LUCTOR: Land Use Crop Technical Coefficient Generator; version 2.0 A model to quantify cropping systems in the Northern Atlantic zone of Costa Rica H. Hengsdijk, A. Nieuwenhuyse & B.A.M. Bouman grafiek PE vignet ab-dlo vignet Quantitative Approaches in Systems Analysis The Quantitative Approaches in Systems Analysis series provides a platform for publication and documentation of simulation models, optimization programs, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), expert systems, data bases, and utilities for the quantitative analysis of agricultural and environmental systems. The series enables staff members, students and visitors of AB-DLO and PE to publish, beyond the constraints of refereed journal articles, updates of models, extensive data sets used for validation and background material to journal articles. The QASA series thus primarily serves to support peer reviewed articles published elsewhere. The inclusion of listings of programs in an appendix is encouraged. All manuscript are reviewed by an editorial board comprising one AB-DLO and one PE staff member. The editorial board may consult external reviewers. The review process includes assessing the following: relevance of the topic to the series, overall scientific soundness, clear structure and presentation, and completeness of the presented material(s). The editorial board evaluates manuscripts on language and lay-out matters in a general sense. However, the sole responsibility for the contents of the reports, the use of correct language and lay-out rests with the authors. Manuscripts or suggestions should be submitted to the editorial board. Reports of the series are available on request. Quantitative Approaches in Systems Analysis are issued by the DLO Research Institute for Agrobiology and Soil Fertility (AB-DLO) and The C.T. de Wit Graduate School for Production Ecology (PE). AB-DLO, with locations in Wageningen and Haren, carries out research into plant physiology, soil science and agro-ecology with the aim of improving the quality of soils and agricultural produce and of furthering sustainable production systems. The 'Production Ecology' Graduate School explores options for crop production systems associated with sustainable land use and natural resource management; its activities comprise research on crop production and protection, soil management, and cropping and farming systems. Address for ordering copies of volumes in the series: Secretariat TPE-WAU Bornsesteeg 47 NL-6708 PD Wageningen Phone: Fax: (+) 31 317.482141 (+) 31 317.484892 E-mail: Addresses of editorial board (for submitting manuscripts): H.F.M. ten Berge M.K. van Ittersum AB-DLO TPE-WAU P.O. Box 14 Bornsesteeg 47 NL-6700 AA Wageningen NL-6708 PD Wageningen Phone: (+) 31 317.475951 Phone: (+) 31 317.482382 Fax: (+) 31 317.423110 Fax: (+) 31 317.484892 E-mail: E-mail: LUCTOR: Land Use Crop Technical Coefficient Generator; version 2.0 A model to quantify cropping systems in the Northern Atlantic zone of Costa Rica H. Hengsdijk, A. Nieuwenhuyse & B.A.M. Bouman PE Quantitative Approaches in Systems Analysis No. .. Month 1997 ab-dlo CIP-DATA KONINKLIJKE BIBLIOTHEEK, DEN HAAG Hengsdijk, H., A. Nieuwenhuyse & B.A.M. Bouman LUCTOR: Land Use Crop Technical Coefficient Generator; version 2.0 / H. Hengsdijk, A. Nieuwenhuyse, B.A.M. Bouman. - Wageningen : DLO Research Institute for Agrobiology and Soil Fertility ; Wageningen : The C.T. de Wit Graduate School for Production Ecology. (Quantitative approaches in systems analysis ; no. XX) ISBN 90-73384-34-6 NUGI 835 Subject headings: technical coefficient / cropping systems ; Costa Rica. Keywords technical coefficient generator, cropping systems, input-output coefficients, land use, Costa Rica Guidelines 'Quantitative Approaches in Systems Analysis' Manuscripts or suggestions should be submitted to the editorial board (H.F.M. ten Berge, AB-DLO, or M.K. van Ittersum, TPE-WAU). The final version of the manuscripts should be delivered to the editors camera-ready for reproduction. The submission letter should indicate the scope and aim of the manuscript (e.g. to support scientific publications in journals, program manual, educational purposes). The costs of printing and mailing are borne by the authors. The English language is preferred. Authors are responsible for correct language and lay-out. Overall guidelines for the format of the texts, figures and graphs can be obtained from the publication editor at AB-DLO, or from the PE office: H. Terburg Th.H. Jetten AB-DLO Secretariat C.T. de Wit Graduate School for Production Ecology P.O. Box 14 Lawickse Allee 13 NL-6700 AA Wageningen NL-6701 AN Wageningen Phone: (+) 31 317.475723 Phone: (+) 31 317.485116 Fax: (+) 31 317.423110 Fax: (+) 31 317.484855 E-mail: E-mail: Preface This report describes the model LUCTOR (Land Use Crop and Technology generatOR), version 2.0. LUCTOR quantifies cropping systems in terms of inputs and outputs (technical coefficients) in the Northern Atlantic zone of Costa Rica. The model has been developed in the project REPOSA (Research Program on Sustainability in Agriculture) in Guápiles, Costa Rica. REPOSA is a cooperation between Wageningen Agricultural University (WAU), the Centre for research and Education in Tropical Agriculture (CATIE), and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Costa Rica (MAG). LUCTOR is complementary to PASTOR (PASture and livestock technical coefficient generatOR; Bouman et al., 1998a), a model developed by REPOSA to generate technical coefficients for pastures, herds and feed supplementing in cattle systems in the humid tropics. The primary goal of LUCTOR is to generate technical coefficients for linear programming models to analyse and explore sustainable land use options. However, the model is also useful as a standalone tool for cost-benefit analysis or to support thinking about and design of new cropping systems. LUCTOR has been especially developed for the Northern Atlantic zone of Costa Rica. However, LUCTOR is set up in a generic manner so that, by adapting data files, users can make LUCTOR suitable to other environments and crops. The authors thank R. Schipper, P. Roebeling and F. Sáenz for discussions and suggestions during the development of LUCTOR. LUCTOR 2.0 can be obtained from: until December 1998: REPOSA Apartado 224-7210 Guápiles Costa Rica Tel. (+506) 710 6595 Fax (+506) 710 2327 E-mail: After December 1998: TPE-WAU Bornsesteeg 47 NL-6708 PD Wageningen The Netherlands Tel.: (+31) 317 482141 Fax: (+31) 317 484892 E-mail: Table of Contents page Preface Samenvatting Summary 1 Introduction 1.1 1.2 Use and type of technical coefficients in different LP-models Scope and structure of the report 2 Definition of land use activities 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Applied approach and concepts 2.1.1 Applied approach 2.1.2 Concepts Agro-ecological sustainability and environmental impact of land use activities 2.2.1 Agro-ecological sustainability 2.2.2 Environmental impact indicators Annual crops 2.3.1 Type of activity 2.3.2 Yield level 2.3.3 Type of soil 2.3.4 Crop type 2.3.5 Mechanisation level 2.3.6 Crop residue strategy 2.3.7 Herbicide level 2.3.8 Biocide level 2.3.9 Start of growing season Perennial crops 2.4.1 Type of activity 2.4.2 Crop type 2.4.3 Mechanisation level 2.4.4 Crop residue strategy 2.4.5 Crop cycle 2.4.6 Biocide level Plantation forestry activities 3 Technical Coefficient Generator 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Structure of LUCTOR Concepts and conventions used in LUCTOR Installation and operation of LUCTOR Generation of technical coefficients 3.4.1 Manual generation of TCs 1 1 2 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 9 10 10 10 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 17 17 19 20 23 23 3.5 3.4.2 Automatic generation of TCs Customising output files for LP-models 4 Annual activities 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Target yield Production techniques 4.2.1 Operation periods 4.2.2 Labour requirements 4.2.3 Mechanisation and implement requirements 4.2.4 Crop residue strategy 4.2.5 Variable inputs Nutrient balances and requirements 4.3.1 Loss processes 4.3.2 Supply processes 4.3.3 Operationalisation of nutrient balances Costs 5 Perennial activities 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Target yield Production techniques 5.2.1 Operation periods 5.2.2 Labour, mechanisation and implement requirements 5.2.3 Crop residue strategy 5.2.4 Variable inputs Nutrient balances and requirements Costs and discounting of TCs 6 Plantation forestry activities 6.1 6.2 6.3 Target yield Production techniques Nutrient balances and requirements References 25 28 31 31 32 32 33 34 34 35 35 37 39 39 44 45 45 46 46 46 47 48 49 53 55 55 56 57 61 Appendix I: LUCTOR files 2 pp. Appendix II: Numbers and codes of definition criteria options 1 pp. Appendix III: Identification codes of land use activities 2 pp. Appendix IV: Crop parameters 17 pp. Appendix V: Crop protection agents 2 pp. Appendix VI: Prices of inputs and outputs 3 pp. 1 Samenvatting Dit rapport beschrijft het model LUCTOR (Land Use Crop Technology generatOR), versie 2.0. LUCTOR kwantificeert gewassystemen in termen van inputs en outputs (technische coefficienten) voor de Noord Atlantische zone van Costa Rica. Technische coefficienten van gewassystemen omvatten productie (opbrengst in kwaliteitsklassen), kosten van productie, arbeidsbehoefte, nutrientenbehoeften, behoefte aan gewasbeschermingsmiddelen, inzet van werktuigen, en nutrienten verliezen naar het milieu. Het model is in staat technische coefficienten te genereren voor eenjarigen (mais, bonen, cassave en ananas), meerjarigen (banaan, plataan, en palmhart) en plantage bos (teak en melina). Gewassystemen worden gekararkteriseerd aan de hand van zogenaamde ‘definitie criteria’ die zowel milieu als management opties omvatten. LUCTOR kan zowel actuele als alternatieve gewassytemen kwantificeren. Laatstgenoemde zijn technisch haalbare gewassystemen die nog niet algemeen worden toegepast in de Noord Atlantische zone en die worden gekenmerkt door een nutrientenbalans die in evenwicht is. Om de inputs en outputs van deze alternatieve gewassystemen te kwantificeren is de zogenaamde ‘doel-georienteerde benadering’ toegepast. Hierbij wordt een optimale combinatie van inputs geidentificeerd die nodig is om een zeker opbrengst-niveau te behalen, gebaseerd op kennis van onderliggende gewasgroei. Processen an relaties die gebruikt zijn voor de kwantificering van technische coefficienten zijn gebaseerd op (i) basis informatie over bodems, klimaat, gewassen, gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en prijzen, (ii) systeem analytische methoden en (iii) gekwantificeerde kennis van experts. Summary This report describes the model LUCTOR (Land Use Crop and Technology generatOR), version 2.0. LUCTOR quantifies cropping systems in terms of inputs and outputs (technical coefficients) for the Northern Atlantic zone of Costa Rica. Technical coefficients of cropping systems include production (yield in different quality classes), costs of production, labour requirements, nutrient requirements, required crop protection agents, implement requirements, and nutrient losses to the environment. The model is able to quantify technical coefficients of annuals (maize, beans and cassava, pineapple), perennials (banana, plantain and palmheart) and plantation forestry (teak and melina). Cropping systems are characterised by so-called definition criteria that encompass environmental and management options. LUCTOR can quantify both actual cropping systems and alternative cropping systems. The latter are technically feasible production systems not yet widely applied in the Northern Atlantic zone and characterised by an equilibrium nutrient balance. To quantify inputs and outputs of alternative land use activities the so-called ‘target-oriented approach’ has been applied which means that an optimal combination of inputs is identified to realise a particular output level, based on knowledge of (underlying) crop growth. Processes and relationships underlying the quantification of technical coefficients are based on (i) basic information on soils, climate, crops, crop protection agents and prices, (ii) systems analytical approaches, and (iii) quantified expert knowledge. 1 1 Introduction REPOSA (Research Programme On Sustainability of Agriculture) is an interdisciplinary research programme aimed at the development and application of methodologies for analysis and exploration of alternative land use scenarios for agro-ecological sustainable and economically viable land use at farm, and (sub) regional level. Within the programme several research methodologies have been developed which use Linear Programming as an integrative tool. Linear programming techniques in land use analysis can be used to optimise land use subject to a set of constraints (Hazell & Norton, 1986). Land use activities are well defined and quantified means of agricultural production in which a unique combination of inputs results in a unique mixture of agricultural outputs. Land use activities may include growth of arable crops, perennials, forestry, vegetables, animal husbandry, etc. Outputs of land use activities include desired (e.g. marketable products or crop residues for fodder) as well as undesired outputs (e.g. depletion of soil nutrients, biocide emissions to the environment), while inputs include for example labour, equipment, nutrients, biocides and seed. Subsequently, these in-and outputs can be expressed into economic terms using prices. In-and outputs of land use activities are defined per hectare. LP-models allow analysing the interaction among different types of land use activities at higher aggregation levels, such as farm and region plus their relative importance in contributing to objectives at these higher scale levels. One of the pilot areas to test and evaluate the methodologies developed within the REPOSA-project is the Northern Atlantic zone of Costa Rica. To characterise land use activities in this zone a socalled Technical Coefficient Generator has been developed which allows quantifying their in-and outputs. The term ‘technical coefficients (TC)’ refers to the in-and outputs of land use activities, which can be generated with the model. The TCG, which is called LUCTOR (Land Use Crop Technical coefficient generatOR), is a model that integrates basic data on soils, crop protection agents, crop characteristics, labour and implement requirements for field operations, documented calculation rules and explicit formulated assumptions. Land use activities are put into a theoretical framework in which efficiencies of their in-and outputs are formulated in relation to predefined production orientations (e.g. agriculture aiming at high productivity or low environmental pollution) (REPOSA, 1996). LUCTOR is part of a family of Technical Coefficient Generators that has been developed the last years for a number of explorative land use studies (e.g. Hengsdijk et al., 1996; Quak et al, 1996; Habekotté, 1994). This report describes the different components of LUCTOR as developed for the Northern Atlantic zone of Costa Rica. Since LUCTOR has a modular approach it can relatively easily be made operational in other regions. 1.1 Use and type of technical coefficients in different LP-models Different types of Linear Programming models exist, each with their own purpose and spatial and temporal scales. Within the framework of REPOSA several types of such LP-models are developed. Their purpose determines to a large extent which and how cropping systems must be quantified. One of the LP-models developed is aimed at exploring agro-ecologically sustainable land use options for the Northern Atlantic zone in Costa Rica in the long term (Bouman et al., 1998b). It is used to explore the agro-ecological sustainable land use options given societal objectives related to 2 land use. This model requires land use activities that are technically feasible and from an agroecological point sustainable, but not necessarily widely applied in the zone. It may be assumed that such activities use production factors more efficiently than current land use systems due to supposed future efficiency gains in agricultural production. In LUCTOR nutrient balances are used to quantify agro-ecological objectives related to sustainability. Agro-ecological sustainability of crop activities is operationalised in terms of a balanced nutrient supply, i.e. macroelements (N, P and K) withdrawn from the system are replenished by inputs from various external resources (e.g. fertilisers). This implies that productivity of these land use activities is maintained over time. These agro-ecologically sustainable activities are referred to as alternative land use activities, indicating their technical feasibility and innovative character. Another type of model is developed within the UNA/DLV1 project, a co-operation between the National University of Costa Rica and Wageningen Agricultural University, that is closely associated with REPOSA. This project aims at identification of policy instruments that are effective to induce changes in land use given farmers objectives and aspirations (Sáenz et al., 1997). For this purpose linear programming techniques are applied at farm level with a methodology that also uses econometric techniques. Due to the incorporation of econometric (behavioural) relationships in these type of LP-models their time horizon is much shorter than in explorative LP-models. In such short-term studies, future efficiency gains as assumed in alternative activities are less presumably, and land use activities that represent current means of production are required. Often, but not necessarily, such land use activities are unsustainable in terms of nutrient balance and may either be soil depleting or soil enriching. In this case, quantification of actual land use activities is required, activities that represent the current means of production and incorporate changes in production techniques that can be expected to be realized on short-term only. LUCTOR is developed to support both types of LP-models, therefore, both alternative and actual cropping activities are modelled. 1.2 Scope and structure of the report This report describes the procedure used for quantification of annual and perennial crops, and plantation forestry activities for the Northern Atlantic zone of Costa Rica. It describes the used basic data, assumptions, calculation rules as well as the structure of LUCTOR, i.e. how it can be used and adjusted by third parties. In the text, reference is made to the most important variable and parameter names (in italics) used in LUCTOR, so that procedures described in this report can easily be traced down in the model by users. This report is a combination of a manual, reference book and a description of used technical relationships. In Chapter 2 the general approach of defining land use activities is described. This chapter is meant for readers interested in a brief introduction to LUCTOR, the applied approach and the main characteristics of the land use activities that can be defined. More technical details are described in subsequent chapters. Chapter 3 describes the structure of LUCTOR and how it can be operated. This Chapter is meant for those who want to directly use LUCTOR and those who want to make own adjustments in the model. LUCTOR is used to quantify technical coefficients for LP-models developed within REPOSA 1 DLV is the Dutch abbreviation for ‘Duurzaam Landgebruik en Voedselvoorziening in de tropen’ (Sustainable land use and food security in developing countries’ 3 and UNA/DLV. Since requirements of both models differ, customised output format is defined and an interface is available for both LP-models that is described in this Chapter. In the subsequent three Chapters, data, relationships and assumptions used to quantify activities for annual crops, perennial crops, and plantation forestry are described, respectively. Yield levels, production techniques and nutrient balances and requirements are discussed in detail. Since, relationships used to quantify annual, perennial and plantation forestry systems do not differ much, Chapter 4 (annual activities) contains the most comprehensive information. For perennials (Chapter 5) and plantation forestry (Chapter 6) only differences in approach compared to that of annuals are discussed. 