What is ‘Engaging the Public’ in Research? reflections from some policy and practical research at Sussex presentation to ‘Research Hive’ seminar on ‘Engaging the Public with Your Research’ University of Sussex, Thursday 27th January 2011 Andy Stirling SPRU – science and technology policy research Research and the Public From ‘Science and Society’ to ‘Science in Society’ implications of political, economic, institutional, discursive power in research issues of ‘public understanding’ and ‘fostering trust’ – often about politics of ‘social choice’ in directions of research / innovation eg: nanotechnology, neuroscience, robotics – 30% global effort is military? advanced biotechnology: IP or open source? Intensive or participatory? “GM”: trans / syn genics, marker assist, apomixis? “sustainable energy” : nuclear, central / distrib renewables, C-capture? not subject to agency of individual researchers – be careful about ‘engagement as legitimation’ – trust and trustworthiness avoid pretence at ‘apolitical’ ‘value-free’ science HoL S&T Committee: EC Expert Group on S&G: EC SiS Committee: Co-operative Research: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld200910/ldselect/ldsctech/104/10406.htm http://ec.europa.eu/research/science-society/index.cfm?fuseaction=public.topic&id=119 http://ec.europa.eu/research/fp7/pdf/old-advisory-groups/sis-thirdreport_en.pdf#pagemode=none http://ec.europa.eu/research/science-society/pdf/goverscience_final_report_en.pdf ‘Opening Up’ Research Directions ‘Engagement’ is not enough … is it about: closing down? eg: single experts, prescriptive committees aggregated results, Jury ‘verdicts’ ‘consensus’ conferences … or opening up? eg: sensitivity / scenario / interval analysis dissensus groups, ‘mapping’ techniques, Q- method New scope for partnerships between natural and social science Sussex based ESRC STEPS Centre is pioneering a ‘pathways’ approach BIS Sciencewise Steering Board on ‘the Road Ahead’: Nature on ‘Keep it Complex’: STEPS Centre ‘New Manifesto’ on ISD: http://www.sciencewise-erc.org.uk/cms/the-road-ahead/ http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v468/n7327/full/4681029a.html http://anewmanifesto.org/ A “Pathways Approach” food, water, public health, energy... multiple distinct pathways time A “Pathways Approach” food, water, public health, energy... paths are ‘closed down’ time A “Pathways Approach” food, water, public health, energy... paths are ‘closed down’ time A “Pathways Approach” food, water, public health, energy... options are ‘locked in’ time ... new approaches to innovation, uncertainty, resilience, diversity Practical Examples Farming strategies in highlands of Kenya maize innovation systems Access to clean water in urban Delhi and dryland India Seeds and healthcare in rural China and Argentina Technological risk in India; global epidemics pathways; beyond biosafety in China New methods to enable marginal groups to engage on more equal terms & Mapping Research “Pathways” the case of maize in Kenya low maize low external input alternative dryland staples for subsistence high maize local improvement of local maize alternative dryland staples for market assisted seed multiplication of alternative dryland staples high external input individual high-value crop commercialization group-based high-value crop commercialization assisted seed multiplication of maize commercial delivery of new DT maize varieties public delivery of new DT maize varieties Mapping Research “Pathways” the case of maize in Kenya Contrasting ‘framings’ of Sustainability pathway options alternative staples for subsistence alternative staples for market assisted seed multiplication local improvement of local maize assisted multiplication of maize high-value crop commercialization group-based high-value commercialization commercial delivery of new maize public delivery of new maize Multicriteria Mapping : http:// www.multicriteriamapping.org