Easter Seals Iowa Individual Program Plan (IPP) Name: Program: Date started: Where services take place: My goal/outcome: My obstacle to achieving my goal: What I am going to do to reach my goal: When I expect to reach my goal. Day I reach my Goal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Methods (How I am going to track my progress): Person(s) Responsible: I understand my goals and what I am responsible for.________________________ Participant Signature ______________________________Legal Guardian __________________________________________________________________ Implementer Date applicable __________________________________________________________________ Implementer Date applicable Revisions to individual program plan: _____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ESC – 1165, 10/97, 3/99 Revised 4/01 Date: ______________ Program Participant: _____________________________ Legal Guardian: _____________________ Implementer: _________________ Participant input at halfway point (vocational and SCL): _____________________ ______________________________________________________________________ This plan helped me to reach the outcome I expected: YES NO _______________________________________________ Participant Signature Facilitator’s Notes Anyone entering an Easter Seal program must have goals written within their first 30 days in the program. IPPs should actively involved the person served, should be realistic, and contain attainable goals. IPPs should be specific, and be taken from the intake recommendations when applicable. “What you are doing to reach your goal,” must relate directly to the goal. “Obstacles” are things that prevent the participant from reaching their goals. Each IPP can have one revision and then must be rewritten. It will not be considered a revision, if the implementor changes. Progress notes should be made at least monthly; they need to include a summary of the participant’s progress or lack of progress, and relate to the goal. At the half way point of the IPP, the participant will be asked whether or not the plan is helping meet his or her goals. If it is not, a new goals needs to be written. This will be documented on the back of the IPP sheet. This will be in addition to the monthly progress notes.(vocational and scl only) Any time an IPP is closed out, the participant should circle whether or not the plan helped them reach their goal, and sign. It will be considered a revision, if goals are extended. It must clearly state this in the revision section on the back. On the front of the IPP, put one line through the old date and write new date above it and initial. Do not write anything else on the front. If client is receiving Adult Rehab Option Services, the goals have to be rehabilitative in nature. Goals should be reflective of CCSP goals. Goals should support the Essential Lifestyle Plan when appropriate. ESC – 1165, 10/97, 3/99 Revised 4/01 Travel Time: __________ On-Site Time: __________ Iowa Rural Solutions INITIAL ASSESSMENT/INTERVIEW The initial assessment/interview needs be typed within three weeks of the date the assessment was performed. The hand written copy should initially be kept in the file until the typed version can replace the hand-written version. DATE: CONSUMER’S NAME: CONSUMER’S ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: DIRECTIONS: SPOUSE’S NAME: DISABILITY: DATE OF DISABILITY: DATE OF BIRTH: MEDICAL: Doctor’s name, PT’s name, Homehealth Aid name (list the name of any medical professional working with the consumer) The stage the consumer is in with the rehabilitation process The consumer’s prognosis Cause of disability Physical limitations Physical abilities Current contact with medical professionals Do they have and if so what kind of insurance do they have List any durable medical equipment they are currently using List any durable medical equipment they are in need of or are in the process of obtaining ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING: All areas of the Independent Living Assessment ADL needs/goals Current ADL modifications utilizing What is the layout of their house, is it accessible? If needed, who assists with ADL’s? ESC – 1165, 10/97, 3/99 Revised 4/01 SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL Did they agree to be matched with a peer support person? Did they freely talk about the adjustment process to a disability? Do they belong to a support group? Do they belong to a church or a civic organization? What is the familial arrangement? What other organizations is the consumer working with? What type of support system do they have? EDUCATIONAL/VOCATIONAL Are they currently employed, if so in what area (off-farm and on-farm employment)? What is their past work history? What vocational interests do they have? Are they planning to change