Using the 4-H Name and Emblem

Using the 4-H Name and Emblem
The United States Department of Agriculture authorizes county 4-H Youth
Development Agents through the State 4-H Program leader to grant permission to
4-H club and groups and other officially affiliated 4-H organizations use of the 4-H
name and emblem. County 4-H Youth Development Agents are responsible for
annually reporting that all groups issued this right continue to meet the regulations
and specific guidelines in the document entitled, AThe 4-H Name and Emblem:
Guidelines for Authorized Use. These regulations and guidelines include:
provision of educational programs and activities
adequate financial records are kept
an annual audit of the financial records is completed
filing appropriate federal tax forms (IRS Form 990 if annual income is $25,000 or greater)
Detailed information on use of the 4-H name and emblem follows this page.
Each club is required to annually complete the Wisconsin 4-H Club Information Sheet in the fall. This
assists the 4-H Youth Development Agent in determining if the club provides educational activities and
programs. This form also assures us you are meeting in a handicapped accessible building and are in
compliance with non-discrimination laws. A copy of this form follows this page.
In addition to this form, the Club Financial Record must be submitted as part of the club record book.
This is to be turned into the UW-Extension office the Monday following Labor Day. The record is to have
been audited by two individuals who do not have the authority to handle funds directly and are familiar
with the club=s approved expenditures. A copy of this record sheet in found in the club financial
management section.