HAHP Grant Application Notification Form

Grant Application Proforma: Notification, Internal Review & Preliminary Costings
This form is designed to help you. It is required six weeks before the grant submission deadline so
that you can get meaningful feedback and reflect on what you have written. You should get at least
one specialist and one non-specialist reviewer to read your proposal and provide comments before
you send it to the HAHP Director of Research.
Instructions: This form should be submitted to the HAHP Director of Research
(e.james@sussex.ac.uk), your Head of Department and the Research Development Officer, Paul
Davidson (p.davidson@sussex.ac.uk) and copied to the Head of School (c.j.webb@sussex.ac.uk) and
the Research and Enterprise Coordinator (f.m.allan@sussex.ac.uk), no less than 6 working weeks before the formal grant deadline for standard bids and
8 working weeks before the formal grant for complex and/or large bids (reaching £1 million.)
Final detailed costing information must be provided at least 2 working weeks before the deadline and
at least 3 working weeks for complex bids. The completed application and internal approval
paperwork must be circulated for signatures at least 5 working days before the submission deadline.
Project title:
PART A – PROJECT and APPLICANT information
Principal applicant and institution if not
Co-applicants and institution if not
Grant funding body and scheme:
Web link to scheme information:
1. What is the project?
2. Why is the project important and timely?
3. How does the project meet the funder’s call objectives?
4. What are your proposed research methods and why are they appropriate?
5. Who will benefit from your research?
6. How does your proposal offer value for money?
7. What is your track record in this and / or related research areas? Please give some indication of
key recent publications (number and journals).
8. What research bids have you previously submitted in this area (both awarded and rejected)?
Please give any other related bid experience (eg inclusion in others’ bids)
PART B – Project Development Support and Peer Review
9. Please confirm you have read the Scheme Notes and Assessment Criteria YES/NO
Have you looked at Successful Applications or project abstracts for this funder/scheme
(contact your RDO to obtain these)? YES/NO
Name 2 “critical friends” who have agreed to review drafts of the proposal.
Please indicate whether this grant involves any complex issues and give details
PI or Co-I(s) not on permanent employment Details:
External contracts – subcontracted services consultancy fees
Specialist equipment, resources or websites (e.g.
for digital humanities projects)
Collaborations / partnerships with organisations
outside the academic sector
Multi-institutional projects (more than one HEI)
Overseas investigators or consultants
Copyright / IP considerations
Data management issues
Technical support needed
Ethical issues
Anything else?
13. Does this project involve any areas that are new to you?
Eg: collaborative project ; IP protection; Staff recruitment and employment; new type of
research or ‘impact’ activity; creating new types of outputs (eg website, app)
This preliminary budget info allows us assess the complexity of the budget and how much time may be
needed for it. Please give detail & estimated costs and as known at this stage of project development.
On multi-institutional bids, please include items to be included in the Sussex budget only.
Project start and end date (dd/mm/yy)
dd/mm/yy – dd/mm/yy (duration: xxxx months)
Sussex PI and Co-I(s) hours per week:
(this is needed for ALL project applications,
even where these costs are not met by the
No. of Research Assistants:
For each Sussex RA please state (as known)
Grade (Postdoc starting grade is 7.30) /
Name or ‘To Be Appointed’ / FTE p.a. /
months duration on project
Number of Sussex PhD students and
duration (no. of years)
Sussex Admin support hours per week:
Subcontracted services / consultancy costs
Please provide details and estimated costs
Resource for research activities:
(e.g. travel and subsistence; field work;
interviews; archival research; running
networks; workshops; travel and
subsistence; consultancy)
Please provide details and estimated costs
Resources for project management :
(e.g. project meetings, steering groups,
advisory panels)
Please provide details and estimated costs
Resources for Dissemination,
Outreach and Impact
(conference attendance / conference or
workshop hosting, user group activities,
open access charges, public engagement
activities etc).
Please provide details and estimated costs.