Type Qualifiers

Detecting Format String
Vulnerabilities with Type Qualifier
Umesh Shankar, Kunal Talwar,
Jeffrey S. Foster, David Wanger
University of California at Berkeley
Format String Bugs
 I/O functions in C use format strings
printf(“%s”, buf) print buf as string
 But you can also do
Format String Bugs
 Attacker may set the content in the buffer
buf = <data-from-network>
 Set buf = “%s%s%s%s%s” to crash program
 Set buf = “…%n…” to write to memory
may yield exploits to gain root access
Format String Bugs
Found by
------------------------------------------------------------------------------wu-ftpd 2.*
remote root
Linux rpc.statd
remote root
IRIX telnetd
remote root
Apache + PHP3security.is
remote user
NLS / locale
local root
Jouko Pynnonen local root
BSD chpass
local root
OpenBSD fstat
local root
Traditional Techniques
 Testing – how to ensure coverage?
 Manual code review – bugs too subtle
while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, f)){
lreply(200, buf);
void lreply(int n, char* fmt,…){
vsnprintf(buf, sizeof buf, ftm, ap);
 Re-implement – not possible for legacy system
Using Type Qualifiers
 Add qualifier annotations
int printf(untainted char *fmt, …);
tainted int getchar();
int main(int argc, tainted char *argv[]);
tainted = may be controlled by the attacker
untainted = must not be controlled by the attacker
The Basic Idea
void f(tainted int);
void g(untainted int)
untainted int a;
untainted int a;
tainted int b;
tainted int b;
f(a); // OK
g(a); // OK
f(b); // OK
g(b); // Error
void f(tainted int);
void g(untainted int)
untainted int a;
tainted int b;
f accepts both tainted and untainted data.
g only accepts untainted data.
untainted < tainted
Type System
Type system will prove judgments of the form
“In type environment Γ, expression e has type
Type Rules
 ├ e1: 1 2
 ├ e1 e2: 2
├ e2: 1
“In type environment , if expression e1 has type from
1 to 2 and e2 has type 1, then application of e2 to
e1 has type 2”
Partial Order
A partial order is a relation  that satisfies the
following three properties:
1. reflexivity: a  a
2. antisymmetry: If a  b and b  a then a = b
3. transitivity: If a  b, b  c, then a  c
A lattice is a partial order where any two
elements x and y have a least upper bound,
x  y, and a greatest lower bound, x  y.
Qualifier Subtyping Rule
Q1  Q2
Q1 int  Q2 int
untainted  tainted
untainted int  tainted int
int can replaced by any C primitive data type: char,
double ….
How about pointer?
Pointer Qualifier Subtyping Rule
Q1  Q2
T1  T2
Q1 ptr(T1)  Q2 ptr(T2)
tainted char *t; // T2 = tainted char
untainted char *u; // T1 = untainted char
t = u;
// allowed by the wrong rule
*t = <tainted data>; // t is alias of u
Pointer Aliasing
 We have multiple names for the same
memory location
But they have different types
And we can write into memory at different types
Pointer Qualifier Subtyping Rule
 The right rule
Q1  Q2
T1 = T2
Q1 ptr(T1)  Q2 ptr(T2)
Type Qualifier Inference
 Recall the format string vulnerabilities
We have legacy C program that had no information about
We add qualifier annotation for the standard library
Then we check whether there were any contradiction
 This requires type qualifier inference
Qualifier Inference
 A small number of annotations at key places
in the program
 Generate a fresh qualifier variable at every
position for a type
 Analyze and generate sub-typing constraints
 Check if the constraints have a valid solution
Qualifier Inference Example
tainted char *getenv (const char *name)
int printf(untaintd const char *fmt, …)
char *s, *t
s = getenv(“LD_LIBRARY_PATH”);
getenv_ret_p = tainted
printf_arg0_p = untainted
getenv_ret  s
getenv_ret_p  s_p
t = s;
s  t
s_p  t_p
t  printf_arg0
t  printf_arg0_p
tainted = getenv_ret_p  s_p  t_p  printf_arg0_p = untainted
tainted  untainted
Type Rules So Far
 Primitive types
Q1  Q2
Q1 int  Q2 int
 Pointer
Q1  Q2 T1 = T2
Q1 ptr(T1)  Q2 ptr(T2)
Qualifier Inference Extension 1
 Leaf Polymorphism
char id (char x) { return x }
tainted char t;
untainted char u;
char a, b;
a = id (t);
x is tainted, id_ret is tainted
b = id (u);
b is tainted
However id() is just a identity function. It preserves the qualifiers.
 Add in a qualifier variable to id() function
 char id ( char x)
 Instantiate the  to the correct qualifier for
each function call
a = id (t)
b = id (u)
tainted char id (tainted char x)
untainted char id (untainted char x)
Polymorphism - Subtyping
 Use naming trick to specify subtyping
relation for polymorphism
$_1_2 char* strcat($_1_2 char*, $_1
const char*)
{1}  {1, 2}
$_1  $_1_2
Qualifier Inference Extension 2
 Explicit Type Casts
Type cast should preserve the qualifier
void *y;
char *x = (char*) y; // if y is tainted, x should be tainted
Preserve by collapsing qualifiers
char **s, **t;
void *v = (void *) s;
t = (char **)v;
s_p = s_p_p = v_p
v_p = t_p = t_p_p
If either *s or **s is tainted, then *v is tainted and *t and **t is tainted
Cast Type Qualifier
 Allow qualifier cast
void *y;
char *x = (untainted char*) y;
Qualifier Inference Extension 3
 Variable Argument Functions
Annotate the varargs specifier …
int printf(untainted char*, untainted
Use naming trick to specify the subtyping relation
int sprintf($_1_2 char*, untainted
char *, $_2 …);
Qualifier Inference Extension 4
 Const
f(const char *x);
char *unclean, *clean;
unclean = getenv(“PATH”); // returns tainted
Pointer Rule
unclean is tainted
clean is tainted
Q1  Q2
T1 = T2
Q1 ptr(T1)  Q2 ptr(T2)
Pointer Rule for Const
 Const make sure the input data is not
 If the pointer has a const qualifier, the pointer
rule becomes
Q1  Q2
T1 < T2
Q1 ptr(T1)  Q2 ptr(T2)
 Qualifier is a generic static analysis
User-Space/Kernel-Space Trust Errors
Deadlock Detection
 Has low false positive and negative rates
Demo of Cqual