Lab door interlock

How to Enter the Room
1. Enter the password (should beep 3 times).
2. If you make a mistake, push “*” and start again.
3. When the light comes on, you have 30 seconds to open and close the door.
Setting the Password
4. Push “#” and the extra pushbutton.
5. Enter the password (should beep thrice).
6. Push “1” (should beep once).
7. Enter the new password, up to 10 digits.
8. If less than 10 digits, push “#” and the extra pushbutton (should beep twice).
9. Renter the new password.
10. If less than 10 digits, push “#” and the extra pushbutton (should beep four times).
11. Push “*” (should beep once).
Setting the Operating Mode
This should never have to be done! It should always be in mode 3!
Push “#” and the extra pushbutton.
Enter the password (should beep thrice).
Push “2” (should beep twice).
Push “3” (should beep four times).
Push “*” (should beep once).
N.B. The below instructions are translated from Thai, in case you were wondering.