UC Four Campus - Human Sciences and Complexity Videoconference 1.1.1 (year 1 quarter 1 videoconf 1) 1 UC Four Campus - Human Sciences and Complexity Please send and encourage submissions and commentaries Our newly inaugurated electronic journal Videoconference 1.1.1 (year 1 quarter 1 videoconf 1) 2 Civilizations as dynamic networks Cities, hinterlands, populations, industries, trade and conflict Douglas R. White © 9/30/2005 All rights reserved (45 slides follow - can also be viewed on the web-my 'conference paper' site) acknowledgements Thanks to the International Program of the Santa Fe Institute for support of the work on urban scaling with Nataša Kejžar and Constantino Tsallis, and thanks to the ISCOM project (Information Society as a Complex System) principal investigators David Lane, Geoff West, Sander van der Leeuw and Denise Pumain for ISCOM support of collaboration with Peter Spufford at Cambridge, and for research assistance support from Joseph Wehbe. Also thanks to David Krakauer at SFI in suggesting how our multilayered models of rise and fall of city networks could be guided by sufficient statistics modeling principles and to Lane and van der Leeuw for suggestions on the slides. This study is complemented by others within the ISCOM project concerned with urban scaling and innovation. I also want to thank Peter Spufford for his generous support in providing systematic empirical data on intercity networks and industries in the medieval period to complement the data in his book, Dean Anuska Ferligoj, School of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, for five weeks of support for work carried out with Kejzar in Ljubljana in summer, 2005, Celine Rozenblat (ISCOM project) for providing the historical urban size data, and Camille Roth (Polytechnic, Paris) for his collaborations on representing medieval evolutions of multiple industries across city networks. A jointly authored on this project is in draft with Spufford. (possibly others) 4 Outline re: civilizations as dynamic networks some main approaches and areas of findings 1 Rise and fall of intercity networks (e.g., trade and disruption) 1A Key concept: structural cohesion and its effects, such as market zones and price equilibrium vs. inflation in cohesive cores versus peripheries (White and Harary 2002 SocMeth, Moody and White 2003 ASR) 1B Similarly, effects of network betweenness versus flow centrality on commercial vs. financial capital and institutional organization 2 Urban scaling: distributional scaling and historical transitions 2A City growth and inequality parameters: From Zipf's rank size laws to power laws to a stronger scaling theory of q-exponentials 2B Periodization: Historical q-periods and their correlates • Commercial vs. Financial capital and organization • Market equilibrium vs. Structural Inflation 3 Interactive dynamics: world population, cities and hinterlands, polities 3A economic growth versus sociopolitical conflict 3B organizational change at macro level and micro level 5 variables Will look first at networks - as dependent outcome (rise and fall of intercity networks) and as entailing potential variables shaping outcomes such as – Network unit formation (with overlaps): trading zones (structural cohesion) and market pricing, relation to emergence of political units – city centralities (betweenness and flow) and hegemony – question how and why networks of cities rise and fall Then attributes of cities and hinterlands – How city distributions scale by size – How the scaling varies with time – What are the oscillations, periods, and critical variables as scaling parameters change Finally, the variables that connect them dynamically 6 Co-evolution of Cities and City Networks City attributes and distributions Dynamics from City Networks Pop. Size Hierarchy Structural Cohesion Routes, Capacities Urban Industries plus Unit Formation (e.g. polities) Velocities and Magnitudes of trade Commerce, Finance Hinterland Productivity STATES from factions & coalitions to sovereignty - emergent Spatiopolitical units Demography/Resources Conflicts Interference and attempts at regulation Sources of boundary conflicts Organizational transformation of nodes MARKETS from structurally cohesive k-components - emergent