HARRIS MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTHEAST ISD Course Selection Guide 2016-2017 School Year Middle School Course Requirements Each student MUST have: ■ 3 years of English (general level or Pre-AP) *Summer English assignment may be requiredmore information to come* ■ 3 years of Reading (general level or Pre-AP) *Summer reading assignment may be required-more information to come* NOTE: If a student selects Pre-AP English, they MUST sign up for Pre-AP Reading. If a student selects ‘regular’ level English, they must also take ‘regular’ level Reading. ■ 3 years of Math (general level or Pre-AP) ■ 3 years of Science (Pre-AP available in 8th Grade) ■ 3 years of History (Pre-AP available in 8th Grade) ■ 1 Fine Arts course (band, choir, orchestra, art or theater arts) ■ 4 semesters of Physical Education, with at least 1 semester taken each year ■ 1 semester of Health in 6th grade Pre-AP vs General Level Classes Pre-AP classes are designed prepare students for the college level work of Advanced Placement (AP) classes in high school. The purpose of AP classes in high school are to gain college credit for courses by taking the Advanced Placement Exam at the end of the course. Pre-AP students are expected to: ■ Use higher level thinking skills ■ Develop successful study skills ■ Comprehend knowledge at a faster pace ■ Commit to a higher rigor and demand in the class ■ Organize time and efforts to successfully complete the course Courses by Grade 6th Grade will take: 7th Grade will take: 8th Grade will take: English English English Reading Reading Reading Math Math Math Science Science Science Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies PE/Health PE PE/Elective Fine Art Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective GEAR UP FOR 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR ALL CURRENT 5th, 6th and 7th GRADE STUDENTS & PARENTS Date: Tuesday, January 26th Time: 5:45 PM to 7:30 PM Location: Harris Cafeteria You are invited to an exciting evening visiting with elective teachers and learning more about elective choices for next year. Meet Harris Middle School Administration, Counselors, and Elective Teachers Overview Presentation in Cafeteria 5:45pm-6:05pm Visit Elective Classrooms 6:10pm-7:30pm 6th Grade Electives In 6th Grade, students will choose one (if taking a full year of PE) or two elective from the choices below. ■ Band ■ Choir ■ Theater Arts ■ Art ■ AVID ■ Orchestra ■ AIM All courses above (except for AVID and AIM) will fulfill the state requirement for a fine art credit in middle school. AIM ■ AIM stands for Academic & Individual Motivation and is available to 6th grade students. AIM does not count towards the required Fine Arts credit. The focus of AIM is to enhance the curriculum by providing enrichment and or support to the core academic subjects. AIM may also provide students with critical skills such as study habits, note-taking, test taking strategies, organizational skills, time management, goal setting, and character education. If time allows, students may also receive study hall support. Harris is hoping to offer some specific AIM classes next year such as guitar, career portals and technology explorations. If your student is interested in one of these, in lieu of AIM, they can indicate this on the course selection sheet that will be going home. These classes are not guaranteed as they will depend on staffing and student choices. Email Ckalis@neisd.net with any questions concerning AIM. Art ■ Art is available to 6th graders as a full year course and counts as a required Fine Art credit. ■ From a Harris MS Art Teacher: “If you’re interested in learning about drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking and much more, you should take Art. In Art you will explore the world and develop your creative and artistic skills through art projects, art history, and art competitions. Big companies say they want problem solvers and creative people. Art class develops these skills.” Email Kfox@neisd.net with any questions concerning Art classes. AVID ■ AVID is available to 6th grade students and does not count towards the Fine Arts requirement. If interested, the 5th grade teachers/counselors will have applications as a completed application is required for consideration into the AVID program. From the Harris MS AVID teacher: “AVID is a program designed for students who are willing to work hard, so they can be taught the skills needed to successfully complete the challenging courses that will prepare them for four-year universities. Students are to take ownership of their own learning and futures, hence the acronym Advancement Via Individual Determination. This program