SHAC Meeting September 18, 2012 Revised Minutes

SHAC Meeting
September 18, 2012
Revised Minutes
Welcome: Donna Kuhnel @ 12:16pm
Donna Kuhnel, Brian Walter, Steve Tovar, Diane Bullard, Tyler Shoesmith, Melanie Slaga, Diane Rhodes,
Cindy Tello, Maria Perez, Mickey Maxwell, Tony Rodriguez, Amy Brown, Rebecca Ramos, Leticia
Williams, Katie Mahoney, Melissa Munsell, Britt Klein, Rachel Naylor
Minutes Review:
Any Corrections? No
Motion to approve: Cindy Tello (first), Tony Rodriguez (second)
All in favor, No rejections
By- Laws
Rachel Naylor – new district coordinator
Chair – NEISD chooses for this position to be a parent- Donna Kuhnel
Vice-Chair – Brian Walter
We don’t have all the new members yet. The Board must appoint 5 new members.
October 23rd will be the kick-off meeting where you will receive your notebooks.
Committees: Please fill out the top portion of the membership form and mark at the bottom which
committee you would like to be a part of.
We will go over responsibilities in October as well as regular meeting attendance.
Change in the By-Laws:
Change director from Health Services to PE, Health and Athletics in Article 8
Motion to approve: Katherine Velasquez (first), Melanie Slaga (second)
All in favor, no rejections
SHAC Survey:
Rachel- We conducted a survey from Survey Monkey
Review (silently) – 2 minutes until 12:31pm
Discussion points:
Meeting Times- Majority came back with mid-morning
Convenient for employees during the day.
Melanie Slaga- would rather do meetings during the day when the kids are not at home and most
people have a lunch hour
Amy brown- not early morning since it is difficult with kids
We want to establish the meeting time before October so we can advertise it for new members.
Motion to approve keeping meetings at lunchtime: Melanie (first), Amy Brown (second)
All in favor, no rejections
Future Meeting Dates:
Tuesday, October 23
Tuesday, December 11
Tuesday, January 29
Tuesday, February 19
Tuesday, March 26
Tuesday, April 23
Tuesday, May 21
We would like to move the meeting to Blossom Athletic Center in the West Conference Room if
available. If the facilities are not available there, our back-up will be the Health Services building.
NEISD Departments and Presentations:
PE & Health
Health Services
School Nutrition Services
Family Support Services
Employee Benefits -/ safety
Facilities and Maintenance
Environmental Health no longer exists
Guidance Services
Family Specialists
Pupil Personnel
We will ask these departments to do a presentation at one of our meetings to learn more about what
they are responsible for.
Worksheet 2:
Three things you like best about our schools:
Quality of Staff/ People
Communication with parents
Available resources
Extracurricular opportunities
If you could change one thing…:
More student- centered discipline
Additional pathways for career readiness/ college
Disaparities between clusters
Auditorium, parental involvement, money
More non-traditional calendar schools
What worries you most about your children?:
Poor choices (health)
Lack of respect for adults/ authority
Testing Unknowns- too many different tests
Relationship & Communication Skills
Exposure to media
What can we do to help?:
Create an environment that nurtures the well-being of the child
Provide opportunities for parents to participate and collaborate
Wrapping Up:
HEB Healthy Community Challenge by HEB through October 31st
NEISD Health Fair- October 13th
Direct booth/flyer questions to Steve Tovar
Sicolvia with 5K- October 7th
Close- 1:30pm