4 5 2 Definition of land use activities For identification of sustainable land use options in the Northern Atlantic zone of Costa Rica five major categories are distinguished: annual crops, perennial crops, plantation forestry, animal, and pasture activities. So-called definition criteria that encompass environmental and management options characterise each type of land use activity. In the subsections 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 the definition criteria for annual crops, perennial crops and plantation forestry are described in more detail, respectively. For each unique and feasible combination of definition criteria, a production activity and its in- and outputs per hectare are determined. The characterisation of animal and pasture activities is described in Bouman et al. (1998a). Processes and relationships underlying the in-and outputs of land use activities are based on (i) basic information on soils, climate, crops, crop protection agents and prices, (ii) systems analytical approaches, and (iii) quantified expert knowledge. For some data and processes the required knowledge is lacking or insufficient to generalise it into models. In such cases assumptions and knowledge of experts have been used, e.g. for the quantification of denitrification, volatilisation, yield reductions due to diseases and pests, length of development stages of crops, labour requirements for weeding, etc. In this sense, LUCTOR can be considered an expert-system that ‘forces’ field experts to be explicit about their knowledge, and to make that knowledge transparent and open to critical review by other experts. The advantage is that such knowledge is not left unused simply because it can not (yet) be formalised into process models (Jansen & Schipper, 1995). The data, underlying processes and relationships of land use activities have been combined and modelled in LUCTOR which integrates the information and calculates the required in -and output coefficients of land use activities. LUCTOR allows to adjust data and assumptions whenever new information and insights come available. In this way effects of arbitrary but verifiable assumptions on quantitative characteristics of land use activities can be analysed. LUCTOR is therefore not only an instrument to generate coefficients for LP-models but can also be a tool to support thinking about and design of new production systems. See for a comprehensive explanation of its use and modular structure Chapter 3. LUCTOR is not a management model that can be used for operational decision making nor a crop growth simulation model although results of the latter type of models can be used as input data in LUCTOR. The time step of activities is one year and is not suited for daily decision making. Nor does the model take into account spatial variation in soils and temporal variation in weather, which encounter farmers in daily life. LUCTOR describes different types of land use systems in complete operation sequences that include a quantification of all inputs and outputs during these operation sequences. Although the set of TCs is the final result of each land use activity the processes and steps leading to the result can be studied as well with LUCTOR. Underlying biophysical processes that are of relevance to characterise land use activities are modelled, for example nutrient dynamics. The reasoning behind the input and output relationships is therefore a comprehensive part of the model. 6 2.1 Applied approach and concepts 2.1.1 Applied approach To quantify inputs and outputs of alternative land use activities the ‘target-oriented approach’ has been applied which means that an optimal combination of inputs is identified to realise a particular output level, based on knowledge of (underlying) crop growth (Van Ittersum & Rabbinge, 1997). This implies that first a yield level is determined and subsequently the inputs, i.e. nutrients, labour and mechanisation requirements to attain and maintain this yield level in the long run. With regard to the soil nutrient stocks of alternative land use activities an equilibrium situation is assumed which means that the annual nutrient withdrawal and inevitable losses are replenished with nutrients from natural resources and fertilisers (see also section 2.2). Yield levels of alternative land use activities can be calculated using crop growth simulation models (de Koning et al., 1995). Since reliable climatological data for the Northern Atlantic zone and validated crop growth simulation models for most prevailing crops in the zone were lacking, yield levels of alternative activities are based on expert knowledge in LUCTOR. For most annual crop activities (maize, beans and cassava) the estimated maximum yield levels are twice as high as those currently attained. For perennial crops such as banana and pineapple for export purposes the yield gap between actual and alternative activities is smaller since current production systems attain already relatively high yields. For the definition of actual crop activities, a similar approach is followed as for alternative activities, however, in this case the actual yield level and inputs such as nutrients, labour and crop protection agents are used to determine other outputs such as nutrient balances and biocide indices (see paragraph 2.2.2). In some cases data collection of actual systems is inadequate to fully quantify all inputs of such systems. Hence, also for these systems other inputs such as labour have been quantified in a target-oriented way using standard task times. The empirically derived yield levels and inputs are based on various sources, which are indicated in the following Chapters. The major difference in approach with alternative activities is that nutrient balances of actual crop activities are a result of loss and gain processes that can be positive or negative while nutrient balances of alternative crop activities are used as an equilibrium target. In other words, for alternative crop activities the nutrient input is a resultant of the calculations and for actual crop activities the nutrient balance is a resultant. It is assumed that production factors in alternative activities can be applied in a more technically efficient manner, which is expressed in the following specific points: Crop characteristics of alternative crop activities are geared towards higher yields compared to annual activities (i.e. higher harvest indices). In alternative perennial activities distribution of fruit quality shifts towards higher percentages first quality fruit due to better crop management. In general alternative crop activities have higher plant densities. Fertiliser applications occur timely and more frequently. Since different yield leves are defined for both actual and alternative activities (see paragraph 2.3.2) the approach applied implies that alternative crop activities not necessarily have higher yields than actual crop activities. However, it does mean that alternative crop activities can be practised theoretically for years to come, while in most actual crop activities due to their depleting effect on the soil nutrient stock can not be considered sustainable options in the long run. 7 In principle, input and output relationships are expressed per hectare and are scale independent. However, it is obvious that the rate of return of capital intensive inputs such as machinery will depend on the scale to which they can be applied. A tractor is not profitable when only used for a few hectares, but used for larger areas it may be profitable. Therefore, the costs for machinery are based on rent prices. However, for products that need an on-farm post-harvest processing unit and specialised infrastructure (e.g. cable systems, drainage, etc. in banana) such an approach is not possible. To calculate the costs of this type of capital inputs (per hectare) it is implicitly assumed that such production factors serve an area of about 200-300 ha and that they are utilised optimally. 2.1.2 Concepts Since land use must comply with various (often) conflicting societal objectives, land use activities have to be defined that may contribute to the various objectives (Van Ittersum & Rabbinge, 1997). Inputs and outputs of land use activities for a given crop are completely determined by the physical environment and the production technique, i.e. the means that determine how a certain yield level is attained and includes e.g. the required nutrients, crop protection agents and labour. Soil types and climate represent the physical environment. In this study no different climatological sub zones have been identified for the Northern Atlantic zone since climatological conditions in the zone do not vary much. This assumption is confirmed by Bessembinder (1997) who did not find significant differences in potential production using a crop growth simulation model, also due to the absence of reliable climatological data. Since different combinations of production factors can result in identical crop yields substitution of different types of inputs is possible to a certain extent (De Wit, 1993), which from a viewpoint of optimal resource allocation has to be taken into account in the definition of land use activities. Disregarding such substitution possibilities would block prospects for development in certain directions and would neglect basic economic principles. Examples of such substitution possibilities include herbicides versus manual weeding, various uses of crop residues and different sowing dates. The latter can be considered as substitution of production factors in time while nutrients removed with harvesting of crop residues can be replaced with fertilisers. Other substitutions of inputs are usually only possible when a yield reduction is accepted. Examples are the reduced use of biocides through better crop monitoring and more hygienic measures, and mechanised soil preparation substituted with manual soil preparation that on the one hand limits the use of capital goods but on the other hand results in less favourable growing conditions reducing the yield level. Many other substitution possibilities of production factors are not possible which can be explained from the physiological function of various production factors within plants, for example radiation required for photosynthesis can not be substituted by water, and nitrogen can not substitute carbondioxide. Partial substitution between some of these production factors is sometimes possible, e.g. between nitrogen and phosphate. However, it neglects basic principles of sustained production: The application of nitrogen only may increase yields in the short run, but at the same time decreases phosphorus soil reserves due to an increased phosphorus uptake in the harvested produce. This can be explained by a change in soil fertility due to crop production. In the long run such management methods and consequently crop systems run into trouble. Breman (1992) has demonstrated this theoretical understanding in semi-arid areas where the introduction of N-fixing species could not offer a long-term solution to soil fertility problems due to an increased phosphorus deficiency in the soil. 8 2.2 Agro-ecological sustainability and environmental impact of land use activities Because methodologies developed within REPOSA aim at exploring and identification of sustainable land use options, factors which affect agro-ecological sustainability objectives are explicitly taken into account in the definition of land use activities. Agro-ecological sustainability in this respect means that yields (in biophysical terms) are not jeopardised in the long run, i.e. the production potential of a land use activity is not affected. In LUCTOR nutrient balances are used to quantify agro-ecological objectives related to sustainability. In addition to this process there are several other processes associated to land use that will not directly influence the production potential, but do affect sustainability objectives at higher aggregation levels. These processes include the use of crop protection agents, different types of gas emissions, and nutrient losses through water flow (off-site effects). Environmental performance of land use activities in LUCTOR is measured with indicators for the use of crop protection agents and nutrient losses to the environment through leaching to surface and groundwater, and NH 3, N2O and NO gas emissions. 2.2.1 Agro-ecological sustainability Agro-ecological sustainability in this study is related to soil nutrient mining, which in the short or long run will lead to a reduced production potential. In general, actual activities (see also paragraph 2.1.1) annually lose nutrients, which at the end will lead to a decline in productivity. Alternative crop activities aim at an equilibrium nutrient balance so that productivity over time is maintained. These activities are defined in such a way that the annually withdrawn nutrients from the system due to removal of marketable products and/or crop residues and inevitable losses (leaching, denitrification and volatilisation) are replenished by nutrients in the annual supply from natural resources (deposition and nutrient fixing micro-organisms) and in fertilisers. Due to the in general higher productivity of alternative crop activities many nutrients are required to replenish the system. To maximise efficiency of fertilisation it is assumed that fertiliser applications occur frequently (split in stead of single applications) in alternative activities. 2.2.2 Environmental impact indicators Environmental indicators can be divided into two groups according to their impact. The first group is related to the emission of nitrogen to the environment due to leaching, volatilisation and denitrification/nitrification. Leaching of nitrogen can result in pollution of surface and groundwater. Volatilisation of N will result in acid rain while denitrification/nitrification losses as N 2O and NO will add to greenhouse gasses. These processes are difficult to quantify and are estimated as a fraction of the total N-input of a land use activity, differentiated per soil type. Major emphasis is placed on quantification of a second group of environmental impact indicators related to the use of crop protection agents. Use of crop protection agents may result in pollution of water and soil resources and may directly affect human health. These substances prevent or cure crops damage caused by yield reducing factors (insects, fungi, weeds and nematodes) and include 9 the more common elements: herbicides (against weeds), fungicides (against fungi), insecticides (against insects) and nematicides (against nematodes). The common denominator to encompass various types of crop protection agents is kilogram active ingredient (a.i.). Besides this indicator the amount of active ingredients supplied is expressed in a so-called biocide index (Jansen et al., 1995). In this study herbicides are considered a separate category of crop protection agents since it is assumed that herbicides can be substituted by manual weeding methods without yield losses. For other types of crop protection agents, biocides, no adequate substitutes are available without accepting a yield decline. With better crop management (e.g. resistant plant material, application of agents only when threshold damage levels are surpassed, hygienic measures, etc.) biocide use can be reduced. However, in the humid and warm climate of the Northern Atlantic zone yield reductions are assumed to be unavoidable for most crops. The consulted crop specialists on banana argued that with the high risk of infection with Sigatoka a reduced use of fungicide will almost certainly result in a complete failure of the crop in economic terms. Even when a yield is obtained the high quality standards for these export crops can not be met. Only for annual crops a low biocide option is defined in which the use of fungicides and insecticides is reduced with 50% due to better crop monitoring and hygienic measures, requiring extra labour. However, in this option a yield reduction is unavoidable and, therefore, crop specific yield reductions are defined. A reduced use of nematodes is considered unfeasible since soil born diseases can only be controlled without nematicides by means of appropriate crop rotations. For perennial crops this is not a feasible option, while for annuals crop rotation related diseases are not taken into account. 2.3 Annual crops In Table 2.1 the applied definition criteria for annual crop activities and options for each criterion are shown. Theoretically, these nine definition criteria can be combined in any combination which means that 2 types of activities, 11 yield levels, 3 soils, 6 crops, 2 mechanisation levels, 2 crop residue strategies, 2 herbicide levels, 2 biocide levels and 12 dates per year at which crops can be sown/planted can result in 76032 unique annual crop activities. However, not all combinations are feasible due to ‘technical’ constraints: soils can be unsuitable to grow certain crops, some crop residues may not be suitable to be used as fodder after harvesting, crops can only be sown in certain periods of the year, etc. Moreover, ten of the eleven identified yield levels only apply to alternative activities. With the exception of pineapple, which in this study is used as an annual and biannual crop, a growth calendar is used, that defines how long certain operation periods (field preparation, sowing, maintenance and harvesting) may last. This enables to identify labour peaks in periods that the required labour days exceed the available days, indicating that more than one person is required to finish the operations in that period properly. The labour requirements of pineapple are spread evenly over the entire year. TCs of pineapple ratoon crop are discounted in a similar way as TCs of perennial crops. 10 Table 2.1 Definition criteria and the distinguished options for annual land use activities. Definition criterion maximum number of options 1. type of activity 2 (actual and alternative) 2. yield level 11 (10 target yield levels for alternative activities, 1 yield level for actual activities) 3. soil type 3 (fertile poorly drained (SFP), fertile well drained (SFW), infertile well drained (SIW)) 4. crop type 6 (bean, cassava, maize-grain, maize cobs, pineapple-export, pineapple-local) 5. mechanisation level 2 (low and high mechanisation level) 6. crop residue strategy 2 (harvesting, left at field) 7. herbicide level 2 (low and high herbicide level) 8. biocide level 2 (low and high biocide level) 9. start of growing season 12 (each month) 2.3.1 Type of activity Actual and alternative crop activities differ in terms of nutrient balances, crop characteristics and the way some production factors are applied (see also sections 2.1 and 2.2). Actual crop activities represent current annual production systems in the region, which in general have nutrient balances, which are not in equilibrium. Alternative crop activities aim at an equilibrium nutrient balance so that productivity over time can be maintained. Other differences between actual and alternative crop activities relate to crop characteristics geared towards higher yields and a more sound use of input factors, such as timely and more frequent application of fertilisers and crop protection agents, higher plant densities, etc. in alternative activities 2.3.2 Yield level For alternative crop activities 10 yield levels are defined. The maximum yield level is based on expert knowledge.They estimate it on average as twice the current attained yield level in the zone. The other nine yield levels are derived by a stepwise 10% reduction of the maximum yield. The lowest level is 10% of the maximum yield level. Although yield levels are defined at an equidistant range, other outputs and inputs are not. It is assumed that nutrient concentrations increase with higher yield levels (Van Keulen & de Wolf, 1986). In this way non-linear (diminishing return) relationships could be derived between nutrient requirements and yield levels. For insecticides and fungicides it is assumed that their use decreases proportionally with diminishing yield levels based on De Wit (1994) who suggests that a number of fungal diseases and insects pests require less effort to be controlled under less favourable growing conditions. Other inputs are kept constant or relative to the yield level, such as the labour requirements for harvesting. 2.3.3 Type of soil Three soil types have been identified: Fertile well-drained, fertile poorly drained and infertile welldrained soils. These soil types have been characterised in earlier stages of the REPOSA-project 11 (Nieuwenhuyse, 1996; Schipper, 1996). Soil characteristics determine which soils are suitable to grow a crop and they also affect nutrient losses and thus nutrient recovery of crops. In Table 2.2 a summary is given of some soil characteristics. Table 2.2 Characteristics of three soils (Jansen et al., 1995). Characteristic Fertile well drained Fertile poorly drained Infertile well drained (SFW) (SFP) (SIW) Bulk density (g cm-3) 0.5 –0.8 0.8 – 1.1 0.7 – 0.9 Clay (%) 5 – 25 10 – 40 40 – 70 Organic C (%) 3 – 12 1–4 3-6 CEC1) (meq (100 g) * 20 – 45 20 – 40 15 – 20 P-fixation (%) 75-99 25 – 80 40 – 90 pH in H2O 5.5 – 6.0 6.0 – 7.0 3.9 – 4.5 2 – 19 10 – 100 2 - 20 P-Olson (mg l-1) *: Cation Exchange Capacity In earlier stages of the REPOSA-project a qualitative land evaluation has been carried out which resulted in feasible soil/crop combinations (Schipper, 1996). Table 2.3 shows which combinations of soil and crops are feasible. Although production of a crop on a particular soil may be possible the type of soils can limit the productivity. In the model reduction factors have been defined to take this phenomenon into account based on expert knowledge. Some soil crop combinations are only suitable after construction of a drainage system. Table 2.3 Suitable and unsuitable soil and crop combinations. Crop Fertile well drained (SFW) Fertile poorly drained (SFP) Infertile well drained (SIW) Banana suitable * suitable * unsuitable Bean suitable unsuitable unsuitable Cassava suitable unsuitable suitable Maize-grain suitable unsuitable unsuitable Maize-cobs suitable unsuitable unsuitable Palmheart suitable unsuitable suitable Pineapple-export suitable * unsuitable suitable * Pineapple-local suitable unsuitable suitable Plantain suitable unsuitable unsuitable Melina (wood) suitable suitable * suitable Teak (wood) suitable suitable * suitable *: Only suitable after construction of drainage system. 