THE BROXBOURNE SCHOOL Achievement & Opportunity for All The aim of the school is to raise pupils' expectations and standards of achievement in a secure and supportive environment. At Broxbourne we try to engage and involve all pupils, to enable all pupils to achieve up to and beyond their potential, to care for all pupils, to support and guide all pupils and to give all pupils opportunities to participate in a broad and varied enrichment programme. We wish to provide achievement and opportunity for all. The school provides an excellent academic education within a caring and supportive environment. The school has been graded as ‘good’ by Ofsted. “Every student is spurred on to achieve their best because leaders and teachers have high expectations and aspirations for all”. “Teachers have very strong relationships with students who, as a result, are engaged and motivated to try their best”. “This creates a very positive climate for learning” (Ofsted 2013). The school has been awarded Leading Edge Status by the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust. Our aim as a school is to maintain high standards and to continue to improve further the quality of our provision. EXAMINATION RESULTS In 2015, 84% achieved 5+ A*-C and 78% of pupils achieved the all-important 5+ A*-C (including English and Maths). One in three grades were A*/A; 60% were A*/B. Sixth form students achieved record results with the average points per subject entry 231 points and the average points score per student 911. A third of all grades were A*/A and nearly two thirds were A*/B. THE LOCAL ENVIRONMENT Broxbourne is situated in Hertfordshire close to the A10 about 5 miles north of the M25. The school occupies a large attractive site in the Green Belt. The school is about a fifteen minute walk from Broxbourne Station from where there are trains to London Liverpool Street, Cambridge and Hertford. The school receives pupils from Broxbourne, Wormley, Hoddesdon and Cheshunt and the surrounding villages. PUPILS The school's planned admission number is 206. The school is held in very high regard in the community and is always considerably oversubscribed. Although the majority of our students come from four partner schools we admit students from over twenty local primary schools. 964 parents stated a preference for a Year 7 place in September 2015. There are currently 1259 pupils on roll with an A-Level Sixth Form of 231. Pupils are friendly and well-behaved and are proud of the school. In the recent inspection, Ofsted described pupils’ behaviour in their discussions as ‘impeccable’. Many visitors compliment us on the quality of relationships in the school. The atmosphere in the school is such that teachers can teach and pupils can learn. THE CURRICULUM In Years 7 and 8 pupils are arranged in eight mixed ability form groups. Each half-year group is then blocked for different subjects and classes are taught in a mixture of sets and mixed ability classes. In Year 9 pupils are placed into two broad bands of ability: an upper band of five classes and a lower band of two classes. At Key Stage 4, which begins in the summer March 2016 1 term of Year 9, the school offers pupils considerable choice. The compulsory core consists of English, Maths, MFL, Science, RE, PSHCE and PE. Pupils then choose four option subjects from a wide range which includes vocational courses. In Years 12 and 13 the school offers 24 A-levels. About 80% of sixth form students enter Higher Education each year, with most securing their first choice university. GOVERNANCE The school converted to Academy status in January 2011. This change of status has not affected our strong relationship with the Local Authority. The school has operated its own admissions policy since September 2011. In line with the school’s specialist status as a Language College, up to 10% of pupils (20) are admitted on the basis of their aptitude for languages (currently through to Year 9). After statemented pupils, Children Looked After, siblings and children of staff, others are admitted on distances measured using ‘straight line distance’. Ofsted stated “The headteacher, other school leaders, staff and governors, many of whom are long serving members of the school community, share a deep commitment and passion to strive for excellence in all aspects of the school’s work”. “Governors are very experienced and bring a great deal of expertise from a wide range of professional backgrounds”. The school is in a very strong financial position and as a result finance is available for curricular and other developments. SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM The Senior Leadership Team consists of Headteacher, two Deputy Headteachers and six Assistant Headteachers. There are opportunities for areas of responsibility to change to provide opportunities for professional development. We currently have one middle leader seconded to the senior team. STAFFING There are 90 teaching staff and 67 support staff. Teachers are well qualified and teach their subject specialism. Staff enjoy working at the school and there is an attractive balance of age and experience. We recruit excellent staff and retention is high. Ofsted stated “Teachers demonstrate high expectations for learning and they employ a number of resources and plan varied activities that cater for the full range of students’ learning needs and interests, including for the most able. They ask questions skilfully to help students develop their thoughts and ideas. As a result, learning proceeds at a quick pace”. “Teachers appreciate the many training opportunities through the school’s in-house training programme, as well as through coaching each other. Many teachers volunteer to participate in the ‘teaching and learning’ group and some are involved in a university based action research project, working together to improve the quality of teaching. As a result, teaching is increasingly outstanding”. The school provides support for NQTs and newly appointed staff and provides excellent staff development opportunities. There is an exceptional sense of team work. Our recent Investors in People report (November 2013) commented on “an extremely friendly, well-managed organisation which is founded on effective teamwork with a huge pride in the school”. The reason the school is so successful is that accountability operates within an atmosphere of openness and trust throughout so that all feel they can contribute and support each other. PASTORAL SUPPORT & GUIDANCE Most teachers are form tutors. There are five Heads of Year and a Director of Sixth Form. The school places great emphasis on good behaviour, the encouragement of self- discipline and upon uniform and appearance. Parents are in general supportive. March 2016 2 FACILITIES The school is the result of an amalgamation, over forty years ago, of two adjacent schools. There are therefore two halls, two gymnasia, two dining halls etc. Specialist facilities include nine science laboratories, an excellent library, six art rooms, business studies accommodation, ten ICT rooms and a Performing Arts Block containing a drama studio, dance studio, music recital room, large music classroom with four music practice rooms. Eight laboratories have been completely refurbished. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES The school offers pupils a wide range of clubs and activities both at lunchtime and after school. There are strong programmes in sport, drama and music. The quality of performance and music is very high. The sporting programme is exceptionally strong with school teams achieving success at both county and national level. Our girls, for example, have won the National Netball Championships at Under 14, 16 and 19 level. Pupils engage in community service. The school has very high numbers of pupils participating in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze and Gold Award. The House system involves pupils in a large number of sporting and cultural competitions. Staff organise many visits during term-time to places of interest in this country and abroad including annual French and Italian study visits, German exchanges and ski and water sports holidays. Sporting teams tour Canada and the West Indies. RECOGNITION AND AWARDS The school has ArtsMark Gold, Investors in People status, the NACE Challenge Award for Gifted and Talented Pupils, Healthy Schools status, a British Council International School Award and the Hertfordshire Anti-Bullying Accreditation Award. In a recent three day inspection of our Financial Monitoring and Governance arrangement, we were found to be ‘outstanding’ in all aspects. We do not merely wish to achieve these awards but to be seen by assessors as exemplary in our practice. THE BUSINESS STUDIES DEPARTMENT The Staff, Accommodation and Resources The Business Studies Department consists of five teachers including a Head of Business Studies and a Second in Business Studies. All members of the department are specialist Business Studies and Economics teachers and teach the full ability range. The department has a teaching room for each member of staff. There are 3 fully networked computer suites and a departmental office. Each classroom is equipped with ‘interactive’ whiteboards. The department is extremely well resourced with a range of textbooks, lesson plans, and worksheets and subscribes to Business Review and Economics Review. Curriculum Provision Key Stage 4 Pupils follow the GCSE Business Studies (WJEC) course, which is taught for five, one hour lessons per fortnight. Business Studies is a popular option subject and there are currently 3 classes in both Year 10 and 11. Controlled assessment is undertaken in the summer term of Year 10 and autumn term of Year 11. The value added measures have been consistently good. In 2015 87% of students gained grades A*-C. BTEC Business First Award (Edexcel) is taught over 5 one hour lessons per fortnight. There are currently 2 classes in both Year 10 and 11. The results for 2015 were 100% pass rate. March 2016 3 GCSE and BTEC Business is delivered from the summer term of Year 9. Key Stage 5 At Key Stage 5 AS Business is also a popular subject. A-Level Business Studies (AQA) is taught over 8/9 hours per fortnight. Applied Business (AQA) is taught over 16/18 hours per fortnight in Years 13 and from 2016 will be replaced by a BTEC Higher programme for Year 12. Single Applied Business is taught over 8/9 lessons. Economics (Edexcel) is taught over 8/9 lessons. Positive value added outcomes have been achieved over both one and three year rolling timescales. Students frequently choose to study Business or a related Business studies course at university. Extra Curricular Each year the department takes Year 12 and 13 business and economics students on a foreign business/industrial tour to Barcelona where students have the opportunity to visit various organisations such as Torres Vineyard, La Bolsa Stock Exchange and Seat Car Plant or Brussels where visits include the Stella Artois Brewery, The Duval Chocolate Factory and the Coca-Cola factory. This year students will go to Belgium. At Key Stage 4, all business students visit Woburn Safari Park as part of the controlled assessment. All gifted and talented business students visit Chelsea Football Stadium. The provision for enrichment within school include a Pro-share Competition where our students regularly go through to the regional finals and “Business Lunch” where we invite guest speakers into school on a fortnightly basis to speak to business students over a buffet lunch. Speakers this academic year have included the Business Editor of the Sunday Times, the President of the National Union of Farmers, the Community and Affairs Director of Tesco plc, the CEO of Teens Unite and many local entrepreneurs. Business and Economics students also participate in the National Competitions ‘Dragons’ Apprentice Challenge’ and this year were the overall winners. Business, Enterprise and PSHCE The department is involved in the design and delivery of a whole school Enterprise curriculum and PSHCE programme at both Key Stage 3 and 4. This has included “Marketing Challenge”, Learning about Personal Finance, Money Management and Team working. Each year during Enterprise Week Year 10 students develop and run their own businesses with all proceeds going to charity. The department regularly holds workshops for link schools. Induction and Support The school is very conscious of its duty to offer effective induction and support to new and experienced teachers. The school and the local authority also provide a full programme of induction courses. Letter of Application In their letter of application, which should not exceed two sides of A4, candidates should, amongst other points, describe their approach to the teaching of Business Studies. March 2016 4