Application for Initial and Continuing Membership Alpha Gamma Sigma California’s Honor Society for Community College Students CCC Student ID __________________ This application is for Spring of _____ (year) Fall of_____ (year) Have you ever been a member of AGS before at CCC? ___yes ___no. When __________________________ Last Name (print clearly) ___________________________ First Name (print clearly)_______________________ Street Address ________________________________________ City ____________________ Zip ___________ Home phone (____) _________________ Work phone (____) _________________ Cell phone (____) _________________ e-mail address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Please print clearly, one character at a time. Clearly distinguish between 1 and 0 (the numbers) and l and o (the letters). Major ___________________ Expected date of graduation ________ Expect to transfer to ______________________ My GPA last semester was _________ (excluding summer). Must be 3.0 or higher. My cumulative GPA (for all college course work) is _______. Must be 3.0 or higher. Prior to this semester I have completed a total of __________ college units. Must be 12 or higher within a maximum of 3 semesters. If your qualifying units and GPA are from another college you must attach a copy of your transcript to this application. If your cumulative GPA is less than 3.0 due to grades earned more than two years ago you may use the Adjustment to Cumulative GPA Worksheet. Attach worksheet to this application. Check one of the following:_______ My dues are paid for this semester; I paid $28 last semester. _______ I am enclosing $15 for dues for this semester only. _______ I am enclosing $28 for dues for this and next semester.* *If you pay now for next semester you must still turn in an application next semester. _______ I am an EOPS student. My dues will be paid by EOPS. Checks should be made payable to Alpha Gamma Sigma. I understand that the above information will be verified and if I do not meet the minimum GPA and unit requirements my application will not be approved and my dues will be returned. I also understand that in order to be considered an active member I must also complete 10 hours of volunteer service and submit the Verification of Volunteer Hours form by the last day of the semester. Signature of applicant: ______________________________________________________date ________ Turn in your application to Maritza Vande Voorde, Counseling Office, SSC – 108D or during an AGS meeting. You may also mail your application and dues to: Wendy Williams, Contra Costa College, 2600 Mission Bell Drive, San Pablo, CA 94806 Questions call Maritza Jackson Sandoval, Counseling, x43908,, or Patty Herrera x-43945, For official use only========================================================================================== Verification: Current GPA _______ If not approved, state reason Cumulative GPA _______ Units _______ Approved ___ Not Approved ___ date ____ Dues paid: Amount __________ cash ___ check ____ (number ________); for Fall 20____ Spring 20____. Signature of person accepting dues ________________________________________, date ________ Was receipt given? yes__no__