2.3.4 Crop type Four annual crops have been defined: maize (Zea mays L.), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), cassava (Manihot sculenta Crant), and pineapple (Ananas comosus L.). The latter two crops can require more than one year to produce a marketable yield. 12 Cassava usually has a growth cycle that varies between 6 to 24 months (Purseglove, 1987). In this study a variety with a growth cycle of 10 months is assumed since cassava in the zone is grown for export purposes that requires a short growing season in which relatively small roots are produced. For pineapple two types have been defined, one especially for the export market and one for the local market. Both differ e.g. in the used variety and planting density but more important is their difference in post harvesting handling. Pineapple for export is pre-processed at the farm of which the inputs (capital and labour) are taken into account. In section 2.2 scale aspects concerning post harvest activities are discussed. For both types of pineapple a one and a two cycle (ratoon) variant is defined. The ratoon variant produces after 13 or 14 months a first harvest, which is followed by a second (smaller) harvest 9 to 11 months later. For maize also two types have been defined, one for grain production and one for production of fresh cobs. Both have a different economic value and since fresh cobs are harvested in an earlier stage than grain maize both differ in labour flow over the season and nutrient dynamics. 2.3.5 Mechanisation level Due to the high rainfall intensities combined with the compaction risk of soils in the Atlantic zone possibilities for mechanisation are limited. Mechanisation levels are restricted to the use of field preparation, sowing and fertiliser application during the growing season for some alternative land use activities. Only for pineapple also the application of herbicides and biocides can be mechanised. It is assumed that mechanised soil preparation results in a yield increase due to improved soil conditions. Moreover, nutrient recoveries are higher using mechanised soil preparation. 2.3.6 Crop residue strategy Two crop residue strategies are defined: harvesting of crop residues which can be used as fodder and crop residues left at the field after harvesting the main produce. Pineapple residues can not be used for fodder; hence they are always left at the field. The crop residue strategy affects the nutrient balances of crop activities. 2.3.7 Herbicide level Normally, crop protection agents include all types of agrochemical used for curative and preventive crop protection, such as herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and nematicides. In this study it is assumed that herbicides can be substituted by manual weeding methods without affecting yield levels but requiring more labour (see sections 2.1 and 2.2). It is assumed that substitution of other crop protection agents, in this study called biocides, by means of e.g. integrated pest management (IPM) is not possible without substantial yield losses. Two herbicide levels are defined: low and high herbicide levels. In the low herbicide option chemical herbicides are completely substituted by manual weeding which requires more labour but does not affect the yield level. 13 2.3.8 Biocide level Two options are defined: a low and high biocide level. In the low biocide option chemical insecticides and fungicides are reduced with 50% compared to the high biocide option. It is assumed that with more crop hygienic measures and crop monitoring, - requiring extra labour -, the use of fungicides and insecticides can be reduced. However, some yield losses are inevitable compared to the high biocide option in the disease and plague susceptible (humid) environment of the Northern Atlantic zone. Due to less favourable growing conditions crop nutrient recoveries of activities with the low biocide option are assumed to be lower than crop activities with a high biocide level. 2.3.9 Start of growing season This criterion is defined to identify labour peaks during the season. Since no reliable information exists on effects of the date of sowing on yields it is assumed that yields, with the exception of beans, are not affected by the date of sowing. Therefore, it is assumed that maize, cassava and pineapple can be sown/planted throughout the year. Beans are susceptible for excess of water during flowering and seedsetting. Therefore, sowing only takes place in December or January to achieve that susceptible growth phases coincide with the relatively dry months February and March. 2.4 Perennial crops In Table 2.4 definition criteria for perennial crop activities and their options are shown. Compared with annual activities the start of the growing season is not identified as definition criteria. It is implicitly assumed that the start of the crop cycle is always January. Any labour peak due to differences in planting dates will be compensated by the length of the crop cycle, which is 10 or 15 years. It is implicitly assumed that all operation periods can occur simultaneously at one hectare which is close to reality: Production of perennials is a continuos process in which harvesting, maintenance, planting etc. occur throughout the year. It is assumed that perennials have an initial period of 2 years in which yields are lower than in the following years. In year three a constant production is attained which can be continued for 10 or 15 years. Since the input-output relations are different in the first years, the first four years of perennials are modelled individually. For the nutrient dynamics also the last year of the crop cycle is modelled. The input-output relations of the intermediate years are considered to be equal to those of year four. Since the crop cycle of perennial crops lasts 10 or 15 years the in-and outputs are discounted over these periods. Theoretically, the nine definition criteria can be combined in any combination which means that 2 types of activities, 11 yield levels, 3 soils, 3 crops, 2 mechanisation levels, 2 crop residue strategies, 2 length of crop cycles, 2 herbicide levels and 2 biocide level can result in 6336 unique perennial crop activities. However, not all combinations are feasible: soils can be unsuitable to grow certain crops (see Table 2.3), crop residues may not be suitable to be used as fodder after harvesting, the low biocide level is in the current setting of LUCTOR infeasible, etc. 14 Table 2.4 Definition criteria and the distinguished options for perennial land use activities. definition criterion Maximum number of options 1. type of activity 2 (actual and alternative) 2. yield level 11 (10 target yield levels for alternative activities, 1 yield level for actual activities) 3. soil type 3 (fertile poorly drained (SFP), fertile well drained (SFW), infertile well drained (SIW)) 4. crop type 3 (banana, palmheart, plantain) 5. mechanisation level 2 (low and high mechanisation level) 6. crop residue strategy 2 (harvesting, left at field) 7. crop cycle 2 (10 and 15 year) 8. herbicide level 2 (low and high herbicide level) 9 biocide level 2 (low and high biocide level) See for remarks on the definition of yield level, soil and the herbicide level subsection 2.3.2, 2.3.3 and 2.3.7 respectively. 2.4.1 Type of activity See subsection 2.3.1 for the definition of actual and alternative annual activities. In contrast to most annual crops, in most perennial crops fertilisers are currently applied. This may imply that actual perennial activities have positive nutrient balances. Yields of actual perennial activities are estimated based on a variety of sources (literature and farm survey data collected within REPOSA), yields of alternative crops are based on expert knowledge. 2.4.2 Crop type Three perennial crops have been defined: banana (Musa AAA), plantain (Musa AAB) and palmheart (Bactris gasipaes). For alternative banana and plantain activities it is assumed that meristeme cultures are used that are on the one hand more expensive than traditional planting material but on the other hand more resistant to nematodes. They require in the first two years no nematicides. 2.4.3 Mechanisation level Due to the high rainfall intensities combined with compaction risk of soils in the Atlantic zone and crop characteristics (narrow passage and height) possibilities for mechanisation are limited in perennial crops. Mechanisation levels are restricted to the use for field preparation and aerial spraying. Non-mechanised soil preparation does not results in a yield decrease and a lower nutrient recovery as assumed for annual crops since the length of the crop cycle of perennial crops will compensate any lower production and nutrient recovery in the first production cycles. Other operations in bananas such as application of fungicides with an aeroplane, preparation of a drainage system and harvesting with a cable system always occurs mechanised. Alternative plantain activities are assumed to occur in a similar way as bananas, -with cable system, and aeroplane to combat diseases, etc.-, thus requiring much more capital than actual plantain activities. 15 2.4.4 Crop residue strategy Two crop residue strategies are defined: harvesting of crop residues, which can be used for fodder and crop residues, left at the field after harvesting the main produce. These residue strategies are applied throughout the entire crop cycle, i.e. at each harvest a part of the crop residues can be harvested or left at the field. Both options affect labour requirements and nutrient dynamics since carry over effects of nutrients to following crop cycles are taken into account. 2.4.5 Crop cycle The crop cycle is the time that a hectare of land is planted with a crop. For perennial crops cycles are set at 10 or 15 years. The length of the crop cycle determines the time in which initial investments can be reimbursed. The first two years are required to establish the crop and yields are therefore lower. In year three a stable yield level is obtained that can be maintained till the end of the crop cycle. 2.4.6 Biocide level The biocide options, although identified as definition criteria, is not operational since crop specialists argue that banana and plantain production with export quality is not possible with a reduced use of biocides (especially the use of fungicides against Sigatoka). In palmheart no fungicides and insecticides are used, so that a low biocide options will not change the input output relationships. When new information comes available the biocide criteria can be made operational. 2.5 Plantation forestry activities In Table 2.5 definition criteria for plantation forestry activities and options are shown. Wood production is assumed to depend on soil type. Neither biocide, herbicide nor mechanisation options have been defined since their use is very low in plantation forestry production. Also no separate yield levels for alternative activities have been defined since insufficient knowledge exists on the input-output relations at lower yield level of plantation forestry systems. Table 2.5 Definition criteria and the distinguished options for plantation forestry activities. definition criterion maximum number of options 1. type of activity 2 (actual and alternative) 2. type of tree 2 (teak and melina) 3. soil type 3 (fertile poorly drained (SFP), fertile well drained (SFW), infertile well drained (SIW)) See paragraph 2.3.1 and 2.3.3 for the type of activity and soil type, respectively. Two tree species are defined, teak (Tectona grandis) and melina (Gmelina arborea). These tree species are fairly new to the Northern Atlantic zone and knowledge about e.g. production potentials, quality aspects 16 of their wood (that determine its price), thinning regimes, etc. is limited. Therefore, also production data and management of tree plantations in Guanacaste have been used completed with expert knowledge. Since knowledge on production possibilities is insufficient, yield levels of actual and alternative plantation forestry activities are kept similar. Both types of activities only differ in nutrient balances. The length of crop cycles is arbitrarily set. In practice it is determined by a combination of production and economic considerations. In this study the length of crop cycles depends on the productivity, which on its turn is determined by the soil type. At fertile soils (SFW and SFP) with a high productivity the cycle is shorter than at poor soils (SIW). Just as for perennial crops the final inputs and outputs are discounted over the length of the crop cycle. 17 3 Technical Coefficient Generator This chapter describes the technical background and structure of LUCTOR and guidelines for operation. LUCTOR is modelled in Excel 5.0 (Microsoft, 1995) but also operates under Microsoft Office 97. Only basic knowledge of the spreadsheet program is required to operate it: how to open files, change windows, entering cell values, what the menu bar is, etc. No external data are required to run LUCTOR. The user only needs to select the options for each definition criteria, which characterises the required land use activity (see Chapter 2 for the options for the definition criteria of land use activities). Since the structure of LUCTOR is modular, i.e. data and calculations are in separate files, the user can adjust data relatively easy. Moreover, each parameter or calculation rule is described in the files so that they are self-explanatory and transparent. To adjust one of the calculation files and their formulas and to add other definition criteria a more thorough knowledge of Excel is required. Since TCs are customised to the requirements of two different LP-models, used by UNA/DLV and REPOSA, in the following reference is frequently made to these models. 3.1 Structure of LUCTOR LUCTOR comprises a set of Excel-files (in Excel they are called workbooks) which can be subdivided in four types: 1 Files required for automatisation of procedures that return frequently. These files are macrofiles with an XLM-extension, except for LIST.XLS which includes (1) lists with definition criteria and their options and (2) lists with files which are required for the generation of each type of land use activity (annuals, perennials, pineapple and plantation forestry). Each time a new type of land use activity is selected LUCTOR reads from LIST.XLS which files can be closed and need to be opened. This file is also used each time a definition criterion is changed. For generation of land use activities TCG.XLM and LIST.XLS always have to be open. In Appendix I the files required for each type of land use activity are listed. It is noticed that in the macrofiles mainly the Excel 4.0-macro language is used which is compatible with higher Excel versions. Principally, macro files (XLM-files) are not essential to generate technical coefficients. These files contain customised instructions that have to be carried out frequently and that are created for LUCTOR to follow. They make life a lot easier. They do not contain calculations or data manipulation. 2 Files with data and basic parameters: BASIC.XLS: parameters concerning nutrient efficiencies SOIL.XLS: soil and crop suitability parameters, equation coefficients for wood production CROPS.XLS: perennial crop parameters, e.g. task times of operations, number of operations type and quantity of crop protection agents, crop specific parameters (dry matter distribution over crop parts, nutrient content of crop parts, yields and yield reduction factors, etc.) 18 LUST.XLS: annual crop parameters, e.g. task times of operations, number of operations, type and quantity of crop protection agents, crop specific parameters (dry matter distribution over crop parts, nutrient content of crop parts, yields and yield reduction factors, etc.) BIOCIDE.XLS: list of crop protection agents, their characteristics and prices PRIX.XLS: prices of other inputs and outputs 3. Files with calculation rules based on the selected options for each definition criteria, which are in these workbooks. ANNUAL.XLS: calculations for annual crops PERENIAL.XLS: calculations for perennial crops PINA.XLS: calculations for pineapple (one and two year ratoon crop) FOREST.XLS: calculations for tree plantations Although, in Chapter 2 pineapple is described as an annual crop a separate workbook was required due to the possibility to grow a ratoon pineapple crop. Calculation workbooks consist of more than one worksheet. At the bottom of the screen tabs with names of all worksheets are visible. At the top of the worksheet named ‘main’ the definition criteria are set. In the worksheets ‘UNA_DLV-output’ and ‘REPOSA-output’ the final technical coefficients of a generated land use activity are stored for respectively the UNA/DLV and REPOSA LP-model. Since the LP-model of UNA/DLV does not take into account plantation forestry activities there is no worksheet with TCs in FOREST.XLS for this LP-model. For PINA.XLS, PERENIAL.XLS and FOREST.XLS additional calculation files are required: PINNUI.XLS, PERNUI.XLS and FORNUI.XLS, respectively. These extra files include annuity calculations for the TCs of crops that last longer than one year. 4. Output files in which the generated coefficients of a great number of activities are stored. ANN_IO.XLS output of annual crops PIN_IO.XLS output of pineapple crops PER_IO.XLS output of perennial crops FOR_IO.XLS output of plantation forestry crops To generate technical coefficients for one type of land use activity (annuals, pineapple, perennials and plantation forestry) several files need to be opened which are automatically linked. The macro files take care of this. Some of the data-type files are used for different types of land use activities. Calculation-files are always used for only one type of land use activity. File names of LUCTOR are unique and should not be renamed. In general LUCTOR has a more generic structure than its predecessor developed for the Koutiala region in south Mali (Hengsdijk et al., 1996) and could be used in other agro-ecological zones. For example, there is strict file delineation between data and calculation rules. However, experience with the development of this type of models shows that data availability and local specific issues determine to a large extent which relationships and too what extent they can be taken into account. The TCG developed for Koutiala, for example, contained generic modules to calculate water-limited production and labour requirements for transport of crops and residues with manpower and different types of animal traction. Despite their generic character both modules are not used in LUCTOR since production is not limited by water and transport by manpower and different types of animal traction is not feasible in the Northern Atlantic zone. 19 3.2 Concepts and conventions used in LUCTOR The definition criteria characterise each type of land use activity. They determine which calculation rules and data are applied. Definition criteria can be found at the top of the worksheet ‘main’ of the calculation files of each crop activity (see also section 3.1). For reason of convenience the definition criteria are also shown at the top of other worksheets of the calculation files. However, only adjustment of the definition criteria in the worksheet ‘main’ will affect calculations! Beside the worksheet ‘main’ and two worksheets with the final TCs for the LP-models, two other important worksheets are available. In the worksheet ‘production+labour+biocide use’, - the name is self-explanatory -, the target biomass is calculated, its distribution over crop parts, labour, traction and equipment use and biocide use and a credit balance is calculated. In the worksheet ‘nutrient’ balances and requirements are calculated for three macronutrients. Due to the specific properties of plantation forestry activities their worksheets are differently organised. Their worksheets are called ‘labour+costs’ and ‘nutrient+production’. The calculation files (ANNUAL.XLS, PINA.XLS, PERENIAL.XLS and FOREST.XLS) contain in the first column information on the type of calculations that follow. In the second column a detailed description of the variable or parameter values is given. In the third column the unit of the variable or parameter is given while in the fourth column their names in italics can be found so that these can easily be distinguished from other text and information. In this document will also be referred to the variable and parameter names using italic letter type. In the fifth column the actual variable or parameter value can be found. The italic names in the fourth column refer to these cells. These names are important because in other parts of the worksheet or in other worksheets they can be referred to. See Figure 3.1 for an example of a part of a calculation file (PERENIAL.XLS). Instead of commonly used column and row references in spreadsheet programs, user-friendly cell names are applied to refer to other cells. Pressing the [F5] key the complete list with names appears. By selecting one of the names and pressing [OK] the active cell is automatically moved to the location with the assigned name. In most cases the variable and parameter names are described directly at the left side of the cell name. Some names are placed directly above the cell ranges to which they apply. Particularly, in the worksheets ‘nutrient’ this is frequently done. Remember that with pressing [F5] the cell range to which the name is assigned always can be identified. Calculation files are linked with the data files to retrieve data and parameters. Retrieving of data in the calculation worksheets, especially from LUST.XLS and CROPS.XLS, occurs by means of the so-called intersection method. This method implies that the cell value is returned at the intersection of two range names. In both files abbreviated names of crops and combinations of crop and type of activity (e.g. ‘mai_al’ standing for alternative maize) are vertical range names while parameters are defined with horizontal range names. Combination of a horizontal and vertical range name result in the value of their joint cell. 20 Figure 3.1 Example of a part of a calculation file, in this case PERENIAL.XLS. Since worksheets can contain a lot of data and/or calculation rules in horizontal as well as vertical directions, in all worksheets the part containing information is bordered on the right side and bottom with a double line. In data files is indicated which cells with data can be changed by the user. In general cells with numbers, including zeros (0), can be changed and affect the values of the TCs. Cells with a dash (-) must not be changed. Changing these cells will result in erroneous results or does not affect the calculation of TCs. Cells can contain information in cell notes, which are indicated by a red dot in the upper right corner of the cell. By double-clicking cells with a red dot the cell note will show its content and can be edited. These notes contain e.g. assumptions or literature references. They do not disturb the program and calculation rules. 