Course Year : S0825/Foundation Engineering : 2009 RETAINING EARTH STRUCTURE Session 11 – 16 RETAINING EARTH STRUCTURE Topic: • Lateral Earth Pressure – General – Active earth pressure • Rankine earth pressure • Coulomb earth pressure • Lateral earth pressure due to surcharge – Passive earth pressure • Rankine earth pressure • Coulomb earth pressure – Influence of ground water table • Sheet Pile Structure – – – – Bina Nusantara General Types of Sheet Pile Lateral Pressure Diagram Cantilever Sheet Pile LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE SESSION 11 – 12 Bina Nusantara GENERAL • Lateral earth pressure represents pressures that are “to the side” (horizontal) rather than vertical. • Caused by soil self weight and or external load • 3 categories: – At rest earth pressure – Active earth pressure – Passive earth pressure Bina Nusantara AT REST EARTH PRESSURE The at rest pressure develops when the wall experiences no lateral movement. This typically occurs when the wall is restrained from movement such as a basement wall that is supported at the bottom by a slab and at the top by a floor framing system prior to placing soil backfill against the wall. Bina Nusantara ACTIVE EARTH PRESSURE The active pressure develops when the wall is free to move outward such as a typical retaining wall and the soil mass stretches sufficiently to mobilize its shear strength. Bina Nusantara PASSIVE EARTH PRESSURE If the wall moves into the soil, then the soil mass is compressed sufficiently to mobilize its shear strength and the passive pressure develops. Bina Nusantara AT REST EARTH PRESSURE q Jaky, Broker and Ireland Ko = M – sin ’ Sand, normally consolidated clay M = 1 v = . z + q z Broker and Ireland v h K h v At rest, K = Ko Bina Nusantara Clay with OCR > 2 M = 0.95 Ko = 0.40 + 0.007 PI , 0 PI 40 Ko = 0.64 + 0.001 PI , 40 PI 80 Sherif and Ishibashi Ko = + (OCR – 1) = 0.54 + 0.00444 (LL – 20) = 0.09 + 0.00111 (LL – 20) LL > 110% = 1.0 ; = 0.19 ACTIVE EARTH PRESSURE Bina Nusantara RANKINE ACTIVE EARTH PRESSURE 1 = 3 . tan2 (45+/2)+2c.tan (45+/2) a = v . tan2(45-/2) – 2c . tan (45-/2) a = v . Ka – 2cKa Bina Nusantara Ka = tan2 (45 - /2) RANKINE ACTIVE EARTH PRESSURE (INCLINED BACKFILL) Ka cos Pa 1 cos cos 2 cos 2 cos cos 2 cos 2 2 . . H .Ka 2 (for granular soil, c = 0) For c- soil a zK a zK a ' cos where : c 1 2 cos sin Ka ' 2 cos 2 cos 2 z Bina Nusantara 2 c c 2 2 2 2 2 4 cos cos cos 4 cos 8 cos sin cos 1 z z COULOMB ACTIVE EARTH PRESSURE Assumptions: -Fill material is granular soil - Friction of wall and fill material is considered - Soil failure shape is plane (BC1, BC2 …) Pa = ½ Ka . . H2 Ka Bina Nusantara sin 2 ( ) sin( ). sin( ) 2 sin . sin 1 sin( ). sin( ) 2 COULOMB ACTIVE EARTH PRESSURE (SURCHARGE ON BACKFILL) Bina Nusantara RANKINE PASSIVE EARTH PRESSURE Bina Nusantara RANKINE PASSIVE EARTH PRESSURE p= v . tan2(45+/2) + 2c . tan (45+/2) Bina Nusantara RANKINE PASSIVE EARTH PRESSURE Kp = tan2 (45 + /2) h = v . Kp + 2cKp Bina Nusantara COULOMB PASSIVE EARTH PRESSURE Kp sin2 ( ) sin( ). sin( ) sin2 . sin 1 sin( ). sin( ) Pp = ½ Kp . . H2 Bina Nusantara 2 LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE DUE TO SURCHARGE 2q a 2b . nH a 2 b 2 2 a > 0,4 4q a 2b . nH a 2 b 2 2 a 0,4 Bina Nusantara q 0.203b . H 0.16 b2 2 LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE DUE TO SURCHARGE q