WINSTON CHURCHILL HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMY CREATIVE & PERFORMING ART SIGNATURE PROGRAM Application The CPA Application is a Google Form document that can be accessed through the link: The information from your submission of the form will populate a spreadsheet in the Academy’s Office. There is no need for a hard copy to be sent to the Academy Office. Application process: 1. Information: Attend the information meetings to learn of the Signature Program’s goals and requirements. Review the WCHS Academy website. 2. Clarification: Ask questions to confirm your understanding as needed. Coordinator’s email: 3. Submission: Submit the application online at the time of registration for courses. This will ensure that you are set as first priority to the Signature Program classes as the schedule is built. a. Late applications: i. If applications are submitted prior to the first day of the student’s school year, they will be reviewed. Students who meet the expectations will be accepted fully into the Signature Program. ii. If applications are submitted after the first day of a school year, accepted students will have a probationary period of one semester. At the end of the semester, their performance and commitment will be evaluated for full membership. Directions: 1. Access the link. 2. Enter information following the directions. 3. For the essay: a. Review the essay choices and select ONE (1). b. Develop your 300-350 word essay response so that your interest in pursuing specific areas of art is evident. Allow your passion to show! c. Use a Word document for your draft so that you can edit it easily prior to submitting.. Copy your completed essay into the Google Application box. 4. For the teacher recommendations: a. Email the teacher the Word document form titled “Teacher Recommendation” for the subject they teach. This form is on the Academy web page under CPA. i. You may download the document to email the teacher or email the teacher the web link to the document. ii. Teacher email addresses can be found on their school’s website. iii. The teacher will email or pony the Coordinator the responses. Directions for this are on the form they will receive. WCHS Academy Application Creative & Performing Arts Signature Program iv. If the teacher has moved or retired, email the Academy coordinator with the information. b. The teacher will be rating you on initiative, teamwork, punctuality & attendance, communication skills, and attitude. c. If teacher recommendations need to be mailed, please offer the following: WCHS Academy attn.: Mrs. Svrcek Churchill HS 11300 Gainsborough Road Potomac, MD 20854 5. For the 4-year plan, use the table below as a planning tool only. a. Identify your area of interest: mathematics, science or technology b. On the application document, enter the required information as to the specifics of the Arts course titles and projected year of enrollment. c. First: schedule all of the MCPS graduation course requirements. d. Second: schedule the additional CPA courses e. Be sure that you do not schedule more than 7 class-periods of courses for any year. This can easily happen if one does not attend to the double period nature of some courses. 6. Submit the Google form. You will see a confirmation of your submission. CPA Essay Selection Choice #1: What sparked your area of interest in your specific area of arts? How has this spark grown over the years? Where do you want the spark to take you in the Signature Program and in the future? Choice #2: What are your future goals? Why are they important to you? How do you see your membership in the CPA Signature Program supporting those goals? Proposed Four-Year Plan Use this form for your planning in conjunction with the Course Bulletin. Once you have completed your draft (yes, this is a draft that can be revised as you move through the Program), enter your responses about the 4-year plan in the Google Application. Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 English 4 credits required English English English English Social Studies 3 credits required U.S. History Honors/AP National, State, Local Government (NSL) Honors/AP Modern World History Honors/AP Mathematics 4 credits required or the completion of Calculus WCHS Academy Application Creative & Performing Arts Signature Program Science 3 credits required double period = 2 cr Fine Arts 1 credit required (4 required for CPA) Technology Education Physical Education 1 credit required Health Education Options: Gr 10, Summer or Online Health Education .5 credit required Foreign Language 2 years required Signature Program - Plan for the additional 4 credits: 4 years of your focus; 1 credit outside your focus Course WCHS Academy Projected grade of enrollment Application Creative & Performing Arts Signature Program Academy Communication Tools Edline: Edline will not exist after June of 2015 from information we have received. There will be a process in the myMCPS site that will contain the features of Edline. Google Classroom This classroom site will contain the information, documents, rubrics, and interactivity between the student and Coordinator. Students will use the Classroom to submit documents. Students will be provided with an access code when they are accepted into the Program. IMPORTANT: Students must use their MCPS Gmail account (format <student ID> Remind (previously Remind101) (A process for receiving text messages) Knowing that email is not the main communication tool for many, there may be many students and parents experiencing a delay in accessing updated information. By using ‘Remind’ the Coordinator can send a text message with a notice to check the main communication page. To register for Remind, you will receive directions in next year’s new communication system. VolunteerSpot & the Speaker Series The MTS Program has a requirement for students to attend a specified number of Speaker Series events. The Speaker Series events will be communicated with a link to VolunteerSpot. VolunteerSpot will send a confirmation email of registration as well as a reminder two days prior to the event. Additionally, the Coordinator is sent messages when the event is full, when participants pull out two days prior to the event, and a roster. Students need to know that credit for any Speaker event is linked to their submission of a reaction paper that will be posted after the event. The reaction paper poses questions based on the presentation so that they will process the knowledge in a meaningful manner. Consider keeping this page for future reference. WCHS Academy Application Creative & Performing Arts Signature Program