Network units (overlap)8 Co-evolution of Cities and City Networks City attributes and distributions Dynamics from City Networks Pop. Size Hierarchy Structural Cohesion Routes, Capacities Urban Industries plus Unit Formation (e.g. polities) Velocities and Magnitudes of trade Commerce, Finance Hinterland Productivity Demography/Resources Conflicts Organizational transformation of nodes 9 For example, among medieval merchants and merchant cities of the 13th century, cohesive trade zones (gold nodes) and their potential for market pricing supported the creation of wealth, with states benefiting by marketplace taxation and loans. Lübeck (early slide, merely illustrative, not to scale, network incomplete) banking network The Hanse League port of Lübeck at its peak had about 1/6th the trade of Genoa, 1/5th that of Venice; its network (slides ahead) had a well documented colonial and religiously-based organization. 10 With expanded coding and further road identification for the medieval network, 2nd(gold) and 3rd-order cohesiveness (red nodes) reveals multiple cohesive zones such as those of Western Europe or the Russian plains. Again, this cohesion supported the creation of wealth among merchants and merchant cities, with states benefiting by taxation and loans. Red 3-components Middle East and its 3-component also In Northern Europe the main Hanse League port of Lubeck had about 1/6th the trade of Genoa, 1/5th that of 11 Venice. Bipartite network cohesion in Hanse saintly brotherhood trade organization Medieval Hanse trading towns had religious brotherhoods under a Patron Saint for a distant church of the same Saint (kaufmannskirch), which hosted the traders and protected their goods. The more distant the trading locations, into foreign lands, the more frequent the construction of matching kaufmannskirchen. Core towns Northeast Linking kaufmannskirchen (by Saint name) Southwest Distant towns Additional linking kaufmannskirchen Given its 13th C betweenness centrality, Genoa generated the most wealth Betweenness centrality in the trade network ought to predict accumulation of mercantile wealth. Genoa has greatest wealth, as predicted. As a distinct episodic event, on September 7th 1298 Genoa defeated the Venetian fleet in battle. Size of nodes adjusted to indicate differences in betweenness centrality of trading cities in the banking network Betweenness Centralities in the banking network 13 Flow centrality (how much total network flow is reduced with removal of a node) predicts something entirely different: the potential for profit-making on trade flows. It necessarily reflects flow velocities central to the organizational transformations undergone in different cities, as Spufford argues. This type of centrality is conceptually very different. It maps out very differently than strategic betweenness centers like Venice or Genoa, which are relatively low in flow centrality. 14 RISE AND FALL Silk, Jade and Porcelain from China - Spice trade from India and SE Asia Gold and Salt from Africa The lead-up to the 13th C world-system and its economy was a period of population expansion and then crisis as environmental carrying capacities were reached. In the 14th C, economic depression set in, inflation abated and population dropped, with famines beginning well before the Black Death. After closure of the Golden Horde/Mongol Corridor (1360s), the EurAsian network crashed. To illustrate the effects of structural cohesion in the trade route network on the development of market pricing versus structural inflation, we could start with the AfroEurasian world-system at the end of the pre-classical period in 500 BCE - What came before the medieval networks rise and fall? 15 These trade routes mostly form a tree, with a narrow structurally cohesive trading zone (with market potential) from India to Gibraltar Trade networks before 500 BCE were smaller, even more tree-like, and lacking cohesion 16 During classical antiquity trade routes become much more structurally cohesive from China to France 17 Cohesive extension of trade routes leads to a host of other developments… (figures courtesy of Andrew Sherratt, ArchAtlas) 18 Multiconnected regions => structural cohesion variables 19 Multiconnected regions => structural