PreKindergarten Scope and Sequence based on PreK Guidelines 1st Nine Weeks Period Best Practices to be Used: o o o o o Exploration/play with environment. Adults playing in parallel manner with children. Plan, Do, Review process for center time. Singing and movement in each lesson. Planned/purposeful getting to know you activites. o Active teaching, practice, reteach and modeling of all school success procedures and behaviors. Curriculum Theme August September First week – procedures, the school & Me All About Me! 1 – Friends and School 2 – Home and Family 3 – Inside and Outside Me Scholastic Themes Correlation Language & Early Literacy (part of every October Safety (bridge = weather) 4 – Staying Well, Staying Safe 5 – Our Community Oral language rich environment (songs, poems, chants.) Reading modeled through daily read alouds. Pre-Kinder classroom district wide) Spotlight Letters (ongoing instruction of all letters should take place in addition to spotlight letters) Start (and continue) letter instruction by focusing on the first letter in the child’s name and in names of others in the class. Mathematics Exploration/building/play with manipulatives Science observation and listening Social Studies getting to know each other respect for others m – me s – September f – family I Similarities & Differences: grouping by attribute sorting classifying matching like objects describes similarities and differences between objects Order: size comparisons comparison vocabulary (smaller, taller, same, different, etc.) 5 senses observing the world around discussing observational data Labor day Patriot Day INDIVIDUAL, CULTURE & s –safety o – October f – fire w – weather r – rain Patterns: imitates pattern sounds & physical movements recognizes and reproduces simple patterns (AB, ABC) of concrete objects begins to recognize patterns in environment (day/night, etc.) begins to predict what comes next to extend a pattern safe practices with tools and unfamiliar objects use of hand lens and other tools (e.g. balance, safety glasses) Columbus Day Halloween INDIVIDUAL, CULTURE & COMMUMITY Updated 8/22/2007 PreKindergarten Scope and Sequence based on PreK Guidelines shares ideas and takes turns listening and speaking cooperates with others in a joint activity identifies and follows classroom rules participates in classroom jobs & contributes to classroom community begins to examine a situation from another person’s perspective HISTORY begins to categorize time intervals using words (e.g. today, tomorrow, next time) begins to understand cause and effect relationships (e.g. if one goes outside in the rain, one will get wet) ECONOMICS understands the basic human needs of all people for food, clothing and shelter understands the roles, responsibilities and services provided by community workers KEY CENTERS/CONCEPTS TO IMPLEMENT: Listening: songs, rhymes and chants Reading: variety of books, especially nonfiction and blessed books Letters & Numbers: exploration and play with letter and number manipulatives Math: exploration with Math Tools (counters, sorting sets, measuring tools, etc.) Art: playdough (strengthen hand muscles for later writing), paints, markers, etc. Computer: mouse skills Dramatic Play: home, dress-up, expression Writing: variety of tools, playdough to strengthen hand muscles, shaving cream & sand trays COMMUNITY shares ideas and takes turns listening and speaking cooperates with others in a joint activity identifies and follows classroom rules HISTORY identifies common events and routines (e.g. snack time, storytime) GEOGRAPHY identifies common features in the home and school environment (e.g. library, playground) Centers TPRI Skills to Address Checklist Skills (These are minimal skills to be assessed at end of nine weeks period, not necessarily mastered. You are not limited to assessing only these skills.) Procedures to teach, model & implement: workboard or other visual management system care and use of materials self-managing behaviors how to ask for help how to share materials clean-up and storage verbal planning / goal setting sharing of accomplishments (review) ALL SOCIAL / EMOTIONAL EXPRESSIVE ARTS: begin to report all standards MATHEMATICS: recognizes and extends patterns sequences from smaller to larger sorts objects by color, shape, size letter names, rhyming games LITERACY DEVELOPMENT: speaks clearly expresses feelings verbally TECHNOLOGY: takes part in technology activities SOCIAL STUDIES / SCIENCE / HEALTH understands concepts & shows interest in activites Updated 8/22/2007 PreKindergarten Scope and Sequence based on PreK Guidelines 2nd Nine Weeks Period Best Practices to be Used: o o o o Exploration/play with environment. Adults playing in parallel manner with children. Plan, Do, Review process for center time. Music and movement in all lessons. o Ongoing assessment to inform instruction. November Curriculum Theme Scholastic Themes Correlation Language & Early Literacy (part of every Pre-Kinder classroom district wide) Spotlight Letters (ongoing instruction of all letters should take place in addition to spotlight letters) Mathematics