October 4, 2013

Graduate Council meeting 10/4/13
Attendance; L. Underhill, C. De Filippo, A. Crassidis, T. Trabold. A, Savakis, J. Venkataraman, H. Flores, J.
Hornak, HP Bischof, J. Perkins, J. McCluskey, D. Jacobs, M. Schweppe
Topic of discussion; A Strategic Plan for Graduate Education at RIT
Presenters: H. Flores, A, Crassidis.
The goal is to gain graduate Council’s approval to allow the Graduate Strategic Plan to be
incorporated in RIT’s Strategic Plan this fall.
If plan adopted next step is an implementation committee to determine how to implement the
Concern expressed that Graduate Program Directors cannot control some of the requirements
of the plan, example, branding, quality. If council agrees with plan does this mean we will be
held accountable to carry out action items beyond our control and resources?
Suggestion to include in the plan that the action items in the plan should be funded by
Concern expressed that part of the strategic directive from the Provost to the development
committee is to develop a plan to make all graduate education revenue neutral. This is felt to
be beyond the scope of the graduate council/ directors as the University controls finance.
Suggestions made to the committee to modify language from “will” to “should strive for” in the
action items and incorporate into statements of striving for budget neutrality the fact that the
Provost requested this be included in the plan.
Endorsement: Based on the conversations held over the last two and one half meetings and with the
suggestions made by the Graduate Council to the strategic planning committee the Graduate Council
endorsed the strategic plan as stated in the motion;
The Graduate Council endorses The Strategic Plan for Graduate Education at RIT with the
understanding the University must provide necessary resources to implement the plan and its
The motion was made, voted upon and carried by the majority of members of the Graduate Council on