QCP for stripe order : An organizing principle of cuprates Louis Taillefer University of Sherbrooke Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Doiron-Leyraud & Taillefer, arXiv:1204.0490 Taillefer, Annual Review of CMP 1, 51 (2010) arXiv:1003.2972 Collaborators Measurements Samples Sherbrooke N. Doiron-Leyraud J. Chang, R. Daou, E. Hassinger, F. Tafti O. Cyr-Choinière, S. Dufour-Beauséjour, G. Grissonnanche, F. Laliberté, D. LeBoeuf, S. René de Cotret Grenoble K. Behnia, L. Malone, I. Sheikin Toulouse C. Proust, B. Vignolle Tallahassee L. Balicas, J. Y. Jo, J.-H. Park YBCO UBC D. Bonn, W. Hardy, R. Liang, B. Ramshaw Eu-LSCO Tokyo S. Pyon, H. Takagi, T. Takayama, Y. Tanaka Nd-LSCO Texas J.-G. Cheng, J. B. Goodenough, J.-Q. Yan, J.-S. Zhou Hg-1201 Minneapolis N. Barisic, M. Greven Cuprate superconductors Questions • Pairing ? • Tc dome ? • Linear-T resistivity ? • Quantum critical point ? • Pseudogap phase ? Taillefer, Annual Review of CMP 1, 51 (2010) – arXiv:1003.2972 Organizing principle Quantum critical point for SDW order Features • Quantum critical point (QCP) • Spin-density-wave (SDW) order • Fermi-surface reconstruction (FSR) • Linear-T resistivity (A) • Superconductivity – Tc dome • A ~ Tc Doiron-Leyraud & Taillefer, arXiv:1204.0490 The Archetype (TMTSF)2PF6 Organic superconductor Doiron-Leyraud et al., PRB 80, 214531 (2009) Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. 2010.1:51-7 by UNIVERSITE DE SHERBROOK Resistivity in cuprates, organics, and pnic endsat thecritical pressurePc. (b) Temperature-dopingphasediagramof theiron-pnictidesupercondu tor Ba(Fe1–xCox)2As2, as a function of nominal Co concentration x, showing a metallic SDW phas below TSDW and superconductivity below a Tc that ends at the critical doping xc (33). In both panel thevertical dashed line separates a regime in which the resistivity r (T) grows as T2 (on 2 6 the right-han 2 side) fromaregimeinwhichit growsasT þ T (ontheleft-hand side). FigureadaptedfromReference31 The Archetype (TMTSF) PF Nd-LSCO ∆ρ(µΩ cm) 100 p = 0.20 11.8 kbar T p = 0.24 T2 p = 0.33 10 100 0.1 0.1 T (K) Figure6 100 10 1 1 QCP for SDW order 8.4 kbar 10 10 1 Ba(Fe1 – xCox (TMTSF)2PF6 Questions x = 0.05 x= 0 T 1 T T2 20.8 kbar T2 1 10 0.1 10 T (K) Answers • Temperature-dependent part of the in-plane normal-state resistivity of materials in three families of Louis Taillefer, Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 1, 51 (2010) (T) –r (QCP) ter werechosen: below, 0 versusTonalog-logscale. Threevaluesof therelevant Quantum criticalrpoint • tuningparame AF spin fluctuations • Pairing ? quantum critical points(QCPs). (Left panel) Data on hole-doped cupratesLa1.6–xNd0.4SrxCuO4 (NdSpin-density-wave (SDW) order • aholedopingp Phase competition • 4 (LS Tc CO) dome ? 0.24 (21) andLa at p¼0.33(17). TheQCPat 0.24markstheen 2–xSrxCuO in Nd-LSCO (21, 28). Figure adapted from Reference36. (Middle pane l) Data on the organic Bechg Fermi-surface reconstruction (FSR) • SF + Pairing correlations • Linear-T resistivity ? QCPat aBoston, pressureP kbar markstheend of thespin-density-wave(SDW) phase. Figureadapte March 10 1, 2012 Linear-T resistivity (A) • aCo SDW order • Quantum ? pane l) Dataon thepnictideBa(Fe As2 (33).point TheQCPat conce ntration x 0.10 marksth 1–xCox)2critical • Tc dome • • • • A ~ Tc • Pseudogap phase ? www.annualreviews.org Scattering and Pairing in CuprateSuperconducto QCP principle : examples Organic superconductors (TMTSF)2X X = PF6 , ClO4 Electron-doped cuprates PCCO & LCCO Iron-based superconductors Co-BaFe2As2 & P-BaFe2As2 Hole-doped cuprate Nd-LSCO Electron-doped cuprates PCCO & LCCO Hall QCP for SDW order • Quantum critical point (QCP) • Spin-density-wave (SDW) order • Fermi-surface reconstruction (FSR) • Linear-T resistivity (A) • Tc dome • A ~ Tc Dagan et al., PRL 2004 Jin et al., Nature 2011 pressurePc. (b) Temperature-dopingphasediagramof theiron-pnictidesuperconducAs2, as a function of nominal Co concentration x, showing a metallic SDW phase uperconductivity below a Tc that ends at the critical doping xc (33). In both panels, d line separates a regime in which theresistivity r (T) grows as T2 (on the right-hand einwhichit growsasT þ T2 (ontheleft-handside). FigureadaptedfromReference31. Iron-based superconductors Nd-LSCO Ba(Fe1 – xCox)2As2 (TMTSF)2PF6 p = 0.20 8.4 kbar 10 100 11.8 kbar 10 1 T p = 0.24 T2 10 p = 0.33 100 0.1 0.1 T (K) x = 0.05 T x = 0.10 1 T T2 20.8 kbar T2 BaFe2As2 1 T (K) 10 0.1 x = 0.30 10 100 T (K) QCP for SDW order • part Quantum critical point (QCP) ndent of the in-plane normal-s tate resistivity of materials in three families of superconductors, plotted as ouis Taillefer, Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 1, 51 (2010) onalog-logs cale. Threevalue sof there levant tuningparameter werechosen: below, at, andabovetheir respective • Spin-density-wave (SDW) order oints(QCPs). (Left panel) Data on hole-doped cupratesLa1.6–xNd0.4SrxCuO4 (Nd-LSCO) at p ¼0.20 and p ¼ • Fermi-surface reconstruction (FSR) 0.24markstheendof thestripe-orderedphase xSrxCuO4 (LSCO) at p¼0.33(17). TheQCPat aholedopingp 28).• Figure adapte d from Re ference36. (Middle panel) Data on the organic Bechgaard salt (TMTSF)2PF6. The Linear-T resistivity (A) P • 10 kbar March 1, Tc2012 domemarkstheend of thespin-density-wave(SDW) phase. Figureadapted from Reference31. (Right epnictideBa(Fe1–xCox)2As2 (33). TheQCPat aCo concentration x 0.10 markstheend of theSDW phase. • A ~ Tc www.annualreviews.org Doiron-Leyraud et al., PRB 80, 214531 (2009) Scattering and Pairing in CuprateSuperconductors 57 ndIron-based spin fluctuations superconductorsin P-Ba122 BaFe2As2 105, 107003 (2010) P-doped BaFe2As2 PHY SI CA L REV I EW L ET TERS 3 SEPTEMBER 2010 week ending Curie-Weiss law a a 1 b ( s ) 1 a ( s K ) on doping. Large changes in FS sevia charge-carrier we k ending ERS 3 S EP TEMBER 2010 g thus necessarily involve dramatic modifica tion in ðEFÞand Fermi-surface nesting resulting in changes n fluctuations. In a ddition to possible cha nges in Tc 2 0 0 .2 o the modification of spin excitation spectrum [6], c changes in NðEFÞcan also affect severely Tc [25], 1 0may lead hesuggested giant 0 m agnetoelastic coupling .1 her suppressions of Tc [26]. Therefore, thedecrease ðEFÞas well as the suppression of spin fluctuations 0 .0 0 0 .2 0 .4 0 .6 d betaken into account for theinte rpre tation of posP c o n c e n tr a tio n x change sinfor Tc for electron-dope QCP SDW order d BaðFe1 yCoyÞ2As2. ntrast, the nearly unperturbed Kspin by isovalent P • mons Quantum critical point g de trates tha t BaFe 2ðAs1(QCP) xPxÞ 2 is an ideal sys to test the relevance of spin fluctuations to •tem Spin-density-wave (SDW) order conductivity. • ntFermi-surface nifica low-energy AFreconstruction fluctuations are(FSR) probed near 1 1 maxim Tc viaresistivity T1 . ðT1TÞ • um Linear-T (A) is described by the vector averageof theimaginary part ofPthedynamiTc dome 00 usce•ptibility ðq;! 0Þ, i.e., ðT1TÞ 1 / qjAðqÞj 2 •=! 0A whe ~ Tcre AðqÞrepresents the hyperfine cou! 0Þ between 31Pnucle ar spinsand thesurrounding elecine). The 31P nuclear spin-lattice relaxation A F S C b T S q T N A F S C Nakai et al., PRB 2010 T C 50 Iron-based superconductors BaFe2As2 0 2 4 6 8 Tc 10 Cobalt doping x ( % ) 0.8 TN Pseudogap phase • Onset above TN • Nematic character FSR • Upturn in Co-Ba122 • Downturn in K-Ba122 QCP for SDW order • Quantum critical point (QCP) • Spin-density-wave (SDW) order • Fermi-surface reconstruction (FSR) • Linear-T resistivity (A) • Tc dome • A ~ Tc r ( mW cm ) 0.6 T* rb ra 0.4 0.2 0.0 x = 4.5 % x = 8.5 % rb 0 100 200 T(K) Chu et al., Science 2010 300 Iron-based superconductors Pseudogap phase • Onset above TN • Nematic character FSR • Upturn in Co-Ba122 • Downturn in K-Ba122 QCP for SDW order • Quantum critical point (QCP) • Spin-density-wave (SDW) order • Fermi-surface reconstruction (FSR) • Linear-T resistivity (A) • Tc dome • A ~ Tc BaFe2As2 Iron-based superconductors QCP principle QCP for spin-stripe order • Quantum critical point • Stripe order • Fermi-surface reconstruction • Linear-T resistivity • Tc dome • A ~ Tc + Precursor nematic regime T* T(K) 200 Hole-doped cuprate TN Nd-LSCO 100 TCO 0.1 Eu /Nd -LSCO YBCO 200 TN 0.20 T* Tc 0 0.0 300 300 Nd-LSCO 200 200 TCO 100 0.24 T* TH TT((KK)) r ( mW cm ) NQR X-rays T* Pseudogap Pseudogap Nernst Nernst Resistivity Resistivity CDW order CDW order NQR NMR X-rays TCO TSDW T CO 0 0 50 100 150 0 0 0.0 0.0 300 Eu /Nd -LSCO 0.2 0.0 Quantum critical point • Stripe order • Fermi-surface reconstruction • Linear-T resistivity • Tc dome • A ~ Tc -0.2 200 0.16 T(K) • Pseudogap phase •-0.4 Onset above0.20 TCO 0.24 0 50 100 150 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 Resistivity CDW order NMR TH SDW order Neutrons mSR 100 Tn -0.6 Tc Tc Hole doping, pPseudogap Nernst T* TN 2 n / T ( nV / K T ) QCP for stripe order 0.1 0.1 YBCO 0.125 0.3 SDW order Neutrons mSR TN 100 100 0.2 TSDW T CO Tc 200 T(K) 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 Hole doping, p Daou et al., Nature Physics 2009 0.3 mperature-pressure phase diagram of (TMTSF)2PF6, showing a spin-density-wave (SDW) phase TSDW (orange dots) and superconductivity (SC) below Tc (blue dots) (24, 31). The latter phase thecritical pressurePc. (b) Temperature-dopingphasediagramof theiron-pnictidesuperconducFe1–xCox)2As2, as a function of nominal Co concentration x, showing a metallic SDW phase TSDW and superconductivity below a Tc that ends at the critical doping xc (33). In both panels, ical dashed line separates a regime in which theresistivity r (T) grows as T2 (on the right-hand omaregimeinwhichit growsasT þ T2 (ontheleft-handside). FigureadaptedfromReference31. Resistivity in cuprates, organics, and pnictides QCP principle CUPRATE ORGANIC Nd-LSCO ∆ρ(µΩ cm) 100 p = 0.20 8.4 kbar 10 100 11.8 kbar 10 1 T 1 Ba(Fe1 – xCox)2As2 (TMTSF)2PF6 10 1 PNICTIDE p = 0.24 T2 10 T (K) p = 0.33 100 0.1 0.1 x = 0.05 T x = 0.10 1 T T2 20.8 kbar T2 1 T (K) 10 0.1 x = 0.30 10 100 T (K) 6 ature-dependent part of the in-plane normal-state resistivity of materials in three families of superconductors, plotte Louis Taillefer, Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 1, 51 (2010) 0 versusTonalog-logscale. Threevaluesof therelevant tuningparameter werechosen: below, at, andabovetheir respec m critical points(QCPs). (Left panel) Data on hole-doped cupratesLa1.6–xNd0.4SrxCuO4 (Nd-LSCO) at p ¼0.20 and 1) andLa2–xSrxCuO4 (LSCO) at p¼0.33(17). TheQCPat aholedopingp 0.24markstheendof thestripe-orderedph LSCO (21, 28). Figure adapted from Reference36. (Middle panel) Data on the organic Bechgaard salt (TMTSF)2PF6. Taillefer,nd Annual Review of ns CMP 1, 51 (2010) –phas arXiv:1003.2972 aBoston, pressureP 10 kbar marksthee of thes pin-de ity-wave(S DW) e. Figureadapted from Reference31. (R March 1, 2012 Dataon thepnictideBa(Fe1–xCox)2As2 (33). TheQCPat aCo concentration x 0.10 markstheend of theSDW phase. Hole-doped cuprates Pnictides QCP principle QCP for spin-stripe order • Quantum critical point • Spin-stripe order • Fermi-surface reconstruction • Precursor nematic regime • Linear-T resistivity • A ~ Tc • Tc dome Hole-doped cuprates QCP principle QCP for stripe order • Quantum critical point • Stripe order • Fermi-surface reconstruction • Precursor nematic regime • Linear-T resistivity • A ~ Tc • Tc dome Hole-doped cuprates Quantum oscillations QCP & FSR Hall & Seebeck coefficients Toulouse Toulouse Tallahassee Grenoble Doiron-Leyraud et al., Nature 2007 • UD: small electron pocket LeBoeuf et al., Nature 2007 Laliberté et al., Nature Comm. 2011 Hole-doped cuprates QCP & FSR Hall & Seebeck coefficients Toulouse Tallahassee • UD: small electron pocket • OD: large hole pocket • QCP in between LeBoeuf et al., Nature 2007 Grenoble Laliberté et al., Nature Comm. 2011 Hole-doped cuprates QCP principle QCP for stripe order • Quantum critical point • Stripe order • Fermi-surface reconstruction • Precursor nematic regime • Linear-T resistivity • A ~ Tc • Tc dome Hole-doped cuprates Stripe order YBCO Seebeck coefficient Eu-LSCO YBCO p = 0.125 TCO 0.4 -0.5 -2 S / T ( mV K ) -2 0.8 0.0 p = 0.12 TCO 0.2 0.0 0.0 -0.3 -0.2 0.0 -1.0 Eu-LSCO -0.6 p = 0.11 1.2 0.4 -0.5 0.3 -2 -2 TCO p = 0.11 TCO 0.2 0.0 0.1 -0.5 NMR splitting X-ray intensity 0.8 0.0 0.5 S / T ( mV K ) 0.5 S / T ( mV K ) NMR asymmetry X-ray intensity S / T ( mV K ) 0.3 1.2 0.5 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0 50 100 150 T(K) -1.0 0 50 100 150 T(K) X-ray: Fink et al., PRB 2011 NMR: Wu et al., Nature 2011 Stripe order is universal in hole-doped cuprates Doiron-Leyraud & Taillefer, arXiv:1204.0490 Laliberté et al., Nature Comm. 2, 432 (2011) Hole-doped cuprates QCP principle QCP for stripe order • Quantum critical point • Stripe order • Fermi-surface reconstruction • Precursor nematic regime • Linear-T resistivity • A ~ Tc • Tc dome Hole-doped cuprates Pseudogap phase T* from resistivity 300 Pseudogap Nernst Resistivity Eu /Nd -LSCO CDW order NQR X-rays T* T(K) 200 TN 100 TCO Tc 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 300 YBCO T* TN T(K) 200 Pseudogap Nernst Resistivity CDW order NMR TH SDW order Neutrons mSR 100 0 0.0 TSDW T CO 0.1 Tc 0.2 0.3 Hole doping, p Doiron-Leyraud & Taillefer, arXiv:1204.0490 T(K Hole-doped cuprates TN Pseudogap phase 100 TCO Tc 0 0.0 Nernst coefficient 0.1 0.2 0.3 300 YBCO 0.1 (n a - n b) / T ( nV / K T ) 2 TH 3 RH ( mm / C ) T* 0 0.0 200 -4 -0.1 0 50 100 150 200 250 T(K) CDW order NMR TH SDW order Neutrons mSR 100 2 -2 T* TN T(K) 4 YBCO p = 0.12 Pseudogap Nernst Resistivity 0 0.0 TSDW T CO 0.1 Tc 0.2 0.3 Hole doping, p Pseudogap phase = Nematic regime Daou et al., Nature 463, 519 (2010) LeBoeuf et al., PRB 83, 054056 (2011) Doiron-Leyraud & Taillefer, arXiv:1204.0490 Hole-doped cuprates QCP principle QCP for stripe order • Quantum critical point • Stripe order • Fermi-surface reconstruction • Precursor nematic regime • Linear-T resistivity • A ~ Tc • Tc dome Hole-doped cuprates Universality of linear-T resistiv Linear-T resistivity a quantum critical point Resistivity per CuO2 plane: Resistivity 8/ NPHYS1109 5.0 50 SCO p = 0.20 Nd-LSCO p = 0.24 p H = 33 T r ( kW ) r ( mW cm ) 5.0 25 H=0 H = 15 T Nd-LSCO Tl-2201 2.5 2.5 LSCO 0.3 0 0 20 T(K) , et Nd-LS al., Nature mof CO Phys. 5, 31 (2009) cles) andthe (blue –513 (1999) observed 38 (2000) (black espectively zero, (2) the at high o-field muon y diffraction otheeye. ation. T⇤ is 40 0.0 0 100 200 T(K) et al., arXiv:0905.0964v1 Linear-T resistivity is universalNDL in hole-doped cuprates Boston, March 1, 2012 N. Doiron-Leyraud et al., arXiv:0905.0964 300 0.0 0 Hole-doped cuprates QCP principle QCP for stripe order • Quantum critical point • Stripe order • Fermi-surface reconstruction • Precursor nematic regime • Linear-T resistivity • A ~ Tc • Tc dome 30 K (14, 15). At slightly lower doping, r (T) becomes purely linear, with r (T) ¼r 0 msto below 80 K or so, as found in La1.6–xNd0.4SrxCuO4 (Nd-LSCO) at p ¼ 0.24 (21 rmi-liquid signatures LSCO at p ¼0.23 (22), both measured down to T 1 K in a magnetic field largeen acoherent to suppress superconductivity (see Figure 2). At still lower doping, the linearity of ation between linear-T resistivity and, up Tc to 300 K and above. To describe the broad evol mi surface , extends to highe r temperature ann-Franz of r (T) with doping, availableLSCO data (in zero field) (23) wererecently fit to the 2 deResistivity penR. A. Cooper et al., Science 2 r (T) ¼r þ AT þ BT , ove r ate mperatureinterval from200 to 400 K (24). Theresul 323, 603 (2009) 0 resistivity Hole-doped cuprates Linear-T resistivity shown in Figure 3, where the 100 parameter A is plotted versus p; A is seen to extrapola LS C O xSrxCuO4 A ro at p ¼0.27 ¼p ze 0 at thesamedoping asTc ! 