3.3 Installation and operation of LUCTOR Before starting to use LUCTOR it should be installed. Therefore, copy all files to a directory and open TCG.XLM in Excel. Press [Ctrl+d] to activate an input box to enter the name of the directory, e.g. C:\USR\TCG (see Figure 3.2). 21 Figure 3.2 Input box that appears after pressing [Ctrl+d] to set the directory of LUCTOR. After having pressed [Return] a new input box asks you to enter the directory in which customised output files for the REPOSA-model are stored, e.g. C:\USR\TCG\REPOSA. This directory must be different from the directory in which LUCTOR is stored! The interface (macro) which combines Excel output files and generates new ASCI files suited for the LP-models (see section 3.5) will delete all files in this directory each time it is run. After pressing [Return] a similar input box appears to enter the directory name for output files for the UNA/DLV-model, e.g. C\USR\TCG\DLV. Also in this directory files will be automatically deleted by a macro, hence the directory has to be used only for storing output files. Preferably, both output directories should be created with a filemanager before starting the installation procedure, although they can also be created in a later stage (but before output files are manipulated for the LP-models!). It is obvious that only an output directory for that LP-model is required for which output files will be created. Either pressing the Cancel button or pressing [Esc] can skip one of the input boxes. After having performed the installation procedure, save TCG.XLM so that the directory assignments will be saved. To use LUCTOR proceed with the following steps: 1. Press [Ctrl+t] to activate a macro that opens a dialogue box with user options (see Figure 3.3). On the background of the dialogue box you see part of the macro-file TCG.XLM. The dialogue box includes a list box with (i) land use activities that can be generated, (ii) options to combine different output files into customised files for the LP-models, (iii) options to quit the dialogue box without changes and to return to the active worksheet, or (iv) to close all worksheets and return to TCG.XLM. Moreover, at the top is a check box to indicate for which LP-model TCs 22 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. must be generated. This check box is only of importance for generating a batch of land use activities. Select one of the land use activities and turn the check box on for which LP-model you want to generate TCs. Press the [Return] key. LUCTOR will open the required Excel files for the selected activity as listed in Appendix I. After opening of the files the active window contains the output file in which the automatically generated TCs are stored. With [Alt+w] you can view the list of files that are opened by the macro. By clicking the filename in the file list you can switch among files. Also with [Ctrl+F6] you can switch among files. Go to the calculation file (ANNUAL.XLS, PINA.XLS, PERENIAL.XLS or FORESTRY.XLS). Go to the worksheet with the name ‘main’. Worksheet names can be found in the tabs at the bottom of the your screen. You can switch between worksheets by pressing [Ctrl+page down/up] or by clicking on the tab. The worksheet ‘main’ includes the definition criteria, which guide the generation of TCs. The generation of TCs of the specified land use activities can now be started (see section 3.4). To generate TCs for another type of land use activity (annuals, pineapple, perennials or plantation forestry) the macro should be activated again with [Ctrl+t]. A new type of land use activity can be selected and/or the check box for output of another LP-model can be changed. The files, which are not required for the new type of land use activity, will be closed. This can take a few moments. While closing a calculation file Excel will return with a question whether you want to save changes. When you made no structural changes but only generated TCs there is usually no reason to save changes since you can always generate the same TCs using the same criteria options, Therefore, press [No]. When you changed formulas, added or changed data, etc. you may prefer to save changes: press [Yes]. Subsequently, the macro will automatically open the new files, which are required for the generation of TCs for the chosen type of land use activity. Press never [Cancel] because this will hamper a sound closing and opening of files. In case you did press [Cancel], activate [Ctrl+t], select the same type of land use activity again, and continue. 23 Figure 3.3 Dialogue box with the list box including land use activities and check box to indicate for which LP-model TCs must be generated. The dialogue box appears after opening TCG.XLM and pressing [Ctrl+t]. 3.4 Generation of technical coefficients TCs can be generated manually or automatically. For the former the user fills in manually the definition criteria as numbers one by one. For the automatic generation custom-made macros are available to select definition criteria using dialogue boxes with check boxes. Subsequently, other macros allow generation a batch of TCs for annual, pineapple, perennial and plantation forestry activitiesat once. 3.4.1 Manual generation of TCs Generation of TCs can start after having performed the steps described in section 3.3. The Mainworksheet contains a range of bordered cells with definition criteria (see Figure 3.4). These cells have the name ‘characteristics’ placed on top and are linked with a formula to cells on the right hand side with ‘input’ on top. These cells contain numbers corresponding with the criteria options. The numbers refer to positions in the lists of criteria options in LIST.XLS for each definition criteria. Changing one of these numbers will change the definition criteria in the bordered part after having pressed the [F9] (recalculation key) with which the required changes in calculation rules (guided by definition criteria) are carried out. Only the numbers in the bordered cells should be changed. Do 24 not change the contents of the bordered cells. See Appendix II for an overview of the criteria options and their corresponding number. Figure 3.4 Example of main worksheet of ANNUAL.XLS with the definition criteria that have to be changed by the user. Each option can be selected and recalculated with pressing [F9]. The generated TCs of the selected options can be found in the worksheets ‘REPOSA-output’ and ‘UNA_DLV-output’. This process can be repeated over and over to generate TCs of activities with other characteristics. In both output worksheets a section is reserved for checking combinations of definition criteria that are technically unfeasible or combinations that are not required by the LP-model. An example of the first type is that not all soils are suitable for all crops because of drainage characteristics or soil-pH (see Table 2.3). An example of the second type of check is when crop residues are not used for feed in the LP-model there is no need to calculate the harvesting option of residues. When the user fills in a combination with infeasible criteria options these are identified in this section of the outputworksheets. Its result is indicated with a ‘TRUE’ or ‘FALSE’ statement for feasible and infeasible combinations respectively just below the land use activity code (see for an explanation of the activity code Appendix III). In Table 3.1 a list is shown of criteria for which checks are performed. Since LUCTOR is used for different LP-models some checks are LP-model specific, which are indicated in Table 3.1. 25 Table 3.1 Criteria for which feasibility checks are performed (between brackets the LP-model for which feasibility checks refer to). Feasibility checks 1. Soil is suitable to growth a crop (UNA/DLV & REPOSA) 2. Beans only planted in December or January (UNA/DLV ) 3. Crop residue always left at field (REPOSA) 4. Crop residue of cassava always harvested and pineapple always left at field (UNA/DLV) 5. Month of sowing is always January (REPOSA) 6. Maize fresh cobs can not be selected (UNA/DLV) 7. Target yield level of 10% not possible (UNA/DLV & REPOSA) 8. Actual activities only with 100% production level (UNA/DLV& REPOSA) 9. Low biocide option combined with banana, plantain or palmheart not possible (UNA/DLV & REPOSA) 10 Planting ratoon-pineapple (2 year) crop not after May (UNA/DLV) To remove one of these checks, the appropriate cell in the output worksheet should be set manually to ‘TRUE’. For the automatic generation of TCs (see paragraph 3.4.2) the checks are programmed at the end of the macro-files for each type of land use activity (ANNUAL.XLM, PINA.XLM, PERENIAL.XLSM or FOREST.XLM). Here are instructions how to delete feasibility checks. Land use activities generated for the REPOSA model get a special label indicating whether they are suitable for land units with steep slopes and stoniness. In general, land use activities that require a kind of mechanised operation are unsuitable at these land units (see section 3.5). Teak is also excluded from steep slopes because of erosion risks. The label says ‘slope limitation’ or ‘no slope limitation’ and is located in the cell just below the label for the feasibility check. 3.4.2 Automatic generation of TCs TCs can also be generated for a batch of activities using custom made dialogue boxes in which all criteria options are listed. These are directed macros, which enable to generate TCs for multiple land use activities of the same type (annuals, pineapple, perennial or plantation forestry) simultaneously. Macros take care of combining all criteria options in all possible combinations, taking into account the feasibility checks shown in Table 3.1 and write the TCs to the relevant output file (ANN_IO.XLS, PIN_IO.XLS, PER_IO.XLS or FOR_IO.XLS). For the automatic generation of multiple activities it is important that the check box (for which LPmodel TCs are generated) is turned on for the right LP-model (see Figure 3.3). Since the TCs differ for both LP-models the output files are also different although the same file name is used, e.g. ANN_IO.XLS for annual crops. Therefore, these output files need to be formatted for the desired LP-model before starting the generation of TCs. After having performed the steps described in section 3.3 press [Ctrl+o] to format the output file. Be aware that existing data of output files are automatically deleted with this action. When you want to save your data copy the file to another filename or copy it to another directory before you start working with LUCTOR. In case you lose a data file you can create a new one by opening a new Excel file and save it with the output file name of the land use activity (see section 3.1) before starting LUCTOR. After having formatted the output file the generation of TCs can be started by pressing [Ctrl+s]. For each definition criteria a dialogue box with its options as check boxes will appear. The definition 26 criteria for the land use activities are shown in Chapter 2. In Figure 3.5 an example of such a dialogue box for the definition of the soil type is shown. Select the options of the definition criteria for which TCs must be generated by turning on/off the check boxes. Figure 3.5 Dialogue box for selection of definition criteria for soil types. After having selected all options for the definition criteria with the dialog boxes, the options (represented as numbers as indicated in Appendix II) are automatically combined in all possible combinations. Each unique combination is written to a line in ANN_IO.XLS with in the first colum the number of the combination. After combining all options the total number of combinations is indicated in cell [C11] with the name Ncomb and the number of feasible combinations is indicated in cell [D11] with the name Nact. See Figure 3.6 27 Figure 3.6 Example of ANN_IO.XLS after macos have combined all selected options in all feasible combinations. In cell [C11] the total number of combinations is given and in cell [D11] the number of feasible combinations. A line with numbers indicates the characteristics of an unique land use activity. Subsequently, another macro is automatically started that copies each combination of definition criteria (a single row with numbers) to the ‘main’ worksheet of the calculation file and calculates TCs of that specific combination. After recalculation, TCs in the selected output worksheet (‘UNA_DLVoutput’ or ‘REPOSA-output’) are copied to the output file at the end of the row with the definition criteria. The previous step is continued till all land use activities (lines in the output file) are generated. To speed up the generation process the screen is updated each fifty calculations. When LUCTOR is ready the screen looks like shown in Figure 3.7. 28 Figure 3.7 Example of how the screen looks after performing the generation of all selected land use activities. The TCs of the generated land use activities are placed behind the numbers that characterise their options. To distinguish land use activities they each have a unique identification code. They are different for the UNA/DLV-output and REPOSA-output and are explained in Appendix III. 3.5 Customising output files for LP-models Individual output files of crop activities (ANN_IO.XLS, PIN_IO.XLS, PER_IO.XLS and FOR_IO.XLS) can be automatically combined in one file, which is subsequently split up in smaller files (with ASCI and Excel-format), customised to the needs of the LP-model of REPOSA. For the LP-model of UNA/DLV a similar interface is available to combine ANN_IO.XLS, PIN_IO.XLS and PER_IO.XLS. The procedure can be started pressing [Ctrl+t]. Select one of the two selection options that will start the customising operation (see Fig. 3.1): Combine crop activities (REPOSA model) or combine crop activities (UNA/DLV model), and press [return]. LUCTOR opens the required output files that will be combined. With pressing [Ctrl+c] the user starts the procedure for the REPOSA model. The output interface for the UNA/DLV-model can be activated with [Ctrl+v]. 29 The procedures use the directories that have been defined at the installation of LUCTOR (see section 3.3) as working directories to save the new created files. Old files are deleted in these directories. For reasons of safety the user gets a message before the procedure starts which warns the user. The user can halt the macro pressing the Cancel button and copy or move the files to another directory. When the procedure is continued output files are copied into one file, formatted and land use activities are sorted in ascending order. The combined files are called REPOSA.XLS and DLVCROP.XLS depending on for which LP-model files are combined. A message will appear on your screen asking to replace existing files with the same name. Press always the OK button. A last warning will appear on your screen telling the user that files will be deleted when proceeding. It is a last chance to halt the macro and copy and/or move files to another directory. In case the macro is halted the macro can be reactivated with [Ctrl+f] for the REPOSA output and [Ctrl+m] for the UNA/DLV-output. Continuation of the macro will split the created REPOSA.XLS or DLVCROP.XLS in smaller files customised for the LP-models. Be aware that this process can take several minutes. For the REPOSA model a special procedure is carried out that creates a file with activities that require flat land and no stoniness to allow mechanisation. This allows building an extra constraint in the LPmodel for soils unsuitable for mechanisation (see also paragraph 3.4.1). The Excel-files created for the REPOSA-model include: LUST_COM.XLS = files with all activity codes LUST_MEC.XLS = file with activities requiring flat and no stony soils enabling mechanisation LUST_YLD.XLS = file with yields LUST_LAB.XLS = file with average labour requirements per month LUST_COST.XLS = file with total costs of production LUST_SUS.XLS = file with sustainability indicators LUST_EXT.XLS = file with fertilizer inputs and P and K-losses LUST_MAT.XLS = file with implement use and other inputs The same files are saved in ASCI code with a PRN-extension that are used for the REPOSA LPmodel. The Excel-files created for the UNA/DLV-model include: CROP_REL.XLS = files with all activity codes CROP_OUT.XLS = file with outputs of crop activities CROP_IN.XLS = file with inputs of crop activities The same files are saved in ASCI code with a TXT-extension that are used for the UNA/DLV-LPmodel. 30 31 4 Annual activities This Chapter describes how annual crops (pineapple for local market, pineapple for export market, cassava, grain maize, maize cobs and beans) are quantified and which data have been used. Where appropriate, literature references are given of the used parameter values. All literature references used can be found in cell notes of the Excel-files (see also section 3.2). However, many data are based on quantitative expert knowledge and not based on published data. See Appendix I for an overview of the files required generating annual crop activities. In the preceding text italics words refer to the range names of parameters and variables in the LUCTOR- files. For a complete description of the parameter and variables, we referr to the LUCTOR-files. A range name in the text without a file name refers to the last named file in the text. 4.1 Target yield Crop yields are used as a starting point to determine other inputs and outputs of alternative and actual crop activities and are stored in parameter yld in LUST.XLS. For actual activities this parameter indicates the average current yield of a crop (Brink, 1988; Stolzenbach, 1990; Chin-FoSieeuw, 1994; Den Daas, 1993; Tonjes, 1994; Cortés, 1994; BNCR, 1992), while for alternative crop activities it is the maximum crop yield for the Atlantic zone estimated by crop experts. Since these yields can only be attained when growing conditions are in optimum, for less suitable conditions yield reduction factors have been defined. Three reduction factors have been defined: for manual soil preparation (cor_mec), for low biocide application (cor_bio) and for acid soils (SIW) (cor_siw). Values of these yield reduction factors are based on expert estimations. The final target yield (yld_target) used in the further calculations is determined in ANNUAL.XLS with: YLD_TARGET = YLD*(100-COR_MEC)/100*(100-COR_BIO)/100*(100-COR_SIW)/100 When for alternative activities lower yield levels are selected (see section 2.3) the target yield is lowered. Ten yield levels can be selected which decrease the maximum yield stepwise with 10% (Notice that for the REPOSA LP-model and UNA/DLV LP-model only the nine highest levels are feasible, see Table 3.1). Although yield levels are defined at an equidistant range, other outputs and inputs are not. It is assumed that nutrient concentrations increase with higher yield levels (Van Keulen & de Wolf, 1986). In this way non-linear (diminishing return) relationships could be derived between nutrient requirements and yield levels. The use of insecticides and fungicides decreases with lower target yields since under less favourable growing conditions crops become less susceptible to obligate parasitic fungal leaf diseases and insect pests, such as mildew, rusts, aphids and plant hoppers (De Wit, 1994). Since for herbicides and nematicides such relationships are unambiguous, the amounts are kept similar at all target levels. Other inputs are kept constant or relative to the yield level, such as the labour requirements for harvesting. The target yield (yld_target) is multiplied with the percentage dry matter (dm_perc) to attain the dry matter target yield. 