7 English For Arch & Civil II Prepared by : Indra Tj

English For Arch & Civil II
Prepared by : Indra Tj
taken from : Davison, Julian. 1999. Architecture. Indonesian Heritage Series.
Archipelago Press. Singapore
English For Arch & Civil II
Prepared by : Indra Tj
taken from : Davison, Julian. 1999. Architecture. Indonesian Heritage Series.
Archipelago Press. Singapore
English For Arch & Civil II
Prepared by : Indra Tj
Please read and understand the reading about the Traditional Architecture carefully; then
try to re-write with your own word. Do not miss the main and important information from
that reading.
Please find the information from other part of the country and share with other friends in
the class by next week ( do some presentations )
If you find the information DO NOT FORGET take the name of the source and the date.
It is very important.
1. Javanese Architecture
2. Sundanese Architecture
3. Betawi Architecture
4. Kalimantan Architecture
5. West-Sumatera Architecture
6. North-Sumatera Architecture
7. Bali Architecture
8. Sulawesi Architecture
9. Lombok Architecture
10. Timor Architecture
11. others.
When a word has more than one meaning, the dictionary will number each separate
definition; the first meaning given is usually the most common use of the word. When
looking up a word in the dictionary, you should know which definition provides the
meaning of the word as it is used in the particular context.
Choose the appropriate definitions for the underlined words. Write the number in the
space provided.
1. (1) on the surface; not deep
(2) not serious; not complete
……….The article gave a superficial analysis of the country’s economic woes.
……….The parachutist was treated for superficial cuts and bruises.
2. (1) working very well; sharp
(2) severe; strong
………She suffered from acute back pain after the accident.
………Most animals have an acute sense of smell.
English For Arch & Civil II
Prepared by : Indra Tj
3. (1) thoroughly planned
(2) international; on purpose
……….It was an accident; she didn’t break the vase deliberately.
..........The President is taking deliberate steps to balance the state budget.
4. (1) merciful in judgment
(2) allowing less than the highest standards
……….Some people felt that the jury was too lenient with the man who shot the
………It is believed that lenient teachers produce mediocre students.
5. (1) concerning people who have a close relationship
(2) personal; private
……….The two women are intimate friends.
……….They share even their most intimate thoughts.
6. (1) to become or make strong
(2) to combine into fewer or one
……….The two major labor unions consolidated to form one large powerful
……….The United States id attempting to consolidate its position in the
7. (1) to eat or drink
(2) to use up
(3) to destroy
……….The entire apartment was consumed by fire.
……….The tennis player contracted hepatitis after consuming tainted fish.
……….Typing his boss’s correspondence consumed most of the secretary’s
8. (1) a particular government.
(2) a plan to improve one’s health
………. After following a strict regime, the injured gymnast returned to
English For Arch & Civil II
Prepared by : Indra Tj
……….The nation is sure to prosper under the new regime.
9. (1) causing a feeling of pity
(2) worthless; unsuccessful
……….The supervisor is so pathetic that his entire staff is threatening to resign.
……….We were awakened by the kitten’s pathetic cries.
10.(1) to cause to have no effect.
(2) to disprove; deny
………..Thermal insulation negates the effect of the cold.
………..The governor issued a statement in an attempt to negate the accusations
against him.