Sample Press Release Series

Parenting the 2nd & 3rd Year -- Press Release #1
Local Groups Reach Out to Parents with New Resource
If your toddler likes to pull things down off tables, say “no!” to your requests, and
put everything in his or her mouth, then your youngster sounds fairly normal! Raising a
toddler has never been easy. Where can a parent turn for advice?
In (YOUR COUNTY) County, parents can turn to a newsletter written by
University of Wisconsin-Extension. With each issue matched to a child’s exact age, the
bi-monthly “Parenting the 2nd & 3rd Year” series has been distributed free to (YOUR
COUNTY) area parents beginning (WHEN?).
But do parents really find the newsletters helpful? Yes, according to the results of
an impact study just released by the (YOUR COUNTY) County Extension Office.
Parents report the newsletter series is more helpful than advice from relatives and friends,
or magazines and books, according to the study of 128 (YOUR COUNTY) County area
families. Advice from their health care professionals was the only source rated “very
useful” more often than the newsletter series (see the figure below).
According to the report, prior research has shown that parents raise children better
when they have more sources of advice from which to learn. “Learning about child
rearing from your extended family and friends is the traditional way,” says (YOUR
NAME), Family Living Educator in the (YOUR COUNTY) County Extension office,
who brought the series to the local area and was lead author of the report. “Our
newsletter becomes an additional source of advice, with advice based on research that
tells us what works for most families.”
"As a busy parent, I often don't have time to read my Parent's magazine or other
materials on parenting,” reported one (YOUR COUNTY) area parent. “However, I
enjoyed the newsletter as it was short and concise information that applied to my
daughter's age. I didn't have to search through lengthy material to find what applied to
her. Most of it did!"
The study found over half of parents read all articles in all issues of the newsletter
series, and then kept them for future reference. In addition, nearly two-thirds of parents
reported that someone else read the newsletter, usually their spouse or partner.
"We love the newsletter,” said one parent. “We've copied all of them and passed
them on to sisters and brothers having babies whose cities don't do anything like this."
The newsletter series is especially important for new parents who lack substantial
help from their extended families. “This project is an inexpensive way for our
community to reach out to these families, to let them know we care about them,” says
(YOUR NAME). “For those who are isolated from traditional social networks, this
series provides not only advice, but also communicates to them our community’s high
expectations about the importance of good parenting.”
Each issue of the newsletter is geared to a specific two-month age period. The
series lets parents know what to expect regarding their child's physical, intellectual and
social development, and provides specific information on discipline, safety, eating and
other issues.
Dr. Dave Riley, Professor at UW-Madison and co-author of the evaluation study,
suggests that "parents find the newsletters useful because they are specific to their child's
age and because the newsletters help them understand their child's behavior. They are
also convenient, arriving free in the mail (OR BY EMAIL), and written in short, bitesized articles."
The newsletters are distributed free to parents by a partnership of UW-Extension,
Partner B, and Partner C. [ Add quote from one or more of your partners, e.g. your key
contact at the hospital. You could phone, tell them you are working on this press release,
and ask them what they hear about it from people who have seen it. ]
New residents of the area can sign up to receive the free newsletter series on the
UW-Extension Parenting Website at Copies of the evaluation
study report are available from (YOUR COUNTY) Extension office.
This is the first in a series of articles reporting on the parenting project, and the
results of as study of its impact. In the next article: do parents change their child rearing
methods after reading the newsletters?
Parenting the 2nd & 3rd Year: Press Release #2
Parents Learn: Young Children Can Do Chores,
and It’s Good for Them!
This is the second in a series of articles on (YOUR COUNTY) County’s
“Parenting the 2nd & 3rd Year” project, and the results of its impact evaluation.
Kids, hide this paper from your parents! University of Wisconsin professors say
that doing chores is good for children, even for toddlers.