careers? If they have been unable to work, do they plan to return to the same job? What, if any job tasks would they have difficulties performing? Are they receiving SSDI, SSI, Worker’s Comp, or have they applied? SUMMARY CONCLUSIONS A paragraph or two summarizing the information above. GOALS Goal #1 (time frame expected to accomplish goal) Objective(s) needed to reach Goal #1 Goal #2 (time frame expected to accomplish goal) Objective(s) needed to reach Goal #2 STAFF PERSON Staff person’s name should be typed and signed by staff. (All Initial Assessment/Interviews needs to be signed-off by the Program Director.) ESC – 1165, 10/97, 3/99 Revised 4/01 Easter Seals FaRM Program Referral Form Client status: New On-going Re-opened case Date of Referral: _______ Referral Form Completed By: __________________ Staff Person Assigned to New Referral:_______________Staff Code: ________ Client’s Name: ______________Client ID #_____ Social Security # __________ Address: ______________________City_________ Zip _____ County _______ Telephone: ____________(h) _____________ (w) E-mail Address ___________ Gender: M F Date of Birth: _____ Age: ___ Spouse/Parent’sName: ____________________ Directions to Home: ________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Spouse/Parent’s Address (if different from above) Address: ______________________City_________ Zip _____County _______ Telephone:____________ (h) _____________ (w) E-mail Address ___________ Referral Source’s Name:_______________Telephone Number: ___________ Organization: ______________________________ E-mail Address __________ Address: ______________________City_________ State _____ Zip ________ How did Client or Contact hear about AgrAbility? (Check ALL that apply) Former/current AgrAbility Ag professional Media: Client Health prof. TV Non Profit AgrAbility staff VR professional Radio Extension staff (AgrAbility) General public Newspaper Extension staff (non AgrAbility) Other ______ Magazine Family member Other ______ Other individual w/disability Total number of people in household: __________ ESC – 1165, 10/97, 3/99 Revised 4/01 Who are the stakeholders involved in this situation? (Check ALL that apply) Spouse/partner Parents Other relatives Neighbors Children Other Business partners/shareholders Siblings __________ Type of Agricultural Operation: (check those that apply) Number of Years in Operation: ____________ Agri Business Aquaculture Cotton Dairy Field/Grain Crops Forestry Fruit/fruit nut Orchard crops Livestock Poultry Nursery Vegetable Hay Other animal Specialized crops (e.g. mushrooms, flowers) Other ___________________________________________________________ Who is the client? (Check ONE) Owner/Operator Spouse/partner Dependent adult Child (< 18 years) Work status at time of referral. None Full time No longer actively farming/ranching Employee Migrant Seasonal worker Current work role on farm (Check ONE) Part time (regular basis) Occasional (irregular basis, several times a year) Origin and Date of Disability: Agriculture-related Non Agriculture Related Auto/truck accident Date ________ Auto accident Date _________ Chemicals/pesticides Date ________ Fall(s) Date _________ Farm machinery Date ________ Recreational Date _________ Fall(s) Date ________ Other ______ Date _________ Livestock/animals Date ________ Other Date ________ ESC – 1165, 10/97, 3/99 Revised 4/01 Type of Disability at time of referral (Check ALL that apply) Category Injury/Amputation Neuromuscular Diseases Neurological Condition/Disorder Specific Disability Type Amputation (Upper Extremity) Above elbow Below elbow Hand Finger Thumb Amputation (Lower Extremity) Leg – Above knee Leg – Below knee Foot Toe Replant (specify) _________ Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Friedreich’s ataxia Guillain-Barre syndrome Huntington’s disease Muscular dystrophy Myasthenia gravis Other Disease Sensory Impairments Other Back injury Joint injury (shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip) Orthopedic injury (other) Spinal cord injuryparaplegic Spinal cord injury quadriplegic Traumatic brain injury Other ____________ Parkinson’s disease Poliomyelitis Spinal muscular atrophy Spinocerebellar degeneration Other____________ Cerebral vascular accident (stroke) Cerebral palsy Epilepsy Multiple sclerosis Peripheral neuropathies Other____________ Blood related disease (hemophilia, sickle cell anemia, leukemia) Cancer Cardiovascular disease Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Respiratory impairment) Chronic fatigue syndrome Fibromyalgia Kidney disease Arthritis /Rheumatic diseases Other____________ Deafblind Hearing impairment Visual impairment Other____________ Chemical dependency Chemical sensitivity Diabetes/metabolic disorder Mental illness Mental retardation Other____________ ESC – 1165, 10/97, 3/99 Revised 4/01