Document 15022048

: Decision Support System
: 2009
DSS Requirement Analysis
Pertemuan - 14
Sasaran Pembelajaran
•Mahasiswa dapat menyusun kembali kebutuhan
user manajemen akan system yang dapat
mendukung tugas dan pekerjaan dalam suatu
rancang bangun DSS
Bina Nusantara University
Pokok Bahasan
• General Development Phases
• Problem Analysis and Planning
• Requirement Analysis
Bina Nusantara University
DSS Development
• DSS Development
– Objectives –
• Explain the relative advantages and disadvantages of do-ityourself versus professional development.
• Describe important steps that can occur in the process of
building a decision support system.
• Differentiate among the developmental activities of analysis,
design, and implementation.
• Discuss your role as a do-it-yourself developer.
Bina Nusantara University
DSS Development
– Development ranges from recognition of need for a DSS through
use of the DSS to support decisions
– Quality of DSS depends on
• Developer skills
• Development process
• Development tool(s)
– These also affect speed and cost of develop-ment
Bina Nusantara University
DSS Development
• Measures of success
Is it used?
Extent of usage
User’s perception about convenience of usage
Ability to produce correct responses
Economic payoffs
Bina Nusantara University
DSS Development Success
• Ingredients for successful development
– Technical skills in system development
– Methodological skills in system development
• analysis (what are the requirements?)
• design (what is the blueprint?)
• implementation (following the blueprint)
– Satisfying the end user
• familiarity with problem domain
• determining end user needs
• user involvement in analysis and design
Bina Nusantara University
DSS Development Success
• Selecting an appropriate development tool(s)
– depends on developer’s technical skills
– depends on end user’s needs
• Knowledge access
– initializing the KS
– depends on appreciation of knowledge sources for the problem domain
Bina Nusantara University
DSS Developers
– Developers
• Professional
– builds systems for a living
– formally trained in computer science/business computing
• Do-It-Yourself
– is a manager and end user
– typically little formal training in computer science
• Both can succeed or fail
Bina Nusantara University
Computer Based Decision Support
– Help for do-it-yourself developers
• Information center
educate end users about possibilities and how to achieve them
provide technical assistance
promote do-it-yourself development
track technological advances
• To benefit from such services, do-it-yourself developer should
– familiar with DSS development process
– conversant in KM techniques
– acquainted with development tool(s)
Bina Nusantara University
Computer Based Decision Support
– DSS development process
• Many formal approaches to system development exist within SDLC
– used by professionals
– used for large scale systems
– require time, effort, and resources
Bina Nusantara University
Computer Based Decision Support
• Do-it-yourself development skirts SDLC formalities
– can informally consider same issues as professional
– guidelines can be organized in 5 topic areas:
» Preliminaries or planning
» analysis
» design
» implementation
» operations
Bina Nusantara University
Planning Phase
• Activities
recognizing a decision support need or opportunity
setting broad objectives and evaluation standards
planning for the development project
Proposing the solution
Bina Nusantara University
Analysis Phase
• Activities
studying the decision situations to be supported
specifying detailed requirements to be met
identifying tool candidates
Defining DSS Architecture base on technological
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Design Phase
• Design
– Dialog Management
– Model Management
– Coordination Management
• Implementation
• Operation
Bina Nusantara University
Development Plan
• Aktivitas didasarkan pada phase Planning
– Mengenali decision support yang dibutuhkan atau peluannya
• improving decision-maker productivity
• pursuing a competitive strategy
– Menetapkan broad objectives dan evaluation standards
• kinds of support to be provided
• capacity expectations
• standards for gauging success
– Menetapkan DSS System Definition sebagai solution concept
– planning untuk development project
• securing commitment of superiors
• constructing a budget
• scheduling the development activities
– Propose untuk mendapatkan users approval
• Deliverables
– DSS System Definition
– Project Proposal
Bina Nusantara University
Requirement Analysis
• Aktivitas
– Study situasi atau lingkungan pengambilan keputusan yang
akan disupport
decision maker inclinations and tastes
relevant problem recognition and solving means
relevant knowledge used in decision making
organizational context in which system will be used
– Specifikasikan secara rinci requirements yang harus dipenuhi
• functional requirements ( data dan function)
– Entity class and use cases ( OOAD)
• interface dan dialog requirements
• coordination requirements
• knowledge management techniques yang diperlukan
– Identifikasi technological tool candidates
– Definisikan DSS Architecture berdasarkan technological
Bina Nusantara University
• Deliverables ( OOAD )
– Entity Class Diagram
• Class diagram dan Class behavior
– Usage
Usecase details
functional requirements list
Decision model specification
interface and dialog requirements
coordination requirements
needed knowledge management techniques
– DSS Architecture
Bina Nusantara University
Bina Nusantara University