32 For pineapple two quality fruit classes are identified, each with specific fruit weights (wght_fruit1, wght_fruit2 in CROPS.XLS). The target yield of pineapple is distributed over the two quality classes: 75% of the actual target yield is first class fruit (fr_fruit1) and 25% is second class fruit (fr_fruit2). In the second (ratoon) year the fraction first class fruit is lower (65%). For alternative activities fractions in the first year have been estimated at 80% and 20%, respectively, and 70% first class fruit in the second year. The final target yield of pineapple is expressed as (1) the number of fruits in each quality class, (2) the number of boxes of pineapple (only for export pineapple) and (3) the total weight of pineapples in each class. The yield of cassava tubers is divided in three classes (LUST.XLS): 60% is export quality (fr_root1), 30% is suitable for the local market (fr_root2) and 10% is refused (fr_root3). The target yield of cassava is expressed in kg ha-1 for three quality classes (root_clas1, root_clas2, root_clas3 in ANNUAL.XLS). For the yield of maize and beans no different qualities are distinguished. Subsequently, the target yield is used to derive biomass of other crop parts (grains/fruits, earstructures/crown, leaves, stems, tubers and roots) using crop specific distribution parameters (par_gra, par_infr, par_lea, par_ste, par_tub, par_roo). It is assumed that for alternative crop activities due to breeding a more favourable distribution of biomass can be attained resulting in higher harvest indices. See Appendix IV for used crop parameters. 4.2 Production techniques Production techniques describe how yields as defined in section 4.1 are realised, i.e. which operations and what kind and quantities of inputs are required. These production techniques differ in terms of labour use, mechanisation and implement use, material inputs and how crop residues are used (Stomph et al., 1994). General knowledge about field operations that are required to grow a specific crop and assumptions about, for instance, crop residue strategies can be used to quantify production techniques. The definition criteria mechanisation level, crop residue strategy, herbicide level, biocide level are used to characterise production techniques of each crop. The definition criteria’ start of the growing season’ determines the temporal distribution of inputs and outputs through the year. Because some input may be mutually substitutable (see paragraph 2.1.2) a yield level may be realised with various production techniques. 4.2.1 Operation periods With the exception of pineapple labour operation periods are identified in which well-defined field operations have to be carried out. Timeliness is essential for some operations, such as land preparation and sowing. Delaying such operations affects yield negatively. A distinction in operation periods helps to identify labour peaks by matching available time in each period with the labour requirements of operations. Five operation periods are distinguished: soil preparation (prep), sowing (sow), maintenance (main), harvest (har) and the remainder of the year (rest). Available days in each period are defined as a fixed number of days and hence they together determine the total growing period. For pineapple labour requirements are spread out evenly over the entire year. With the exception of pineapple for which three years are modelled, two years have been taken into account so that crops can be planted at the end of year one and harvested in the year two. The 33 start of the growing period is a definition criterion (start) which can be adjusted by the user. Every month of the year can be chosen. Because no reliable information exists on how yields depend on the time of sowing, it does not affect yields. Only for beans an exception is made, This crop can only be grown in December or January due to the abundant rainfall in other periods resulting in possible crop failures. Labour requirements per operation period are transformed in ANNUAL.XLS to labour requirements per decade of days. See Appendix IV for the length of the operation periods. A short description of the distinguished operation periods: 1. Soil preparation The period of soil preparation starts 15 (maize, beans and cassava) to 30 days (pineapple) before sowing or planting and can include the following operations: manual (man_prep) or mechanical (mec_prep) field preparation, chemical (herb_1) or manual (man_we_1) weeding, preparation seedlings (prep_seed) (cassava and pineapple) and furrowing (furrow) (cassava) and drainage construction (drain_prep) only for pineapple for export purposes. The type of operations carried out depend on the definition criteria selected, e.g. the low herbicide option uses manual weeding in stead of the use of herbicides. 2. Sowing In the sowing period, seed is sown manually (man_sow) or mechanically (mec_sow) (maize and beans), manual or chemical weeding, transplantation of seedlings (trans_seed) (cassava and pineapple), manual or mechanical fertiliser application (man_fert_1, mec_fert_1), and guarding against birds (guar_1) (maize). The type of sowing and fertiliser application depends on the selected mechanisation level. For the sowing period 10 (beans) to 30 (pineapple) days are available. 3. Maintenance The maintenance period varies between 65 days for beans and 240 days for cassava. Operations that can be carried out in these periods depend on the selected definition criteria: maximum three manual or chemical weeding operations, four manual or mechanical fertiliser applications, five insecticide applications, five fungicide applications, (only for pineapple) a hormone application (hor_1) and field inspection (inspec_no) for crop hygienic measures and to improve the efficiency of application of biocides allowing a reduction in the required amount. 4. Harvesting The harvesting period varies between 5 (beans) and 60 days (pineapple). Three field operations are defined for this period: guarding (guar_2) (against birds, only for maize), doubling of maize to prevent rotting of the cob (doub) and harvesting of the main produce (har_main). 5. Remainder of the year Depending on crop residue strategy selected (utres), residues are harvested in this period (har_res) or left at the field. 4.2.2 Labour requirements Labour requirements for operations are based on a several sources, Van Heemst et al. (1981), Van Duivenbooden et al. (1991), Hengsdijk et al. (1996), BNCR (1992), Cortés (1994), Dijksterhuis (1997), Bessembinder (1997) and data collected within the REPOSA-project, visited crop experts, 34 and defined as the number of mandays required to complete an operation. The time required for harvesting (main produce and crop residues) is defined as a function of the output level (per kg). For pineapple (export and local market) the time required for application of fertiliser is defined as a function of the amount of fertilisers. Other labour requirements are expressed per ha. See Appendix IV for the standard task times for the various operations. 4.2.3 Mechanisation and implement requirements Due to high rainfall intensities and compaction risk of soils, possibilities for mechanisation are assumed to be limited in the Northern Atlantic zone, with the exception of pineapple. Mechanisation is limited to the use of tractors plus implements for soil preparation, sowing and fertiliser application in most crops. Traction requirements are expressed in traction days. In the field preparation period two operations can be carried out mechanically: soil preparation and furrowing. In the sowing period mechanical sowing and a fertiliser application are possible. In the maintenance period only fertiliser applications can be carried out with traction. The high-mechanised option of pineapple is completely mechanised, including the application of crop protection agents and a semi-mechanised harvesting operation. The assumption that only the cultivation of pineapple can be mechanized completely is questionable. In the cultivation of pineapple special tracks for machinery are available along relatively narrow fields. Spraying booms can be operated using these tracks. Even for harvesting of pineapple, machinery does not enter the field but drives along the field using a transport band that is pulled over the field. This band is supplied with mannually picked pineapple. For other crops this seems a less feasible option. For quantification of mechanisation requirements the approach followed is identical to that described in paragraph 4.2.2 for labour requirements. Requirements for the use of implements (back pack sprayers, sowing machine, fertiliser distributor, and plough) are not separately specified in LUST.XLS. Requirements of these implements are determined in the calculation file ANNUAL.XLS based on the traction requirements and labour requirements for herbicide and biocide application, which equal requirements for implement use. 4.2.4 Crop residue strategy The crop residue strategy affects the nutrient balance of land use activities. Two residue strategies are defined which characterise the fate of crop residues: (i) (ii) Harvesting of crop residues from the field, which subsequently can be used to feed animals, and Crop residues are left in the field to maintain soil organic matter and nutrient stores. Since animals can not consume all types of residues, in LUST.XLS is indicated (pos_res) which crop residues are suitable for fodder consumption. In parameter qual_res the fodder quality characteristics are specified. Fractions of crop parts removed from or left at the field are indicated in LUST.XLS (or CROPS.XLS for pineapple). The parameter range names are a combination of the abbreviation used for the crops and har and plo for harvesting of crop residues and residues left at the field, respectively. 35 Hence, the range mai_plo indicates the parameters used to calculate the fraction of maize residues that are left at the field. 4.2.5 Variable inputs Variable inputs include the amount of seed, seedlings, biocides, herbicides, and fertilisers for actual land use activities. These parameters are defined in LUST.XLS or CROPS.XLS (for pineapple). Data used for herbicide and biocide use are from Bessembinder (1997), BNCR (1992), MAG (1991), Bartholomew (1996) and data collected within the REPOSA-project. In the low biocide option the insecticide and fungicide amounts as shown in LUST.XLS are reduced with 50%, while at the same time extra labour requirements are taken into account for crop hygienic measures (inspec_no). For biocides and herbicides a code of the chemical agent in LUST.XLS (or CROPS.XLS) indicate which type is applied. For example, parameter bio_herb_3 comprises the type and amount of the agent applied at the third herbicide application. These codes correspond with codes in BIOCIDE.XLS in which characteristics of herbicides and biocides are specified required to determine the biocide index. Changing the type of herbicide or biocide is possible after checking the code for the specific agent in BIOCIDE.XLS and replacing the old code with the new one in LUST.XLS (or CROPS.XLS). For reasons of convenience also the common names of the chemicals are given in ANNUAL.XLS but they are not used in calculations. Actual and alternative land use activities always use the same type of biocide or herbicide but the amount applied can differ. See Appendix V for the complete list of crop protection agents available in LUCTOR to choose from. The amount of seed and the number of seedlings are based on standard agronomic literature such as Cortés (1994), Purseglove (1985, 1987) and data collected within the REPOSA-project. For actual land use activities fertilisers fixed amounts of N, P and K (N_fert_app, P_fert_app and K_fert_app) are defined in LUST.XLS (in CROPS.XLS for pineapple), while for alternative land use activities fertilisers inputs are a resultant of nutrient balance calculations (see section 4.3). Data on actual fertiliser input are based on Chin-Fo-Sieeuw (1994) for maize, Den Daas (1993) for pineapple for local market, and MAG (1991) for pineapple export market. No fertilisers are applied at beans and cassava in the actual situation. See Appendix IV for the applied variable inputs. 4.3 Nutrient balances and requirements To monitor the nutrient status of cropping systems, balances are used which compare in- and outputs of nutrients in a system (Smaling, 1993). The in- and output processes taken into account are shown in Table 4.1. A crop activity is considered sustainable in terms of nutrients when nutrient supply and losses of N, P and K are in equilibrium. 36 Table 4.1 Supply and loss processes used to calculate nutrient balances of crop activities. supply: loss: application of inorganic fertilisers (N, P and K) removal of marketable crop parts (N, P and K) wet and dry deposition (N, P and K) removal of crop residues (N,P and K) biological fixation (N) denitrification (N) volatilisation (N) leaching (N and K) erosion (N, P and K) fixation (P) Application of manure and weathering are not considered supply processes. Currently, both are of minor importance in the Northern Atlantic zone and therefore not taken into account. For actual land use activities the nutrient inputs and outputs are quantified and in a bookkeeping procedure compared. For alternative land use activities the same procedure is used, followed by another calculation procedure to estimate the nutrient requirements to attain a closed nutrient balance (see also sections 2.1 and 2.2): After comparison of all inputs and outputs, a negative balance indicates the net fertiliser requirements to sustain production of alternative land use activities. Subsequently, gross fertiliser requirements are determined by taking into account calculated loss fractions per type of nutrient. In Table 4.1 is indicated which input and output processes refer to which type of nutrient. Biological fixation, denitrification and volatilisation are unique for nitrogen. Leaching losses are taken into account for both nitrogen and potassium. Phosphorus is a relatively immobile nutrient and therefore leaching losses are negligible. However, irreversible P-fixation to clay minerals (especially allophane) is taken into account. In the following two subsections the various loss and supply processes are further discussed. The total losses due to denitrification, volatilisation, leaching and fixation (only P) are expressed as a fraction of the nutrients that are supplied. It is likely that more nutrient losses occur under suboptimum growing conditions (de Wit, 1993). To take into account the less suitable growing conditions for production orientations with low mechanisation and/or low biocide use, and/or for actual crop activities it is assumed that their nutrient losses due to denitrification (N), volatilisation (N), leaching (N and K) and irreversible fixation (P) are higher than for other production orientations. The loss fraction due to these loss processes is therefore adjusted depending on the production orientation: LOSS_FERT = 1 - (( 1 - LOSS_PRE ) * (COR_REC_LB * COR_REC_LH * COR_REC_AC )) In which: LOSS_FERT LOSS_PRE = = COR_REC_LB = COR_REC_LM = COR_REC_AC = Adjusted loss fraction Unaccounted loss fraction due to denitrification, volatilisation, leaching or fixation (subsection 4.3.1) Correction factor for loss fraction due to low biocide application Correction factor for loss fraction due to low mechanisation Correction factor for loss fraction of actual type of activities 37 In Table 4.2 estimated values of these correction factors are shown. For a high biocide application, high mechanisation level, and alternative type of activities the values of correction factors are 1. They are not specified per crop type. The correction factors are defined in BASIC.XLS. The complementary fraction of LOSS_FERT can be considered the nutrient recovery of a land use activity. Table 4.2 Correction factors for loss fraction due to denitrification, volatilisation, leaching and irreversible fixation at various production situations (see text). definition criteria option name (in BASIC.XLS) value correction factor Low biocide level cor_rec_lb 0.75 Low mechanisation level cor_rec_lm 0.85 Actual land use type cor_rec_ac 0.80 It is assumed that the availability of nitrogen originating from organic N-sources (symbiotic bacteria and crop residues) is 40% lower than from inorganic N-sources (rainfall and fertiliser). This is expressed in the parameter cor_om_N in BASIC.XLS. Part of the nitrogen from organic sources mineralises outside the growing season and comes available when there is no crop, while inorganic N-fertilisers can be applied during the growing season at times that the crop requires nutrients most. Nitrogen from inorganic fertilisers is taken up by the crop before it can be lost by volatilisation, denitrification and leaching. For phosphorus it is assumed that availability (cor_om_P in BASIC.XLS) of phosphorus originating from organic sources (for P only crop residues) is 25% higher than from inorganic P-sources because the relatively immobile organic P can become available during subsequent growing seasons. 4.3.1 Loss processes Export of crop nutrients Nutrients exported from the field with the main produce and crop residues are a function of the target yield, crop residue strategy and nutrient concentrations in the various crop components. The latter are based on minimum concentrations given by Hengsdijk et al. (1996), MODUS (Stoorvogel et al., 1995), Van Duivenbooden (1992), Bessembinder (1997), Van Dijk (pers. com.) and Tonjes (1994) multiplied by correction factors (f_cor in LUST.XLS) which depend on the type of activity (yield level) and accounts for the fact that nutrients are hardly never diluted to their minimum concentrations due to the effects of other growth reducing factors (Van Keulen & de Wolf, 1986). See Appendix IV for nutrient contents and correction factors of annual crops. For the different yield levels of alternative activities these correction factors are adjusted since nutrient contents increase with higher yields (Van Keulen & de Wolf, 1986). The maximum yield level equals the correction factor used for alternative activities, while the minimum yield level (20% of the maximum yield for the REPOSA and UNA/DLV LP-model) equals the correction factor used for actual activities plus 0.2 times the difference between correction factors for alternative and actual activities. For nutrient crop contents of other crop yields a linear interpolation occurs between both extremes. In this way nutrient contents increase linearly with increasing yields of alternative crop activities. This is a simplification since yields of actual activities are higher than the 20% level of alternative land use activities, but have lower nutrient contents in LUCTOR. It is noticed that the 38 minimum and maximum nutrient contents in LUCTOR are derived form various literature sources. In most cases, however, it was unclear to which yield and fertilizer levels these numbers relate. Therefore, minimum and maximum nutrient levels as quantified in LUCTOR are to some extent arbitrary. It is assumed that nutrients in crop residues left at the field after harvest are available for crop uptake during the growing season discounted for losses as described in section 4.3. Implicitely, this presumes that the same crop is cultivated year after year. In contrast to the approach of De Koning et al. (1995) land use activities in LUCTOR are not defined on the basis of crop rotations since hardly any information existed on cropping sequences and related effects. Volatilisation and denitrification Losses due to volatilisation are set at 5% of the applied inorganic organic. Losses due to denitrification are based on Veldkamp & Keller (1997) which measured nitrogen oxide emissions in banana plantations in the Northern Atlantic zone. Denitrification losses are a function of the soil type. At fertile poorly drained (SFP) soils losses are set at 10%, at infertile well-drained (SIW) and fertile well-drained soils at 6% of the applied nitrogen in inorganic form. At drained SFP-soils denitrification is reduced with 25% (N_drain_nit), hence it is 7.5%. Leaching Nitrogen and potassium can leach to soil layers beyond the rooting zone. The fraction inorganic N and K lost in this way is a function of the amount of percolated water. The percentage N lost by leaching is set to 60% of the ratio percolated and total infiltrated water. Sevenhuysen & Maebe (1995) estimated for the three identified soil types the percentage surface runoff (surf_run_un in SOIL.XLS) and percolation (ground_run_un in SOIL.XLS). For soils that can be drained, SFP and SFW, both hydrology characteristics change. Parameters for drained soils are stored