cohesion variables 20 Multiconnected regions => structural cohesion variables 21 Multiconnected regions => structural cohesion variables Some changes in the medieval network from 1000 CE 22 Multiconnected regions => structural cohesion variables to 1500 CE (note changes in biconnected zones of structural cohesion) Project mapping is proceeding for cities and trade networks for all of AfroEurasia and urban industries for Europe in 25year intervals, 1150-1500 (our technology for cities / zones / trade networks / distributions of multiple industries across cities for each time period includes dynamic GIS overlays, flyover and zoomable web images) 23 Co-evolution of Cities and City Networks City attributes and distributions Dynamics from City Networks Pop. Size Hierarchy Structural Cohesion Routes, Capacities Urban Industries plus Unit Formation (e.g. polities) Velocities and Magnitudes of trade Commerce, Finance Hinterland Productivity Demography/Resources Conflicts Organizational transformation of nodes 24 1-3 Independent and dependent variables focus now on 1 and 2, taking 3 as dependent variable 1 Attributes of cities: historical scaling of city sizes (28 periods, data from Tertius Chandler) – – Three bears analogy Classic Zipf rank size law 1/f except that shape varies by context, rather than constant. Porridge too cold. Chair too big. Bed too soft. Momma bear. – Power law α holds for upper bins only. Too hot. Too big. Too hard. (Papa bear). power-law y(x) ≈ K x-α with a superlinear slope coefficient α. – q-exponential holds for entire distributions and for upper bins q = 1 - 1/α. Oscillations in q break history into pieces (Baby bear's chair). No universal law of cities, to the disappointment of physicists. 2 Hinterland context of cities – – Including total population (rural and urban) Rural industry and agriculture 3 Networks of cities: rise and fall of intercity networks as dependent variable (also mediating network variables) 25 1A World city sizes scaling: inadequacy of power law slope α, scale K variables 1000 Illustrative "power-law" y(x) ≈ K x-α with a superlinear slope coefficient α 1000 100 10 100 1 Not a good fit to overall city size distributions 10 1 10 100 But does fit the upper bins frequencies for city sizes 1 1 10 100 United Nations data for world cities, 1950 Vertical axis y = cumulative number of cities at this bin or higher (inset: y = cumulative number of people in these cities) Horizontal axis x = binned logs (city size) Dashed line = portion of distribution that is "power-law" 26 1A World city sizes scaling: empirically fitted slope q, scale κ (kappa) variables 8 The governing equation fitted here is q-exponential q (NLS) κ detrended 6 4 2 0 -250 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 The observed relation of q and detrended κ is not one of definition. -2 -4 At time t, population y(x) ≈ y(0) [1 + (1–q) x/κ)]1/(1–q), as function of q, κ, binned size x q ~ 1.8 ± .3, y(0) follows from q and k A lower q is a more egalitarian city size distribution with few big hubs. A lowering begins after 1000 CE and ends between 1250 and 1290. Inegalitarian q to 1550. Lowering with New World colonization ends btwn 1750 and 1800. Inegalitarian to 1925. Currently low (few big). 100.00 y = 0.000052x + 1.700698 R2 = 0.016064 10.00 1.00 0 5 10 15 0.10 20 25 Hundreds -1.5684 y = 12298x 2 R = 0.8263 0.01 27 1A World city sizes scaling: slope q, scale κ (kappa) variables Why do I use the two-parameter scaling formula below rather than fitting an urban scaling power-law y(x) = K x-α with a superlinear slope coefficient α? 1. City size power-law scaling only fits a differential slope across upper-sized bins, which is precisely what q measures, recalling that q = 1 -1/α, and that = 1/(1-q) is the slope of the upper bins in the curve fitting. α At time t, population y(x) = y(0) [1 + (1–q) x/κ)]1/(1–q), as function of q, κ, binned size x 2. More generally, superlinear phenomena have some self-amplifying process in which the pull of the more active elements operates against drag in the bulk of the network interactions they are drawing upon. There are over 8,000 recent articles in physics reexpressing the basic laws of Boltzmann-Gibbs in terms of this generalization, for near-equilibrium phenomena that retain structure over time. In contrast, where there are no self-amplifying processes, but only random interactions, the equation asymptotes for structureless processes to q → 1, the standard measure of entropy (see Tsallis 1988) 3. Kappa and q give more accurate assessment of change and epochal shifts. 