Matakuliah Tahun Versi : <<G0652>>/<<Bahasa Inggris Komputer I l>> : <<2005>> : <<versi>> Pertemuan <<2>> <<Personal Computing>> 1 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : • << merangkum isi bacaan mengenai Personal Computing dalam bahasa Indonesia >> 2 Outline Materi • Materi 1 Textbook Unit 1: Personal Computing • Materi 2 : Answering questions from the textbook,page 7, task 7 • Materi 3: Understanding difficult words on page 8, task 8. • Materi 4: Summarizing three paragraphs of Personal Computing in Indonesian. 3 <<ISI>> • Read the passage “Personal Computing” Answering questions: – The students have to answer all the questions written in the textbook pages 5 and 7.This activity will be evaluated by the lecturer. Thus all should be active in order to get a good mark in this subject. - Discussing the difficult words found in the text. 4 << CLOSING>> • The students should submit their assignment in finding the difficult words including the noun and the verbal phrases. • The lecturer should discuss the students 'work. • They have to do together the works given in the textbook and in the supporting material. • Assignment 1: Individual – reading and understanding the whole passage. • Assignment 2: Group – translating the whole passage. • Assignment 3: Forum – doing exercises prepared for week 3 from the supporting 5 material. 6 7 8 9