Contra Costa College Course Outline Department &Number Course Title Prerequisite Co-requisite Challenge Policy Advisory Real Estate 161 Legal Aspects of Real Estate None None 70% passing score on midterm and final examinations None Number of Weeks Lecture Hours Lab Hours Hours By Arrangement Activity Hours Units 18 3 3 COURSE/CATALOG DESCRIPTION This course presents a study of California real estate law, including rights incidental to property ownership and management, agency contracts and application to real estate transfer, conveyances, probate proceedings, trust deeds and foreclosure, as well as recent legislation covering real estate transactions. This course applies toward the educational requirement for the salesperson/agent’s and broker’s examinations. Not repeatable. COURSE OBJECTIVE At the completion of the course the student will be able to: 1. Demonstrate and apply basic theory, principles, and concepts of real estate law as it relates to real estate transactions and real estate brokerage. 2. Develop and demonstrate a knowledge of an extensive real estate law vocabulary 3. Be partially prepared to take the California Salesperson/Agent or Broker’s examination. COURSE CONTENT: (In detail; attach additional information as needed and include percentage breakdown) 5 25 5 25 30 5 5 % % % % % % % Nature of real property, constituents and land description, Interests in real property and forms of ownership. Capacities to deal with interests in real property, minors, incompetent persons, fiduciaries. Relations of parties holding interests in land, methods of acquiring and transferring real estate and contracts. Brokers and salespersons as agents or fiduciaries. Rights to commissions. Public control of real estate, including zoning, the Subdivision Map Act and the Real Estate Act. Taxation, State and Federal, capital grains, exchanges. METHODS OF INSTRUCTION This course will be conducted by use of lecture, demonstration, discussion, computer software and supplemental materials. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Textbook Title: Author: Publisher: Edition/Date: California Real Estate Law William H. Pivar and Robert J. Bruss Dearborn Publishing 6th Edition, 2005 COURSE EXPECTATIONS (Use applicable expectations) Outside of Class Weekly Assignments Hours per week Weekly Reading Assignments 3 Weekly Writing Assignments 2 Weekly Math Problems Lab or Software Application Assignments Other Performance Assignments 1 STUDENT EVALUATION: (Show percentage breakdown for evaluation instruments) 25% 25% 25% 25% % % % % Four chapter quizzes One midterm examination Written assignments/homework Final examination. GRADING POLICY (Choose LG, CR/NC, or SC) X Letter Grade 90% - 100% = A 80% - 89% = B 70% - 79% = C 60% - 69% = D Below 60% = F Prepared by: Course New/Revision Date: Course Effective Date: Revised 11/07 Credit / No Credit 70% and above = Credit Below 70% = No Credit J. Rusting / B. Williams 05/13/2008 Fall 2008 Student Choice 90% - 100% = A 80% - 89% = B 70% - 79% = C 60% - 69% = D Below 60% = F or 70% and above = Credit Below 70% = No Credit