According to Prof. Dave Riley of UW-Madison, “research shows that having
children participate in chores is not just convenient for parents, but actually leads to
greater competence and self-confidence in the children.” Riley is co-author of the
“Parenting the 2nd & 3rd Year” newsletter, now received by parents in (YOUR COUNTY)
County, that provides advice on such things as how and why to get a 2-year-old to help
with household chore. Results of a just-released impact study show that parents are
following the advice of the newsletter.
Fully 83% of parents in the study said that because of reading the newsletters,
they were involving their 2 and 3 year-olds more in household tasks and chores, such as
cleaning the house, doing dishes, and picking up toys. Many parents were surprised by
their toddlers' ability to help around the house. As one mom put it, "I thought she was
too young to help." Another commented “I didn’t realize he could help with dishes,
laundry, even feeding the fish.”
“Getting children started on the right track is important,” according to (YOUR
NAME), Family Living Educator in the (YOUR COUNTY) County Extension Office,
and the leader of the impact study. “Once you establish a pattern with children, it’s easy
to maintain it. If you wait until children are older, getting them to do chores can be a lot
harder. But at this age, most children want to help.”
Earlier studies have found that parents of young children believe that doing chores
teaches children responsibility and builds character. Parents also expressed the belief that
having children help with chores created a sense of family unity.
For example, (YOUR NAME) cites a study that followed the same boys from
inner city Boston for 40 years, which found that those boys who had worked either at
regular part-time jobs or household chores grew into happier, more competent adults than
their peers.
Parents who read the UW-Extension newsletter series discover that children learn
best when parents do tasks with them, like cooking and cleaning. While parents need to
keep the tasks simple and not expect too much at first, they should expect their children
to try. Praise for small successes is the key to children's learning, rather than scolding for
the inevitable mistakes.
"Young children love to imitate household chores," stated (YOUR NAME).
"Parents should capitalize on this enthusiasm by letting children help. Children learn
responsibility and develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments. This encourages
their participation in chores as they grow older."
A list of possible chores that toddlers can help with is provided in the newsletters.
This includes wiping up accidental spills, picking up toys, putting books on shelves and
helping set the table.
Can the results of the study be trusted? “Self-report measures of this kind are not
always reliable,” warns Dr. Riley, one of the study co-authors. “People can easily
exaggerate. But the fact that so many people could tell us exactly what child rearing
changes they made, in their own words, helps make these findings more believable.
People told us about changes that we had specifically recommended in the newsletters.”
“These self-report data are not as solid as objective observations by a trained data
collector, but they are pretty good,” added Carol Ostergren, UW-Extension Child
Development Specialist, and the third author of the study. “We included questions about
topics the newsletters might have covered but didn’t. The respondents’ answers to our
questions showed they were carefully distinguishing between things they had learned
from the newsletters and things they had not. There was very little evidence of
The “Parenting the 2nd & 3rd Year” series was written by University of WisconsinExtension, and is delivered free through the mail to all parents giving birth at ______
Hospital. The newsletters are matched to the exact age of the child, telling parents what
to expect --and what to do-- regarding their child’s physical, intellectual, and social
development. The newsletters were brought to (YOUR COUNTY) County by the
county Extension Office, and are distributed free to county residents through a
partnership including Partner A and Partner B. Parents can also sign up to receive the
newsletters free by email at the UW-Extension Parenting Website
Copies of the impact evaluation report are available from the (YOUR COUNTY)
County Extension office (YOUR PHONE NUMBER).
[ Possibly add quote from a key contact at one of the partner organizations. ]
This is the second in a series of articles reporting on the “Parenting the 2nd & 3rd Year”
project, and the results of its impact evaluation. In the next article: Parents change their
discipline strategies.
Parenting the 2nd & 3rd Year -- Press Release #3
Parents Learn Discipline Methods
For the “Terrible Twos.”
This is the third in a series of articles on (YOUR COUNTY) County’s “Parenting
the 2nd & 3rd Year” project, and the results of its impact evaluation.