sin . cos 2 H q P H2 1 90 b' 1 tan 1 H a'b' 2 tan 1 H R a' b' 90 2 2 H 2 2 1 R Q 57,30a' H z 2H 2 1 Bina Nusantara Q b'2 90 1 PURPOSE OF LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE • STABILITY ANALYSIS GRAVITY WALL AGAINST – SLIDING – OVERTURNING Bina Nusantara PURPOSE OF LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE Bina Nusantara PURPOSE OF LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE Bina Nusantara SHEET PILE STRUCTURES SESSION 13 – 14 Bina Nusantara SHEET PILE Bina Nusantara GENERAL Connected or semi-connected sheet piles are often used to build continuous walls to retain the lateral pressure caused by soil or external load. In contrast to the construction of other types of retaining wall, the building of sheet pile walls do not usually require dewatering the site. Sheet piles are also used for some temporary structures, such as braced cut. Bina Nusantara SHEET PILE TYPES (CANTILEVER) Bina Nusantara SHEET PILE TYPES (ANCHORED) Bina Nusantara Free Earth Support SHEET PILE TYPES (ANCHORED) Bina Nusantara Fixed Earth Support SHEET PILE TYPES (ANCHORED) anchor plate or beam Bina Nusantara SHEET PILE TYPES (ANCHORED) tie back Bina Nusantara vertical anchor pile SHEET PILE TYPES (ANCHORED) anchor beam with batter piles Bina Nusantara LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE DIAGRAM Bina Nusantara LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE DIAGRAM Bina Nusantara LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE DIAGRAM Fixed Earth Support Bina Nusantara LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE DIAGRAM Free Earth Support Bina Nusantara LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE DIAGRAM Free Earth Support Bina Nusantara CALCULATION STEPS CANTILEVER SHEET PILE - SAND Bina Nusantara CALCULATION STEPS CANTILEVER SHEET PILE - SAND 1. Determine the value of Ka and Kp K a tan 2 45 2 K p tan 2 45 2 2. Calculate p1and p2 with L1 and L2 are known p1 .L1.K a p2 .L1 '.L2 K a 3. Calculate L3 z L L3 p2 ' K p K a 4. Calculate the resultant of the area ACDE (P) 5. Determine the z (the center of pressure for the area ACDE) Bina Nusantara CALCULATION STEPS CANTILEVER SHEET PILE - SAND 6. Calculate p5 p5 .L1 '.L2 K p '.L3 K p K a 7. Calculate A1, A2, A3, A4 Bina Nusantara p5 A1 '.K p K a A3 8P A2 '.K p K a A4 6 P 2.z. ' K p K a p5 '2 K p K a 2 P 6.z. p5 4 P '2 K p K a 2 CALCULATION STEPS CANTILEVER SHEET PILE - SAND 8. Determine L4 9. Calculate p4 L44 A1 L34 A2 L24 A3 L4 A4 0 p4 p5 '.L4 K p K a 10. Calculate p3 p3 ' ( K p K a ) L4 11. Calculate L5 L5 p3 .L4 2 P p3 p4 12. Draw the pressure distribution diagram 13. Obtain the theoretical depth ; D = L3 + L4 The actual depth of penetration is increased by about 20% - 30% 14. Calculate the maximum bending moment with Bina Nusantara z' M max P z z ' 1 . '.(z ' ) 2 ( K p K a ) 2 3 z' 2P ( K p K a ). ' EXAMPLE CANTILEVER SHEET PILE - SAND L1 = 2 m GWL L2 = 3 m d = 15.9 kN/m3 t = 19.33 kN/m3 = 32o c = 0 kPa D Bina Nusantara Determine the penetration depth (D) and dimension of sheet pile EXAMPLE CANTILEVER SHEET PILE - SAND • Step 1 (determine the value of ka and kp) 32 K a tan 2 45 tan 2 45 0.307 2 2 32 K p tan 2 45 tan 2 45 3.25 2 2 • Step 2 (calculate p1 and p2) p1 .L1.K a (15.9)( 2)( 0.307) 9.763kPa p2 .L1 '.L2 K a (15.9)( 2) (19.33 9.81)30.307 p2 18.53kPa • Step 3 (Calculate L3) L3 