Evaluations DRAFT/Revised 2007 PGSH page A context section presents sufficient information about the teacher’s assignment and students taught over the period of the evaluation. The report illustrates an understanding of the Performance Standards through clear, focused claims. There is adequate and matched evidence cited to support the claims. The report contains evidence from sources other than observations [participation in meetings, communication with parents or peers, samples of student work, etc.] that support specific claims. The report explicitly addresses the impact of the teacher’s skills on student achievement including analysis of student progress taken from a variety of sources both formal and informal. The conclusions drawn throughout the report are supported by the data. The report conveys a clear sense of the teacher’s professional growth during the entire evaluation period. The document considers the teacher’s self-evaluation and plans for future growth. The final rating is justified by the claims and evidence. p. 11, paragraph 3 Page 11 – list of possible sources p. 12 paragraph 1, sentence 2 p. 10 paragraph 2 p. 10 paragraph 2 Very well Emerging Not apparent