
tMsDSN.U32 is a free 32 bit DLL for Authorware that will automatically
register a database in the 32 bit ODBC Control Panel. If you've
previously or are currently developing a database using ODBC.U32 for
Authorware, you know that it can be quite frustrating explaining to
your users how to setup your application to work with a database.
tMsDSN.U32 resolves this issue and is great solution and
complimentary product to ODBC.U32. No installation is necessary but
remember to include the tMsDSN.u32 with your packaged Authorware
tMsDSN.U32 has one function, tMsDBRegister().
result:=tMsDBRegister(dbReqType, dbType, dbList)
1 Add data source
2 Configure (edit) data source
3 Remove data source
4 Add a system DSN
5 Configure a system DSN
6 Remove a system DSN
7 Remove the default DSN
(Typically you would use "4" for this argument)
The name of the database driver you are using.
dbType:="Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)"
List of arguments to send to database. These MUST be separated by
';' semicolon. You should be able to send ANY list item recognized for
ANY database to setup a database in the ODBC Control Panel. In
addition, you should consult the HLP file for the ODBC Driver you will
use for a list of the possible parameters that can be sent. Following is
a typical representation of a MS Access 7.0 Database:
DB List:="DSN=Address Database;"
DB List:=DB List^"Description=the MEDIA shoppe ODBC
DB List:=DB List^"FIL=MS Access;"
DB List:=DB List^"DBQ="^FileLocation^"address.mdb;"
Execute the function
result:=tMsDBRegister(dbReqType, dbType, dbList)