Matakuliah Tahun : PSYCHOLOGY PEMERIKSAAN : 2009 Conducting Interview and Questioner Pertemuan 07 Conducting Interview and Questioner Session 07 Bina Nusantara University 3 Learning Objectives • • • • Understanding about what interview and questioner means Understanding about the purpose of interview and questioner Understanding the activities of interview Understanding variables need to be considered in doing an interview • Understanding variables need to be considered in making a questioner • Understanding and practicing how to do an interview Bina Nusantara University 4 What is Questioner • Questioner is a list of questions proposed in order to get written answers from responders. • Since the responders answer the questions in written and unsupervised, so they may write/ answer the questions incorrectly. Bina Nusantara University 5 The Merits of Questioner Advantages • Massive • Simultaneous Disadvantages • Need to validate • Can not see the gesture Bina Nusantara University 6 What is interview ? • Interview is one of audit procedures conducted by auditors during audit process • Interview is an activity in getting information from someone by proposing verbal questions and expecting answers. • In an interview there should be at least one interviewer and one interviewee • Questions are asked directly by an interviewer to the interviewee, and the interviewee answer directly the questions Bina Nusantara University 7 Types of Interview • Face to face interview is an interview conducted in a room where an interviewer and interviewee meet and do the interview • The interviewer can hear directly the answers of the interviewee and also see directly the expression of the interviewee. These are some of the advantages of face to face interview. Bina Nusantara University 8 Types of Interview • Interview through telephone connection – Instead of face to face, interview can also be conducted through telephone connection. – Interviewer and interviewee do not meet directly in a room, so they will not get the advantages of a face to face interview. – The exception is when the telephone connection is furnished with camera and screen (television). Bina Nusantara University 9 Types of Interview • Interview through internet connection Instead of face to face and telephone connection, interview can also be conducted through internet connection. – Interviewer and interviewee do not meet directly in a room, so they will not get the advantages of a face to face interview. – The exception is when the internet connection is furnished with camera and screen (television). Bina Nusantara University 10 The Uses of Interview Interviews help to obtained: 1. information that establishes the essential elements of the crime (problem) 2. leads for developing cases and gathering other evidence 3. the cooperation of the victims and witnesses 4. information on the personal backgrounds and motives of witness 5. sense of honesty of the interviewees Bina Nusantara University 11 The purposes of an Interview • To get information directly from a source of information (knowledgeable person). • Interview (inquiry) is often complementary to performing other audit procedures. Bina Nusantara University 12 Inquiry (Interview) involves • Considering the knowledge, objectivity, experience, responsibility, and qualification of the individual to be interviewed • Asking clear, concise, and relevant questions • Using open or closed questions appropriately • Listening actively and effectively • Considering the reactions and responses and asking follow-up questions • Evaluating the response Bina Nusantara University 13 The Importance of Interview • Getting information directly from source of information • Providing the auditors with information not previously possessed or with corroborative evidence • Might provide information that differs significantly from other evidence the auditor has obtained • Might confirm an auditor’s understanding or the audit evidence that the auditor has obtained Bina Nusantara University 14 The Functions of Interview • As a primary method, interview is the only one data collecting tool used to get information needed • As a secondary method, interview is the complementary of methods or tools used to get information needed. • As a criteria, interview is a tool to check the correctness of data or information collected. Bina Nusantara University 15 The Advantages of Interview • Feed back can be received promptly, • Can avoid misunderstanding, • Can create more conducive environment in getting information Bina Nusantara University 16 Factors needed for a good interview ? • • • • • • • • Room or location of interview Time of interview Length of interview Atmosphere built up during an interview Gesture of interviewer and interviewee Tone of voice sounded by interviewer and interviewee Perception of interviewer and interviewee Words used by interviewer and interviewee Bina Nusantara University 17 Words or Sentences Used by interviewer • Boss : Where were you born? Sardar : India .. Boss : which part? Sardar : What 'which part'? Whole body was born in India . • Sardar were fixing a bomb in a car. Sardar 1 : What would you do if the bomb explodes while fixing. Sardar 2 : Don’t worry, I have one more. • Sardar : What is the name of your car? Lady: I forgot the name, but it starts with 'T'. Sardar : Oh, what a strange car, starts with Tea. All cars that I know start with gas. Bina Nusantara University 18 Words or Sentences Used by interviewer • Boss : Where were you born? Sardar : India . Boss : which part? Sardar : What 'which part'? Whole body was born in India . • Sardar were fixing a bomb in a car. Sardar 1 : What would you do if the bomb explodes while fixing. Sardar 2 : Don’t worry, I have one more. • Sardar : What is the name of your car? Lady: I forgot the name, but it starts with 'T'. Sardar : Oh, what a strange car, starts with Tea. All cars that I know start with gas. Bina Nusantara University 19 Words or Sentences Used in a Good Interview • • • • • • • Simple words Straight to the point Clear and not multi interpretation Not using jargon unless necessary Open-ended questions Closed questions Leading questions Bina Nusantara University 20 Types of Interviewee • The friendly interviewee • Neutral interviewee, • Hostile interviewee Bina Nusantara University 21 Tips in conducting an interview • Preparation of an Interview – Define the materials of interview – Decide the person to be interviewed – Define the time of interview – Make interview guidance • Make opening statement • Always be positive • Always be a good listener • Document the process of interview and its results • Evaluate the answers • End the interview Bina Nusantara University 22 Evaluating the answers of interviewee • The Relevance of an answer. If an answer of interviewee is not relevant to the question, the interviewer should repeat the same questions by using other sentences. • Paraphrasing. If an answer of an interviewee is unsystematic, the interviewer need to confirm the answer to ensure he/she has the same understanding as the interviewee’s. Bina Nusantara University 23 Evaluating the answers of interviewee • Probing. is a condition where the interviewee has answered the questions clearly and relevantly, but the interviewer still need to dig up more information from the interviewee. Bina Nusantara University 24 Characteristics of a Good Interview • Sufficient length and depth to uncover relevant facts • Focus on pertinent information and quickly steer talk away from irrelevant information • End on a positive note • Conducted as closely as possible to the event in question • Objective, fair, and impartial manner Bina Nusantara University 25 Exercise Role play • Get two students • One interviews the other • Topics – – – – Personal identification Experience during studying in Binus Plan of Continuing education Social life • Observe the process of interview and make a report. Bina Nusantara University 26