in surf_run_dr and ground_run_dr, respectively and are based on the same source as for undrained soils. The annual rainfall is set at 4000 mm (rain in BASIC.XLS). For potassium the fraction lost in percolated water depends on the clay content of the soil. The higher the clay content, and hence the higher the adsorption capacity for cations, the lower the Klosses. The minimum fraction of K lost in percolated water is set to 0.25 (Kles_mn) for soils with a clay content of 50% (Kles_arg_mx). The maximum fraction lost is 0.9 (Kles_mx) for soils with a clay content of 2.5% (Kles_arg_mn). For soils with intermediate clay contents the fractions of K-losses are determined by means of linear interpolation. So-calculated K-fractions in percolated water are 0.59 for SFP-soils, 0.73 for SFW-soils and 0.18 for SIW soils. P-fixation Phosphate fixation is considered an additional loss process. It is assumed that this process at relatively young volcanic soils is irreversible and that a part of the P supply is fixed and no longer available for crop uptake. It is set at 30% of the applied phosphate (P_fix) for SFP and SFW soils, and set at 40% for SIW soils. Erosion Erosion poses no serious problem in the Northern Atlantic zone. To estimate erosion the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) can be used which is developed for conditions in the U.S. (Wischmeier & Smith, 1960). Since accurate calibration of parameters for the USLE are lacking for the Northern Atlantic zone it seems less appropriate to use the USLE. Therefore, erosion is set at 1 ton ha -1 which is less than the annual top soil formation in the humid tropics (FAO/IIASA, 1991). Nutrients in the eroded material are lost from the soil store in a quantity equal to the product of soil loss and soil 39 nutrient concentration. In SOIL.XLS the relevant soil P and K-concentrations are shown (P_tot and K_tot). Soil N-content is based on the soil organic matter contents (om) and the C/N ratio of soil organic matter, which is set to 15 (cn_om in BASIC.XLS). Erosion losses of P and K are calculated applying an enrichment factor of 2 (f_enrich) which accounts for the higher nutrient content in the top soil, because of higher proportion organic material and fine particles. For nitrogen no enrichment factor is applied because with the organic matter content higher erosion is implicitly accounted for. 4.3.2 Supply processes Wet and dry deposition Wet and dry deposition is defined as a function of annual rainfall: 0.42 g N, 0.04 g P and 1.35 g K per ha per mm of rainfall (N_rain, P_rain and K_rain) (Parker, 1985). N-fixation by associated and free living bacteria The supply of nitrogen through associated nitrogen fixing bacteria is estimated at 5 kg ha-1 year-1 (N_fix_sym) (Stoorvogel, 1995). Microbial N-fixation For leguminous beans it is assumed that 75% of the nitrogen taken up by this crop is derived form the crops' specific N-fixing capacity (f_N_fix in LUST.XLS) (Hengsdijk et al., 1996). Fertiliser The external supply of nutrients from fertilisers to actual crop activities is described in paragraph 4.2.6. Fertiliser efficiency is determined by the overall loss processes as described in paragraph 4.3.1 and calculated as a loss fraction. For alternative activities the fertiliser supply is a resultant of the nutrient balance calculations. 4.3.3 Operationalisation of nutrient balances For actual crop activities nutrient balances are applied straightforwardly. The sum of the loss and that of the supply processes as presented in Table 4.1 are compared to each other. The following is an example of the procedure performed to calculate a nitrogen balance of an actual crop activity. Relevant definition criteria of the crop activity are: maize, fertile well drained soil, crop residues harvested, high mechanisation and biocide level. The procedure involves five steps: (i) calculation of N-uptake by the crop in different crop components, (ii) calculation of total N-loss fraction, (iii) calculation of total N-supply, (iv) calculation of total N-loss and, finally, (v) calculation of the Nbalance in which N-supply and N-loss are compared. 40 1. N-UPTAKE Calculation of the N-uptake by the crop in different crop components is required to determine the amount of nitrogen that is removed from the system. I. Calculations for removal of marketable products and crop residues. biomass (kg ha-1) minimum N-content (g kg-1) correction factors N-uptake (kg ha-1) grains 2010 11 1 22 ear-structures 377 4.5 1.1 2 leaves 1256 8.0 0.9 9 stem 1571 4.0 0.9 6 roots 1068 4.5 0.9 4 total 6282 43 2. TOTAL N-LOSS FRACTION Before the total amount of lost nitrogen can be calculated, in preliminary calculations the nitrogen lost by erosion and other loss processes are calculated as a fraction of the supplied nitrogen. II. Calculation of soil nitrogen loss due to erosion erosion (a) 1 ton ha-1 organic matter content (b) 4.4% C/N ratio (c) 15 fraction C in organic matter (d) 0.58 Total N-loss (a * 1000 * b/100 *d/c) 1.7 kg N ha-1 III. Calculation of loss fraction due to denitrification, volatilisation and leaching a1. volatilisation and denitrification 0.05 + 0.06 = 0.11 a2. leaching: infiltration 2760 mm percolation 1720 mm percolated fraction 1720/2760 = 0.62 fraction N in percolated water 0.6 fraction N lost by leaching 0.62 * 0.6 = 0.37 losses (a1 + a2) (N_loss_pre) 0.11 + 0.37 = 0.48 correction factor for low mechanisation level and actual crop 0.8 * 0.85 = 0.68 activity (Table 4.2) Total loss fraction inorganic-N (N_loss_fert) 1 - ((1-0.48) * 0.68) = 0.65 3. TOTAL N-SUPPLY N-supply encompasses two processes, nitrogen from external and natural resources. a. Application of fertilisers, a given amount (see subsection 4.2.5): 65 b. Wet and dry deposition: b1. rainfall: 4000 mm * 0.00042 kg N mm -1 (see subsection 4.3.2) 1.7 b2. N-fixing by symbiotic bacteria (see subsection 4.3.2): 5 Total N-supply (a+b) 71.7 kg N ha-1 41 4. TOTAL N-LOSS: Subsequently, total N-losses can be calculated taken into account all input processes that are subject to losses and nutrient withdrawal with crop harvest. Notice that supply losses c2 and c3 are adjusted for extra organic N-losses (see end section 4.3). a. Removal of main produce: grains and ear-structures (box I): 24 b. Removal of crop residues: stems and leaves (box I): 15 c. Supply losses due to denitrification, volatilisation and leaching: c1. rainfall: 1.7 * 0.65 = 1.1 c2. N-fixing symbiotic bacteria: 5 * (0.65 + (0.35*0.4)) = 4.0 c3. fertiliser: 65 * 0.65 = 42 c4. recycled organic matter (roots): 4 * (0.65 + (0.35*0.4)) = 3.2 d. Erosion soil N (box II) 1.7 Total N-loss (a+b+c+d) 91 kg N ha-1 5. N-BALANCE: The N-balance is the difference between the N-supply as calculated in step 3 and the total N losses calculated in step 4: SUPPLY - LOSS = 71.7 – 91 = - 19.3 kg N ha-1 In the preceding example the nutrient-balance, as in most other actual production systems in the Northern Atlantic zone, is negative indicating soil depletion. It is emphasised that the N-balance is not equal to the nutrient requirements needed for a zero nutrient balance. To counterbalance its nutrient deficit an amount of nutrients is required that takes into account losses (N_loss_fert) that occur after application of nutrients. For alternative crop activities, first the difference between nutrient loss and supply from natural sources is determined.Subsequently, the quantity of fertilisers is calculated required to cover the deficit. In the following an example is given of the calculation of nitrogen requirements of an alternative maize crop activity. The N-balance of this activity must be in equilibrium. The definition criteria of the crop activity are similar as the previous example: fertile well drained soil, crop residues harvested, high mechanisation and biocide level. The procedure involves four steps: (i) calculation of the N-uptake by the crop in different crop components, (ii) calculation of the total loss fraction, (iii) calculation of the net N-availability and (iv) calculation of the N-requirements. 1. N-UPTAKE Calculation of the N-uptake by the crop in different crop components is required to determine the amount of nitrogen that is transported from the system. I. Calculations for removal of marketable products and crop residues. biomass (kg ha-1) minimum N-content (g kg-1) correction factors N-uptake (kg ha-1) grains 4971 11 1.8 98 ear-structures 809 4.5 1.1 4 leaves 1850 8.0 2 30 stem 2312 4.0 2 18 roots 1618 4.5 2 15 total 11560 165 42 2. TOTAL N-LOSS FRACTION Before the total amount of lost nitrogen can be calculated, in preliminary calculations the nitrogen lost by erosion and other loss processes are calculated as a fraction of the supplied nitrogen. II. Calculation of soil nitrogen loss due to erosion. erosion (a) 1 ton ha-1 organic matter content (b) 4.4% C/N ratio (c) 15 fraction C in organic matter (d) 0.58 Total N-loss (a * 1000 * b/100 *d/c) 1.7 kg N ha-1 III. Calculation of loss fraction due to denitrification, volatilisation and leaching. a1. volatilisation and denitrification 0.05 + 0.06 = 0.11 a2. leaching: infiltration 2760 mm percolation 1720 mm percolated fraction 1720/2760 = 0.62 fraction N in percolated water 0.6 fraction N lost by leaching 0.62 * 0.6 = 0.37 losses (a1 + a2) (N_loss_pre) 0.11 + 0.37 = 0.48 correction factor for low mechanisation level (Table 4.2) 0.85 loss fraction inorganic-N (N_loss_fert) 1 - ((1-0.48) * 0.85) = 0.56 3. TOTAL NET N-AVAILABILITY The net N-availability is a function of external resources and recirculated crop residues, discounted for nitrogen losses as calculated in step 2. IV. Net N-availability from external and recirculated resources. Notice that posts b and c are corrected for extra organic N-losses. supply % eff. org./ loss inorg. N net N-availability a. Rainfall (=4000 mm*0.00042 kg N mm-1) 1.7 0.56 1 1.7* 056=0.75 b. Symbiotic bacteria (see subsection 4.3.2) 5 0.56 0.6 5*(1-0.56)*0.6= 1.3 c. Recycled org. matter (roots) 15 0.56 0.6 15*(1-0.56)*0.6= 4.0 (=1618kg ha-1*0.0045 kg N kg-1*2) total net N-availability (a+b+c) 6.0 kg N ha-1 4. N-REQUIREMENT The N-requirement of alternative activities is a function of on the one hand the total N-uptake (box I) and soil nitrogen lost with erosion (box II), and on the other hand net N-availability (box IV). box I box II box IV N-uptake crop Loss of N in soil organic matter due to erosion N-shortage Net N-availability N deficit that has to be supplied with fertilisers 165 1.7 + 166.7 6.0 160.7 N-requirements discounted for losses (160.7/(1-0.56)) 368 kg N ha-1 43 Analyses of the different components of the calculations shows that the loss percentage due to denitrification, volatilisation, leaching (Box III) has the largest impact on the N-requirement. Since accurate measurements of leaching are lacking, process based knowledge combined with expert knowledge have been used to estimate it. Logical starting point is the water surplus, combined with an arbitrary fraction of N in the percolated water. The user can easily change this parameter value and other loss-parameter values in LUCTOR to assess different assumptions. Decreasing the total loss fraction (N_loss_fert) with 25% from 0.56 to 0.42 results in a proportional 25% reduction in Nfertiliser requirements (274 kg N ha-1). Reducing the fraction of N in percolated water with 25% from 0.6 to 0.45 decreases the fertiliser N-requirement with ± 16% to 309 kg N ha-1. When no additional losses are assumed due to low mechanisation (Box III) fertiliser N-requirements decrease from 368 kg to 310 kg N ha-1. Omitting the assumption that the availability of inorganic nitrogen sources is 40% higher than from organic N-sources (section 4.3) decreases fertiliser-requirement the least (to 360 kg N ha-1). This is due to the fact that in this example there is hardly any N supply form organic sources since crop residues are harvested. Operationalisation of the phosphate balance of actual and alternative crop activities is similar to that for nitrogen. However, as denitrification, volatilisation and leaching do not affect phosphorus dynamics, the procedure is simpler. It is assumed that loss processes for phosphorus include the removal in main produce, crop residues, irreversible P-fixation of the applied phosphate and erosion. A large uncertainty is related to P-fixation at soils from volcanic origin that include SFP, SFW and SIW soils. Changing the value of P_fix may show consequences of different assumptions concerning P-fixation. N-requirements of alternative activities do not linearly decrease with decreasing yield levels. Since values of correction factors for nutrient contents decrease linearly with yield level (see section 4.1) production per kg applied nitrogen is higher at lower yield levels than at higher yield levels. In Figure 4.1 an example is shown of this procedure for two different production orientations for maize grain, a high biocide and a low biocide level. The curves are a simplified version of what the theoretical relationship between yield and N-gifts looks like (Van Keulen & de Wolf, 1986). The maximum yield level of the low biocide orientation is lower than of the high biocide option. Moreover, the production per kg applied N is lower for the low biocide option due to the assumed higher nutrient loss fractions under less favourable growing conditions (see section 4.3 and Table 4.2). 44 7000 Yield (kg/ha) 6000 5000 4000 3000 high biocide option 2000 low biocide option 1000 theoretical high biocide curve 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 N-gift (kg N/ha) Figure 4.1 Relationship between yield and N-gift for two production orientations of maize grain as produced by LUCTOR. For comparison a theoretical curve of the relationship is given for the high biocide level derived from Van Keulen & de Wolf (1986). For pineapple the nutrient balance is more complicated since the crop has a growing period of about two years. For each year a nutrient balance is calculated assuming that a part of the nutrients is turned over to the following year in the ratoon crop. When crop residues are left in the field at the end of the second (and last) year they are considered recycled organic matter in the first year and their nutrients (accounted for losses) thus are available for crop uptake. Since this can be a considerable amount, the nutrient balances of pineapple can be positive in the first year. The calculation procedure of nutrient balances for ratoon crops is similar as for perennial crops that are elaborated in section 5.3. 4.4 Costs Gross revenue is calculated for each crop activity and defined as the difference between income from products and variable costs for fertilisers, sowing seed, crop protection agents, etc. (netrev in ANNUAL.XLS, net1 and net2 for both production years of pineapple in PINA.XLS). The gross revenue as TC is only used for the UNA/DLV-model. The REPOSA-model uses a TC representing total costs without costs for labour (cost in ANNUAL.XLS, cost1 and cost2 for two production years of pineapple in PINA.XLS). For pineapple for export purposes also initial establishment costs for a post harvest processing unit, drainage system, infrastructure, etc. are taken into account. Since, the lifetime of these capital goods exceeds the crop cycle of pineapple they are discounted over a period of 15 years. These discounted costs are treated in a similar way as variable costs. See Chapter 5 for the used discounting procedure. Prices for inputs are based on the price level of 1996, while prices for outputs are based on an average price for the years 1994, ’95 and ’96. See Appendix VI for the complete list of prices used for inputs and outputs. 45 5 Perennial activities This Chapter describes how perennial activities (banana, plantain and palmheart) are quantified and what type of data has been used. Where appropriate literature references are given of the current used parameter values in LUCTOR. All literature references can be found in cell notes of the Excel files (see section 3.2). See Appendix I for an overview of the files required generating perennial crop activities. In the preceding text italics words refer to range names of parameters and variables in the LUCTOR-files. For a complete description of the parameters and variables, we refer to the LUCTOR-files. A range name in the text without a file name refers to the last named file in the text. 5.1 Target yield As in annual crop activities yields are the starting point to determine inputs and other outputs of perennial crops. Target yields expressed in terms of fresh weight per year are stored in yld in CROPS.XLS and include post-harvest losses. The average yields of actual activities are based on (Roeland, 1994; Cortés, 1994; Soto, 1985; Bessembinder, 1997), while target yields of alternative activities are based on expert knowledge. A complication with perennial crops is that yield levels are not uniform throughout crop cycles. It is assumed that the first two years are required to establish the crop and yields are therefore lower. In year three a stable yield level is obtained that can be maintained till the end of the crop cycle. Although one may expect that yields drop at the end of a crop cycle due to soil born diseases and deteriorating planting material, no reliable data were found that supports this idea. In the case of banana and plantain perhaps the continuous replanting with new and usually more resistant and higher productive planting material prevents a decline in production throughout the years. Three parameters control yield levels in the different production cycles: yld_1, yld_2 and yld_3. The former two are used to define yields in the first two years of production, the latter is used for the third and following production cycles. Since inputs and outputs of perennials are defined per year the length of production cycles (e.g. cyc1_dur for first production cycle) is set at 12 months. As for perennial crops yield reduction factors are identified to take into account less suitable growing conditions for manual soil preparation (cor_mec), for low biocide use (cor_bio) and for soils, cor_siw and cor_sfp for SIW and SFP soils, respectively. Since, crop cycles of palmheart, banana and plantain are at least 10 years it is assumed that less suitable growing conditions due to low mechanised field preparation can be neglected. These are currently set at zero, but can be changed in CROPS.XLS. See section 4.1 for further details concerning reduction factors and calculations used to determine final target yields. For banana two yield quality classes are identified. Distribution over the two quality classes for actual banana activities is based on CORBANA (1992): 75% in the first (export quality) class, 25% in the second class (used for local market or feed). Crop specialists confirm that improved management can increase the share of first class bananas. Therefore, in alternative activities the distribution is set at 85% for first class and 15% for second class bananas. The quality distribution is valid for all production cycles of banana. 46 For plantain the approach resembles that of banana: Distribution is set at 85% in the first class and 15% in the second class for actual activities. In the alternative activities the distribution is set at 90% and 10 % (Vargas, 1995). The quality distribution is valid for all production cycles of plantain. For palmheart one quality class is defined which include hearts with a weight of 1.3 kg (Schipper, pers. com.). In addition to the total fresh weight of fruits per quality class, the final target yield of plantain and banana is also expressed per box of 23.6 kg (Vargas, 1996) and per box of 18.16 kg (Ramírez Calderón, 1993), respectively. The final target yield of palmheart is also expressed as the number of palm hearts. Subsequently, target yields (fruits, boxes, or hearts) and dry matter contents (dm_perc) are used to derive biomass of other crop parts using crop specific distribution parameters (par_gra, par_inf, par_lea, par_ste, par_roo). For palmheart these parameter values are based on Jongschaap (1993), for banana and plantain they are based on several sources (Turner, 1972; Turner & Lahav, 1983; Stover & Simmonds, 1987 and Bessembinder, 1997). In Appendix IV crop parameters of perennial crops are shown. 5.2 Production techniques The definition of production techniques is to large extent similar to those of annual crop activities. However, there are a few differences, which will be discussed in the following sections. 5.2.1 Operation periods In contrast with annual crops no distinct operation periods have been defined. This is according practice of perennial crops in which field operations (including e.g. harvesting) are carried out throughout the year. This implies that labour requirements during a year are evenly spread over the entire year. For the first year establishment operations are defined including manual or mechanical field preparation, construction of a drainage system and cable system (banana) and preparation and transplantation of seedlings. For following years maintenance operations have been defined such as pruning shoots, weeding (manually or with herbicide), fertiliser-, insecticide-, nematicide-, and fungicide- application, underpinning of plants (banana), bagging fruits (banana), harvesting main produce and crop residues, packing time boxes, field monitoring to reduce biocide use and maintenance of the cable system, and replanting. 