Matakuliah Tahun Versi : G0942/Listening 1 : 2009 : baru Pertemuan 1 RULE OF THE CLASS 1 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa dapat: • menunjukkan hubungan mata kuliah Listening dengan mata kuliah lainnya di Fakultas Sastra serta • mengetahui tata cara belajar LISTENING di kelas dan di luar kelas. (TIK-1) 2 Outline Materi • • • • Introduction Rule of the Class Discussion session …..appointing Head of the Class… 3 Rule of the Class • Be on time to class. Students are allowed to be late max. 20 minutes. • After the allowance time: .... They can sit in class but have no right to sign the absence list. If the door is locked, they have to stay out of the class for the rest of the lesson. 4 • Students are required to remain in the classroom all times while class is in session. It is not permitted to leave for any reason, unless you have previously arranged circumstances or an emergency (eg. Sickness). No food or drinks are allowed in the classroom All classroom activities must be held in English 5 • All classroom behavior should be based on mutual respect, respect for your lecturer and respect for your peers. Please remember that appropriate mature behavior is expected at all times. 6 Late work will be penalized. No work will be accepted beyond a week from due date. It is the responsibility of the student to hand in their homework. It is not the responsibility of a lecturer to remind the student. A zero will be given if the work is more than ONE week late. 7 IF A STUDENT IS FOUND COPYING WORK OR SUSPECTED TO HAVE COPIED WORK, THE TEACHER MAINTAINS THE RIGHT TO GIVE A ZERO FOR THAT ASSIGNMENT. 8 If a student is found doing work not related to the subject, it will be taken away. 9 If a student misses a day of school, it is their responsibility to obtain any notes from class or assignments that they may have missed from their peers or their lecturer. An if a student misses a quiz, it is their responsibility to contact the lecturer as soon as possible to arrange a time to do the quiz (if possible). 10 Please bring your own textbook, pencil, pen, eraser, pen fluid with you or in every class and test. If you don’t bring the book, you are asked to make some copies of the chapter that is being discussed. 11 • ENJOY YOUR CLASS! BINUS UNIVERSITY, June 2009 12