What do you get when you have a 2-year-old toddler learning to be independent,
then add a parent trying to control and teach that toddler? Answer: you get the parentchild conflict we call “the terrible twos”!
The toddler years can be some of the most exciting and trying for parents. Where
can parents get reasonable advice? The “Parenting the 2nd & 3rd Year” newsletter, now
received by parents in (YOUR COUNTY) County, provides advice on just such topics.
“The advice in our newsletter is different from most other sources,” says author
Dr. Dave Riley of UW-Madison and Extension. “Our advice is based on research that
looked at lots of families and identified what usually works for them, and what usually
doesn’t. The kind of child rearing advice we give is based on studies that looked at
which children turned out best over the long run.” Riley is one of the authors of a study,
just released, showing that (YOUR COUNTY) County parents are following the advice
of the newsletter series.
The study reports that after reading the newsletters, parents were more likely to
set rules and limits for their child, and also explain "why" when they asked their child to
do something. In addition, parents reduced their use of physical punishment (i.e.,
slapping and spanking).
After reading the newsletter:
 XX percent explained “why” more often when they asked their child to do
 XX percent set rules and limits more often with their child.
 XX percent slapped or spanked their child less often.
These changes are consistent with the advice in the newsletters. "Children need
consistent limits,” states (YOUR NAME), Family Living Educator in the (YOUR
COUNTY) County Extension Office and lead-author of the study. “And research shows
children learn correct behavior more readily, and remember it longer, when parents use
reasoning along with their other discipline methods.”
According to Riley, "The research shows that when parents ‘follow through’ with
a warning and then some discipline, then toddlers tend to pay more attention to future
warnings. The research also shows that children learn correct behavior more readily with
reasoning and patient teaching than with punishment. Parents who set limits, apply them
consistently and provide reasons for rules have children who mind better. That’s what
we advise."
The newsletters suggest that parents set a few simple, easy to understand rules and
then stick to them. When children test these limits, as they all do, parents are advised to
repeat the rules in a calm manner. When limits are clear and enforced all the time,
children learn how to succeed within these limits and are less likely to become spoiled.
Parents also learn that explaining the reasons behind rules helps children
understand, remember, and then adopt the rules as their own. Using power tactics such as
spanking or withdrawing affection doesn’t have this effect, according to (YOUR NAME)
and Riley. As one (YOUR COUNTY) County parent in the study commented, "She just
obeys better if I explain 'why' because things make more sense to her."
The report cites research showing that physical punishment can be effective with
children under certain conditions, but when used wrong or overused it can be harmful to
children’s development. “The key is to create well-disciplined children, who behave well
because they want to, not children who behave well only when a parent is watching,”
explains (YOUR NAME). In addition, there is a concern that physical punishment
sometimes escalates into abuse, especially when parents are under a lot of stress.
"Spanking focuses attention on bad behavior, rather than teaching children the
right way to do things," said (YOUR NAME). "Ways to teach good behavior are by
showing your child how to do something correctly, praising your child when he or she
does something well, reminding your child of the rules, and following through when
necessary.” The newsletters suggest parents use "time outs" when children do
misbehave. This gets the point across to the child that the parent means business, while
allowing both the parent and child a chance to calm down.
“The worst thing, of course, is to ignore children’s misbehavior, to accept
tantrums and fighting,” according to Riley. “Research has made this clear: children
whose parents are permissive toward misbehavior are on a predictable course for later
delinquency and aggression. In contrast, well-behaved kids have been taught how to
behave. It’s not an accident. It starts right here, in the toddler years."
Each issue of the "Parenting the Second and Third Year" newsletter series is
geared to a specific two-month age period. The series lets parents know what to expect
regarding their child's physical, intellectual and social development, and provides specific
information on discipline, safety, eating and other issues.
