CMSC 250 Discrete Structures Number Theory Exactly one car in the plant has color H(a) := “a has color” xCars – H(x) aCars – a x ~ H(a) H(a,b) := “a has color b” xCars – yColors H(x,y) – aCars, bColors a x ~ H(a,b) 20 June 2007 Number Theory 2 At most one car in the plant has color H(a,b) := “a has color b” x,aCars – y,bColors [H(x,y) H(a,b)] x = a 20 June 2007 Number Theory 3 At least two cars in the plant have color H(a,b) := “a has color b” x,aCars – y,bColors H(x,y) H(a,b) x a 20 June 2007 Number Theory 4 Existential Gen/Inst Existential Generalization – P(value) – value D xD such that P(x) Existential Instantiation – xD such that P(x) P(a), aD such that P(a) is true 20 June 2007 Number Theory 5 Proofs Must Have! Clear statement of what you are proving Clear indication you are starting the proof Clear indication of flow Clear indication of reason for each step Careful notation, completeness and order Clear indication of the conclusion and why it is valid. Suggest pencil and good erasure when needed 20 June 2007 Number Theory 6 Mathematical Proofs For any real number x, x – 1 = x – 1 – Can you prove that? For any real number x, x + y = x + y – Can you prove that? 20 June 2007 Number Theory 7 Domains Z – integers Q – rational numbers (quotients of integers) – rQ a,bZ, (r = a/b) (b 0) – Irrational = not rational R – real numbers Superscripts: Z+, Z-, Zeven, Zodd, Q>5 20 June 2007 Number Theory 8 Closure of Sets (Integers) Addition – If aZ and bZ, then (a + b) Z Subtraction – If aZ and bZ, then (a – b) Z Multiplication – If aZ and bZ, then (a * b) Z – If aZ and bZ, then abZ 20 June 2007 Number Theory 9 Integer Definitions Even integer – nZeven kZ, n = 2k Odd integer – nZodd kZ, n = 2k+1 Prime integer (Z>1) – nZprime r,sZ+, (n=r*s) (r=1) (s=1) Composite integer (Z>1) – nZcomposite r,sZ+, (n=r*s) (r1) (s1) 20 June 2007 Number Theory 10 Examples Prove 4 is even Prove 5100 is even Is 0 even? Is -301 even? If aZ and bZ, then is 6a2b even? Is every integer either even or odd? Prove? Is 1 prime? What are the first 6 primes? Is it true that every integer greater than 1 is either composite or prime? Prove? 20 June 2007 Number Theory 11 Constructive Proofs of Existence Proving an xD, such that Q(x): – Finding an x in D that makes Q(x) true – Giving a set of directions (such as a formula or algorithm) that will give an x in D that makes Q(x) true 20 June 2007 Number Theory 12 kZ such that 22r + 18s = 2k Where rZ and sZ k,r,sZ, such that 22r + 18s = 2k Prove? 20 June 2007 Number Theory 13 Constructive Proof of Existence If we want to prove: nZeven, p,q,r,sZprime n=p+q n=r+s pr ps qr qs – Let n=10 n Zeven by definition of even – Let p = 5 and the q = 5 p,q Zprime by definition of prime 10 = 5+5 – Let r = 3 and s = 7 r,s Zprime by definition of prime 10 = 3+7 – And all of the inequalities hold 20 June 2007 Number Theory 14 Proving Universal Statements Proof by exhaustion – Can only be used on finite domains rZ+ where 23<r<29 p,qZ+ (r=pq) (p q) But not even all of those Proof by Generalizing from the Generic Particular – Let x represent a particular but arbitrarily chosen element in the domain – Show that x satisfies the predicate – This does not mean you choose an element at random 20 June 2007 Number Theory 15 The sum of any two integers is even Formally – m,nZeven, (m + n)Zeven – m,nZ, (mZeven nZeven) (m + n)Zeven Proof: – Start Let m be a