Matakuliah : <<G0652>>/<<Bahasa Inggris Komputer I>> Tahun : <<2005>>

: <<G0652>>/<<Bahasa Inggris Komputer I>>
: <<2005>>
: <<versi>>
Pertemuan <<1>>
Learning Outcomes
Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa
akan mampu :
• << menyimpulkan manfaat dari mata
kuliah ini untuk mendukung studi mereka
di bidang sistem komputer >>
Outline Materi
• Materi 1
• Materi 2
Materi 3
• Materi 4
• Materi 5
Book Overview
Rules of the Games
The Aims of this Subject
Computer Devices
Discussion: “What is it for?”
1. Book Overview
- Study the mind map of the subject given in this
2. Rules of the games:
- All students should attend the class meeting
(face to face activities) and do the exercises
particularly those given in the off class activities.
These will be classified as Tugas Mandiri (20%).
Those who are absent more than three (3) times
are not allowed to join the final exam.
3. The aims of this subject:
- Mastering Reading Skills: in order to make the
students able to know the content of any English
passages on computer science, they have to
Learn first the techniques of reading, understanding the
long and complicated sentences (compound and complex
sentences) frequently found in many passages and books
on computer science, being familiar with the noun phrases,
verbal phrases, as well as some technical terms used in
computer science.
4. Computer Devices:
The lecturer will show some pictures of computer devices.
All students (in group of 3 to 4) should tell the name of
each device and then describe its function in English. The
other group should evaluate whether their friends’
description is correct or not.
5. Discussion: Let all students write down the correct
description of the discussed computer devices.
• Tugas 1 (Individual): Read the passage on
Personal Computing and write down the difficult
words including the noun phrases and verbal
phrases as well as the difficult sentence
construction. This finding should be submitted
in the next meeting.
• Tugas 2 (kelompok): Read and translate the
first and second paragraphs of the passage!
This will be discussed together in the next
• Tugas 3 (forum): Try to summarize in
Indonesian the paragraphs 1 up to 4 of the
said passage.
• The students (in group of three to four)
have to discussed first the best way of
summarizing a passage, and then try to
follow it. They have to submit their work in
the next meeting to be evaluated and
discussed together in the classroom.
• This should be considered as a take home
assignment or Tugas Mandiri.