28 1B Contiguous time periods (verified by runs test), discrete (1-7) variable 1985 15.00 1980 kDetrended 10.00 1965 1975 1960 1970 1950 1955 5.00 1700 1650 1600 1250 1100 0.00 1200 1150 1.20 1.40 361 -200 622 800 100 1850 1750 1000 1400 1450 1925 1800 1825 1.60 qNLS Egalitarian hierarchy (few hubs) 1.80 2.00 1900 2.20 Inegalitarian hierarchy 29 1B, Periodization: Value clusters for historical q-period hierarchy variable q Inegalitarian Egalitarian q (high) Intermediate κ below trend line Inegalitarian Egalitarian (few hubs) q (low) κ above trend line (1) 200 BCE–900 (2) 1000 Conflict (3) 1100–1250 Medieval . (4) 1300–1550 Conflict (p = .05; p = .01)* (5) 1600–1750 European Expansion Period Renaissance (6) 1800–1925 Industrial (p = .01; p = .0001)* (7) 1950–1995 Consumer . Period EExpansion * Significance tests for left versus previous and current right entries. Only NLS values are used. Revol. Revolution Historical Variations and Correlates of Urban Hierarchy Scalar q There are Egalitarian (E) and Inegalitarian (I) periods up to 250 years in length, highly nonrandom in runs tests (p <.00000001). Lengths of both types of q-periods grow shorter with time. The shortening is expected with superlinear growth trends which "expire" at a certain date. -----------------------------background-----------------------------------------------------------------For more background on q-scaling for network interactions, see references: White, Kejzar, Tsallis, Farmer and White, 2005, "A generative model for feedback networks" Physica A forthcoming http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0508028). For the historical city size application see White, Kejzar, Tsallis and Rozenblat Ms. "Generative Historical Model of City Size Hierarchies: 430 BCE – 2005." Santa Fe Institute wp series. 30 power law coef. α = – 2 = = -1/(q-1) thus q = 1.5 at the asymptote (few hubs, more equality) (for 2005) q =1.81 κ = 25 q =1.61 κ = 28 q =1.70 κ = 19 α = –2 q =1.57 κ = 19 q = 1.5 q =1.50 κ = 15 q =2.01 κ = 5.5 q =2.08 κ = 2.4 q =2.01 κ =2.2 q =1.84 κ = 1.7 q =2.1 κ =0.68 q =1.9 κ = 0.59 more inequality at the asymptote: (for 1800) α = –1 q=2 The entire city-size distributions for these 18 time periods are fitted by q and κ, not just the upper size bins This is what the actual scaling looks like. In this series the upper bin slope is going from q ~ 2 in 1800 (inegalitarian, α= - 1) to q ~ 1.5 (egalitarian) in 2000. If these distributions were actual power laws, they would be best-fitted by a straight line in this log-log graph. The x axis has the city sizebins, e.g., 20.0 = 200,000 people or more. The dotted lines show number of cities in multiples of two: 4, 8,16,32,etc. 31 Co-evolution of Cities and City Networks City attributes and distributions Dynamics from City Networks Pop. Size Hierarchy Structural Cohesion Routes, Capacities Urban Industries plus Unit Formation (e.g. polities) Velocities and Magnitudes of trade Commerce, Finance Hinterland Productivity Demography/Resources Conflicts Organizational transformation of nodes Scarcity; Periods of: Inflation; Competition; Sociopolitical violence; 32 2A Cities and hinterlands context variable World population 'response' 1250 Kremer data; Fitted Coefficients of Equation 1, Nt = CN / e(t0 – t) k CN Up to (following period) Period Length -5000 or earlier 1.19 560000000 Classical Antiquity n.a. n.a. -200 (q turns hi?) 0.26 36000 Medieval Renaissance c.7000 3.8 1250 (q turns hi) 0.175 19000 Industrial Revolution c.1450 3.2 1750-1860 (ditto) 0.15 1700 Consumer Economy c.610 2.8 ? c.100? 