • Dolphin Pride Splashes • Given by ANY staff outside the classroom • Each class sets their own goals and rewards Our Splash Goal Is: 5 10 Expectation Matrix • Reminder of the expectation • Warning to follow the expectation • Reflection form • MIR form Reflection Station • Nikki Sabiston: • “My school uses a "Take a Break" space. This is not a traditional "Time Out". This is a place in the classroom where children can take a moment to decompress, take a breather, or think about making different choices. The students often go there on their own, but sometimes are asked to go there by the teacher. The student will only stay there for about 1 or 2 minutes and I use an egg timer so kids don't stay too long.” Reflection Forms Dolphin Pride 3rd – 5th Reflection Sheet Dolphin Pride Kindergarten Reflection Sheet Name ________________________________________ I did not follow school or classroom expectations. The expectation I did not meet was… (Check one or more) _____ Being Respectful _____ Being Responsible _____ Being Safe How do you feel? Circle one of the faces. K 1st & 2nd 3rd – 5th I did not follow school or classroom expectations. The expectation I did not meet was… (Check one or more) _____ Being Respectful Happy What happened? (draw a picture) Mad ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 1st and 2nd Reflection Sheet Name ______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 2. It made me feel? (Sad, happy, angry, scared, embarrassed…) I did not follow school or classroom expectations. The expectation I did not meet was… (Check one or more) _____ Being Respectful _____ Being Responsible _____ Being Safe Teacher Signature ________________ Date___________________________ I feel... (sad, happy, mad…) circle one ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ What expectation did I not meet? ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ What do you think you should have done differently? _____ Being Safe 1. What happened? (Continue on back if needed.) Dolphin Pride Sad _____ Being Responsible ______________________________________________________________ 3. What could I have done instead? (Continue on back if needed.) ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Sad Happy I could have: _______been more respectful _______been more responsible _______kept our classroom or school safe? Teacher Signature ________________ Date___________________________ Mad ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Date ___________________ Student Name __________________________ Teacher Signature ________________________ Parent Signature _____________________ All Together Now – Town Meetings • Beginning of the month at no more than 30 minutes • Review the past month’s theme and introduce the new month’s theme • Students will be actively contributing to the meeting September October November December January February March April May June Respect Responsibility Safety Caring and Sharing Goal Setting Honesty Conflict and Feelings Health and Prevention Citizenship and Fairness Esteem MCPS Code of Conduct Levels of Response • Describes a wide range of strategies to remediate behavior based on severity and frequency. • Level 1 is similar to PBIS Tier 1 • Level 2 and 3 are like PBIS Tier 2 Disciplinary Response Matrix • Describes inappropriate behavior and suggests levels for school responses based on frequency and severity of the behavior. Waters Landing Elementary School Go with the Flow Student Behavior Management Process Prepare students, pre-correct potential misbehaviors, intentionally set the tone for the next task; Teach students to be Respectful, Responsible and Safe. Observe and identify problem behavior • Behavior Management Process Flow Chart describes each step for the remediation of behavior at WLES • It has Office Managed Behaviors and Classroom Managed Behaviors listed • As misbehaviors continue the consequences increase Teacher/Staff Managed Investigate and problem solve (minor) Office Managed (major) PER INCIDENT: REMINDER Proximity control Verbal reminder WARNING Signaling Reinforce Hurdle help Planned ignoring Self-Imposed time out Verbal warning Direct appeal to values Reflection Reflection Station Student/Teacher Conf. Antiseptic Bounce Repeated Inappropriate Behavior On 4th reflection (for any reason), then MIR. Parent Contact Parent Contact Minor Incident Report (MIR) Office Referral Resolution? Is the behavior Teacher/Staff Managed or Office Managed? Teacher/Staff Managed Office Managed (minor) (major) · Calling out/Blurting · Disruptive behavior · Disrespectful/Noncompliance with staff directions · Teasing/Name calling/Racial comments · Electronic devices · Minor theft · Inappropriate language · Minor physical aggression · Being unprepared · Unsafe or rough play · Tardiness · Disrespectful towards property (minor damage) · Work refusal · Chronic/Repetitive MIRs (4) · Abusive language/inappropriate language · Fighting/Physical aggression (major) · Defiance/Disrespect/Insubord ination/Non-compliance · Lying/Cheating · Harassment/Bullying · Disruption · Property damage/Vandalism · Technology violation · Inappropriate location/Out of bounds area · Possession/Distribution/Use of controlled substance/tobacco · Bomb threat/False alarm/Arson · Possession of a weapon/explosive device Teacher/Staff completes office referral form and calls for escort. Notifies parent. Administrative Response/Action Administration follows up with referring teacher/staff PBIS GOLD SCHOOL No If 4 MIR, then Office Referral Yes = MIR, Reinforce 8/2014 Aloha! Thank you for being such GREAT listeners. We noticed how respectful you were by giving us your full attention. Have an FIN-tastic 2014-2015 school year!