Predicting Arctic Sea Ice Retreat by Cecilia Bitz Atmospheric Sciences University of Washington QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Arctic Summer 2007 Crew members of the USCG Healy, August 2007. Siberia Sept 15, 2007 ice extent Median ice edge in pink Canada extent = above 15% coverage figure from NSIDC New York Times, 9 days ago Low High Sea level pressure Summer 2007 -20% Cloud Cover Summer 2007 Deviation from mean +8F Surface Air Temperature Summer 2007 Deviation from mean Solar heating trend 1979-2005 September Arctic Sea Ice Extent, 1979-2007 = successive record lows September 1979 sea ice extent and successive September record lows September 2007 monthly average will fall somewhere between the 9/1 and 9/16 images pictured below 1979 1985 2002 2005 1990 9/1 2007 1995 9/16 2007 1980’s 1990’s • Increased ice advection away from the Russian coast. • Faster export of sea ice from the pole to Fram Strait. (Rigor et al. 2002) 1980’s 1990’s (Rigor et al. 2002) QuickTime™ and a GIF decompressor are needed to see this picture. Sea ice has strong postive feedback in summer reflectivity (albedo) Stronger negative feedback in winter conduction/growth Sea Ice in the Climate System Repartitions shortwave radiation in the climate system Moderator of air-sea heat and moisture exchange Freshwater storage and transport Brine rejection and its influence on water-mass formation, thermohaline circulation, etc. The very best sea ice models in global climate models 1) Continuum fluid-like mechanics 2) Viscous-plastic rheology with elliptical yield curve (isotropic and scale independent) 3) Subgrid-scale parameterization for ice-thickness distribution (pdf) 4) Account for internal melt around brine pockets 5) Two-stream, multiple-scattering radiative transfer Upcoming series of slides summarize results from global climate models used in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2007 “Forcing” (greenhouse gases and aerosols) vary as estimated from 21st century observations In the future, forcing is estimated according to economic/political scenarios. “SRES A1B” is a moderate scenario 21st century warming SRES A1B Relevant papers: Arctic sea ice decline: Faster than forecast, Stroeve et al 2007 Future abrupt reductions in the summer Arctic sea ice, Holland et al 2006 0.6 Correlation coefficient for linear trend and mean 1990-2020 Simulations with the CCSM3 Community Climate System Model version 3 resolution: 2.8 deg in atmosphere and land 0.5-1 deg in ocean and sea ice 106 km2 A1B Scenario with CCSM3 September Ice Extent in one ensemble member September Concentration Holland, Bitz, and Tremblay, 2006 1 1 8 6 2 more days Ocean Transport Absorbed Sunlight 1) Increase in absorbed shortwave is lead by 2) Increase in Ocean Heat Transport through Fram Strait Two strong positive feedbacks? Excursions from Ensemble Mean in 106 km2 Feedback analysis applied to Earth’s temperature Climate sensitivity = equilibrium change in global mean temperature, ∆T due to the reduction in outgoing terrestrial (or longwave) radiation, ∆R that would result from 2XCO2 Planetary Energy Balance S/4 (S/4)a R S (1-a) / 4 = R Atmosphere Earth S = Solar constant a = Albedo (or reflectivity) R = Outgoing Terrestrial (longwave) Radiation For a blackbody Earth-like planet ∆To = o ∆R ≈ 1.2 K R = s TE4 TE = 255K o = (4sTeq3)-1 Now with additional physical processes ∆T = o ∆R + o C ∆T = feedback factor = gain ∆T as a function of latitude, global mean is 2.6 ºC For all feedbacks G = 2.6/1.2 = 2.2 f=0.54 G and f are functions of latitude too Considering individual physical processes (additive) (not additive) = net feedback ∆T as a function of latitude For only sea ice albedo feedback G = 2.6/2.0 = 1.3 f=0.23 All feedbacks 2.6 C No sea ice albedo feedback 2.0 C G and f are functions of latitude too Same thing for sea ice: H = ice thickness f = net feedback = gain BUT o is fundamentally nonlinear! Simulated Present Day Equilibrium Ice Thickness, H Equilibrium runs are computed without a dynamical ocean model! Equilibrium Ice Thickness Change for all Feedbacks, ∆H all Feedbacks - ∆H GAIN from Ice-Albedo Feedback G=2.2 (on average) No Ice-Albedo Feedback - ∆H0 feedback factor f=0.33 (on average) Uncertainty in climate sensitivity Spread in f can give a very long tail in ∆T - Roe and Baker (2007) soon to appear in Science Especially as f approaches 1 f isn’t that close to 1 for ice-albedo feedback If f is normally distributed with f = 0.65 and sf=0.1 f = 0.33 and sf=0.1 for ∆H f = 0.65 and sf=0.1 for ∆T Initial Thickness - H No Ice-Albedo Feedback - ∆H0 The “no-feedback”, or “reference”, ∆H mirrors H! Ultimately stems from insulating effect of sea ice, which depends on 1/H •Thin ice is a poor insulator, so it can grow fast •Thick ice is a good insulator, so it grows slowly Knowing H is key for predicting ∆H, rather than knowing f to very high accuracy Bitz and Roe (2003) showed that o ~ a + b H2 Here I have shown that f~0.3 for sea ice albedo feedback Summary September 2007 Arctic sea ice cover was 20% lower than any time in the satellite era. The cause was from anomalous high pressure, warm air advection, low cloud cover, and ice transport. Sea ice in climate models can be complex. Generally the models appear to either have too little variability and/or trend, though two models are consistent with 1979-2006 observations. Rapid retreat appears to be larve variability on top of a trend, not an instability. Sea Ice albedo feedback causes sea ice thickness to decrease about 50-100% faster. Although positive, the feedback is not enough to cause much uncertainty in thickness prediction, instead errors are probably more a function of error in the mean state. GAIN from adding Ocean Circulation Feedback - ∆H Next series of slides present the governing equations for state of the art sea ice model used for climate studies (i.e., appropriate for basin scale or larger and for full seasonal cycle or longer) Specialty models exists with greater or lesser detail. Some cannot meet the spatial or temporal requirements. Others may, but have not yet been implemented in climate models (to my knowledge). 1st Governing Equations Ice thickness distribution g(x,y,h,t) evolution equation from Thorndike et al. (1975) g(h)dh A PDF of ice thickness h in a region, such as a grid cell h 1 2 3 4 5 1. Lagrangian time derivative of g following “parcel” 2. Convergence of parcel 3. Y = Mechanical redistribution 4. Ice growth/melt results in “advection of g in thickness space” 5. L = Reduction of g from lateral melt h = ice thickness u = ice velocity ƒ = growth rate Y = Mechanical redistribution g(h)dh h Advection in thickness space from growth g(H)dH g(h)dh H h 2nd Governing Equation Conservation of momentum, see for example Hibler (1979) Impact of Arctic Oscillation: Residence Time of Sea Ice On Arctic Ocean Low AO (1980’s) High AO (1990’s) • Increased ice advection away from the Russian coast. • Faster export of sea ice from the pole to Fram Strait. (Rigor et al. 2002) 2007 First Time Ice-Free Area (http://NSIDC.ORG)