Seminar Series promo: 20feb2012 [DOC 140.00KB]

ESW Open Seminar Series
Monday 20th February, 5pm
Room 104, Fulton Building, University of Sussex, Falmer
Professor Alys Young, Professor of Social Work Education and
Research, University of Manchester
Social research with d/Deaf people: Methodological
challenges and innovative practices
In this seminar, Professor Young will focus on research with d/Deaf
people from a social science perspective. She will consider how the
contested nature of what it is to be ‘deaf’ exerts influence on the
epistemological basis of research studies in this field and drives
innovative research design, data collection/analysis methods and
poses challenges to the validity of findings.
Professor Young will draw on materials from her recent studies of
(i) older Deaf people who use BSL; (ii) the organisation of social
care services for deaf children and their families; (iii) informed
choice professional practices; (iv) National IAPT for Deaf people;
(v) and the NIHR School for Social Care Research methods review
of research which involves d/Deaf adults.
BSL/English interpretation will be provided at this seminar.
* Refreshments available
** The seminar can be joined remotely by logging in to: