Superconducting Gap Symmetry in Iron-based Superconductors: A Thermal Conductivity Perspective Robert W. Hill Acknowledgements • • • • • • Michael Sutherland (Cambridge) James Analytis (Stanford) Ian Fisher (Stanford) John Dunn (Waterloo, Oxford) Issam Alkhesho (Waterloo) William Toews (Waterloo) Iron-based Superconductors • February 2008: Hosono and co-workers, superconductivity in LaFeAs(O,F), Tc~26 K J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 2008, 130, 3296-3297 Iron-based Superconductors Paglione and Greene, Nat. Phys. 6, 645 (2010) 122 family 1111 family Mazin, Nature, 464, 183 (2010) contrast 1: cuprate phase diagram Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses - Toulouse Semi-metallic character hole pocket electron pocket Indirect band gap semiconductor Semi-metal Johnston, D. C. (2010). Advances in Physics, 59(6), 803–1061. Folded & Unfolded BZ FeAs layer unfolded BZ (green) (1-Fe site) folded BZ (blue) (2-Fe sites) Hirschfeld, P. J., Korshunov, M. M., & Mazin, I. I. (2011). 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Physics Reports, 250(6), 329–365 Thermal conductivity in superconducting state k = kelectrons + kphonons Separate contributions using temperature dependence in low temperature limit Kinetic theory formulation: Phonons: κ 13 cvl κ ph 13 βT 3vsl0ph Thermal conductivity: Nodal or fully-gapped? Fully gapped (s-wave) Nodal (d-wave) 3 N (ε ) N (0) 2 superconducting normal 1 0 1 2 e/D 3 activated behaviour at low T k0 0 as T 0 K T g impurity bandwidth κ e 13 γTvF l0e finite k0 T nodes Example 1: filled-skutterudite materials Finite value establishes presence of nodes Consistent with fully gapped superconducting state Hill et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 237005 (2008) Example 2: YBa2Cu3O7 Hill et al.. Phys. Rev. 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Non-universal linear term Qualitatively similar T dependence Mishra, et al., Phys. Rev. B 80, 224525 (2009) LaFePO: Field Dependence Numerical work for nodal s+/- Mishra, et al., Phys. Rev. B 80, 224525 (2009) LaFePO: Wiedemann-Franz Law Scattering Rate Normal state - if d-wave, would expect significant Tc suppression LaFePO: other experiments Penetration depth Power law T dependence Consistent with nodes Fletcher et al., PRL 102, 147001 (2009) Thermal conductivity in other iron-based superconductors Paglione and Greene, Nat. Phys. 6, 645 (2010) d-wave in KFe2As2? Scattering rate between these sample differs by factor ~ 10 r0 ~ 0.21 mW cm r0 ~ 2.2 mW cm Universal Conductivity! J-Ph. Reid et al., (2012) arXiv:1201.3376v1 J. K. Dong et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 087005 (2010) Summary and Conclusions LaFePO Finite residual electronic conduction in zero temperature limit - evidence for nodes in superconducting gap. Quantitatively consistent with universal d-wave value - However, electronic temperature dependence qualitatively inconsistent (not T3). Qualitatively consistent with nodal s+/- wave. - Require methodical impurity dependence and numerical quantitative analysis. In broader picture of iron-based superconducting families, the sensitivity of the gap topology to Fermi surface details (because of a magnetic coupling mechanism) makes the observation of both nodes and fully-gapped structure a possibility within the same s+/- symmetry order parameter. For sufficiently high doping, FS may be altered enough to drive symmetry change from s+/- to d-wave (see Louis Taillefer’s talk in main meeting). Overdoped theory