2.0 Start Year Post-1962 (ditto) Log of Length . (linearly decreasing) 33 q-dependent variables • Total population growth rate slower with flat city growth, but also tends to diminish at the end of each type of q-period. Possibly a failure of innovation rate because leading cities depend on innovation. – Superlinear growth is unsustainable, generate decreasing lengths of oscillations, also general inflection points (e.g., flattening, crisis) • Look to historical correlates (Circum-Med): is there – Alternation in economic market trends (Inflationary vs. near-equilibrium)? (evaluated with 13 datasets: Spufford 1982; Fischer 1996) – Alternation of forms of organization (Commercial vs. financial capital)? (evaluated with Arrighi data, 1994, 5 periods, 1100-1990) – Alternation of trade hegemon with every new q-period (evaluated with dates of q- and other periods) • Near the start of a q-period (following diminishing growth rate at the end of the prior q-period): Does the evidence support the following? – Market stability begins but doesn't last through the q-period. – Structural inflation takes over, may last into the next q-period. 34 Hegemony-type and inflation as q-correlated temporal variables C CCC CCCC CC I ??? ?I I I I I I I I I I I ? ?I I I I I I q Hi ? ? ? ? L ? ? ? h h h h L L L L L L L L h h h h h h L L L L h h L L L L L h h h L Inflation Lo/hi P P ? ? pP ? ? ? EEEEEEE? ? EEEEEEE? EEE q Lo FFFFFFF FFFFF FFF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 02570257025702570257025702570257025702570 05050505050505050505050505050505050505050 L/h lo/hi inflation figures (L=depression) are for that year forward time-series data coded by 25 year periods, hegemonic economic organization: C = commercial capital the (e.g., colonizing or diaspora traders) F = financial capital the hegemonic economic organization (e.g., corporate traders) supported propositions: initial C, F => L (low inflation), little or no time lag initial C => I (inegalitarian city hierarchy) initial F => E (egalitarian city hierarchy) L gives way to h (high inflation) within E, I 35 Summary of historical correlates of hierarchy variable q As a sidebar to the last slide, all major industries and their distributions across cities in the trading city networks are also coded in generational (25 year) intervals, and the capacities of transport routes are similarly coded in 25 year intervals. Coding now complete for the Circum-Mediterranean, awaiting completion for the rest of Eurasia. Inegalitarian q (high) Egalitarian q (low) (hubs) κ below trend line κ above trend line (growth) Periods of Low Inflation Periods of High Inflation (#s are q - κ periods) High 2-3 -1320 1350-1520 Low 3 High 3-4 1500-1650 1650-1780 Low 4 High 4-5 1750-1810 1830-1910 Low 5 High 5-6 1925-2005 Periods of Commercial Capital EuroHegemonic hubs (1340-85) Periods of Financial Capital c.1000 Constantinople Venice c.1100-1297 1298-1380 Genoa Holland 1610-1730 1797-1917 Britain U.S.A. 1950-? Historical Variations and Correlates of Urban Hierarchy Scalar q 36 Euro-Hegemon examples (Arrighi 1994) Commercial Financial Constantinople Venice Genoa Amsterdam London New York 37 Stylized facts: Economic macro variables 1. Gross World Economic Product grows not in proportion to 1/(time to singularity), as does population, but 1/ /(time to singularity)2 2. Inflation, however, is more sensitive to global and local fluctuations of population above and below its superlinear trend-line, which also correlate with q-periods. Renaissance Equilibrium (begins with economic depression) 1900 38 Dynamic interaction and organizational outcome variables • Peter Turchin - in Structure & Dynamics – (2005) gives the key to dynamic interactions between governance, conflicts, unraveling, on the one hand, and population oscillations on the other • Peter Spufford - in Power & Profit (2002) – shows how rises in the velocity of trade in intercity networks causes transformations in organizations. 39 Chinese phase diagram 40 English sociopolitical violence cycles don’t directly correlate but lag population cycles. Detrended English population cycles, 1100-1900, occur every 300-200 years. Source: Turchin 41 Turchin tests statistically the interactive prediction versus the inertial prediction for England, Han China (200 BCE -300 CE), Tang China (600 CE - 1000) 42 Co-evolution of Cities and City Networks City attributes and distributions Dynamics from City Networks Pop. Size Hierarchy Structural Cohesion Routes, Capacities Urban Industries plus Unit Formation (e.g. polities) Velocities and Magnitudes of trade Commerce, Finance Hinterland Productivity