Assignment 07-02 Business Skills: Writing

Assignment 07-02
Business Skills: Writing
Activity: Case Study: Writing Assignment: Summary of an Advertising Concept
Objective/Task: Analyse and discuss a case study; Write a summary of an advertising
Assignment: Students analyse and discuss a case study about a company that needs to
develop new, creative advertising campaigns, on pages 36-37. Then they write a
summary of the new advertising campaign they developed.
Introduce the activity by asking students questions such as the following:
- What advertising agencies do you know of (national or international)?
- Have you ever worked for an advertising agency? Would you like to?
- What information do advertising agencies need in order to create an advertising
campaign for a product?
- What media are used in advertising?
Writing Assignment: Summary of an Advertising Concept
Unit 4 Case Study: Focus Advertising
Imagine that you are the leader of one of Focus's advertising teams. You are going
to speak about your work at the upcoming board meeting. Write a one-page
summary of the advertising concept your team created on the lines below. Include
the type of product/service, the key message, the Unique Selling Points, the target
audience, the type of media, and any special promotions you discussed. Be sure to
use the vocabulary and concepts covered in the case study.