IARc Department of Interior Architecture University of North Carolina at Greensboro 10 steps to an IARC internship 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 9. 10. Internship Coordinator meets with 3rd and 4th years to discuss internship process. TAKE NOTES Attend fall iarc internship fair. Research internship positions by using iarc data base and current internship opportunities e-mailed to you. Also research potential firms by attending iarc internship fair. Compile a list of positions and/or firms you are applying to. Include a statement of what type of position, what type of firm, and what geographical areas constitute your criteria. Meet with internship Coordinator before or while you are contacting firms directly. Possibly set up meeting with coordinator to discuss. Procure internship preferably by the middle of the semester before your actual internship. Complete paperwork consisting of three documents: 1. INTERNSHIP INFORMATION FORM – Completed by student use the Internship Database Category Listing to specify type of firm, 2. INTERNSHIP LEARNING PLAN - Completed and Signed by Student and Supervisor 3. INSRTUCTIONAL AGREEMENT - Signed by Supervisor (Form Currently under revision) These three forms must be completed/ signed by you and your supervisor/mentor. As early as possible before the end of the semester (prior to the semester of your internship) meet with the internship coordinator to review your learning objectives and sign expectations of evidence to show the completion of learning objectives. Evidence usually includes Journal, Log of Hours and Participation in Internship Fair/Exhibit. A special permission form can be completed online by the internship coordinator after the review of the required paperwork. Register for IAR 452 in the semester prior to the start of your actual internship. e-mail: s_burrow@uncg.edu or fax to: 336.334.5049 May 2013 IARc Department of Interior Architecture University of North Carolina at Greensboro INTERNSHIP INFORMATION FORM – Student and Mentor Student Information Student Full Name Address During Internship City, State, Zip Telephone UNCG Email Registered for IAR 452- F/Spr/Sum/ Year Dates of Internship – From/To Hours Per Week of Internship Paid Internship (Yes/No) Hourly Rate Specify Type of Firm (Internship Database Category Listing on right) Internship Database Category Listing Museums and Galleries Historic Preservation/Adaptive Reuse/ Restoration Design Firms Furniture Mfr./Space Design Architectural Firms Contractor/Developer in House Design Photography Studios Graphic/Communications/ Advertising Crafts Industrial Products Design Product Sales and Service Other Potential Home Address (if different from above) City, State, Zip Financial Aid (Yes/No) If internship is in the summer, will you be on campus the following fall? (Yes/No) Graduation Date Mentor Information Mentor’ Name Mentor’s Title Name of Organization Address Telephone Email Company Website Fax Number e-mail: s_burrow@uncg.edu or fax to: 336.334.5049 May 2013 IARc Department of Interior Architecture University of North Carolina at Greensboro INTERNSHIP LEARNING PLAN/ Completed by Mentor & Intern together Date Student Full Name Student Signature Firm Name Mentor Name Mentor Signature Internship Coordinator Name Internship Coordinator Signature LEARNING OBJECTIVES TOOLS, RESOURCES & STRATEGIES EVIDENCE THAT WILL SHOW COMPLETION OF OBJECTIVES Participation in INTERNSHIP FAIR Log/Diary of Hours Journal of Work, a portfolio worthy examples and narrative of your Internship e-mail: s_burrow@uncg.edu or fax to: 336.334.5049 May 2013 IARc Department of Interior Architecture University of North Carolina at Greensboro Submit this form to Internship Coordinator after completion of internship. STUDENT’S INTERNSHIP EVALUATION FORM Date Student Full Name Starting and Ending Dates of Internship Firm Name Type of Business or Practice Firm Address Firm Phone/email address Mentor Name Mentor Title Briefly state the responsibilities of your internship. Specify the advantages and disadvantages associated with this particular internship. What should another IARC intern know about your experience with this company? How would you rate this internship experience? Use a 1-10 scale; 10 is the highest score_______ e-mail: s_burrow@uncg.edu or fax to: 336.334.5049 May 2013