5.2.2 Labour, mechanisation and implement requirements Labour requirements for operations are based on several sources, Soto (1985), Vargas (1995), Morales Chacón & Bejarano. (1991), Ramírez Calderón (1994), BNCR (1992), MAG (1983), Bessembinder (1997) and data collected within the REPOSA-project. Labour and mechanisation requirements are shown in Appendix IV. In contrast to annual crops (with the exception of pineapple) labour requirements for fertiliser application are a function of the input level. It is assumed that 50 kg of nutrients (N, P and K) can applied manually per hour and per ha (fert_man), or 500 kg mechanically (fert_mec). This approach 47 has been chosen as for perennials much more nutrients are applied than for annual crops. The error using fixed labour requirements for fertiliser application of annual crops is relatively small. Moreover, since operation periods are distinguished for annuals modelling labour requirements as a function of the fertiliser amount requires knowledge about which amount is applied in what period. For perennials it is assumed that application occurs throughout the year. Labour requirements for harvesting (main produce and crop residues) are defined as a function of the output level, underpinning of plants (only banana) and bagging of plants (banana and plantain) as a function of the number of plants, other labour requirements are expressed per ha. In general plantain is not strutted (Morales Chacón & Bejarano, 1991). Mechanisation is limited to operations used for soil preparation (tr_prep, tr_drain, tr_cable). Implement requirements are determined in the calculation file PERENIAL.XLS in similar way as for annuals. Banana and plantain activities are always drained. For SFP soils 2.2 times as much labour and machinery requirements are needed for drainage construction than at SFW since the excavated volume of poorly drained soils is 2.2 times higher (Sevenhuysen & Maebe, 1995). The associated higher costs of these drainage operations are taken into account. 5.2.3 Crop residue strategy Crop residue dynamics of perennials is quite complex since harvesting and production of residues continues throughout the year. After each harvest a few suckers are left to produce a following harvest. For e.g. bananas and plantain the old stem is cut down and left to decompose on the soil surface between plants. The biomass residue of these crops is much larger than for palmheart of which only leaves are left at the field. This has consequences for the nutrient requirements and balances. Two crop residue strategies can be defined: (i) harvesting (a part) of the crop residues after each harvest which can be used e.g. to feed animals, and (ii) crop residues are left at the field after harvesting to maintain soil organic matter and nutrient stocks. Both options affect labour requirements and nutrient dynamics of the crop activities since carry over effects of nutrients to following crop cycle are taken into account. Banana and plantain produce two types of animal feeds, second grade fruits and crop residues. In parameter pos_res (CROPS.XLS) is indicated whether crop residues are suitable for feeding purposes and in parameter qual_res the feed quality of crop residues. Fractions of crop parts removed from or left at the field are indicated in CROPS.XLS. The parameter names for these fractions are a combination of the abbreviation used for crops (pal, ban, pla) and _har and _plo for harvesting of crop residues and residues left at the field, respectively. For example, pal_plo comprises the parameters used to estimate the amount of crop residues of palmheart left at the field. These parameters (fractions of crop residues) refer to the last year of a crop cycle of a crop cycle. However, at the end of each year/production cycle a part of the crop parts can be harvested or left at the field. These fractions are used to determine nutrient dynamics over the years of perennials in PERENIAL.XLS (see also section 5.3). To quantify the amount of crop residues available for one of the strategies, three extra parameters have been defined: The fraction of leaves and stems that is harvested (res3_c), the fraction of leaves and stems that is left 48 at the field (en_f) and the fraction of roots that is returned to the soil each production cycle (to decompose) and which nutrients are available for the next production cycle (la_f ). Estimated values of these fractions (in CROPS.XLS) differ among crop types since morphology and physiology of crops differs. 5.2.4 Variable inputs Variable inputs include the amount of planting material (plant in CROPS.XLS), biocides, herbicides, fertilisers. The number of seedlings is based on standard agronomic literature such as Cortés (1994), Vargas (1994), Vargas (1995), Morales Chacón (1991), Soto (1985) and Ramírez Calderón (1994). For actual land use activities fertilisers are fixed amounts of N, P and K (N_fert_app, P_fert_app and K_fert_app) which are applied every year/production cycle. For alternative land use activities fertiliser inputs are a resultant of nutrient balance calculations (see section 5.3). Data on actual fertiliser input for palmheart are based on Jongschaap (1993) and for banana and plantain on data collected within the REPOSA project. They are shown in Appendix IV. Compared to annuals a different approach is applied concerning biocides and herbicides. Labour requirements per application of biocides and herbicides are defined in CROPS.XLS. For example, insec indicates the labour requirements (in hr ha-1) per insecticide application. Besides, the number of applications for three production years (for e.g. insecticides in insec_no1, insec_no2, insec_3) is given for biocides and herbicides. It is assumed that the use of crop protection agents can differ over the years, e.g. during crop establishment more herbicides are required since the crop is less able to compete with weeds. It is assumed that after the third year the use of crop protection agents stabilises and equals those of the third year. A maximum of three different types of herbicides and biocides can be applied, in for example num_insec the number of insecticides is defined while they are characterised in bio_insec_1, bio_insec_2 and bio_insec_3 by their codes (see also subsection 4.2.5) and amounts applied. It is assumed that herbicides and biocides are applied in a mixture or alternating to avoid development of resistance to any of the agents. In banana and plantain production this is already common practice (Bessembinder, 1997; Vargas, 1995). The type of crop protection agent is similar for actual and alternative activities but the applied quantities can be different. In PERENIAL.XLS an average amount of crop protection agents per year is determined based on the number of agents and the number of applications per year. For reasons of convenience the common name of crop protection agent is also given in CROPS.XLS but is not required for calculations. To change the type or quantity of herbicide and biocide the same procedure need to be followed as described in subsection 4.2.5. Most data used for herbicide and biocide use are derived from Bessembinder (1997), Vargas (1995), MAG (1991), Cortés (1994), Soto (1985), Morales Chacón & Bejarano (1991), Corrales & Salas (1997) and data collected within the REPOSA project. See Appendix IV for the used crop protection agents in perennials and Appendix V for the entire lists of crop protection agents available to choose from. 49 5.3 Nutrient balances and requirements To determine nutrient balances of perennials the same approach has been followed described in section 4.3 for annuals. The same nutrient efficiencies for production situations and loss processes are taken into account, except for the correction factors for nutrients from organic sources. It is assumed that they are as efficiently taken up as nutrients from inorganic sources since perennials require and are able to take up nutrients throughout the year. Lower nutrient losses in ratoon crops due to a better-developed root system than in the first year (Twyford & Walmsley, 1974) are not accounted for. Nutrient contents of crop components of banana, plantain and palmheart are based on Jongschaap (1993), López & Solís (1991a), López & Solís (1991b) and Bessembinder (1997). Because the growth of perennials,- by definition-, last longer than one year nutrient balances in different years have been modelled taking into account nutrients that turn over in the crop to the following year: The first three years in which the production is not at its maximum, the following years in which a constant yield level is attained and the last year in which the crop is removed from the field or left at the field decomposing. Nutrients released from crop residues left at the field in year n come available in year n+1. Nutrients released with crop residues in the last year of the crop cycle come available in year 1. In Table 5.1 an example is given of an actual banana activity with a crop cycle of n years. After the fourth year a constant level of nutrient withdrawal is supposed. The yield level used in Table 5.1 is 45 t ha-1 of export quality bananas (2478 boxes) in year three and succeeding years. A total N loss fraction (N_loss_fert) of 0.61 is used to determine net N-supply. The loss fraction is calculated in a similar way as described in paragraph 4.3.3. Actual fertiliser gifts of perennials do not differ over the years. 50 Table 5.1 Example of the procedure to calculate the nitrogen balance of actual perennial activities. Relevant definition criteria of activity: banana, fertile well-drained soil, crop residues left at field, high biocide option (N = 10 or 15 years). Year 1 up to n year 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 up to n-1 year n application of fertiliser 387 387 387 387 387 crop residues left at field from previous year 439 175 198 233 233 wet and dry composition 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 N-fixing 5 5 5 5 5 fruit 78 88 104 104 104 fruit stem 11 13 15 15 15 leaves 190 215 253 253 253 stems 63 71 84 84 84 roots 76 86 101 101 101 total 418 474 557 557 557 application of fertilisers 149 149 149 149 149 crop residues left at field from previous year 169 67 76 90 90 wet deposition 1 1 1 1 1 symbiotic bacteria 2 2 2 2 2 154 175 206 206 -102 -156 -111 -111 Total gross supply of nutrients (kg N ha-1 yr-1): Crop N-uptake (kg N ha-1 yr1): Total net supply of nutrients (kg N ha-1 yr-1)*): N-turned over in crop to next year (kg N ha-1 yr-1): N-balance = Total crop uptake – Total net supply – -98 turn-over (kg N ha-1 yr-1): *) Assuming loss fraction of 0.61 Calculations in Table 5.1 indicate that with the current fertiliser application rate banana systems are soil depleting supposing our loss estimates are correct. Despite the large amount of decomposing crop residues in the first year the available nutrients are not sufficient to build up the entire biomass apparatus without drawing on the soil nutrient stock. In following years ratoon crops utilise the remaining standing biomass and are partly nourished by decomposing plant residues of the old stem. However, due to the larger N-withdrawal (higher yields) N-balances in ratoon years remain negative. There are several reasons that may explain this phenomena: (i) A discrepancy in the amount of crop residues left at the field. Little information exists on how much crop residues, - and more important how much nutrients-, are left at the field after harvesting. In the example shown in Table 5.1 about 14 ton dm is returned to the soil each year (year 3 and following up to n-1) which seems in agreement with Hernandez & Scott (1996) and Godefrey (1974) cited by Lahav & Turner (1983). (ii) An overestimation of nutrient losses in crop residues left at the field after harvest. Twyford & Walmsley (1974) argue that the ratoon root system is widespread and efficient and they therefore suppose much lower nutrient losses than in the first year. In the example of Table 5.1 nutrient losses of crop residues are assumed to be as large as losses of fertilisers since the rate of decomposition of crop residues is very high and nutrients come available in a rapid flush. Godefroy 51 (1974) cited by Lahav & Turner (1983) showed that 10% of banana trash remained after four months. (iii) An overestimation of the total nitrogen losses (N_fert_loss). However, Godefroy et al (1975) in Ivory coast reported nitrogen losses due to leaching of 60-85% of the applied nutrients in banana, which is lower than the total loss fraction used in the example. (iv) Soil depletion rates as shown in Table 5.1 can be compensated for a certain period of time by net mineralisation rates of about 200 kg N/ha in the Atlantic zone (R. Plant , pers. com.). (v) Actual fertiliser rates are higher than assumed. Exact information about the physical quantities of inputs used in plantation farming is hard to obtain. For the nutrient dynamics of alternative banana activities in Table 5.2 an example is shown. Too a large extent the same procedure is used as for actual activities, with a difference that for alternative activities the N-requirements are estimated under the condition of equilibrium N-balance. The total N-loss fraction (N_loss_fert) is lower than in actual activities, 0.52. The same remarks are valid as made earlier concerning the estimated N-loss fraction. The yield (export quality bananas) in this particular example is 68 ton ha-1 in the steady state years, which is 23 ton more than in the example of the actual activity in Table 5.1. The N-withdrawal and N-requirements are therefore proportionally larger. 52 Table 5.2 Example of procedure to calculate the nitrogen balance of alternative perennial activities. Relevant definition criteria of activity: banana, fertile well drained soil, crop residues left at field, high biocide option (n = 10 or 15 years). Year 1 up to n year 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 up to n-1 year n Crop residues left at field from previous year 591 236 267 314 314 wet and dry composition 5 5 5 5 5 N-fixing 2 2 2 2 2 fruit 121 137 161 161 161 fruit stem 16 19 22 22 22 leaves 257 291 342 342 342 stems 86 97 114 114 114 roots 101 115 135 135 135 total 581 659 775 775 775 Crop residues left at field from previous year 285 114 129 152 152 wet deposition 1 1 1 1 1 symbiotic bacteria 2 2 2 2 2 N-turned over to next year (kg N ha-1 yr-1): 208 236 277 277 N-shortage = Total crop uptake – Total net supply – 394 335 409 344 344 609 695 847 714 714 0 0 0 0 0 Total gross supply of nutrients (kg N ha-1 yr-1): Crop N-uptake (kg N ha-1 yr1): Total net supply of nutrients (kg N ha-1 yr-1) *): N-turnover in crop (kg N ha-1 yr-1): N-requirements = N-shortage / (1-N_loss_fert) (in kg N ha-1 yr-1) N-balance *) Assumed loss fraction of 0.52 High inputs of nitrogen are required for such a crop activity to be completely sustainable in terms of nutrients. It is noticed that although alternative activities are defined in such a way that nutrient balances are in equilibrium in some cases nutrient balances may become positive. This occurs particularly for the first year of palmheart in which large amounts of crop residues are added from the previous crop cycle while the build up of biomass (N-requirements) is insufficient to absorb the releasing nutrients. The same remarks concerning the relationship between N-requirements and target yield levels apply for perennials as made in section 4.3.2 for annual crops. The nutrient balances of pineapple ratoon crops are treated as a perennial. 53 5.4 Costs and discounting of TCs A gross revenue is calculated for each crop activity and defined as the difference between income from products and variable costs for fertilisers, sowing seed, crop protection agents, etc. and (only for the first year) establishment costs (net1 up to net4, representing four years, the first 3 years and year 4 which also represents the following years). In the first year establishment costs for a drainage system, housing, infrastructure and processing unit, as applicable, are taken into account. Up to year 3 yields increase and individual gross revenues are calculated. After year 4 management costs and income (yields) stabilise. The gross revenue TC is only used for the UNA/DLV-model. The REPOSA-model uses a TC representing total costs without costs for labour (cost1 up to cost4 for four years). In Appendix VI prices for inputs and outputs are presented. Prices for inputs are based on the price level of 1996, while prices for outputs are based on an average price for the years 1994, ’95 and ’96. Perennial crops occupy land for a number of years, in LUCTOR the length of a perennial crop cycle lasts 10 or 15 years (see section 2.2). In the first years costs are higher than the benefits of perennials, while the reverse is true in later stages of the crop cycle. Since the LP-models for which the TCs are generated are one period (one year) models, values of different years have to be added. Values that occur in earlier years are worth more than those that occur later. Therefore, all TCs are discounted over the length of the crop cycle (10 or 15 years) to value future cost and benefits in their present values (Schipper, 1996). This discounting procedure is done in PERNUI.XLS with a discount rate of 7% (parameter discount in CROPS.XLS). For pineapple this procedure occurs in PINNUI.XLS. DTC In which: DTC = DR = i = y = i DR TCy i y ((1DR) 1) y1 (1DR) discounted TC discount rate length crop cycle year of crop cycle 54 55 6 Plantation forestry activities This Chapter describes how plantation forestry activities (teak and melina) are quantified and what type of data has been used. Where appropriate literature references are given of the current used parameter values. All literature references can be found in cell notes of parameters in the LUCTORfiles (see section 3.2). See Appendix I for an overview of the files required generating perennial crop activities. In the preceding text italics words refer to range names of parameters and variables in the LUCTOR-files. For a complete description of the parameters and variables, we refer to the LUCTOR-files. A range name in the text without a file name refers to the last named file in the text. 6.1 Target yield The approach used to estimate target yields of teak and melina is different from the one used for annuals and perennials. Since wood production does not reach a stable production after a couple of years, the individual years until the final harvest are modelled in order to quantify nutrient balances of plantation forestry activities. Therefore, yields of plantation forestry activities are simulated using growth curves which are based on empirical measurements of wood production in the first years (data collected within REPOSA) and extrapolations for the later years. These data have been used to fit a logistic growth function (De Wit & Goudriaan, 1993): Yt Ym (1 K * e RGR * t ) In which: Yt = Ym = K = RGR = t = Gross wood production at t (m 3 yr-1) maximum gross wood production (m 3 yr-1) constant relative growth rate (yr-1) time (yr) See Figure 6.1 for an example of this growth function applied for the production of melina. Before final cut, intermediate thinnings are done that are indicated by the dips in the estimated’ data. Since the simulated curves do not take into account these thinnings, production in some parts of the growth are underestimated while in other stages overestimated. Since growth of tree crops is site specific (Chaves & Fonseca, 1991; Murillo & Valerio, 1991) two different growth curves are calculated: One for a low production site, the SIW-soils, and one for a high production site, the SFW and SFP-soils- The latter soils are only suitable after construction of a drainage system. Parameters describing these growth functions, age of thinning and final cut and volume of thinnings are defined in SOIL.XLS. It is assumed that a final harvest is earlier at high production sites than low production sites and that at high production sites in earlier stages of growth thinnings are required. 56 500 gross wood volume (m3) R2=0.89 400 high production site 300 low production site R2=0.77 simulated high production site 200 simulated low production site 100 0 0 5 10 15 years Figure 6.1 Estimated and simulated growth curves of melina at high and low production sites. Since teak and melina are relatively new crops in the Atlantic zone neither empirical nor validated model data exist on current or potential wood production. The above described growth functions with the same parameter values have been used for actual as well as alternative activities. Therefore, in the current setting actual and alternative activities only differ in nutrient balances. However, in CROPS.XLS two parameters are defined that allow to increase or decrease the maximum production (Ym) and the relative growth rate (RGR) in the above shown equation for both production sites, Ymax_plus and RGR_plus respectively. The growth curves shown in Figure 6.1 relate to the gross wood production. The economic valuable part that is leaving the field is only 65% of the gross volume (vol_mel and vol_tec) in SOIL.XLS. Biomass of trees is distributed into three components: wood (bole and bark), litter (leaves, branches and twigs) and roots, par_wood, par_litter and par_roots in CROPS.XLS based on Negi et al. (1990). These parameters, target yields and dry matter content (dm_perc in CROPS.XLS) are used to calculate the biomass production of other crop parts. In Table 6.1 an example is given of the wood production of melina at an SFW-soil. See Appendix III for used parameters. 