The newsletters were brought to (YOUR COUNTY) County by a partnership of
the county Extension Office, Partner A and Partner B. Copies of the impact evaluation
report are available from the (YOUR COUNTY) County Extension office (YOUR
PHONE NUMBER). Parents can also sign up to receive the newsletters free by email at
the UW-Extension Parenting Website
[ Possibly add quote from a key contact at one of the partner organizations. Insert
where it fits best. ]
This is the third in a series of articles reporting on the “Parenting the 2nd & 3rd
Year” project, and the results of a study of its impact in the local area. In the next
article: “Parents make their homes safer for toddlers.”
Parenting the 2nd & 3rd Year -- Press Release #4
Area Parents Make Their Homes Safer for Toddlers
This is the fourth in a series of articles on (YOUR COUNTY) County’s
“Parenting the 2nd & 3rd Year” project, and the results of a study of its impacts.
Toddlers are natural explorers, which their parents often discover the first time
their 2-year-old pulls a lamp off the table, tries to climb the bookshelf, or pries the knobs
off the TV!
“Babies want to put every small object in their mouths, but toddlers’ new abilities
to stand, walk, reach, and climb open up a whole new world of interesting dangers,”
notes (YOUR NAME), Family Living Educator in the (YOUR COUNTY) County
Extension Office. “A home that was safe last month may not be safe today, as a toddler
Where can parents turn for information on child safety? Beginning (WHEN?),
(YOUR COUNTY) County parents have been able to depend upon a publication mailed
(OR EMAILED) to their homes by a partnership of UW-Extension, Partner B, and
Partner C. The “Parenting the 2nd & 3rd Year” newsletter series arrives every other
month, and has information keyed to a child’s exact age. According to a just-issued
research report, local residents find the publication very useful for parenting advice.
When asked if reading the series caused them to change their home in ways that
make it safer for their toddler, 58% of respondents said “yes” and could name the specific
changes they had made.
(YOUR NAME) and her two co-investigators from UW-Madison had predicted
that first-time parents, who often lack the knowledge of more experienced parents, should
learn the most from the newsletter series, and that is exactly what they found. First-time
parents reported making safety changes in their homes XX% more often than did the
experienced parents. One of the parents in the study commented that, “It’s difficult
being a first-time parent but the newsletter has helped me to understand my daughter’s
thoughts, actions, and feelings.”
The newsletters provide parents with advice on how to "toddler-proof" their
home. Parents are advised to get down on their child's level to see what needs to be
changed to make things safe. One mother commented that reading the newsletter
"reminded me just how dangerous toddler level things can be, especially cleaning
Suggestions for “toddler-proofing” your home:
Place medicines and cleaning supplies in locked cabinets.
Put away small objects that present a choking hazard.
Cover electrical outlets.
Fix cords on window coverings to eliminate the danger of strangulation.
Use approved car safety seats.
Never leave a child alone around water. Toddlers can drown in as little as
two inches of water.
Use safety gates and window guards.
Turn the water heater temperature down to 120-130 degrees to prevent
Turn handles of pots to the back of the stove so they can't be grabbed.
Avoid foods such as popcorn, peanuts, whole grapes or round pieces of
hot dog that present choking hazards.
Be aware of the dangers of lead poisoning from paint and water pipes.
Have emergency numbers by the phone.
According to (YOUR NAME), “Most injuries to young children are preventable.
The newsletters make parents more aware of potential hazards." Indeed, one parent in
the study remarked the newsletter helped [me] "become more aware of little things that
I'd never think of."
Besides preventing injuries, parents who make use of the safety tips in the
newsletters can then provide more opportunities for their toddler to explore safely.
According to Dr. Dave Riley, professor at UW-Madison / Extension and author of the
newsletter series, such exploration gives toddlers a chance to learn about their world and
practice new skills. "Research shows that young children who are allowed to explore
know more by the time they start school," states Riley. “Children need floor freedom,
out of the crib and walker, to develop their intelligence, but parents need to make sure the
floor is safe!”