generic particular even number Let n be a generic particular even number – Show that (m + n)Zeven (on the board) 20 June 2007 Number Theory 16 Proofs Must Have! Clear statement of what you are proving Clear indication you are starting the proof Clear indication of flow Clear indication of reason for each step Careful notation, completeness and order Clear indication of the conclusion and why it is valid. Suggest pencil and good erasure when needed 20 June 2007 Number Theory 17 An even number times an integer yields an even number 20 June 2007 Number Theory 18 The product of any two odd integers is odd 20 June 2007 Number Theory 19 Prove Universal False by Counterexample a,bR, a2=b2 a=b Let a = 2; b = -2 a2=b2 22 = (-2)2 4 = 4 – is TRUE a=b 2 = -2 – is FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE 20 June 2007 Number Theory 20 Rational Numbers Q – rational numbers (quotients of integers) – rQ a,bZ, (r = a/b) (b 0) – Irrational = not rational Which of the following are rational? – – – – – – – 10/3 0.281 7 0 2/0 0.1212 5.1212 20 June 2007 Number Theory 21 Prove 7 is a rational number rQ a,bZ, (r = a/b) (b 0) Let a = 7 Let b = 1 7 = 7/1 (by algebra) 7Z 1Z 10 20 June 2007 Number Theory 22 Prove nZ, n is rational (i.e. nQ) 20 June 2007 Number Theory 23 Sum of any two rational numbers is rational r,sQ, r + s Q Let r = a/b Let s = c/d r + s = a/b + c/d = (ad + cb)/bd Theorem – Statement that is known to be true because it has been proved. Corollary – Statement whose truth can be immediately deduced from a proved theorem – E.g.: The double of a ration number is rational 20 June 2007 Number Theory 24 Division Definitions If n and d are integers, then – N is divisible by d if, and only if, n=dk for some integer k – d|n kZ, n=dk (read – “d divides n”) Alternatively, we say that –n –n –d –d –d 20 June 2007 is a multiple of d, or is divisible by d, or is a factor of n, or is a divisor of n, or divides n. Number Theory 32 a multiple of -16? 21 divisible by 3? 7 a factor of -7? 5 divide 40? 7|42? 25 Transitivity of Divisibility a,b,cR (a|b b|c) a|c Need to show: a|c c = a*k, where a 0 Choose generic particulars a,b,c s.t. a|b b|c – a|b b = ar, where a,rZ and a 0 – b|c c = bs, where b,sZ and b 0 Substitution – – – – – c = bs c = (ar)s c = a(rs) k = (rs) c = ak 20 June 2007 Number Theory 26 Proof Using Contrapositive For all positive integers, if n does not divide a number to which d is a factor, then n cannot divide d. n,d,cZ+, ndc nd n,d,cZ+, n|d n|dc (Contrapositive) Prove … 20 June 2007 Number Theory 27 a,bZ, (a|b b|a) a=b Choose general particular a,bZ s.t. a|b b|a a|b b = a*r, where a,rZ and a 0 b|a a = b*s, where b,sZ and b 0 Algebra – – – – a = bs a = (ar)s a = a(rs) 1 = rs (since a 0) Is there a unique solution? – No; r=s=1, r=s=-1 Substitution – a=b or a=-b 20 June 2007 Number Theory 28 Proof by Contradiction Suppose the statement to be proven is FALSE Show that this leads to a logical contradiction Conclude the original statement is TRUE We can do this since every statement is TRUE or FALSE, but not BOTH. 20 June 2007 Number Theory 29 There is no largest integer. Suppose there is. Let P represent that integer. This means that nZ P ≥ n Show this leads to a contradiction: – Let m = P + 1 – mZ by closure of addition – m > p, by algebra; CONTRADICTION – So P, is not the largest integer. 