Bina Nusantara p2 18.53 0.66 m ' K p K a (19.33 9.81)(3.25 0.307) EXAMPLE CANTILEVER SHEET PILE - SAND • Step 4 (calculate P) P 0.5. p1.L1 p1.L2 0.5. p2 p1 .L2 0.5. p2 .L3 P 0.5(9.763)( 2) (9.763)(3) 0.5(18.53 9.763)3 0.5(18.53)(0.66) P 9.763 29.289 13.151 6.115 58.32 kN/m • Step 5 (calculate z) 1 2 3 3 2 z 9.763 0.66 3 29.289 0.66 13.151 0.66 6.115 0,66 58.32m 3 2 3 3 z 2.23 • Step 6 (calculate p5) p5 .L1 '.L2 K p '.L3 K p K a p5 (15.9)( 2) (19.33 9.81)33.25 (19.33 9.81)(0.66)(3.25 0.307) p5 214.66 kN/m2 Bina Nusantara EXAMPLE CANTILEVER SHEET PILE - SAND • Step 7 (calculate A1 – A4) p5 214.66 A1 7.66 '.K p K a (9.52)(2.943) A3 A3 8P (8)(58.32) 16.65 '.K p K a (9.52)(2.943) 6 P 2.z. ' K p K a p5 '2 K p K a 2 (6)(58.32)(2)( 2.23)(9.52)( 2.943) 214.66 151.93 A4 Bina Nusantara A2 (9.52) 2 (2.943) 2 P 6.z. p5 4 P 58.32(6)( 2.23)( 214.66) (4)(58.32) 230.72 2 2 2 2 (9.52) (2.943) ' K p K a EXAMPLE CANTILEVER SHEET PILE - SAND • Step 8 (determine L4) L44 7.66 L34 16.65L24 151.39 L4 230.72 0 L4 4.8 m • Step 9 (calculate p4) p4 p5 '.L4 K p K a p4 214.66 (9.52)( 4.8)( 2.943) 349.14kPa • Step 10 (calculate p3) p3 ' ( K p K a ) L4 (9.52)( 2.943)( 4.8) 134.48 kPa Bina Nusantara EXAMPLE CANTILEVER SHEET PILE - SAND • Step 11 (Calculate L5) p3 .L4 2 P (134.48)( 4.8) 2(58.32) L5 1.09 p3 p4 134.48 349.14 Bina Nusantara • Step 12 Draw the pressure distribution diagram • Step 13 (the penetration dept of sheet pile) – Theoretical = 0.66 + 4.8 = 5.46 m – Actual = 1.3 (L3+L4) =7.1 m m EXAMPLE CANTILEVER SHEET PILE - SAND Bina Nusantara EXAMPLE CANTILEVER SHEET PILE - SAND Dimension of Sheet Pile z' 2P ( K p K a ). ' ( 2)(58.32) 2.04 m 9.52( 2.943) z' M max P z z ' 1 . '.( z ' ) 2 ( K p K a ) 2 3 2.04 M max (58.32)( 2.23 2.04) 0.5(9.52)( 2.04) 2 ( 2.943) 3 M max 209.39 kN.m Bina Nusantara SHEET PILE STRUCTURE SESSION 15 – 16 Bina Nusantara CALCULATION STEPS CANTILEVER SHEET PILE - CLAY Bina Nusantara CALCULATION STEPS CANTILEVER SHEET PILE - CLAY 1. Determine the value of Ka and Kp 2 K a tan 45 2 K p tan 2 45 2 In case of saturated soft clay with internal friction angle () = 0, we got Ka = Kp = 1 2. Calculate p1and p2 with L1 and L2 are known p1 .L1.K a p2 .L1 '.L2 K a 3. Calculate the resultant of the area ACDE (P1) and z1 (the center of pressure for the area ACDE) Bina Nusantara CALCULATION STEPS CANTILEVER SHEET PILE - CLAY 4. Calculate the theoretical penetration depth of sheet pile (D) D 2 4.c .L1 '.L2 2.D.P1 5. Calculate L4 D4.c .L1 '.L2 P1 4.c 6. Calculate p6 and p7 L4 p6 4.c .L1 '.L2 p7 4.c .L1 '.L2 7. Obtain the actual penetration depth of sheet pile Dactual = (1.4 – 1.6) x Dtheoretical Bina Nusantara P1. P1 12.c.z1 0 .L1 '.L2 2.c CALCULATION STEPS CANTILEVER SHEET PILE - CLAY 8. Calculate the maximum bending moment M max with P1 z' p6 Bina Nusantara p6 .( z ' ) 2 P1 z1 z ' 2 EXAMPLE CANTILEVER SHEET PILE - CLAY L1 = 2 m sand GWL L2 = 3 m d = 15.9 kN/m3 t = 19.33 kN/m3 = 32o c = 0 kPa Clay D cu = 47 kPa =0o Bina Nusantara Determine the penetration depth (D) and dimension of sheet pile EXAMPLE CANTILEVER SHEET PILE - CLAY • Step 1 (Determine ka and kp) 32 2 K a tan 45 tan 45 0.307 2 2 0 K p tan 2 45 tan 2 45 1.00 2 2 2 • Step 2 (calculate p1 and p2) p1 .L1.K a (15.9)( 2)(0.307) 9.763 kPa p2 .L1 '.L2 K a (15.9)( 2) (19.33 9.81)30.307 • p2 18.53 kPa Step 3 (calculate P1 and z1) 1 1 P1 p1L1 p1L2 p2 p1 L2 2 2 P1 