Fall (bridge = Thanksgiving) 10 – Seasons, Weather December Celebrations 6 - Celebrations ½ January Winter 10 – Seasons, Weather Oral language rich environment. Print rich environment. Writing modeled by teacher using metacognitive teaching approach. Writing by children in form of drawing with or without explanation. Daily read alouds, songs, poems, chants. f – fall d – December s – seasons h – Hanukkah n – November c – celebration, Christmas t – turkey, Thanksgiving k – Kwanzaa p – pumpkin, pie g – giving h – harvest Number/Number Concept Making 10 Counting orally by ones to 10 (or higher) Counts concrete objects to five begins to name “how many” are in a group of up to three (or more) objects without counting (recognizing by sight) matches objects that are alike begins to identify first and last in a series arranges sets of concrete objects in oneto-one correspondence recognizes and describes concept of zero (meaning there are none) begins to compare number of concrete objects using language (e.g, same, equal, one more, more than, or less OPERATIONS combines, separates and names “how many” concrete objects (pre-addition/presubtraction using oral language) j – January, jacket w – winter i – ice, igloo s – snow c – cold f – frost MEASUREMENT begins to use tools to imitate measuring begins to order 2-3 objects by size begins to make size comparisons between objects (larger than, smaller than, etc.) Updated 8/22/2007 PreKindergarten Scope and Sequence based on PreK Guidelines Science Social Studies Centers than) begins to demonstrate parts of a whole with real objects (e.g. an orange, a pizza, a pie) changes in weather observe simple experiments Veterans’ Day Thanksgiving INDIVIDUAL, CULTURE, COMMUNITY shares ideas and takes turns listening and speaking cooperates with others in a joint activity identifies and follows classroom rules participates in classroom jobs & contributes to classroom community begins to examine a situation from another person’s perspective HISTORY begins to categorize time intervals using words (e.g. today, tomorrow, next time) recognizes changes in the environment over time (growth, seasonal changes) connects past events to current events (e.g. linking yesterday’s activity with what will happen today) Hanukkah Christmas Kwanzaa INDIVIDUAL, CULTURE, COMMUNITY shares ideas and takes turns listening and speaking cooperates with others in a joint activity identifies and follows classroom rules participates in classroom jobs & contributes to classroom community identifies similarities among people like himself/herself and classmates as well as among himself/herself and people from other cultures begins to examine a situation from another person’s perspective HISTORY identifies common events and routines (e.g. snack time, storytime) begins to categorize time intervals using words (e.g. today, tomorrow, next time) connects past events to current events (e.g. linking yesterday’s activity with what will happen today) GEOGRAPHY identifies common features in the home and school environment (e.g. library, playground) begins to use words to indicate relative location (e.g. front, back, near, far) identifies common features of the local landscape (e.g. houses, buildings, streets) KEY CENTERS/CONCEPTS TO IMPLEMENT: Listening: songs, rhymes and chants Reading: variety of books, especially nonfiction and blessed books Letters & Numbers: exploration and play with letter and number manipulatives, stamps, beads change in season, weather use of tools to explore (e.g. magnifying lens and eyedropper) New Year’s Day INDIVIDUAL, CULTURE, COMMUNITY ALL - see DECEMBER HISTORY ALL STUDENT EXPECTATIONS GEOGRAPHY begins to use words to indicate relative location (e.g. front, back, near, far) ECONOMICS understands the basic human needs of all people for food, clothing, shelter Updated 8/22/2007 PreKindergarten Scope and Sequence based on PreK Guidelines TPRI Skills to Address Checklist Skills (These are minimal skills to be assessed at end of nine weeks period, not necessarily mastered. You are not limited to assessing only these skills.) Math: exploration with Math Tools (counters, sorting sets, measuring tools, etc.) Art: playdough (strengthen hand muscles for later writing), paints, markers, etc. Computer: mouse skills, exploration of keyboard Dramatic Play: home, dress-up, expressing feelings Writing: variety of materials, playdough to strengthen hand muscles, shaving cream & sand trays letter names, rhyming games ALL SOCIAL / EMOTIONAL LITERACY DEVELOPMENT: PERCEPTUAL – MOTOR: speaks in sentences begin to report on all standards READING: RECOGNIZES AND NAMES COLORS: responds appropriately to literature begin to report on all listens to literature MATHEMATICS: recognizes own name (written for) counts orally to WRITING models counting using one-to-one correspondence writes random recognizable letters compares sets as more than, less than, and equal to writes own name (first name only is OK) expresses ideas through drawing/writing Updated 8/22/2007 PreKindergarten Scope and Sequence based on PreK Guidelines 3rd Nine Weeks Period