Welcome to De Anza!

Welcome to De Anza!
• Conclusions
• Reminders
• Homework: The final draft of your personal
narrative is due tomorrow.
• Your final draft will be evaluated according to ideas and
development, organization, and language use.
• Organization
– Appropriate paragraph breaks
– Flow: transitions, topic sentences, paragraphs stay on
– Introduction that leads directly to the body of the essay
and orients the reader
– Conclusion that gives a sense of completeness and
also a sense of direction
• Guidelines:
– The scope of your conclusion can be significantly
broader than the scope of the body of your essay.
– The conclusion should be appropriate for your essay
and your essay only.
– Your conclusion should aim to give a sense of
completeness to your essay, but since your story is
ongoing the conclusion will still be somewhat open.
– Do not introduce material that should have been more
fully elaborated in the body of the essay.
– Your conclusion or the paragraph before will probably
give some assessment of the story, including criticism
and self-criticism. In other words, you should identify
mistakes that you or other people made during the
course of the story or wider social problems that a
group of people can solve.
Final Drafts
• Review the rubric
• Proofread
• Staple the draft that you workshopped or the comments
from your workshop partner to your essay. Your final
draft should be in front of the workshop material.
• The final draft of your personal narrative is due tomorrow.