9.763 29.289 13.151 52.2 kN/m Bina Nusantara 2 3 3 9.763 3 29.289 13.151 3 2 3 z1 52.2 z1 1.78 m EXAMPLE CANTILEVER SHEET PILE - CLAY • Step 4 (obtain Dtheoretical) D 2 4.c .L1 '.L2 2.D.P1 P1. P1 12.c.z1 0 .L1 '.L2 2.c D 2 4 47 2 15.9 19.33 9.813 2 D52.2 127.64 D 2 104.4 D 357.15 0 • Bina Nusantara 52.252.2 12 47 1.78 0 15.92 19.33 9.813 247 D = 2.13 m Step 5 (calculate L4) D4.c .L1 '.L2 P1 L4 4.c 2.13447 15.92 19.33 9.813 52.2 L4 447 L4 = 2.13 m EXAMPLE CANTILEVER SHEET PILE - CLAY • Step 6 (calculate p6 and p7) p6 4.c .L1 '.L2 127.64 kN/m2 p7 4.c .L1 '.L2 248.36 kN/m2 • • Step 7 (draw the lateral diagram) Step 8 (Obtain Dactual) Dactual = 1.5 x Dtheorical = 1.5 x 2.13 = 3.2 m Bina Nusantara EXAMPLE CANTILEVER SHEET PILE - CLAY • Calculation of moment z' M max M max Bina Nusantara P1 52.2 0.41 m p6 127.64 p6 .( z ' ) 2 P z1 z ' 2 2 127.640.41 52.21.78 0.41 103.59 kN m 2 CALCULATION STEPS ANCHORED SHEET PILE – FREE – SAND Bina Nusantara CALCULATION STEPS ANCHORED SHEET PILE – FREE – SAND 1. Determine the value of Ka and Kp 2 K a tan 45 2 K p tan 2 45 2 2. Calculate p1and p2 with L1 and L2 are known p1 .L1.K a p2 .L1 '.L2 K a 3. Calculate L3 z L L3 p2 ' K p K a 4. Calculate P as a resultant of area ACDE 5. Determine the center of pressure for the area ACDE ( z ) Bina Nusantara CALCULATION STEPS ANCHORED SHEET PILE – FREE – SAND 6. Calculate L4 L34 1,5L24 l2 L2 L3 3P L1 L2 L3 z l1 ' K p K a Determination of penetration depth of sheet pile (D) Dtheoretical = L3 + L4 Dactual = (1.3 – 1.4) Dtheoretical Determination of anchor force F = P – ½ [’(Kp – Ka)]L42 Bina Nusantara 0 CALCULATION STEPS ANCHORED SHEET PILE – FREE – CLAY Bina Nusantara CALCULATION STEPS ANCHORED SHEET PILE – FREE – CLAY 1. Determine the value of Ka and Kp 2 K a tan 45 2 K p tan 2 45 2 In case of saturated soft clay with internal friction angle () = 0, we got Ka = Kp = 1 2. Calculate p1and p2 with L1 and L2 are known p1 .L1.K a p2 .L1 '.L2 K a 3. Calculate the resultant of the area ACDE (P1) and z1 (the center of pressure for the area ACDE) Bina Nusantara CALCULATION STEPS ANCHORED SHEET PILE – FREE – CLAY 4. Calculate p6 p6 4c L1 ' L2 5. Determination of penetration depth of sheet pile (D) p6.D2 + 2.p6.D.(L1+L2-l1) – 2.P1.(L1+L2-l1-z1) = 0 6. Determination of anchor force F = P1 – p6 . D Bina Nusantara CALCULATION STEPS ANCHORED SHEET PILE – FIXED – SAND J Bina Nusantara CALCULATION STEPS ANCHORED SHEET PILE – FIXED – SAND 1. Determine the value of Ka and Kp K a tan 2 45 2 K p tan 2 45 2 2. Calculate p1and p2 with L1 and L2 are known p1 .L1.K a p2 .L1 '.L2 K a 3. Calculate L3 p2 z L L3 ' K p K a Bina Nusantara CALCULATION STEPS ANCHORED SHEET PILE – FIXED – SAND 4. determine L5 from the following curve (L1 and L2 are known) Bina Nusantara CALCULATION STEPS ANCHORED SHEET PILE – FIXED – SAND 5. Calculate the span of the equivalent beam as l2 + L2 + L5 = L’ 6. Calculate the total load of the span, W. This is the area of the pressure diagram between O’ and I 7. Calculate the maximum moment, Mmax, as WL’/8 Bina Nusantara CALCULATION STEPS ANCHORED SHEET PILE – FIXED – SAND (moment of area ACDJI about O’) 8. Calculate P’ by taking the moment about O’, or P' 1 L' 9. Determine D D L5 1.2 6 P' K p K a ' 10. Calculate the anchor force per unit length, F, by taking the moment about l, or F Bina Nusantara 1 L' (moment of area ACDJI about I)