Best Practices to be Used: o o o o o Exploration/play with environment. Music and movement in each lesson. Adults playing in parallel manner with children. Plan, Do, Review process for center time. Active engagement by children in hands-on activities. o Ongoing assessment to inform instruction. Curriculum Theme Scholastic Themes Correlation Language & Early Literacy (part of every Pre-Kinder classroom district wide) Spotlight Letters (ongoing instruction of all letters should take place in addition to spotlight letters) January ½ February March Winter (bridge = animals) Working & Playing Together (bridge = friendships) Exploring My World: new beginnings, Spring 9 - Animals 6 – Getting Along, Working Together 7 – Make It Build It (shapes, colors) 8 – Let’s Explore (observation) 10 – Seasons, Plants, Weather Print rich environment. Writing modeled by teacher using metacognitive teaching approach. Writing by children in form of drawing with teacher scribing child’s thoughts. Daily read alouds, songs, poems, chants. Journaling for and with. see previous f – February, friends k – (ML)King r – rodeo b – baby (animals) l – love v - Valentine Mathematics covers an area with shapes (e.g. tiles, cubes) fills a shape with solids or liquids (e.g. ice cubes, water) begins to categorize time intervals and uses language associated with time in everyday situations (e.g. “in the morning,” “after snack”) Science Social Studies animals, living/nonliving MLK Jr’s Birthday SEE PREVIOUS PAGE SHAPES begins to recognize, describe, and name shapes (e.g. circle, triangle, rectangle, square, round, straight, corners, etc.) begins to investigate and predict the results of putting together two or more shapes puts together puzzles of increasing complexity life cycle Rodeo Valentine’s Day Presidents’ Day INDIVIDUAL, CULTURE, COMMUNITY continue all m – March s – Spring g – green GEOMETRY / SPATIAL SENSE begins to recognize when a shape’s position or orientation has changed begins to use words that indicate where things are in space (e.g. “beside,” “inside,” “behind,” “above,” “below”) puts together puzzles of increasing complexity rocks, soil, water St. Patrick’s Day INDIVIDUAL, CULTURE, COMMUNITY continue all HISTORY Updated 8/22/2007 PreKindergarten Scope and Sequence based on PreK Guidelines HISTORY continue all GEOGRAPHY identifies common features in the home and school environment (e.g. library, the playground) creates simple representations of home, school, community through drawings or block constructions begins to use words to indicate relative location (e.g. front, back, near, far) identifies common features of the local landscape (e.g. houses, buildings, streets) Centers TPRI Skills to Address Checklist Skills (These are minimal skills to be assessed at end of nine weeks period, not necessarily mastered. You are not limited to assessing only these skills.) continue all ECONOMICS becomes aware of what it means to become a consumer ENRICH ALL CENTERS letter names, rhyming games ALL SOCIAL / EMOTIONAL MATHEMATICS: orally uses numbers to describe how many all standards related to GEOMETRIC SHAPES READING: correctly holds book and turns pages shows start and end of book identifies 10 or more letters WRITING tells about own writing Updated 8/22/2007 PreKindergarten Scope and Sequence based on PreK Guidelines 4th Nine Weeks Period Best Practices to be Used: o o o o o Exploration/play with environment. Music and movement in each lesson. Adults playing in parallel manner with children. Plan, Do, Review process for center time. Active engagement by children in hands-on activities. o Ongoing assessment to inform instruction. April Curriculum Theme Scholastic Themes Correlation Language & Early Literacy (part of every PreKinder classroom district wide) Spotlight Letters (ongoing instruction of all letters should take place in addition to spotlight letters) Mathematics May Exploring My World: Weather, Fiesta, Nature, Earth 9 – Life Cycles, Insects, Animals June Summer 10 – Growth and Change Print rich environment. Writing modeled by teacher using metacognitive teaching approach. Writing by children in form of drawing with teacher scribing child’s thoughts. Daily read alouds, songs, poems, chants. Journaling for and with. a – April m – May f – Fiesta, floats, flowers e – Earth q – queen letters not previously included = x, y, z u – umbrella GRAPHING collect and sort data, display data, make and interpret PICTORAL graphs sorts objects into groups by attribute and begins to explain how the grouping was formed Science Social Studies plant growth, predictions, life cycles Fiesta CONTINUE ALL STANDARDS Centers TPRI Skills to Address Checklist Skills ENRICH ALL CENTERS PROBLEM SOLVING & REASONING predicting (How far can you jump?, How many are in the jar? – set up to 10) Are predictions reasonable? Possible or impossible? Simple answers to story problems (group work, heavily teacher supported). plant growth, predictions, life cycles Cinco de Mayo Memorial Day CONTINUE ALL STANDARDS letter names, rhyming games MATHEMATICS identifies numerals 0 through 5 Updated 8/22/2007