Safety Presentation to SPO Cluster Meetings

MCPS Systemwide Safety Programs
Department of Facilities Management
SPO Cluster Meetings
October 31, 2014
Systemwide Safety Programs
Peter Park, Team Leader
Laurie Lyons, Program Technician
Office: 240-314-1070
Emergencies: 301-370-2141
Topics for Today
Infection prevention
Diseases of recent concern (Ebola, Enterovirus D68,
Daily building cleaning and sanitizing
Universal precautions (bloodborne pathogens)
Chemical safety
Online training requirements
Infection Prevention
Personal hygiene
Daily building cleaning, sanitizing
Universal precautions
Diseases of Recent Concern – EV-D68
Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68)
Virus that can cause mild to severe respiratory illness
1,105 people in 47 states and the District of Columbia
Spread by airborne droplets (coughing, sneezing),
touching contaminated surfaces
Prevent through good hygiene
Prevent through facility cleaning, sanitizing
Diseases of Recent Concern - Pertussis
Pertussis (whooping cough)
Highly contagious respiratory disease, bacterial
Several confirmed cases at MCPS schools
Spread by coughing, sneezing; touching contaminated
Treat with antibiotics
Prevent through vaccination (all 7th graders)
Prevent through good hygiene
Prevent through facility cleaning, sanitizing
Diseases of Recent Concern - Ebola
Ebola (EVD)
Rare, deadly viral disease
Spread through direct contact with blood or body fluids
and broken skin, mucous membranes
2 – 21 days incubation, usually 8-10 days
Not spread by air, water, food (in U.S.)
Not contagious until after symptoms appear
No cases originating in Maryland
Diseases of Recent Concern - Ebola
Ebola (EVD)
Fever (100.4° F or higher)
Severe headache
Muscle pain
Abdominal (stomach) pain
Unexplained hemorrhage (bleeding or bruising)
Diseases of Recent Concern - Ebola
Additional Information
1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
2. MD Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH)
3. Montgomery County Dept. of Health and Human
Services (MCDHHS)
Diseases of Recent Concern - Ebola
Additional Information (MCPS)
1. MCPS Ebola information web page
2. Online webinar (recorded)
3. Staff Ebola letter
Emailed to all staff Oct. 28
 Translated letters sent to directors Oct. 30 (6 languages)
Personal Hygiene
Hand washing
Wash frequently with soap and water, 20 seconds
Better than hand sanitizer
Cover nose, mouth with tissue or sleeve when
coughing, sneezing
Minimize touching eyes, nose, mouth
Minimize contact with sick people
Stay home when sick
Flu shot
Daily Building Cleaning, Sanitizing
Use only approved disinfectant products
3M #5L Quat
Virex II 256
10% bleach (1 part bleach to 9 parts water)
Use PPE (at least gloves and goggles) to prevent
exposure (eye, skin, inhalation)
Use adequate ventilation
Keep hand soap and paper towel dispensers full
Daily Building Cleaning, Sanitizing
Sanitize touch points daily
Door handles, push bars
Light switches
Stair railings
Water fountains
Elevator buttons
Vending machine
Some countertops
Daily Building Cleaning, Sanitizing
Sanitize gym, APR floors daily
Sanitize bathrooms, toilets daily
Sanitize locations assoc. with infections
Sanitize health room surfaces daily
Sanitize locker, weight training, and team rooms
daily (secondary schools)
Ensure weight rooms have germicidal wipes
(secondary schools)
Universal Precautions
Universal Precautions is an approach to
infection control. According to the concept of
Universal Precautions, all human blood and
certain human body fluids are treated as if
known to be infectious for HIV, HBV, and other
bloodborne pathogens.
