A. Mario Loiederman School Improvement Plan 2015-2016 (DRAFT) FACULTY & STAFF FOCUS What resources do we need? As a result of our findings, staff will receive professional development and support in the following areas in order to meet the above-identified student need: ● Creating/assessing authentic task ● Core literacy/math practices ● Collaborating with other colleagues to increase alignment to assessment and CCSS ● CEAL, Feldman’s model ● Planning/implementing crosscurricular milestones as a means of student assessment Leaders will need professional development and support on: Race and Equity/Study Circles Moving through the coaching continuum Facilitating professional development cycles that facilitate teacher growth Assessing Authentic Tasks Creating authentic essential questions LEADERSHIP Vision: A. Mario Loiederman Middle School, is a school for the creative and performing arts, is a learning community committed to having all students read, write, reason, communicate, create and perform at the highest levels. Mission: To build the capacity of leaders and relationships and promote communication, collaboration, and consistency to foster a caring environment and improve student and adult learning for every member of the Loiederman Community. Communication: We share updates and seek input on the instructional focus, action steps and our progress toward meeting our goals with students, staff members and parents through regular and frequent announcements, newsletters, surveys and meetings. STRATEGIC PLANNING What is our goal? Cultural Proficiency Goal: To increase common awareness of race and equity resulting in a decrease of ineligibility and referrals of Hispanic and African American males. -Ineligibility rate: 7% or lower each quarter -Referrals: Decrease by a minimum of 20% Literacy Goal: To increase the percentage of African American and Hispanic students scoring at the proficient or advanced levels of MAP-Reading from 66.9% and 47.5% respectively to 100% to reduce the achievement gap with other racial subgroups. Math Goal: To increase the percentage of African American and Hispanic students who complete Algebra 1 with a C or better from 48.5% and 36.8% respectively, to 100% to reduce the achievement gap with other racial subgroups. ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS How will we know when we get there? Race/Ethnicity Asian African American/Black Hispanic Multiple Races White Race/Eth. Asian African American/ Black Hispanic White American Indian Race/Eth. African Am./Black Hispanic Literacy practices across content STUDENT & STAKEHOLDER FOCUS PROCESS MANAGEMENT ● ● ● ● ● ● As a result of root cause analysis, the following structures and processes will be implemented and monitored to address student needs: Collaborative planning time and tool Professional development time (Department PLCs, Lion's Academy, staff meetings) Peer visits around literacy across all contents, authentic tasks Cohort Assessment plans State of the Department Meetings (CTs and Admin.) Partnerships ( Making a New United People, Street Outreach, State’s Attorney Anti-Bullying, Truancy Prevention, Game Changers, Conflict Resolution, Linkages to Learning) 36.8% 33.3% 70.8% MAP-R Proficiency Level Exceeded Met Not Met 28% 48.5% 23.5% 26.5% 40.4% 33.1% 10.1% 53% 37.4% 33.3% 100% GAP Reduction Algebra 1 48.5% to 63.5% (2016) 63.5% to 78.5% (2017) 78.5% to 93.5% (2018) 36% to 51% (2016) 51% to 66% (2017) 66% to 81% (2018) 52.5% 12.6% MAP-R 66.9% to 76.9% (2016) 76.9% to 86.9% (2017) 86.9% to 96.9% (2018) 47.5% to 57.9% (2016) 57.9% to 67.9% (2017) 67.9% to 77.9% (2018) MEASUREMENT, ANALYSIS & KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT How will we get there? What do our students need? As a result of using the root cause analysis process and through analysis of student achievement data (MSA, unit assessments, course grades), it was revealed: These students’ needs are: Teachers will develop equitable classroom environments that incorporate HOT through authentic tasks, resulting in literate lions. Algebra 1 C or better % Passing with C or Better 53.8% 48.5% How will we monitor along the way? ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Informal/Formal Observations and Peer Visits County formative and summative assessments Teacher and student work samples Strategic monitoring data points (MAP-R, MAP-M, eligibility, report card grades, common assessments, PARCC) Referral data Teacher and student reflections and surveys Collaborative planning documents Instructional Rounds PBIS Hopkins Assessment A. Mario Loiederman School Improvement Plan 2015-2016 (DRAFT)