Matakuliah : I0134/Metode Statistika Tahun : 2007 Pendugaan Parameter Beda Nilai Tengah Pertemuan 16 Estimating the Difference between Two Means •Sometimes we are interested in comparing the means of two populations. •The average growth of plants fed using two different nutrients. •The average scores for students taught with two different teaching methods. •To make this comparison, A random sample of size n1 drawn from population 1 with mean μ1 and variance 12 . A random sample of size n2 drawn from population 2 with mean μ2 and variance 22 . Bina Nusantara Estimating the Difference between Two Means •We compare the two averages by making inferences about m1m2, the difference in the two population averages. •If the two population averages are the same, then m1-m2 = 0. •The best estimate of m1-m2 is the difference in the two sample means, x1 x2 Bina Nusantara The Sampling Distribution of x1 x2 1. The mean of x1 x2 is m1 m 2 , the difference in the population means. 2. The standard deviation of x1 x2 is SE 12 n1 22 n2 . 3. If the sample sizes are large, the sampling distributi on of x1 x2 is approximat ely normal, and SE can be estimated as SE Bina Nusantara s12 s22 . n1 n2 Estimating m1-m2 •For large samples, point estimates and their margin of error as well as confidence intervals are based on the standard normal (z) distribution. Point estimate for m1 - m 2 : x1 x2 s12 s22 Margin of Error : 1.96 n1 n2 Confidence interval for m1 - m 2 : ( x1 x2 ) z / 2 Bina Nusantara s12 s22 n1 n2 Example Avg Daily Intakes Men Women Sample size 50 50 Sample mean 756 762 Sample Std Dev 35 30 • Compare the average daily intake of dairy products of men and women using a 95% confidence interval. s12 s22 ( x1 x2 ) 1.96 n1 n2 35 30 (756 762) 1.96 50 50 or -18.78 m1 m2 6.78. Bina Nusantara 6 12.78 Example, continued -18.78 m1 m2 6.78 • Could you conclude, based on this confidence interval, that there is a difference in the average daily intake of dairy products for men and women? • The confidence interval contains the value m1-m2= 0. Therefore, it is possible that m1 = m2. You would not want to conclude that there is a difference in average daily intake of dairy products for men and women. Bina Nusantara