Production Scheduling Penjadwalan Produksi N Job M Mesin 3 4 5 6 7 8 B2 [----------] E5 [-------------P9 [---] D1 [-------X8 ----] C6 [- Algoritma Johnson Digunakan untuk menjadwalkan pekerjaan N job di dua mesin flow shop dengan tujuan minimasi Makespan. Algoritma Johnson Diketahui N job dikerjakan di 2 mesin dengan urutan yang sama dengan waktu proses (Pi). (I: Job ke 1,2,…n). (J: Mesin 1, atau 2). Pilih Pij terkecil - Jika Pij terkecil ada dimesin 1, tetapkan pada prioritas I - Jika Pij terkecil ada dimesin 2, tetapkan pada prioritas terakhir. Pilih Pij terkecil berikutnya, lakukan hal yang sama. Teruskan sampai semua job memperoleh prioritas pengerjaan. N job di 3 Mesin Flow Shop Algoritma Campbel (Perluasan Johnson). Periksa apakah syarat terpenuhi, jika ada N job dimesin A, B dan D dengan waktu proses Ai, Bi, Di Ai minimum Bi Maximum dan / atau Di Minimum Bi Maximum Jika syarat terpenuhi jadikan 2 kelompok mesin K dan N Ki= gabungan Ai dan Bi Ni= Gabungan Bi dan Di Selesaikan dengan aturan Johnson Buat schedule dengan Gantt Chart N job di M mesin Flow Shop Perluasan campbel oleh Dudeck & Smith Jika ada M mesin ambil mesin 1 dan mesin M (mesin lain dianggap tidak ada) Lakukan Algoritma Johnson Diperoleh sequence 1 hitung Makespan Ambil mesin 1, mesin 2 dan mesin M, M-1 Gabungkan waktu proses mesin 1 dan 2. Ki = M1i + M2i Gabungkan waktu proses mesin M dan m-1 Li=Mmi + MM-1i Lakukan Algoritma Johnson diperoleh sequence 2 Hitung Makespan. Ambil Mesin 1, 2, 3 dan mesin M, M-1, M-2 Gabungkan waktu proses Pi = M1i + M2i + M3i Qi = MMi + MM-1i + MM-2i Lakukan Algoritma Johnson diperoleh sequence 3 Hitung Makespan Lakukan terus sampai semua mesin teranalisa. Diperoleh M-1 sequence 3 Hitung Makespan Pilih Makespan terkecil Urutan pengerjaan yang menghasilkan makespan terkecil tersebut yang terpilih. CONTOH PENJADWALAN DI M (>1) MESIN Contoh penjadwalan 5 Job 2 Mesin JOB 1 MESIN 1 2 MESIN 2 10 2 3 8 3 7 5 4 9 1 5 6 4 Scheduling Product-Focused Manufacturing Product-Focused Scheduling Two general types of product-focused production: Batch - large batches of several standardized products produced Continuous - few products produced continuously.... minimal changeovers Scheduling Decisions If products are produced in batches on the same production lines: How large should production lot size be for each product? When should machine changeovers be scheduled? If products are produced to a delivery schedule: At any point in time, how many products should have passed each operation if time Batch Scheduling EOQ for Production Lot Size How many units of a single product should be included in each production lot to minimize annual inventory carrying cost and annual machine changeover cost? Example: EOQ for Production Lots CPC, Inc. produces four standard electronic assemblies on a produce-to-stock basis. The annual demand, setup cost, carrying cost, demand rate, and production rate for each assembly are shown on the next slide. a) What is the economic production lot size for each assembly? b) What percentage of the production lot of power units is being used during its production run? c) For the power unit, how much time will pass between production setups? Example: EOQ for Production Lots Power Unit Converter Equalizer Transformer Annual Demand Setup Cost Carry Cost 5,000 10,000 12,000 6,000 $1,200 600 1,500 400 $6 4 10 2 Demand Prod. Rate Rate 20 40 48 24 200 300 100 50 Example: EOQ for Production Lots EOQ=Economic (2DS/C[p/(p-d)] Production Lot Sizes EOQ1 = (2(5,000)(1,200)/6[200/(200-20)] 1, 490.7 EOQ2 = (2(10,000)(600)/4[300/(300-40)] 1,860.5 EOQ3 = (2(12,000)(1,500)/10[100/(100-48)] 2,631.2 EOQ4 = (2(6,000)(400)/2[50/(50-24)] 2,148.3 Example: EOQ for Production Lots % of Power Units Used During Production d/p = 20/200 = .10 or 10% Time Between Setups for Power Units EOQ/d = 1,490.7/20 = 74.535 days Batch Scheduling Limitations of EOQ Production Lot Size Uses annual “ballpark” estimates of demand and production rates, not the most current estimates Not a comprehensive scheduling technique – only considers a single product at a time Multiple products usually share the same scarce production capacity Batch Scheduling Run-Out Method Attempts to use the total production capacity available to produce just enough of each product so that if all production stops, inventory of each product runs out at the same time Example: Run-Out Method QuadCycle, Inc. assembles, in batches, four bicycle models on the same assembly line. The production manager must develop an assembly schedule for March. There are 1,000 hours available per month for bicycle assembly work. Using the run-out method and the pertinent data shown on the next slide, develop an assembly schedule for March. Example: Run-Out Method Bicycle Razer Splicer Tracker HiLander Inventory On-Hand (Units) Assembly Time Required (Hr/Unit) 100 600 500 200 .3 .2 .6 .1 March April Forec. Forec. Demand Demand (Units) (Units) 400 900 1,500 500 400 900 1,500 500 Example: Run-Out Method (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Convert inventory and forecast into assembly hours Bicycle Invent. On-Hand (Units) Assemb. Time Req’d. (Hr/Unit) March Forec. Dem. (Units) Invent. On-Hand (Hours) Razer Splicer Tracker HiLander 100 600 500 200 .3 .2 .6 .1 400 900 1,500 500 30 120 300 20 120 180 900 50 Total 470 1,250 (1) x (2) (2) x (4) March Forec. Dem. (Hours) Example: Run-Out Method Compute aggregate run-out time in months Aggregate Run-out Time = = [(Total Inventory On-Hand in Hours) + (Total Assembly Hours Available per Month) - (March’s Forecasted Demand in Hours)] / (April’s Forecasted Demand in Hours) = (470 + 1,000 - 1,250)/1,250 = .176 months Example: Run-Out Method Develop March’s Production Schedule Bicycle Razer Splicer Tracker HiLander (3) x .176 (6) (7) March’s Desired Ending Inventory (Units) 70 158 264 88 (3) + (6) (8) (9) March’s Desired End.Inv. & Forec. (Units) Required Production (Units) Assembly Time Allocated (Hours) 470 1,058 1,764 588 370 458 1,264 388 (7) - (1) (8) x (2) 111.0 91.6 758.4 38.8 999.8 Computerized Scheduling Develops detailed schedules for each work center indicating starting and ending times Develops departmental schedules Generates modified schedules as orders move Many packages available.... select one most appropriate for your business Wrap-Up: World-Class Practice In process-focused factories: MRP II refined.... promises are met, shop loading is near optimal, costs are low, quality is high In product-focused factories: EOQ for standard parts containers, this sets S, lot sizes are lower, inventories slashed, customer service improved Scheduling is integral part of a computer information system