Demography/Resources Conflicts Organizational transformation of nodes 43 The population and sociopolitical crisis dynamic that drove inflation in the 12th-15th centuries also drove monetization and trade in luxury goods. Inflation of land value created migration of impoverished peasants ejected from the land, demands of money rents for parts of rural estates, and substitution of salaries for payments in land to retainers. (Relative to Carrying Capacity) Prices Real wages (low) Inflation In kind payment of serfs, retainers salaried laborers Demand for prestige goods Poverty forces more meltdown of silver Demand for money rents Peasants to cities Elites to cities Conspicuous consumption Demand for silver mining Coinage Monetization (Velocity of Money in Exchange) Effects of Inflation of Land Thresholds (Variables affecting transition) on Monetization Reorganization (to handle higher velocities) e.g., Division of labor, new techniques, road building, bridge building, new transport Merchants/agents Governments/agents Churches/agents Elites/agents 44 Modeling combined effects of layered variables Overall, with rise and fall of networks of cities as a dependent variable, and so many independent variables, a stagewise overlay-modeling strategy becomes the focus: – Model 1: self-amplifying economic growth, with thresholds for organizational transformation. E.g., in Medieval period studied by Spufford (2002), inflation drives monetization drives trade flows given organizational transformations that drive both elites and commoners to cities. – Overlay model 2: Structural demography (Turchin 2005) circumscribed state population fluctuations interact dynamically with sociopolitical violence, violence interrupts trade, brings down trading velocities and cuts off links because of interpolity conflicts, flattens city hierarchies. – Overlay model 3: q-period correlates bring in changes in macroorganizational forms (commercial vs. financial capital forms). Those models were my focus of this presentation. At each stage, the principle of sufficient statistics is used to purge unnecessary detail. 45 Co-evolution of Cities and City Networks City attributes and distributions Dynamics from City Networks Pop. Size Hierarchy Structural Cohesion Routes, Capacities Urban Industries plus Unit Formation (e.g. polities) Velocities and Magnitudes of trade Commerce, Finance Hinterland Productivity STATES from factions & coalitions to sovereignty - emergent Spatiopolitical units Demography/Resources Conflicts Interference and attempts at regulation Sources of boundary conflicts Organizational transformation of nodes MARKETS from structurally cohesive k-components - emergent 46 Network units (overlap) References – Arrighi, Giovanni. 1994. The Long Twentieth Century. London: Verso. – Fischer, David Hackett. 1996. The Great Wave: Price Revolutions and the Rhythm of History. Oxford University Press – Sherratt, Andrew. (visited) 2005. ArchAtlas. http://www.arch.ox.ac.uk/ArchAtlas/ – Spufford, Peter. 2002. Power and Profit: The Merchant in Medieval Europe. Cambridge U Press. – Tsallis, Constantino. 1988. Possible generalization of Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics, J.Stat.Phys. 52, 479. – Turchin, Peter. 2005. Dynamical Feedbacks between Population Growth and Sociopolitical Instability in Agrarian States. Structure and Dynamics 1(1):Art2. http://repositories.cdlib.org/imbs/socdyn/sdeas/ – West, Geoff, Luis Bettencourt, José Lobo. 2005 ms. The Pace of City Life: Growth, Innovation and Scale. – Douglas R. White, Natasa Kejzar, Constantino Tsallis, Doyne Farmer, and Scott White. 2005. A generative model for feedback networks. Physica A forthcoming. http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0508028 – White, Douglas R., Natasa Keyzar, Constantino Tsallis and Celine Rozenblat. 2005. Ms. Generative Historical Model of City Size Hierarchies: 430 BCE – 2005. Santa Fe Institute. – White, Douglas R., and Peter Spufford. (Book Ms.) 2005. Medieval to Modern: Civilizations as Dynamic Networks. 