20 June 2007 Number Theory 30 Sum of any rational number and any irrational number is irrational Suppose there exists a rational number r and an irrational number s such that r + s is rational This means: – – – – – – – r = a/b for a,bZ b0 r + s = c/dZ for d0 r + s = c/dZ fo a/b + s = c/d s = c/d – a/b s = (cb – ad)/bd, num integer, denom int0 Contradiction! 20 June 2007 Number Theory 31 Proof by Contradiction Every integer is rational Suppose every integer is irrational From supposition, 1 is irrational, but 1 = 1/1 which is rational Since our supposition led to a contradiction, then our original statement must be true ERROR – nZ, nQ – nZ, nQ – There is some integer that is irrational 20 June 2007 Number Theory 32 Unique Factorization n p p p p e1 1 e2 2 e3 3 ek k Example: – 72 –222 –233 –322 – 32 23 – 23 32 20 June 2007 33 22 32 (Standard Factored Form) Number Theory 33 2 Q 20 June 2007 Number Theory 34 1 3 2 Q 20 June 2007 Number Theory 35 More Integer Definitions Div and mod operators – n div d – integer quotient for n d – n div d – integer remainder for n d – (n div d = q) (n mod d = r) n = qd + r where nZ0, dZ+, rZ, qZ, 0r<d – (Quotient Remainder Theorem) Relating “mod” to “divides” – d|n 0 = n mod d – d|n 0 d n 20 June 2007 Number Theory 36 Modular Notation For p,q,rZ Equivalent notations: – p x q – (p mod x) = (q mod x) – x|(p – q) 20 June 2007 Number Theory 37 Proofs Using this Notation mZ+, a,bZ a m b kZ a = b + km mZ+, a,b,c,dZ (a m b) (c m d) (a + c) m (b + d) 20 June 2007 Number Theory 38 Proof by Division into Cases nZ, 3n n2 3 1 20 June 2007 Number Theory 39 The square of any integer has form 4k or 4k + 1 for some integer k 20 June 2007 Number Theory 40 Floor & Ceiling Definitions n is the floor of x where xR nZ – x = n n x < n + 1 n is the ceiling of x where xR nZ – x = n n – 1 < x n 20 June 2007 Number Theory 41 Floor Proofs x,yR x + y = x + y xR yZ x + y = x + y 20 June 2007 Number Theory 42 Another Floor Proof The floor of n/2 is either: – n/2 when n is even – (n-1)/2 when n is odd Prove by division into cases 20 June 2007 Number Theory 43 nZ, pZprime, p|n p(n + 1) Suppose n,p s.t. p|n p|(n + 1) Let n = pi, n + 1 = pj pj = pi + 1 pj – pi = 1 p(j – i) = 1 p|1 p can be 1 or -1, neither of which is prime 20 June 2007 Number Theory 44 Is the set of primes infinite? Assume finite set of primes of size N – {p1, p2, ,pN} Construct x = p1 p2 … pN Prime factorization says: – pi, such that pi|(x+1) That pi must be in {p1, p2, ,pN} so pi|x pi|x pi|(x+1) Which contradicts the previous theorem 20 June 2007 Number Theory 45 Summary of Proof Methods Constructive Proof of Existence Proof by Exhaustion Proof by Generalizing from the Generic Particular Proof by Contraposition Proof by Contradiction Proof by Division into Cases 20 June 2007 Number Theory 46 Errors in Proofs Arguing from example for universal proof. Misuse of Variables Jumping to the Conclusion (missing steps) Begging the Question Using "if" about something that is known 20 June 2007 Number Theory 47 Applications Programming – If … then … – Loops … – Algorithms (e.g. gcd) … More examples – Calculator Sqrt(2) = 1.414213562 40.72727272727 –=? – Cryptography … 20 June 2007 Number Theory 48 Using the Unique Prime Factorization Theorem Prove: aZ+ 3 | a2 3 | a Prove: aZ+qZprime q|a2 q|a 20 June 2007 Number Theory 49 nZ, 20 June 2007 2 odd odd n Z nZ Number Theory 50 nZ, 20 June 2007 odd a,bZ , Number Theory n=a+b 51