6.2 Production techniques No mechanisation level, crop residue strategy, herbicide and biocide levels are defined for plantation forestry activities. Field preparation is always manual (man_prep in FOREST.XLS), while for establishment of a drainage system (only at SFP soils) a dragline is used (drain_prep). For thinning and harvesting sawing equipment is used and tractors for transport, except for the first thinning which remains in the field. Residues are always left at the field. Herbicides are only used in the first two years of the crop cycle while biocides are not used at all. For plantation forestry activities no specific operation periods are defined. Since plantation forestry activities require relatively little labour field operations are defined on annual base. Labour requirements and other input data are based on Floors (1996), De Vriend (1998) and Bessembinder (1997). In the first year 1111 seedlings are transplanted (trans_seed) of which 10% is replanted (replant) in the second year. Two manual (man_weed) and chemical weeding (herb_1) operations are required in the first year, in the second year only one operation of each is required. Cleaning and maintenance operations (clean) are each year required, just as maintenance of ditches in case 57 of a drainage system (ditch). For the actual activities fertiliser is only applied in the first year while in alternative activities fertilisers each year can be required to replenish the soil nutrient stocks (fert). Pruning activities take place in the same year as thinning operations (pruning). The average monthly labour requirements per year for plantation forestry activities (lab) does not take into account the labour for thinning and harvesting, except for the thirst thinning, since it is assumed that wood is sold on stem. This implies that required labour and costs concerning harvesting are for the purchaser. For actual plantation forestry activities fertilisers fixed amounts of N, P and K (N_fert_app, P_fert_app and K_fert_app) are applied in the first year. For alternative land use activities fertiliser inputs are a resultant of the nutrient balance calculations (see section 6.3). Data on actual fertiliser input are collected within the REPOSA project. Only one type of herbicide can be applied which characteristics (code and amount) are defined in bio_herb_1. 6.3 Nutrient balances and requirements In principle the same procedure is used to determine nutrient balances as described for perennials. The only difference is that nutrient balances are calculated for each year since annual growth and nutrients leaving the field with harvested wood differ each year. Turn over of nutrients to following years are taken into account while annual fall of litter, twigs, branches and decaying of roots are not taken into account. Due to the fact that tree crops are present throughout the entire year and their deep rooting system, N and K losses due to volatilisation, denitrification and leaching are reduced arbitrarily with 50% compared to perennial crops using a correction factor (cor_rec_for in BASIC.XLS). There is no difference distinguished in nutrient use efficiency between early and later stages of growth as supposed by Drechsel & Zech (1993). Data on nutrient contents of different tree components are based on Negi et al. (1990). Used nutrient contents of wood are a weighted average of bole wood and bark, while the contents of litter are a weighted average of twigs, branches and leaves. In Table 6.1 an example is given of the N-balance and N-requirement calculations of a melina activity. Since, actual and alternative forest activities do not differ in production level and nutrient loss fraction Table 6.1 illustrates the N-balance for an actual melina activity and the N-requirement calculation of an alternative option. The N-balances of plantation forestry activities fluctuate considerably, from negative to positive numbers in the first year due to the bulk of nutrients released after the final harvest. The large negative N-balances are partly caused by an overestimation of the gross wood production after thinning as illustrated in Figure 6.1; Compare for that the estimated curves and the simulated curves. For the low production site the simulated curve overestimates the wood production less after thinning (see Figure 6.1) and the overestimation of the real gross wood production will therefore be less. Although the applied approach is a rather coarse method to derive nutrient balances due to an inadequate simulation of the real (‘shark vin’) wood production it is obvious that nutrient dynamics of plantation forestry fluctuate more than perennials due to irregular harvests (withdrawal of nutrients). Perennials are harvested each year and they will only show a similar ‘shark-vin’ production as plantation forestry within the timestep of LUCTOR which is one year. 58 Table 6.1 Example of procedure to calculate N-balance and N-requirement of a melina activity at an SFW-soil. The total N-loss fraction (N_loss_fert) of 0.23 is used to determine N-requirements. The codes indicate variable names in LUCTOR. years unit code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Standing gross wood volume at start of the year m3 ha-1 ann_wood 39 70 118 185 264 339 398 439 463 477 484 488 Gross wood volume of thinning 1 m3 ha-1 thin_1 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gross wood volume of thinning 2 m3 ha-1 thin_2 0 0 0 0 84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gross wood volume of thinning 3 m3 ha-1 thin_3 0 0 0 0 0 0 132 0 0 0 0 0 Gross wood volume of thinning 4 m3 ha-1 thin_4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 119 0 0 Gross wood volume of final cut m3 thin_last 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 488 Total gross wood volume cut m3 ha-1 thin_tot 0 0 0 0 84 0 132 0 0 119 0 488 Wood production: ha-1 59 years Nutrient balance components: unit 1. Cumulative N in standing wood 2. Cumulative N in standing litter code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 kg N ha-1 N_ann_wood 36 64 108 170 242 311 366 403 425 438 445 448 kg N ha-1 N_ann_litter 30 54 92 144 205 264 310 341 360 371 377 380 ha-1 3. Cumulative N in standing roots kg N 13 24 40 64 91 116 137 150 159 164 166 168 4a. N in wood of thinning 1 kg N ha-1 Nw_thin_1 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4b. N in litter of thinning 1 kg N ha-1 Nl_thin_1 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 78 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 121 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 102 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 109 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 93 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 448 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 380 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 168 142 241 378 538 692 813 895 944 972 988 996 ha-1 N_ann_roots 5a. N-wood in thinning 2 kg N 5b. N-litter in thinning 2 kg N ha-1 Nl_thin_2 ha-1 Nw_thin_2 6a. N-wood in thinning 3 kg N 6b. N-litter in thinning 3 kg N ha-1 Nl_thin_3 ha-1 Nw_thin_3 7a. N-wood in thinning 4 kg N 7b. N-litter in thinning 4 kg N ha-1 Nl_thin_4 ha-1 Nw_thin_4 8a. N-wood in last cut kg N 8b. N-litter in last cut kg N ha-1 Nl_thin_last ha-1 Nw_thin_last 8c. N-roots that comes available after last cut kg N 9. Total N-uptake by wood, litter and roots (1+2+3) *) kg N ha-1 N_cum_wood 80 ha-1 Nr_thin_last 10. N-turned over after thinning to next year kg N 0 80 95 241 378 395 692 590 895 944 770 988 11. N-absorbed each year (9-10) kg N ha-1 N_abs N_turn 80 62 146 137 160 297 121 305 50 28 218 8 wet deposition kg N ha-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 symbiotic bacteria kg N ha-1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 546 0 37 0 0 72 0 112 0 101 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 566 5 42 5 5 77 5 117 5 5 107 5 Net N-availability of resources: ha-1 available from thinned wood that remains at the field kg N available from fertiliser application kg N ha-1 N_fert ha-1 12. Total net N-availability kg N 13. N-shortage (11-12) kg N ha-1 N_bal -486 57 104 132 155 220 116 188 45 23 111 3 14. N-requirement kg N ha-1 N_req 0 135 171 200 284 150 243 58 30 143 4 * Numbers between brackets indicate line numbers. 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I-1 Appendix I: LUCTOR files Files used for each type of cropping system Name of file: annuals: beans, pineapple maize, cassava TCG.XLM X ANNUAL.XLM X PINA.XLM X perennials: banana, Plantation forestry: plantain, palmheart melina, teak X X X PERENIAL.XLM X FOREST.XLM X BASIC.XLS X X X X SOIL.XLS X X X X X X X CROPS.XLS LUST.XLS X BIOCIDE.XLS X X X X PRIX.XLS X X X X LIST.XLS X X X X ANN_IO.XLS X PIN_IO.XLS X PER_IO.XLS X FOR_IO.XLS ANNUAL.XLS PINA.XLS X X X PERENIAL.XLS X FOREST.XLS PINNUI.XLS PERNUI.XLS FORNUI.XLS X X X X I-2 Type of files used in LUCTOR and their content. Type of file: Filename and content: macro files TCG.XLM = coordinates which files have to be opened for which crop activity ANNUAL.XLM = macro file to generate TCs of annuals automatically PINA.XLM = macro file to generate TCs of pineapple crops automatically PERENIAL.XLM = macro file to generate TCs of perennials automatically FOREST.XLM = macro file to generate TCs of plantation forestry automatically data files BASIC.XLS = parameters concerning nutrient efficiencies SOIL.XLS = soil, crop suitability and planatation forestry production parameters CROPS.XLS = perennial crop parameters LUST.XLS = annual crop parameter BIOCIDE.XLS = lists of biocides, their characteristics and price PRIX.XLS = prices of outputs and inputs (except for biocides) LIST.XLS = definition criteria and files required for each type of crop activity output files ANN_IO.XLS = TCs for annual crop actvities PIN_IO.XLS = TCs for pineapple crop activities PER_IO.XLS = TCs for perennial crop activities FOR_IO.XLS = TCs for plantation forestry activities calculation files ANNUAL.XLS = calculations for annual cropping activities PINA.XLS = calculations for pineapple cropping activities PERENIAL.XLS = calculations for perennial cropping activities FOREST.XLS = calculations for plantation forestry activities PINNUI.XLS = annuity calculations for TCs of pineapple cropping activities FORNUI.XLS = annuity calculations for TCs of plantation forestry activities PERNUI.XLS = annuity calculations for TCs of perennial cropping activities I-3 II-1 Appendix II: Numbers and codes of definition criteria options number of definition criteria options in main worksheet (input) definition criteria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 type of activity AC AL production level 10 20 start of growing season JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 annual crops BEA CAS MAE MAI soil types SFP SFW SIW mechanization level HM LM biocide level HB LB herbicide level HH LH type of pineapple PIL PIN perennial crops BAN PAL PLA cycle pineapple 1 2 cycle perennials 10 15 wood crops MEL TEC See Appendix III for meaning abbreviations. AUG SEP OCT 11 12 NOV DEC I-2 III-1 Appendix III: Identification codes of land use activities Identification codes of activities for the UNA/DLV-model: The crop activities have the following identification code, for example A1.MAI.FW.T1L.M1.H4 The code is divided in sub codes which are seperated with dots. sub code 1: Type of activity A1…A9 = alternative land use activities with yield level; 9 stands for the highest level while 1 is 20% of the highest level A0 = actual land use activity sub code 2: Crop type MAI = maize BEA = beans PI1 = local pineapple one cycle PI2 = local pineapple two cycles PI3 = export pineapple one cycle PI4 = export pineapple two cycles BA1 = banana 10 cycles BA5 = banana 15 cycles PL1 = plantain 10 cycles PL5 = plantain 15 cycles PA1 = palmheart 10 cycles PA5 = palmheart 15 cycles CAS = Cassava sub code 3: Soil type FW = Soil fertile well drained IW = Soil infertile well drained FP = Soil fertile poorly drained sub code 4: Combination of herbicide, biocide and mechanization level T1 = Low herbicide and high biocide T2 = High herbicide and high biocide T3 = Low herbicide and low biocide T4 = High herbicide and low biocide followed by an ‘L’ indicating a low mechanization or an ‘H’ indicating a high mechanization level. sub code 5: Start of growing season M1 up to M12 = January up to December sub code 6: Crop residue strategy and quality P = left at field H = harvesting of crop residues A number 1 up to 10 indicating the quality for fodder purposes follows ‘H’, 0 always follows ‘P’. III-2 Identification codes of activities for the REPOSA-model: Codes for the REPOSA model have the following identification code, for example: SFP.MA.F9HHL.10 The code is divided in sub codes which are seperated with dots. sub code 1: Soil type SFW = Soil fertile well drained SIW = Soil infertile well drained SFP = Soil fertile poorly drained sub code 2: Crop type AC = pineapple for export AM = pineapple for local market BG = palmheart GA = melina MA = banana MB = plantain ME = cassava PV = beans TG = teak ZM = grain maize ZC = grain cobs sub code 3: Combination of type of land use, yield level, biocide level, herbicide level and mechanization level. First letter plus number: type of land use activity plus yield level (F0=actual land use activity, F1 up to F9 alternative land use activity plus nine yield levels with 9 as the highest level and 1 is 20% of this level. Second letter: biocide level (L = low, H = high) Third letter: herbicide level (L = low, H = high) Fourth letter: mechanization level (L = low, H = high) code 4: Length of crop cycle 01 for annual crops 02 for pineapple ratoon crop 10 or 15 years for perennial crops 12 14, 20 or 24 years for wood crops IV-8 Appendix IV: Crop parameters The following tables contain values of used crop parameters. They are organized as follows: The headings contain crop names which contain two sub columns. The colum indicated with ‘alternative’ contains data only used for alternative activities and the column with ‘actual’ contains data used for actual crop activities. The data are a bit differently organized then in the files LUST.XLS and CROPS.XLS from which they originate. However, the code names (in italics) refer to the names of range names used in the original file so that parameter values can easily be traced down. IV-2 IV-8 V-1 Appendix V: Crop protection agents -9 = missing value fraction a.i. = fraction active ingredient in the commercial formulation of the crop protection agent. WHO code = indication of toxicity related to WHO ( Jansen et al., 1995). duration = indication of duration of existence of toxin of crop protection agent in system. price = in colones 1996. CODE commercial name form amount fraction WHO duration price a.i. code (days) (col) common name B1601.2 Afalon kg 0.5 0.5 III 131 3902 Linuron B1600 Basagram li 1 0.04 III 48 4178 Bentazone B1609.904 Banvel-S li 1 0.48 III 48 2028 Dicamba B1600.202 Diuron li 1 0.8 III 64 1442 Diuron B1600.204 Karmex kg 1 0.9 III 64 2591 Diuron B1609.907 Fusilade-II-12.5CE li 1 0.125 III 64 5498 Fluazifop-butil B1601.001 Gardoprim li 1 0.5 III 70 1803 Terbuthylazine B1601.201 Gesaprim-500 kg 1 0.5 III 50 1893 Atrazine B1600.206 Goal-2EC li 1 0.02 III 35 5363 Oxyfluorfen B1600.208 Gramoxone li 1 0.2 II 1.00E06 1016 Paraquat B1601.002 Hedonal li 1 0.48 II 8 1064 2,4D B1600.212 Lazo-EC(=Lasso) li 1 0.04 III 84 1654 Alachlor B1600.215 Prowl-500E li 1 0.5 III 171 2758 Pendimethalin B1601.005 Rimaxil-24D li 1 0.414 II 8 671 2,4D B1600.217 Round-up-(lt) li 1 0.41 III 30 1839 Glyphosate B1609.91 li -9 -9 III 3 2474 Propanil B1601.202 Tribunil kg 1 0.7 III 135 3559 Methabenzthiazuron B1603.2 Velpar kg 1 0.9 III 62 11740 Hexazinona B1611 Afungil-50PM kg 1 0.5 III 225 3605 Benomyl B1619.9 Aliette-80PM kg 1 0.8 III 0.07 7914 Fosetil Aluminium B1610 Antracol Stam-540 kg 1 0.7 III 1.00E06 1598 Propineb B1619.901 Baycor li 1 0.3 III 50 9275 Bitertanol B1619.902 Bayleton-2500EC li 1 0.25 II 225 10634 Triadimefon B1611.002 Benlate kg 1 0.5 III 225 7283 Benomyl B1614.2 li 1 0.75 III 24 2627 Chlorothalonil B1614.201 Daconil-2787W75 Daconil-500 kg 1 0.75 III 24 3529 Chlorothalonil B1610.901 Difolatan kg 0.5 0.8 Ia 1.00E06 -15 Captafol B1610.001 Dithane-M-45 li 1 0.8 III 5 1152 Mancozeb B1610.002 Dithane-F448 li 1 0.8 III 56 999 Maneb B1610.005 Maneb-BO li 0.92 0.8 III 56 867 Maneb B1610.006 Manzate-200 kg 1 0.8 III 5 1217 Mancozeb B1610.904 Orthocide kg 1 0.5 II 3650 937 Captan B1610.905 Poliram-combi kg 1 0.8 III 0 1297 Metiram B1619.911 Tilt-25% li 1 0.25 II 96 9500 Propiconazole V-2 Continuation: B1629.201 Ambush-50CE li 1 0.5 II 14 9126 Permetryn B1621 kg 1 0.1 Ia 15 518 Terbufos B1629.205 Decis Counter li 1 0.025 II 27 4758 Deltamethrin B1620.001 Diazinon li 1 0.6 II 23 1938 Diazinon B1620.401 Dipterex kg 1 0.95 III 19 2251 Trichlorfon B1620.002 Folidol li 1 0.48 Ia 49 1171 Parathion B1620.302 Furadan kg 1 0.1 Ib 37 928 Carbofuran B1621.4 kg 1 0.9 Ib 6 10636 Methomyl B1620.004 Lorsban Lannate li 1 0.04 II 89 2434 Chlorpyrifos B1620.005 Malathion li 1 0.57 III 30 1293 Malathion B1620.007 Methil-parathion li 1 0.46 Ia 19 2344 Parathion-methyl B1621.001 Mocap kg 1 0.05 Ia 32 954 Ethoprophos B1620.008 Nemacur kg 1 0.1 Ia 20 393 Fenamiphos B1623.003 Orthene kg 1 0.95 III 2 4536 Acephate B1621.003 Perfektion li 1 0.5 II 14 2578 Dimetoate B1629.208 Pounce-38.4CE li 1 0.5 II -9 7279 Permetryn B1623.004 Tamaron li 1 0.6 Ib 3 2316 Methamidophos B1623.4 Temik kg 0.5 0.15 Ia 2 -15 Aldicarb B1621.1 Thiodan li 1 0.35 II 70 2524 Endosulfan B1621.402 Vydate-L li 1 0.24 Ib 18 4254 Oxamyl B1691.002 Calixin li -9 0.75 II 14 4050 Tridemorph B1691.001 Ethrel li 1 0.3956 -9 1 8153 VI-1 Appendix VI: Prices of inputs and outputs Prices of inputs based on the price level of 1996, while prices of outputs are based on an average price for the years 1994, ’95 and ’96. Input factor (unit) variable name in price LUCTOR multicultivator (col hr-1) mul 2707 sowing equipment (col hr-1) sow 2707 tra 4150 knap 30 spray 2707 drag 7500 fer 2707 saw 596 tractor (col hr-1) backpack spraying equipment (col hr-1) tractor spraying equipment (col dragline (col hr-1) fertilizer distributor (col hr-1) motor saw (col hr-1) hormones (col kg-1) hr-1) prix_hor 6980 N (col kg-1) prix_N 180 kg-1) prix_P 360 K (col kg-1) prix_K 128 prix_lab 1600 P (col Price of labor (col day-1) VI-3 Continuation: variable actual alternative act + alt. name in banana banana LUCTOR Costs for soil, topographic and feasibility studies (initial costs in col. actual alternative actual pineapple pineapple palmheart palmheart plantain alternative plantain (export) (local) 66961 66961 0 0 33481 0 66961 cost_road 311380 311380 155690 0 31138 31138 0 155690 cost_hous 643905 643905 321952 0 0 0 64390 321952 cost_soil 66961 ha-1) Costs for roads, drainage and cable materials (initial costs in col. act.+ alt. ha-1) Costs construction houses/processing unit/administration (initial costs in col. ha-1 ) Costs overhead labor and maintenance per e cost_lab 71709 71709 35854 0 0 7171 0 35854 cost_emp 287 287 287 0 0 0 0 0 Other costs (annual costs in col. ha-1) cost_rest 97967 97967 48984 0 9797 9797 9797 48984 Annual costs for sigatoka (airplane, labor, cost_air 141897 141897 0 0 0 0 0 0 year (annual costs in col. ha-1) Costs materials used in processing unit (col. box-1) materials ,but no costs fungicide in col ha-1) Seed costs (col piece-1, for annuals col kg-1) Price first class product (col kg-1, for teak and melina col. m-3 155 8 8 25 25 19 155 53 53 46 41 47 47 57 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 34 on stem) Price second class product (col. kg-1, for teak and melina col. cost_plant 31 m-3 on stem) VI-4 Continuation: variable act.+ alt. act + alt. act.+ alt. act. + alt act. + alt name in maize- maize-cobs beans cassave teak melina LUCTOR grain cost_soil 0 0 0 0 0 0 cost_road 0 0 0 0 0 0 cost_house 0 0 0 0 0 0 cost_lab 0 0 0 0 0 0 cost_emp 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other costs (annual costs in col. ha-1) cost_rest 0 0 0 0 0 0 Annual cost for sigatoka (airplane, labor, cost_air 0 0 0 0 0 0 cost_plant 357 357 214 1 20 15 36 38 101 46 16263 3250 0 0 0 41 0 0 Costs for soil, topographic and feasibility act. + alt. studies (initial costs in col. ha-1) Costs for roads, drainage and cable materials (initial costs in col. ha-1) Costs construction houses/processing unit/administration (initial costs in col. ha-1 ) Costs overhead labor and maintenance per year (annual costs in col. ha-1) Costs materials used in processing unit (col. box-1) materials, but no costs fungicide in col ha-1) Seed costs (col piece-1, for annuals col kg-1) Price first class product (col kg-1, for teak and melina col. m-3 on stem) Price second class product (col. kg-1, for teak and melina col. m-3 on stem)