0. Recent Nd-LS CO other words, A ! c. In YBCO field measurementson overdoped LSCO show that thesamefit performed over an int Tl-2201 SrxCuO4 from 1 to 200 K providesa good description of thelow-temperaturedata and leadst 12 samecorrelation between A and Tc (22). Data on Tl-2201 asp ! pc (16) yield A T Tc Figure 4). This remarkable correlation between linear resistivity and Tc strongly sug pc that anomalous (non-Fermi-liquid) scattering and pairing have a common origin. 0 0 0.15 correlation is supporte 0.30 d by angle-dependent magneto-resistance studies of overd p Tl-2201 that yield an anisotropic linear-T scattering rate that peaks in the same dire NDL et al., arXiv:0905.0964v1 Doiron-Leyraud et al., arXiv:0905.0964 Cooper et al., Science 2009 Louis Taillefer,N. Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 1, 51 (2010) asthed-wavegap (25) and also scaleswith Tc (26). near resistivity of cupratesper CuO2 plane, A□ ¼A / d, asa function of doping p, Note that the linear resistivity is a universal property of hole-doped cuprates hLS 1,CO) 2012 (red dots; 23, 27), La1.6–xNd0.4SrxCuO4 (Nd-LSCO) (blue dots; 21, 28), O) (purpletriangle ; 23),re and (Tl-2201) (greenve square 16, 29). The(A coefficient) at a given doping, 2Ba2CuO 6þ de diffe ntTlmate rials xhibit the ry ss;ame slope 2 romfits(24) of theformr 0 þ AT þ BT to published data. Thered dashed lineisa measure d per CuOspondingT ee24). In other words, theanomalous scattering isuniv 2 plane(s O datapoints. Thegray dotsarethecorre c for LSCO (23). Thegray line resistivity and Tc The answer to our i ¼Tcmax [1 – 82.6and (p – 0.16) ],Correlation with Tscmax K. Notethat thecoe fficie nt of therconductivity. it s2witche on¼37 at between the same linear-T doping as supe Tc in LSCO (K) A (Ω /K) 24 zero at thepoint at which superconductivity vanishes, i.e., A ! 0 asTc ! 0, at pc ¼ d from Reference24. L. Taillefer, Annual Review of CMP 1, 51 (2010) – arXiv:1003.2972 Nd-LSCO Hole-doped cuprates QCP principle QCP for stripe order • Quantum critical point • Stripe order • Fermi-surface reconstruction • Precursor nematic regime • Linear-T resistivity • A ~ Tc • Tc dome Hole-doped cuprates Tc suppression 20 120 Eu-LSCO 80 10 40 A 0 Hc2* ( T ) in Eu-LSCO Hc2 ( T ) in YBCO YBCO 0 YBCO SC fluctuations Hc2 ( T ) 160 Tc ( K ) via Nernst signal above Tc 80 Tc 40 0 0.04 80 B 0.12 Hole doping, p • Hc2 decreases with underdoping • Decrease is non-monotonic : Stripe order J. Chang et al., unpublished 0 0.20 Hole-doped cuprates QCP principle QCP for stripe order • Quantum critical point • Stripe order • Fermi-surface reconstruction • Precursor nematic regime • Linear-T resistivity • A ~ Tc • Tc dome T TN 100 T Hole-doped cuprates Summary CO Tc 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 300 YBCO T* TN T(K) 200 Pseudogap Nernst Resistivity CDW order NMR TH SDW order Neutrons mSR 100 0 0.0 TSDW T CO 0.1 Tc 0.2 QCP for stripe order • Quantum critical point • Stripe order • Fermi-surface reconstruction • Precursor nematic regime • Linear-T resistivity • A ~ Tc • Tc dome 0.3 Hole doping, p Doiron-Leyraud & Taillefer, arXiv:1204.0490 h-DOPED CUPRATE e-DOPE CUPRATE PNICTIDE ORGANIC The QCP principle – a universal scenario ? Thank you. Doiron-Leyraud & Taillefer, arXiv:1204.0490 Taillefer, Annual Review of CMP 1, 51 (2010) arXiv:1003.2972