VOLUNTEERS FOR MEDICAL ENGINEERING (VME) Improving the Independence of Individuals with Disabilities in Maryland through Creative Engineering Who we are?: VME is a non-profit 501(C)(3) organization located in the Workforce & Technology Center on Argonne Drive in Baltimore, Maryland VME’s Mission: To improve the independence and quality of life for individuals with disabilities through innovative efforts of volunteers with expertise in medicine, engineering and technology, resulting in unique solutions to everyday challenges faced by people with disabilities What we do?: •Design and build unique assistive devices •Loan computers •Provide information and referral •Perform web searches for commercial solutions VME Clients •Individuals of all ages, birth to elderly, with any type of disability •Disabled students from local area schools •Organizations and agencies serving individuals with disabilities VME Volunteers •Engineers, physicians, nurses, physical and occupational therapists from local industries •Retired engineers and medical professionals •College & high school students •Ordinary citizens with the desire to help others The VME Process Client request received Client Service Team (CST) evaluation Project Review and Acceptance Committee (PRAC) evaluation Device designed and made by volunteers Device delivered to client VME HISTORY VME was founded by John Staehlin, an engineer at Westinghouse in 1982. John founded VME in an effort to help disabled co-workers through innovative engineering. Fees: •Individual project: $25 each •Group project: $50 each •Annual volunteer fee: $10 •Material allowance: $200 per project PARTNERS/ASSOCIATES CORPORATE Northrop Grumman Lockheed Martin The Edgewood Chemical Biological Command (US ARMY) ACADEMIC Johns Hopkins School of Engineering University of Maryland at Baltimore County Community College of Baltimore County Maryland Public School Systems Eastern Technical High School Maryland Department of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) SPECIAL PARTNERSHIP TWO PARTNERSHIPS WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE AgrAbility PROGRAM •TRACTOR MOUNTING SYSTEM DESIGNED AND BUILT BY JOHNS HOPKINS SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING SENIORS FOR DISABLED PARK VOLUNTEERS SPECIAL PARTNERSHIP •HIVE MAINTENANCE SYSTEM BEING DESIGNED AND BUILT FOR DISABLED BEE KEEPER IN SOUTHERN MARYLAND IN CONJUCTION WITH RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENCE OF WESTERN MARYLAND HELPING EXAMPLE: A carpenter lost both hands in an industrial accident. VME volunteers designed a way for his power tools to connect to his prosthetic arms and Johns Hopkins Students designed a box to hold the tools so that he could attach and detach the tools by himself. Helping Example: Crib side modified from drop down to swing open like a gate and the legs of the crib were extended so the mother’s wheelchair can fit under the crib to facilitate transferring the baby. Helping Example: Motorized backpack to allow student with CP to access her school supplies without a caregiver. Volunteers for Medical Engineering, Inc. CONTACT US: Bob Coen PHONE: 410.893.7292 EMAIL: bob@vmesolutions.org www.vmesolutions.org VME MAIN OFFICE 410.243.7495