teaches leadership development, organization, critical thinking through cultural and college field trips, teambuilding, tutorials and many other avenues.” Please email Lrobin2@neisd.net with any questions about AVID. Band ■ Band is available to 6th grade students and does count towards the state required Fine Arts credit. A note from our Band Director, Mrs. White: “In band you will learn to play a brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument that we will help you choose. You do not need to know how to play an instrument or even know how to read music – we will teach you everything that you need to know in your band class during the school day. In band, we have so much fun making music together as a team – we are a big “band family,” join us!” ■ Instrument ‘try-outs’ will be held on Saturday, February 27th, 2016 in the Harris Middle School band hall. More information will be sent home with students soon! Please email Mwhite2@neisd.net or Nboeni@neisd.net with any questions concerning band. Choir ■ Choir is available to 6th grade students and does count towards the state required Fine Arts credit. ■ Beginning choir builds on the knowledge, skills and understanding developed in elementary school. Students in this course will experience singing in unison and in parts, with an emphasis placed on proper vocal techniques and sight-reading skills. Please email Econtre@neisd.net or Jsalda@neisd.net with any Choir questions. Health ■ Health is a required course. It includes the study of the physical and mental well-being of a person, nutrition & fitness, substance abuse, abstinence education, disease prevention, social health, and first aid/CPR training. Orchestra ■ Available to 6th grade students and does count towards the state Fine Art requirement. ■ From the Harris MS Orchestra Director: “Orchestra is for students who are interested in learning to play the violin, viola, cello or bass. In orchestra, you will read and write music, discuss music history and perform in several concerts throughout the year. We also do several optional competitions, trips and lock-ins that you will have the opportunity to take part in.” Please email mturne7@neisd.net with any Orchestra questions. Theater Arts ■ Theater Arts is available to 6th grade students and does count towards the Fine Arts requirement. From the Harris MS Theater teacher: “Theatre is a collaborative art that increases children’s communication skills, creativity, and empathy for reallife situations. We work together to learn movement, vocal techniques, compete at speech contests, and work together to learn the process of producing a play and short film. Students are encouraged to participate in productions and contests after school, as well as join the Harris Drama Club.” Email kkorth@neisd.net with any questions concerning Theater Arts. Physical Education ■ NEISD requires 4 semesters of PE, with at least 1 semester taken each year. ■ 6th Graders have 2 options: 1. PE/Health (each for 1 semester) 2. PE (full year) and AIM/Health (each 1 semester) – If choosing option 1, students will have 2 additional electives in their schedule – If choosing option 2, students will have only 1 additional elective as they must also take Health (state required class)/AIM ***If your student would like to be in Athletics in 7th or 8th grade or plans on playing a UIL sport, it is HIGHLY recommended that they take a FULL year of PE in 6th Grade.*** Course Selection Sheets ■ Course Selection Sheets for the 2016-2017 school year will be distributed by the elementary schools and MUST be returned by February 5, 2016 to your 5th grade teacher. ■ The 5th Grade teachers/counselor will be discussing the Course Selection Sheet with students during the school day in January. ■ Failure to return the course selection sheet on time could result in the school selecting classes for you. For additional information and assistance, please contact the Harris Counseling Office at 356-4126, or by e-mail: Cindy Kalisky 6th grade counselor at ckalis@neisd.net. Upcoming Dates DATE January 26, 2016 Tuesday February 5, 2016 Friday May 16, 2016 Steubing Ranch Northern Hills Fox Run EVENT LOCATION TIME Harris Middle School Elective Showcase Harris Middle School Cafeteria 5:45 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. Deadline for Course Selection Sheets to be returned to 5th Grade Teacher 5th Grade Elementary Teacher 3:30 P.M. 5th Grade Field Trip to tour Harris Middle School. Harris Middle School May 16-17 Harris 6th Grade Camp Harris Middle School TBA Parents & students meet elective teacher & learn about different elective options available at Harris MS. May 17, 2016 Longs Creek Stahl August 2016**