The Gaussian Imaging Equation 1 1 1 l l f (for thin lens in air): (In accordance with the sign rules.) f l l’ Unfortunately, this equation is often (perhaps usually) written without regard to the sign rules: e.g., 1 1 1 , where o and i refer to the ‘object’ and ‘image’ o i f distance as always positive numbers. This leads to confusion and makes the correct equation harder to remember. Ignoring the sign rules works when considering a single, positive lens, but leads to confusion and errors when trying to trace a chain of intermediate images through an optical system. Easy way to remember the Imaging Equation: l l’ i o K=1/f At the lens, the incoming wave from the object point has curvature 1 l 1 The lens adds curvature K to the wave; f So the outgoing wave has curvature 1 1 1 , which is the correct equation. l l f (Note that curvatures, like any other quantities, only add correctly if their signs are considered.