Graduate Program Information.doc

Graduate Program Information
Requirements for the M.A. in Theatre
30 credits including THC 702, 751, 752, 790 and 799
The remaining credits may be taken as electives from the course offerings.
Graduate Comprehensive Examination
Exam consists of 3 hours covering general knowledge in theatre history, theory,
criticism and production. The comprehensive examination is to be taken in the final
semester of coursework, or the semester following the completion of coursework. You
should not take the comprehensive examination until you have completed at least 21
credits and all required courses. The student is to notify the Graduate Advisor, in
writing, of the intention to take the exam two weeks prior to the examination date. The
comprehensive exam may be repeated if failed, but taken no more than three times.
The comprehensive examination is given the second Saturday in November, and the
second Saturday in April (the college calendar permitting).
Master’s Essay
Students who enter the MA Program in Theatre during and after the Fall 2009
semester will no longer be required to complete a Master’s thesis. The thesis is now
an honors option subject to the permission and approval of the Graduate faculty.
Students not completing a master’s thesis will be required to take a 3-credit elective
course in place of THC 799—Master’s Essay to complete the 30 required credits.
A Master’s Essay of about 50 pages must be completed, approved, and
supervised by two appropriate members of the faculty. The essay is to be written in
conjunctions with THC 799. Advanced students in playwriting may request special
permission to submit a full-length play and introductory essay in lieu of a Master’s
Essay. During the last semester of coursework, or shortly thereafter, a Master’s Essay
Proposal must be submitted to the Graduate Faculty Committee for approval. It is
suggested that the student work closely with a member of the faculty on the proposal.
A member of the faculty must initial the final proposal before eight copies are
submitted to the committee. The committee meets twice a semester, usually in early
October, late November, early March, and late April. The faculty reserves the right to
request that the comprehensive exam be taken prior to submitting the Master’s Essay
Guidelines for preparing the Master’s Essay Proposal are available to download
from the Department of Theatre website (Graduate Program).
Eligibility for Exams and Advisement
You may not take examinations or receive advisement if you are not a
registered student, and the college requires that students be registered the semester
they receive their degrees. You may wait to register for THC 799 until you are sure to
complete the Master’s Essay, or you may take a one credit Independent Study to
maintain matriculation while you work to complete your requirements.
You are expected to meet with the Graduate Advisor each semester. Please
alert the Graduate Advisor of the intention to drop a course. Advising hours will be
Additional Information:
There is a Graduate Student and Faculty Party held at least once every
semester. The faculty recognizes how difficult it is to maintain personal contacts with
our busy students; therefore, we urge all students to attend social events. This is an
occasion to get to know your classmates and professors, to share news, raise
concerns, celebrate awards, and discuss the program’s needs.
The Graduate Theatre Club is another opportunity to network and have
contact with peers. Funded through your student activity fee, this organization can
provide funds to hire speakers and to support creative projects.
There are several Graduate Assistantships. Once a student has proven his
or her academic ability, she or he can request the opportunity to serve as a Graduate
Teaching Assistant for the Introduction to Theatre class. We also have a Graduate
Assistant to help with the administration of the graduate program.
The Graduate Bulletin Board is outside the Seminar Room on the fifth floor.
Please consult the board for exam and party dates, job openings, and other news of
interest. You may pin personal notes to graduate students on that board.
Participation in Productions. Graduate students are invited to audition for the
departmental productions. Consult the departmental bulletin board for times and
Hunter Playwrights presents reading and staging of student plays every
academic year. Please consult the Graduate Bulletin Board for dates. Your support of
our playwriting students at these events if much appreciated.
Tuition assistance is available on the basis of need. Information is available
from the Dean’s Office of from financial services.
Awards. Incentive awards of various amounts are awarded to promising
playwriting students annually. These awards include the John Golden Award for
excellence in playwriting; the John Golden Incentive Award for promising new works;
and the Irv Zarkower Award for excellence in playwriting. The Roberts Graduate
Fellowship is presented each fall to the incoming student with the best academic