47 The current updates of these slides can be found at http://eclectic.ss.uci.edu/~drwhite/Conferences.html Some slides were removed for purposes of simplification 48 No good measures yet worldwide for everything in this set of variables Hypotheses moderately supported by data but still to be reexamined: In the "flatter" city growth periods -- more egalitarian, as in 1800-1925 -urban functions are also pushed out to hinterlands, with higher rates of general conflict, including the colonialization era of the industrial revolution, but at these time scales these are slow-growth periods for total population. The more inegalitarian city growth periods, such at the Medieval urban revolution, push faster urban growth rate changes (pink line to the right shows the lagged effect of κ) and also total population growth. This may be due to financial and administrative inventiveness at the upper urban size scales that creates mechanisms for support and exploitation of larger populations, e.g., state-building. These systems reach their limits more quickly, however. The figure at right supports a Medieval dynamic in these terms that is obscured in later periods by ease of migration. 49 Email comments from collaborators regarding variables kappa and q I went through your power point: wow, this is going to be a quite impressive lecture! >Best, >> Constantino drw reply:> thanks! but have I made any mistakes with the q-exponential and its interpretation? For example I assumed that q and kappa were, in theory, independent parameters... and used the fact they were not to help periodize the time series. reply> I detected no major flaw in what I read. Constantino--At 11:12 27/9/2005 ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------These studies -- from a "micro-grounding" viewpoint -- link to broader complex system issues like your point about why strict power laws are maladapted to city-size hierarchies. -- email from Camille Roth, 9/27 ----------------------------------background--------------------------------------------Camille Roth at the polytechnic and I are working on "micro-grounding" the high-level phenomena (distributions and other stylized facts) using the lowerlevel trade networks to show cities varying in size through time the industries that have located or relocated in the cities, and the industrial processing chains that run through the cities --drw 50 year urban population (%) 1300 10 1800 12 1850 20 1900 38 1950 52 1994 75 Source: Huriot and Thisse (2000, p. ix) Percentage Urban Population in Europe http://www.few.eur.nl/few/people/vanmarrewijk/geography/zipf/ http://www.few.eur.nl/few/people/vanmarrewijk/geography/stephan/excel_figures_and_data_material.htm 51 Outline: recent work on a book in progress with Peter Spufford; discoveries of some main empirical findings about civilizational dynamics 1 cities themselves: distributional scaling and history A City growth and inequality parameters: From Zipf's rank size laws to power laws to a stronger scaling theory of q-exponentials B Periodization: Historical q-periods and their correlates • Commercial vs. Financial capital and organization • Market equilibrium vs. Structural Inflation 2 Relation to world population, hinterlands, ecologies A economic growth B organizational change at macro level and micro level 3 Intercity networks A Cohesion: Core versus Peripheries • Contribution to Market equilibrium vs. Structural Inflation B Centrality: Betweenness versus Flow • Contribution to Commercial vs. Financial capital and organization 52 Hegemony-type and inflation as q-correlated temporal variables C CCC CCCCCC E? ? ? ? EEEEEEEEEEE? ? EEEEEE q Hi ? ? ? ? L ? ? ? h h h h L L L L L L L L h h h h h h L L L L h HL L L L L h h h L Inflation Lo/hi P P ? ? pP ???I I I I I I I ? ?I I I I I I I ? I I I q Lo FFFFFFF FFFFF FFF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 02570257025702570257025702570257025702570 05050505050505050505050505050505050505050 L/h lo/hi inflation figures (L=depression) are for that year forward time-series data coded by 25 year periods, hegemonic economic organization: C = commercial capital the (e.g., colonizing or diaspora traders) F = financial capital the hegemonic economic organization (e.g., corporate traders) supported propositions: initial C, F => L (low inflation), little or no time lag initial C => I (inegalitarian city hierarchy) initial F => E (egalitarian city hierarchy) L gives way to h (high inflation) within E, I 53