Each issue of the "Parenting the Second and Third year" newsletter series is
geared to a specific two-month age period. Beside safety issues, the series lets parents
know what to expect regarding their child's physical, intellectual and social development,
and provides information on other topics such as discipline, nutrition and sleeping.
The newsletters were brought to (YOUR COUNTY) County by a partnership of
the county Extension Office, Partner A and Partner B. [ Possibly add quote from a key
contact at one of the partner organizations. Insert where it fits best. ]
Copies of the impact evaluation report are available from the (YOUR COUNTY)
County Extension office (YOUR PHONE NUMBER). Parents can also sign up to
receive the newsletters free by email at the UW-Extension Parenting Website
This is the fourth in a series of articles reporting on the “Parenting the 2nd & 3rd
Year” project, and the results of a study of its impact in the local area. In the next
article: “Parents’ role in early language development.”
Parenting the 2nd & 3rd Year -- Press Release #5
Local Project Helps Parents Teach Their Toddlers
This is the fifth and last in a series of articles on (YOUR COUNTY) County’s
“Parenting the 2nd & 3rd Year” project, and the results of a study of its impacts.
Some parents believe it is silly to talk with a baby who hasn’t learned to talk yet.
But leaders of a local project say that language interaction in the first three years of life is
crucial to children’s intellectual and language development.
"Research has shown that the brightest children had parents or caregivers who
talked to them a lot, and did activities with them that helped them learn and practice
language," according to (YOUR NAME), Family Living Educator in the (YOUR
COUNTY) County Extension Office, and co-author of a recent study evaluating a
program for parents in the local area.
The project distributes age-paced newsletters to (YOUR COUNTY) area parents
during the first three years of their children’s lives. The study by (YOUR NAME) and
two researchers from UW-Madison evaluates the project when the parents have received
two to three years worth of the newsletters, which include a variety of suggestions for
language games and activities for families. The study found that (XX) % of area parents
reported reading the newsletters led them to talk more with their child.
Examples of things parents can do that help toddlers learn new words and more
complex grammar:
 Describe what you are doing to your child. “Time for Daddy to put you in the
car seat.”
 Give words to your child’s actions or thoughts: “The kitty surprised you! Oh,
you like to pet her!”
 Elaborate on what your child says. For example, when your child points and
says "Doggie," you can add "Yes, he's a big, brown doggie and his tail is
 Play games with toddlers. For example, help children sort soft and hard or big
and little things into different piles. Play finger games, learn rhymes, sing
 Name pictures in a book and have children point to them.
“Parents who help expand their toddler's vocabulary, and expose them to longer
and more complex sentences, give their child a head start in school,” notes Dr. Dave
Riley, professor at UW-Madison / Extension and author of the newsletter series.
“Children who are more skilled in language development generally have an easier time
learning to read when they start school.”
"Every parent wants their child to succeed," says (YOUR NAME). "But they
may not realize the benefits of reading and talking with their toddler. The newsletters
point out these benefits, and tell you specific things you can do." The activities are the
kind of simple things that most parents have always done with young children, like finger
games, rhymes, and songs. As one (YOUR COUNTY) County parent told the
researchers "We read more and sing songs daily."
Each issue of the "Parenting the Second and Third year" newsletter series is
geared to a specific two-month age period. The series lets parents know what to expect
regarding their child's physical, intellectual and social development, and provides specific
information on discipline, safety, eating and other issues.
The newsletters were brought to (YOUR COUNTY) County by a partnership of
the county Extension Office, Partner A and Partner B. [Possibly add quote from a key
contact at one of the partner organizations. ]
For more information on how to receive copies of the newsletter series, contact
the (YOUR COUNTY) County Extension office (YOUR PHONE NUMBER) or visit the
University of Wisconsin-Extension Parenting Website at
where you can subscribe to receive the newsletters free by email. Copies of the impact
evaluation report are also available from the Extension office.