Contra Costa College Course Outline Department & Number Course Title ACSKL200 Peer Tutoring Certification: Level I Number of Weeks Lecture Hours 18 .5 Lab Hours Prerequisite Activity Hours Co-requisite Units .5 COURSE/CATALOG DESCRIPTION This course will allow peer tutors to meet the training requirements for Level I certification by the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA). Topics will include the role and responsibilities of tutors; basic tutoring strategies and techniques; communication skills; and the ethics of tutoring. This course is highly recommended for all peer tutors. COURSE OBJECTIVE At the completion of the course the student will be able to: 1) Provide peer tutoring services to other CCC students 2) Employ a variety of pedagogical strategies in the provision of tutoring services 3) Assist other tutors in the provision of tutoring services COURSE CONTENT 10 10 10 % % % 1. 2 3. 10 10 % 4. % 5. 10 15 15 10 % % % % 6. 7. 8. 9. Role and responsibilities of peer tutors Tutoring guidelines and basic techniques for managing a tutorial session. Communication skills (Active listening, effective questioning) Tutoring study skills Critical thinking Ethics of tutoring (Do’s and Don’ts) Writing for tutors Math for tutors Problem-solving (Demonstration of tutoring techniques) METHODS OF INSTRUCTION 1. Lecture 2. Small-group discussions 3. Readings in Tutor Training Handbook 4. Demonstration of tutoring strategies Course Outline Continued INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Tutor Training Handbook Textbook Title: TurorAuthor: Tom Gier and Karen Hancock, eds. CRLA, 1996 Pub/Ed/Date: COURSE EXPECTATIONS 1. Weekly reading assignments: .5 hours per week 2. Weekly writing assignments: .5 hours per week 3. Other performance assignments: .5 hours per week STUDENT EVALUATION 1. Class participation (30%) 2. Journal (30%) 3. Demonstration of Tutoring Strategy (40%) Grading Policy: 90-100 % - A 80-89 % - B 70-79 % - C 60-69 % - D < 60 % - F 70%+ <70% - Credit No credit Page 2 Prepared by: Date=Semester/ Year Revised 1/12/98