Universal Precautions
Assume infectious:
Other potentially infectious materials (OPIM)
Semen, vaginal secretions, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid,
pleural fluid, pericardial fluid, peritoneal fluid, amniotic fluid,
saliva in dental procedures, any body fluid visibly contaminated
with blood
When differentiation between body fluids is difficult or
impossible, consider potentially infectious
Universal Precautions
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Cleaning procedures
Post-exposure evaluation, follow-up
Universal Precautions - PPE
Nitrile gloves
Face mask, face
Gown, shoe covers
Universal Precautions – Removing Gloves
Point hand downward and peel
off, starting at the wrist
Turn glove inside out as you peel
away from you
Avoid splashes
Avoid contact with exposed skin
Hold glove in gloved hand
Universal Precautions – Removing Gloves
Slide ungloved finger under wrist
of remaining glove
Peel glove off from inside,
enclosing first glove
Discard gloves
Wash hands
Universal Precautions – Cleaning Procedures
Use approved disinfectant products
Follow directions from MSDS, label
Dilute properly
Wear nitrile gloves, goggles, face mask, face
Wear additional PPE, as needed
Disposable tools better than gloved hands
Keep others away
Universal Precautions – Cleaning Procedures
Use paper towels to wipe, disinfect
Cover large spills with paper towels or
absorbent and pour disinfectant on
Contact times – keep wet with disinfectant
10% bleach – 30 minutes
3M #5L Quat, Virex – 10 minutes
Clean with general purpose cleaner, if needed
Universal Precautions – Cleaning Procedures
Secure waste and dispose
Blood, OPIM waste in
biohazard box (health room)
Discard porous materials that
cannot be laundered
Wash hands
Universal Precautions – Post-Exposure
Free medical evaluation, follow-up for any
employee with blood-exposure incident
A blood exposure incident is a specific eye, nose,
mouth, other mucous membrane, non-intact
skin, or parenteral (piercing) contact with blood
or other potentially infectious materials resulting
from the performance of an employee's duties
Universal Precautions – Post-Exposure
What do you do after an exposure incident?
Notify supervisor immediately
Supervisor calls CorVel (1-888-606-2562) within
24 hours
Supervisor calls Systemwide Safety Programs
(SSP), if help needed (240-314-1070)
Universal Precautions – Post-Exposure
Contact MCPS-contracted clinic within 24 hours
to schedule evaluation
Medical Access, 19504 Amaranth Drive, Germantown,
Maryland 20874, 301-428-1070
Secure Medical Care, 803 Russell Avenue,
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879, 301-869-070
Universal Precautions – Post-Exposure
Complete MCPS Form 230-33: Bloodborne
Pathogens Post-Exposure Report, ASAP
Provide copies to:
Examining physician
Employee and Retiree Service Center (ERSC) – within 5
Systemwide Safety Programs – within 5 days
Universal Precautions – Post-Exposure
Provide MCPS Form 230-34: Health Care
Professional's Written Opinion Form to physician
Physician completes form, sends to SSP
SSP retains form, as required by MOSH
Hazardous Chemicals
What makes chemicals “hazardous”?
The chemical is a:
Physical hazard (gasoline, hand sanitizer)
Health hazard (bleach, cleaning chemicals, wood dust)
Simple asphyxiant (refrigerants)
Combustible dust (wood dust)
Pyrophoric gas, or hazard not otherwise classified
Hazardous Chemicals
Approved Chemicals, MSDS
Hazardous Chemicals
Hazardous Chemicals
Hazardous Chemicals
Hazardous Chemicals
1. Complete required safety training
2. Only use MCPS-approved products
3. Keep MSDSs at the school
4. Follow directions on labels and MSDSs – Do not use
chemicals in ways they are not intended to be used
5. Never mix chemicals!
6. Use proper procedures, equipment, PPE
7. Ask for help, give help
Online Safety Training
Required training for building services (upon hire):
Bloodborne Pathogen – Full Course
Ladder Safety
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Hazard Communication: Right to Understand
Safety Data Sheets: Globally Harmonized System (GHS)
Required training for building services (annually):
Bloodborne Pathogen – Annual Refresher
Demonstration, handout*
*Downloadable at: