Consumer Name IRIS Identification Number Elmer Dairy 000000000 WI Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Department of Workforce Development INDIVIDUALIZED PLAN for EMPLOYMENT (IPE) Personal information you provide may be used for secondary purposes [Privacy Law, s. 15.04 (1)(m)]. CHECK ONE: IPE IPE AMENDMENT MY LONG-TERM EMPLOYMENT GOAL IS: Dairy farming. THE DATE THAT I WILL REACH MY GOAL: 6 – 9 months from now. SERVICES START DATE END DATE PROVIDERS WHO PAYS PAYMENT METHODS Primary: REHABILITATION TECHNOLOGY 1. Tractor steps and handrail For 4020 J. Deere 4/03 6/03 Central Coop DVR PO 2. High back air ride seat for 4020 and 4010 and David Brown-1200. 4/03 6/03 Central Coop DVR PO 4/03 6/03 County Equip DVR PO 4/03 6/03 Upper Body DVR PO 5. Fabricated steps onto loader 4/03 And frame. 6/03 Ben Fab DVR PO 6. Agramatic hitches 4/03 6/03 Ralph Mfg Inc DVR PO 7. John Deere 4 X 2 Gator 4/03 6/03 Power Package DVR PO 3. Bushel poly – 24” wheel Cart. 4. Upper hand universal Handles Secondary: Secondary: My progress will be measured by (include checkpoint dates): My ability to maintain farm operation and use the equipment that is purchased to continue my dairy farming will be used to assess progress. Consumer Name IRIS Identification Number Elmer Dairy SERVICES Primary: 000000000 START DATE END DATE PROVIDERS WHO PAYS METHODS 04/03 08/03 DVR DVR In house service 04/03 08/03 DVR DVR In house service Vocational Counseling and Guidance to address my role as an employer of agricultural workers Secondary: Transportation mileage PAYMENT reimbursement Secondary: My progress will be measured by (include checkpoint dates): Guidance and Counseling is being given to address my new role as an employer, as I will be hiring workers to take on some of the physical jobs I can not due as efficiently and quickly. I will keep our regularly scheduled appointments and report at least 1 time per month on the relationship I have developed with my employees. Primary: 04/03 06/03 Numeric Accounting DVR Purchase order Services Accounting consultation and record keeping set up Secondary: Secondary: My progress will be measured by (include checkpoint dates): My progress will be measured by my ability to independently maintain the employer/employee records needed for my business. A completed record system developed by my accountant will allow me to keep those records required for taxes and other reporting needs. Primary: 04/03 06/03 River Valley DVR Purchase Order Technical College Computer training on Quicken Secondary: Transportation mileage to and from class 04/03 06/03 Myself DVR Direct Pay Secondary: My progress will be measured by (include checkpoint dates): My ability to use my computer to keep necessary records will be used to assess my progress along with the mileage log I will provide DVR to show my attendance in the class. My completion certificate will also be used to show my progress. Primary: Secondary: Secondary: My progress will be measured by (include checkpoint dates): Consumer Name IRIS Identification Number Elmer Dairy 000000000 I WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR: Notifying DVR of receipt of goods, equipment and approving quality. Assure DVR that accommodations help. Complete mileage log month if I use DVR transportation services. Attend class and do my best. Participate in vocational counseling with my counselor and listen and use ideas that are appropriate. Provide DVR with my certificate of completion for the Quicken class. Notify DVR when I have my accounting consultation completed. Demonstrate my knowledge by bringing in a monthly record I have kept on employee costs, etc. DVR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR: Pay for services as agreed. Be available to provide counseling and guidance. Refer to outside resources as appropriate. I have been offered the choice to develop my own plan: I have been offered assistance in creating my employment plan: I have been given choices to assist me in creating my employment plan: I have received a copy of my individual rights: Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No For people receiving Social Security or SSI payments for reasons of disability: I understand that my signature on this Plan for Employment Form also indicates that I am assigning my Social Security ticket to work to the Wisconsin Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and designating them as my employment network. Since activation of the ticket to work allows two years of exclusion from continuing disability reviews (provided the review process has not already started), I may activate the ticket at a later date if my plan for employment is expected to exceed two years in duration. If I elect that option of delayed activation, I have written the date the ticket is to be activated on the plan. Signature (Consumer Representative Signature, If Appropriate) Date Signed Counselor Signature Date Signed Review Signatures Signature (Consumer Representative Signature, If Appropriate) Date Signed Counselor Signature Date Signed Signature (Consumer Representative Signature, If Appropriate) Date Signed Counselor Signature Date Signed Consumer Name Elmer Dairy IRIS Identification Number 000000000 Signature (Consumer Representative Signature, If Appropriate) Date Signed Counselor Signature Date Signed DVR-12726 (R. 03/2003)