2014 Homecoming Parade Registration Form Organization Name: _________________________________________________ Sponsor: ________________________________ Room#:_____________ Student President or Captain: ___________________________________________ Please indicate the number of people & items you will be using in the parade in each category. (Example: 40 students in walking group, 2 cars in motorized group, 1 flat bed trailer) Flat Bed Trailers: Walking Group: ______ Motorized Group*: _______ *Float drivers MUST BE A SPONSOR OR V.I.P. No students are allowed to operate a motorized float. If you are operating a motorized float, THIS FORM must accompany a copy of: 1) The parade driver's VALID DRIVER’S LICENSE 2) The parade DRIVER’S INSURANCE CARD 3) The VEHICLE’S INSURANCE CARD You may submit this form and accompanying documents to 1 of 3 places: 1. Mrs. Garrett or Ms. Gaa’s box in the front office 2. Your assigned student council representative 3. S144 or E121 2014 Homecoming Parade Registration Form You must complete and return these forms by OCTOBER 17th in order to be entered in the float contest. You can email questions/concerns to sgarret3@houstonisd.org or MGAA@houstonisd.org.